Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 107 Shadowless Vestments

Chapter 107 Shadowless Vestments
It's not that Gao Xian is envious of the other party, he looks down on this kind of dissolute person the most, and he doesn't envy him at all!
He completely spurned the other party from the bottom of his heart.

Through a wall, Gao Xian could see the other party clearly, but couldn't hear the other party's speech clearly.

The boxes in Feihua Courtyard are all soundproofed, not using spells, but the walls are made of some kind of special wood that absorbs sound.

Gao Xian has come to Feihuayuan many times to enjoy singing and dancing for free, and he is quite familiar with the situation here.

If he wanted to sneak into the room and hear what they were saying clearly, he could only take advantage of the opportunity when the maid served the wine and food.

"It's a little troublesome... It would be great if Wuyingyi could pass through walls!"

Gao Xian's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this, and it seemed that a little spiritual light fell from the sky and fell on his head in a trance, as if some invisible bottleneck had been opened at once.

In the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness flashed a spiritual light, and Wu Yingyi's various changes continued to shine, and finally turned into a ball of flames and exploded suddenly.

In an instant, Gao Xian had a deeper understanding of Wu Yingyi.

In the past, urging Wu Yingyi could only be said to follow the prescription, but it was unclear why he cast the spell in this way.

At this time, Gao Xian understood the root of Wu Yingyi's various subtle changes.

So far, Wu Yingyi has broken through the bottleneck of the master's consummation and reached a higher level.

The Shadowless Clothes on Gao Xian also adjusted and changed naturally.

He felt his body sink slightly, and the Wuying Yi, which was as transparent as water, suddenly seemed to weigh two or three catties more.

It can't be said to increase the weight, but the Wuyingyi after the breakthrough has more tough and thick texture, which makes him feel that he has increased the weight.

In fact, Wuying Yi is a stable form of mana condensed after all, and has no real weight.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Baojian in the sea of ​​consciousness, and saw that the Wuying Clothes had become Wuying Dharma Clothes.

Shadowless Robe: Mana is condensed into a garment covering the whole body, transforming into a shadowless state, with strong protective power.Can be transformed into an invisible state. (1/2000 entry)

Compared with the Shadowless Robe, the biggest change in the Shadowless Robe is that it can be transformed into an invisible state.

Although Gao Xian has never tried it, based on his understanding of the shadowless robe, he knows that the change time of the invisible state is very short and there are various restrictions.

The most direct use of the invisible state is to pass through material barriers, such as through walls.Access to the ground is also possible.

Because the invisible state is maintained for a very short time, after entering the ground, it will bury itself in it.It can also cause various problems.

Therefore, the invisible state must be used with caution.Because if one is not good, you will play yourself to death.

In addition, the protective ability of the shadowless robe has been further improved.

Gao Xian felt that the protective power of the Shadowless Robe should be much higher than the Qingyun Robe on his body.

In specific cases, detailed testing is required.

Gao Xian suddenly achieved a breakthrough in magic, he was in a good mood, and he didn't care about Nan Zhengxing and the others.

Back home, Gao Xian and Qiniang greeted each other and went back to their bedroom.

Lying on the bed and closing his eyes, Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Temple of Mind.

In this inner temple transformed by the magic of the great idol, he can cast spells at will and conduct various tests.

In the past, he often used spells to test the power on himself, such as testing the feeling of a flame bomb exploding in his palm.

The consequences were quite tragic, most of his body was shattered.

This consequence also reminded Gao Xian that the more powerful a spell is, the more cautious it is to use it.Because a bad one will hurt yourself.

After all, spells and guns are not the same, guns are mechanical structures, very stable.

Spells are carried and released by humans. Although there is a stable spell structure, accidents still occur when casting spells.

After all, it's not a game, and it's nothing if there are bugs.Once there is a problem with the spell in this world, as a caster, you will have to bear terrible consequences.

The Temple of Mind has this kind of benefit. You can experiment with spells at will without worrying about problems.

Gao Xian has performed various spells such as flame bombs and ice arrows thousands of times here, and simulated various extreme special states to test various changes of spells.

This kind of study of spells also allowed him to truly master the various spells he had learned.

In this respect, no one can compare with him for Qi practitioners.

The same is true for the shadowless vestment. Gao Xian had to think it through in the Temple of Mind before he dared to take it out and display it.

Otherwise, when you pass through the wall in an invisible state, you don't pass through, and the person is embedded in the wall, the scene is very scary when you think about it.

Gao Xian studied for two days, and finally figured out the Wuying vestment.

The other things are actually nothing, but the protection power is improved, the concealment effect is better, etc., and the important thing is to transform into an invisible state.

During this transformation, both the person and the magic weapon will be transformed into an invisible and shadowless state, just like turning into a mass of transparent light, which can penetrate material barriers without magic power protection.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, it should have entered a level beyond matter under the blessing of the shadowless vestment, or transformed into some kind of energy field.

Of course, none of these explanations actually makes sense.Gao Xian can only temporarily understand it as the unique mystery of high-level spells, which cannot be explained by his common sense of physics.

Gao Xian tried it, and this invisible state can last for half a breath each time, which is about one second.

For such a long time, it can easily pass through any ordinary wall.Moreover, there will be a special induction when transforming into an invisible state, and the inability to pass through obstacles will immediately produce induction.

After being hindered, the intangible state will return to the normal state and return to the original position, and the shadowless robe will also lose the effect of concealing the figure.

