Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 537: The Power of Transformation! The Power of One Punch

When all the boxing fans at the scene saw Wicks unleash such a terrifying killing move.

For a while,
Almost all European and American boxing fans stood up and cheered for Wicks.

They let out crazy shouts and screams.

The applause was like a tsunami, shocking.

at this time,

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on the plastic board on the octagonal cage that was shattered by a kick.

so horrible!

Such terrifying extreme explosive power is simply not something humans can achieve.

"Hiss—continue to explode with such force?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but be shocked, and was also extremely shocked by the explosive power of his opponent's leg skills.

to be frank,
Wicks' ultimate killing move is incredibly powerful.

Especially the power that burst out in an instant was simply incredible.

in addition,

His bones and muscles are strong beyond imagination.

As expected of a genetic warrior, his body has exceeded human limits.

Even Chen Yang felt a little shocked when faced with the terrifying combat power that suddenly erupted from Wicks.

It’s so freaking awesome!
He is worthy of being the first genetic warrior trained in European and American laboratories.

Wicks' peak combat power far exceeds any opponent he has encountered before.


At this time, Chen Yang's strength reached its peak, his condition was bursting, and his whole body entered the state of 'six senses communicating with the gods'.

Before Wicks unleashed his ultimate killing move, Chen Yang had already sensed the crisis.

With his telepathic sensing ability, how could he be hit by the opponent's fatal move?
Otherwise, for other people, it would not be so easy to avoid Wicks' combination of killing moves.

this moment,
Wicks went completely crazy, like a wounded beast, biting his prey with the most frenzied force.

Ferocious, terrible, brutal, violent——!
Wicks's combination of leg skills is extremely lethal, with great force and speed as thunder.

The number one experimenter in European and American laboratories has extraordinary combat power.

His fighting power makes him the strongest opponent Chen Yang has ever encountered.


Chen Yang's fighting ability has always been stronger when facing a stronger opponent.

From the fierce fight in the octagonal cage at this time, it can be seen that the strength of both sides is evenly matched and neither side has much advantage.

Although Wicks's size, weight, etc. have great advantages compared to Chen Yang.


Chen Yang has now broken through to the [Transformation] realm.

Fist without fist, meaning without intention, without fist without intention is the true meaning!
A picture of the realm of martial arts, in which he exerts his fighting power to the fullest extent.

Bang, bang, bang—!
The two sides launched the most intense offensive battle in the boxing ring.

The boxing match reached its most intense moment.

After both sides fought hard for a while, they couldn't help but gasp.

have to say,

For the top strong men, no one likes this kind of head-on attacking style.

So cruel!

Once the two sides started fighting fiercely, they would soon be in so much pain that they were about to collapse.

Next, both sides took five or six steps back.

For a moment, everyone tacitly kept their distance and did not continue to fight hard.

After the two of them distanced themselves, they couldn't help but take a deep breath and adjust their state.

at this time,

Both sides remained cautious, staring at each other vigilantly and full of fear.

no way,
This extremely brutal offensive style is an extremely severe challenge for both sides.

Both sides will suffer losses and will have to pay an extremely terrible price.

"Damn it - it looks like it won't be that easy to kill him today!"

"We have to create opportunities, otherwise there's no way to break through his defense!"

After Chen Yang stepped back and created some distance, he couldn't help but take a deep breath again.

The pain in his arm bones was unbearable and he had to adjust his condition.


Chen Yang began to relax his arms, allowing himself to reach the peak state. His mind was clear, and the state of "six senses communicating with the spirit" seemed to be sublimated.


Chen Yang suddenly exerted force on his feet and pushed backwards.

He rushed forward quickly, twisted his waist, clenched his fists, and threw a heavy punch towards Wicks' center line.

Punch like a tiger, unstoppable!
at this time,

Chen Yang increased his speed to the peak and burst out with all his strength using the Nine Palace Flying Step.

The straight punch is unstoppable!
Use the waist to form the center of power, and use the fists to rotate to attack.

It looks like the punch is very simple, rough and direct.

But the power was astonishing, as fast as thunder, and the lethality of this straight punch was astonishing.

A powerful punch from the Hua Jin realm.

It combines the power of Bajiquan and Tai Chi's Banlanchui.

Cruel and vicious, merciless!
"Back off! Back off quickly—Wicks, back off!"

"Oops, the Chinese's killer move is too fast, Wicks is in danger!"

As the boxing fans near the ring exclaimed.

next moment,
Many boxing fans at the scene stood up. They were so shocked by Chen Yang's instant straight punch that they couldn't make a sound.

this moment,
All the European and American boxing fans at the scene were like seeing an extremely ferocious Siberian tiger launching the most crazy attack on Wicks.

Domineering, fierce and unstoppable!

Many of the spectators watching the fight near the ring are top boxers from all over the world.

When they saw the peak combat power that Chen Yang had unleashed at this moment, they were frightened to the point of paleness.

so horrible!

With such a terrifying state, he is worthy of being the world's number one martial artist!
It's so fast!
Such terrifying extreme explosive power and speed are simply unavoidable.

Can't help it!
That's right,

Anyone facing Chen Yang's powerful killing punch would feel unable to defend themselves.

Wicks was shocked and his face changed completely.

He wanted to block, defend, retreat—


There is no escape, there is no retreat.

When Chen Yang unleashed this powerful punch, it almost completely blocked all of Wicks's escape routes.

not to mention,
At this time, Wicks' position was just at the edge of the octagonal cage.

If he retreats again, he will lean against the iron net surrounding the octagonal cage.

Wicks took a deep breath and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The muscles under his feet swelled with blood and gathered strength instantly.

He kicked out with one leg, hitting Chen Yang's lower abdomen.

Strong counterattack, heavy kicks!
this moment,
The only thing on Wicks' mind was counterattack, and he didn't think of anything else.

Facing Chen Yang's powerful punch, he could only have a chance by fighting back head-on.

No matter how you dodge or retreat, you cannot stop Chen Yang's killing move of rushing forward and punching.

In the entire boxing hall,
The scene was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the octagonal cage.

Everyone held their breath, afraid that the boxing match would be over in the blink of an eye.

It is clear,
Both sides have become crazy and impatient, and their fighting styles are becoming more and more brutal.

The boxing match is almost over!
In the boxing match hall, many Chinese boxing fans were very nervous at the moment.

When seeing such a crazy fight in the boxing ring, many of Chen Yang's fans had sweaty palms due to nervousness.

This is the final battle of "Supernatural War", how can everyone not be nervous?
Chen Yang delivered a heavy punch, hitting Wicks' foot with extreme precision.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Wicks was knocked back five or six meters by this heavy punch.

His body hit the iron mesh surrounding the octagonal cage.

this moment,
His maximum explosive power is rapidly declining.

At the same time, his condition began to decline and he looked seriously injured.

It is clear,
In order to block Chen Yang's powerful punch, Wicks' leg was injured.

He was at a disadvantage in this head-on fight with Chen Yang.

Wicks' body was leaning against the iron mesh surrounding the octagonal cage.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his eyes were terrifyingly deep—!
(End of this chapter)

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