Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 106 Rivals in Love

Chapter 106 Rivals in Love

Gao Xian showed doubts on his face, he didn't lean over the window, but he had already seen the person clearly through the flower appreciating mirror.

There were two young people in total, the leader was wearing a bright blue robe, with jade pendant sachets and other accessories hanging on his body. They were delicate-looking, fair-skinned, and they looked quite romantic and unrestrained in their hands.

The other young man was tall and strong, with a plain face but steady eyes, and a black robe with a long sword on his waist.

There are two practitioners who have practiced seven or eight levels of qi. The young man in the lead has a higher level of cultivation, and the young man in the back looks more sophisticated.

Gao Xian has rich experience now, and he can tell the depth of the two young men's cultivation at a glance.

Judging from their clothes and temperament, the two should be practitioners of Lian Yunzong.Judging from Zhou Ye's affectionate attitude, they have a relatively close relationship with Zhou Ye.

Zhou Yuling was so nervous, could it be that she had some special relationship with the leading man?
People have already arrived in the yard, and Gao Xian is inconvenient to talk anymore, he can only express his puzzlement with his eyes.

"It's better not to meet each other. You stay in the room and don't make a sound. I'll talk to you later."

Zhou Yuling explained to Gao Xian with the sound transmission technique, she checked her hair and clothes again, and then she looked at Gao Xian again.

Gao Xian nodded slightly to Zhou Yuling, indicating that there is no problem.

Zhou Yuling thought for a moment and mouthed to Gao Xian: "It's hidden."

There is no way, Gao Xian can only force Wu Yingyi to completely hide his figure.

Watching Gao Xian quickly disappear without a trace, Zhou Yuling couldn't help showing a smile on her face. Every time she saw Gao Xian cast this spell, she found it amusing.

She couldn't help but stepped forward and squeezed it. It felt smooth and tough, and she didn't need any force at all.

But as soon as she grabbed it, a piece of water rippled in the air, faintly revealing most of Gao Xian's figure, and saw Gao Xian's vague and helpless expression.

Zhou Yuling smiled mischievously, this spell is really fun.However, this spell is very suitable for voyeurism, Gao Xian will not use it to do bad things!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glared at Gao Xian, which meant to warn him not to mess around.

Gao Xian was naturally puzzled, how did he know Zhou Yuling's jumping mind.

Zhou Ye in the main hall did not see Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling, and he was relieved, he was really afraid that the two parties would meet here, it would be too embarrassing.

There was no movement in the bedroom either, it seems that Gao Xian left when he saw the opportunity, or hid.

Zhou Ye raised his voice and said, "Ling'er, Brother Qian Nan is here..."

Zhou Yuling in the bedroom curled her lips in disgust, she made a silent gesture to Gao Xian, and then opened the door and went out.

Gao Xian sat down on the chair and took the time to look at the few people outside.

Across a wall, even without the Wuying Yi, few people could not see him.But he can see several people very clearly.

After Zhou Yuling went out, she greeted the handsome man in a lukewarm way. From the address, she knew that Senior Brother Nan was Nan Zhengxing.

The man next to him is Wang Kai, he should be Junior Brother Nan Zhengxing.

Zhou Yuling said a few polite words, then turned and went back to the room, making no effort to hide her cold and alienated attitude.

Zhou Ye explained a few words with a dry smile. Although Nan Zhengxing was a little disappointed, he still maintained his demeanor on the surface.

After the host and guest had a conversation, Nan Zhengxing got up to say goodbye, Zhou Ye politely stayed a few words, and sent them out.

After several people left, Gao Xian came out, and he said angrily: "It makes me look like a thief, who is this?"

Zhou Yuling apologized all over her face: "Oh, it's all my father's fault. Back then, he insisted on climbing a high branch and promised me to Nan Zhengxing. Back then, my father ignored me and didn't say a word. This matter is over.

She said with contempt on her face: "Now the Nan family is bringing up the old matter again, how shameless!"

"You are a married woman!"

Gao Xian pointed at Zhou Yuling with a sad face and said, "How can you still come here to seduce me?"

Zhou Yuling's face was full of grievances and innocence, and she felt that she was ignoring it, so she could only coax Gao Xian carefully: "I really have nothing to do with Nan Zhengxing, brother, don't be angry."

"Hmph, someone else's wife,"

Seeing that Zhou Yuling was about to cry, Gao Xiancai laughed and said, "Other people's wives are even more exciting! Mrs. Nan, come, let me pet them!"

