Chapter 118 Vicious
In the end, Gao Xian didn't move anything, and left Li's house quietly.

This time I came here mainly to inspect the Shadowless Vestments and the Flower Appreciation Mirror.He is very satisfied with the improved effects of the two spells.

Especially the shadowless robe, which can penetrate the magic circle!
Through the magic circle, practitioners can build a stable barrier to protect themselves.

The foundation of Xiuzhefang City and towns lies in the magic circle.

The meaning of the magic circle is equivalent to that of the city walls and houses and ordinary people.

Being able to pass through the magic circle means too much.

Although the level of the magic circle of the Li family is not high, it also shows the potential of the shadowless robe.

Wait until the Shadowless Vestment continues to upgrade, and you will be able to pass through a more advanced magic circle in the future.

Back home, Gao Xian couldn't sleep at all.

On the one hand, it was because of the magical effect of the shadowless vestment, which was far beyond his expectations.

On the other hand, Li Shuanglin's unfinished letter made him a little worried.

Foundation Establishment Great Cultivator Li Shuanglin felt uneasy, which shows that the situation of Pegasus Ji is very critical.

He was in it, and he didn't know where to run even if he wanted to run.

Gao Xian walked around the bedroom dozens of times, but still didn't feel sleepy.

"Go and see my good neighbor Su Yue? Although this woman has a bad heart, she is in good health..."

Gao Xian didn't get tired of watching it for several months. I have to say that this woman needs skill and skill, and she wants coquettish and coquettish.

Of course, he didn't go to Su Yue and his wife to watch the fun.

At this time, we must keep an eye on Su Yue and Yang Qiying to prevent accidents.

When Gao Xian arrived, Su Yue and Yang Qiying had already gone to bed and rested.

Even the practitioners of the ninth level of qi training have to sleep for two or three hours a day.

Gao Xian returned disappointed, and didn't want to disturb Qiniang, so he could only grab the sleeping little black cat and rub it up.

The little black cat "meowed" twice to express a small protest, raised its tail and fell asleep quickly and comfortably.

Gao Xian rubbed the fluffy little guy, and gradually calmed down.

His consciousness sank into the Temple of Mind, and he rehearsed spells such as flame bombs, ice arrows, and Seventh Gold Sword and Shield several times, and then he went to Sister Lan's Shuangxiu.

In the next few days, Gao Xian seized the time to refine all the medicinal materials into elixirs.

When the last batch of elixir was refined, Gao Xian sent Daniel to the airship to Lianyun City.

The excuse is to ask Daniel to buy some special materials, and let Daniel come back in a spaceship next month.

The main thing is that Da Niu is a straightforward and simple person, and he is only a second-level qi practitioner. His cultivation base is not good enough and his mind is not good enough. It is too dangerous to stay in Pegasus.

Sending Daniel away in advance not only ensures Daniel's safety, but also prevents him from consuming energy to take care of Daniel.

As for the little black cat, there is no need to take special care of it.

Even cultivators as cruel as Yang Qiying and Su Yue would not do anything to a kitten.

In the days that followed, apart from doing routine homework, Gao Xian patrolled around wearing shadowless cassocks, mainly to observe the movements of Yang Qiying and Su Yue.

On the night of the third day of September, Gao Xian arrived at Yang's house stepping on clear water and moonlight.

Yang Qiying and Su Yue were talking on the bed, their voices were very low, even if others were standing by the bed, they might not be able to hear them.

Gao Xian was also standing by the bed, only a few feet away from the couple, not only could he hear the couple's words clearly, but he could also see the little red tongues curling and stretching in their mouths.

"We'll do it at dusk tomorrow. We'll hold a tea party in the afternoon, just call Zhou Yuling and Wan Yingying over."

Su Yue said: "The Red Snake will also bring people over, and it will be safe to do so."

Yang Qiying nodded: "Okay, let's do this."