After many tests, Gao Xian felt that the real purpose of the invisible state was to avoid attacks.

In the invisible state, it is still possible to avoid injury when facing nine flame bombs.

The explosive spells will indeed cause a little impact, but it is difficult to truly destroy the invisible state.This is of great significance in actual combat.

However, this requires very high control over the heat.If one is not good, it will die faster.

Gao Xian understood the study of Wuying vestment, and went to find Nan Zhengxing again in the dark.

The two were drinking in the private room of the wine shop, Nan Zhengxing, who was a little drunk, was cursing, all scolding Zhou Ye and Zhou Yuling.

"When the old man begged my father, he was like an old dog, but now that he has made money, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

"Zhou Yuling is even more of a slut. She gave me a lot of embarrassment, and really thought I owed her. Damn, if it wasn't for my cultivation base that has been unable to break through, I would have looked at her straight in the eyes!"

The more Nan Zhengxing talked, the angrier he became, and he crushed the copper jug ​​into a ball.

Wang Kai persuaded from the side: "Brother, don't worry, this woman is pretending to be reserved, there will always be a chance after waiting for a while.

"Anyway, brother just wants to sleep with her, as long as we make an appointment alone, there is always a chance to do it."

"She practiced Mingyu Jue, and her cultivation is the purest.

"I have the method of Chilong Swallowing the Moon. Through double cultivation, I can absorb [-]% to [-]% of her cultivation, which is enough to help me break through to the ninth level of Qi training and lay the foundation for foundation..."

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai have a close relationship, and the two have communicated about this matter many times, so they have no intention of keeping it secret.

"It's her blessing that this woman can be a senior brother, she is really ignorant. Her father is also ignorant..."

Wang Kai followed Nan Zhengxing, so of course he wanted to speak for Nan Zhengxing.

Besides, he didn't think there was any problem with this kind of thing.

The ability to plunder others to increase one's own cultivation is a skill.Cultivators go against the sky, the most important thing is to achieve the goal, and there is no need to consider the means at all.

Gao Xian was standing in the corner, and he heard what the two of them said clearly.

Nan Zhengxing actually played such a despicable idea, and even hit Zhou Yuling on the head, which made him a little bit unbearable, and he felt a bit murderous in his heart.

It is easy to kill two people, even if the Nan family is powerful, it will be difficult to trace him for a while.

It's just that he has made many shots in Feimaji, which has already attracted Li Shuanglin's attention.Huang Ying also knew that he was powerful in spells, and also knew that he had a close relationship with the Zhou family.

If Huang Ying had contact with the Nan family, it would be easy to get him out.

Huang Ying has a very good relationship with him, but his weight obviously cannot be compared with that of an elder who teaches the practice.

In the face of such directly related people, Gao Xian also does not like to use force directly.

You can't take everyone else for a fool.He is a small qi practitioner, hiding in the dark, he can naturally use various means to deal with him.

Once his identity is revealed, any foundation-builder can crush him to death.

Gao Xian was thinking about how to do it, when he heard Wang Kai say: "If it's not possible, please ask the ancestor to say something, Zhou Ye still obediently put his hands on his daughter to the senior brother's bed."

"Don't mention it, the ancestor doesn't know what kind of madness, and now he is crazy about marrying concubines and wanting to have more children. Based on his age, it's not bad if he can be tough, and he still has children, hahahaha..."

Nan Zhengxing sneered and said: "People will become stupid when they get old, it's true. Damn, instead of paving the way for descendants, I want to give birth to a spiritual genius myself, this old man really dares to think!"

As he spoke, he suddenly burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face, "The beautiful concubine is lying on the bed waiting, and the old man is sitting by the bed with bare buttocks, silently waiting for the aphrodisiac to take effect, it's funny to think about it."

Wang Kai couldn't help laughing, even Gao Xian who was standing in the corner laughed, of course, he didn't laugh out loud.

Gao Xian used the shadowless vestment to turn into a shadowless and invisible state, and everything around him turned into a state of aura.

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai are two illusory lights and shadows. Among them, Nan Zhengxing has five more powerful auras, which are the robe, magic weapon, and magic talisman on his body.

In Nan Zhengxing's body, he could faintly see the shimmering light of the seven spirit orifices gathered into a group.This proves that Nan Zhengxing is a practitioner of the eighth level of Qi training.

The power of the Five Elements flickering from his spiritual orifice is so obvious, it is obvious that Nan Zhengxing is also practicing the Great Five Elements.

Wang Kai on the side only had three magic weapons, but the aura of the seven spiritual orifices in his body was stronger than that of Nan Zhengxing.However, what he practiced was not the five elements.

Pure matter appears very dim, and this dimness is divided into different levels, allowing him to easily distinguish the original state of these substances.

The material world seems to have become a black and white sketch, leaving only simple lines, black and white, and light and shade.

Gao Xian has entered the invisible state many times in the Temple of Mind, but this is the first time to display it in reality.

There is still a huge difference in feeling, and he also finds it quite novel.

Passing easily through a gray wall, Gao Xian returned to his normal state, and the abstract and simple lines and the world of light and shadow returned to their colorful and original appearance again.

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai, who were drinking in the room, didn't realize it.

Gao Xian couldn't help sighing, if this is used for cheating, it's a magical skill!

Falling into the hands of an upright gentleman like him, it could be regarded as a hidden gem, and it failed to play its due role.

Gao Xian glanced at Nan Zhengxing through the wall, let the boy be happy for a while, and come to clean him up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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