Only then did Zhou Yuling realize that Gao Xian was joking, she threw herself into Gao Xian's arms with tears in her eyes, and bit him hard on the mouth.

She muttered aggrievedly: "I'm crying, and you're still scaring me! Huh..."

Gao Xian was also very painful from being bitten, but he could only bear it, who asked him to take the initiative to flirt.He also wanted to comfort Zhou Yuling, "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm teasing you. If you dare to rob my wife, I'll kill that kid tomorrow!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Zhou Yuling was also furious, but Gao Xian could see that Zhou Yuling was just talking about it.

Although she is clever and quick-witted, I'm afraid she has never killed anyone with her own hands.Not to mention killing people to solve the problem just because of this.

"Nan Zhengxing is the great-grandson of my master Nan Pingsong, one of dozens of great-grandsons! This person is greedy for money, lustful, and opportunistic. This kind of person will never succeed."

Zhou Yuling had only met Nan Zhengxing twice, and she had a bad impression of this man.

I also asked someone in private, and found that Nan Zhengxing's character was too bad, and I hated him even more.

Being greedy for money and lust is not a big problem, but there is no cure for opportunism.

There are no shortcuts on the road of cultivators, and they must rely on hard work to keep moving forward.Once you have an opportunistic mind, you will no longer have the patience to practice slowly.

No matter what such cultivators do, they will not achieve anything.

Although Gao Xian is also glib, he can practice alchemy in a down-to-earth manner, which is completely different from Nan Zhengxing.

In fact, Zhou Yuling's view is very unreasonable. It is completely based on likes and dislikes, and then finds reasons.

On the contrary, Gao Xian saw it very clearly, he felt that Zhou Yuling thought too much of him.

The relationship between men and women is hard to explain clearly.If every point is calculated clearly, it cannot be called love.

Back home, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of that Nan Zhengxing.

Speaking of which, he is also a delicate and beautiful man, of course, his appearance is not as good as him.There is a feminine look between this person's brows, or a bit of a girl.

If it was in his last life, the pussy boy would still be very popular.What a pity.

According to Yuling, Nan Zhengxing is very problematic.Of course, Gao Xian didn't see it.

Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, the mirror of appreciating flowers is so sublime, and it can't see through the changes of people's hearts.How could he see through Nan Zhengxing's character at a glance.

Gao Xian's consciousness moved, and the Chiyan sword flowed out from his long sleeves silently, swimming between his fingers like a fish, extremely agile.

This is actually very dangerous, the Chiyan sword is extremely sharp, one mistake will break two fingers.

Gao Xian also condensed the lung openings, which is more compatible with the sharp gold energy, and he is a little more delicate in controlling the Chiyan Sword.

This kind of sword practice is of course a bit dangerous, but it can improve his concentration and deepen the connection between him and Chi Yanjian.

The Scarlet Flame Sword is also the most expensive magic weapon in his hand, and it is also the most powerful.With his current consciousness, he can freely control the Chiyan Sword within thirty steps.

Like Nan Zhengxing and his ilk, even if they have any powerful magic weapon, it is useless, because the Chiyan Sword is so fast and fierce, it will never give the opponent a chance to use the magic weapon.

What's more, it's not easy to kill someone with Wuyingyi.

The problem is that Ko Hyun never thought of killing people with his hands.

Nan Zhengxing and Zhou Yuling were in a normal relationship, Zhou Yuling also explicitly rejected it, and Nan Zhengxing didn't intend to stalk them.

It's not his style to kill people for this.

It's just that you always have to check out this person's situation and see what he has in mind.

After Gao Xian finished his homework, he slowly put on the magic weapon and saber, and talked to Qiniang again, which prompted Wu Yingyi to fly away over the wall.

During the day, he had noticed Nan Zhengxing's sachet. At that time, he activated the scenting technique and smelled the fragrance in the other party's sachet.

The aroma is as fresh as grass and trees after the rain, and as deep and soft as incense. Its fragrance is complex and unique and long-lasting.

Nan Zhengxing wearing such a sachet is equivalent to opening a locator for himself.

Gao Xian walked around half a circle in the cold night wind, and found Nan Zhengxing and his companion Wang Kai.

The two were drinking in a private room in Feihuayuan, and beside them were three beautiful beauties who accompanied them.

A few people had obviously been drinking for a while, Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai both felt a little drunk, and the people in the room were all disheveled and unrestrained, looking very lively.

Gao Xian took a deep breath: "This guy is quite good at playing!"

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(End of this chapter)

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