He thought for a while and said, "I didn't have the time and energy to take care of them during the war. I took Zhou Yuling's Yuanyin first while I had time. You also extract Wan Yingying's soul first."

Su Yue glanced at Yang Yingqi and said angrily, "You can't wait!"

"You think too much."

Yang Qiying said seriously: "There is still a great foundation-builder hidden in the Pegasus Collection, we still have to be careful not to show our tracks."


Su Yong also knows that this battle is of great importance, it's okay for them to seek some personal gain in advance, but they have to be cautious in their actions.Not to mention delaying the major events of the sect.

She frowned slightly and said: "The time is too short, it is difficult to arouse the evil spirit of the seven evil spirits."

"I can only torture and kill this girl with some cruel methods, which aroused her resentment."

Yang Qiying said indifferently: "Anyway, she is just a child, a little torture and abuse will be useful. I will help you when I take Zhou Yuling Yuanyin."

Su Yue nodded, and she turned around and asked casually, "How will Gao Xian deal with it?"


Yang Qiying said a little unhappy: "You still want to play with him, it's too late."

"I'm not you."

Su Yue rolled her eyes, "I mean Wan Yingying is too young to stand the torture. It's better to torture Gao Xian and let Wan Yingying watch from the sidelines, which can stimulate her emotions even more."

"Makes sense."

Yang Qiying was a little excited and praised: "My wife is really smart, she knows how to use waste..."

To extract the soul of the seven evil spirits, it is necessary to put the soul owner in an extremely intense negative emotional state. This emotion can be hatred, fear, anger, etc.

Wan Yingying is too young, and her physical ability is too weak, so it is difficult to use strong and cruel methods to stimulate her.

The method proposed by Su Yue solved this problem very well.

"I'm not like you, I only think about women!" Su Yue was a little proud, but at the same time couldn't help mocking her husband.

Yang Qiying just laughed dryly, he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be explained clearly, "I have to thank my wife, I didn't even think of this..."

"Damn it, I didn't offend you guys, what the hell!"

Gao Xian was very angry, these two guys actually regarded him as a waste and wanted to use him again.

This pair of dogs and men is really vicious.In comparison, Shopkeeper Zhu is considered a good guy!

It's just that the time hasn't come yet, killing Yang Qiying now will scare the snake away.It won't be too late to wait for Red Snake and the others to come over tomorrow.

After leaving Yang's house, Gao Xian returned home and peeled a piece of clean wood, and wrote a line with charcoal.

Gao Xian came to Wan's house, this time he went directly through the wall and transferred to Wan Zhen's bedroom.

Wan Zhen was lying on the bed in his clothes, with a stack of Sanyang Talismans under his pillow, and a long sword beside the bed.He also wears two instruments on his body.

Obviously, this guy is very vigilant, and keeps all the guys by his side when he sleeps.

Wan Yingying's bed was against the east wall, and the bed was covered by a curtain. There were many runes embroidered on the curtain, which not only shielded prying eyes, but also seemed to have changes such as exorcising evil and avoiding filth. It turned out to be a good magic weapon .

It can be seen that Wan Zhen is very concerned about the safety of his daughter.

Gao Xian had been to Wanjia several times, but it was the first time he entered the bedroom, and it was also the first time he took a serious look at the layout of the bedroom.

Seeing this arrangement, he was a little surprised, Wan Zhen was able to take care of his daughter so meticulously without a wife, it was really very careful.

In addition, the refiner seems to be quite profitable.A huge curtain covering all four sides of the bed, such a magic weapon requires a lot of spirit stones.

Gao Xian sized it up a bit, then put the piece of wood beside Wan Zhen's pillow.

Only in this way can the best effect be achieved.

After finishing these, Gao Xian quietly left Wanjia.

The sleeping Wanzhen was completely ignorant of what had happened.

When Dongfang turned pale and Wan Zhen got used to it, he slowly opened his eyes.

Wan Zhen sat up, the first thing he did was to look at his daughter through the curtain, seeing Wan Yingying lying on the bed, breathing evenly, he was completely relaxed.

There are too many casual cultivators gathered in Pegasus. Although the central area is safe, it can't be careless.

Wan Zhen let out a mouthful of turbid air, and was about to breathe out and practice according to his habit, when he moved his eyes, he suddenly saw the piece of wood next to the pillow.

Freshly cut wood chips about a foot long and an inch wide, the surface is smooth and clean, with a fresh smell of grass and trees.

Wan Zhen was terrified, where did this piece of wood come from?Someone in the bedroom? !

The other party could put the wood chips beside his pillow, but he didn't notice it.It would be easy for the other party to kill him.

The more Wan Zhen thought about it, the more frightened he became. He took a deep breath before trying to calm down, and stretched out his hand to pick up the piece of wood.

"Pegasus Collection will undergo major changes today. Su Yue and Yang Qiying are trying to harm you. Be careful."

The handwriting on the wood chip is a bit sloppy, but the content of the expression is very clear.

Wan Zhen held the piece of wood tightly and fell into deep thought.

I don't know who used this unfriendly way to warn him, but the other party also proved their strength in this way.

A master who can take his life at will, there is no need to joke with him.

Wan Zhen couldn't figure it out, why did Yang Qiying and Su Yong want to harm him?On the contrary, there has been an undercurrent in the Pegasus Collection recently, and he has faintly sensed that something is wrong.

It is related to his own life, and even more related to the safety of his daughter, Wan Zhen would rather believe it.

He was not in the mood to practice anymore, and while his daughter was still resting, he hurriedly packed up his belongings.

As a craftsman, he has quite a family background and has a daughter to take care of, so he dug a secret basement under the west wing.

The entrance is at the back of the main room, and a magic weapon to conceal the breath is arranged, which is very concealed.It's just that the space in the basement is cramped and the air is turbid, so he doesn't want to go in even if nothing happens.

After Wan Zhen had breakfast with her daughter, she hid in the basement with her valuables.

At noon, Wan Zhen saw Su Yue break into the courtyard through the mandarin duck mirror arranged in the main room.

The mandarin duck mirrors are divided into mandarin duck mirrors and duck double mirrors. The mandarin duck mirrors can project the illuminated scenes to each other within a certain distance.

As a craftsman, Wan Zhen is very proficient in this area, and the mandarin duck mirror he arranged is also very concealed.

Although Su Yue in the mandarin duck mirror was calm and generous, but when she appeared at this delicate time, it confirmed the warning on the wood chip.This made Wan Zhen even more vigilant.

Su Yue didn't see Yuanyang Mirror, she called outside Wan's house for a while, but no one responded, so she jumped into the yard to check the situation.

After a little inspection, I found that there was no one in the room, and all valuable items were taken away.

Su Yue was a little surprised, where did Wan Zhen's father and daughter go?

She was very concerned about Wan Yingying's Seven Evil Souls. She had been thinking about it for several months, and finally she was able to do it, but she ran away!

Su Yue was very depressed, but she still patiently went to invite Zhou Yuling again.This time it went well, and Zhou Yuling readily agreed to come to the tea party in the afternoon.

At noon, Red Snake arrived with six late-stage qi training men.

Yang Qiying and Su Yue arranged for Chi Snake and the others to have lunch, and then arranged six late-stage Qi practitioners to the East Wing.

They stayed in the main room with Red Snake, waiting for Zhou Yuling and Gao Xian to come over.

"Wan Zhen suddenly ran away for some reason?"

When Su Yue talked about this matter, she was still full of depression and puzzlement.

"Don't worry, Wan Yingying won't be able to escape after we control Pegasus." Yang Qiying comforted in a soft voice.

Red Snake sat on the side, he didn't know what the two couples were talking about, and he didn't really want to get involved in this kind of topic.

He came here this time to gather scattered cultivators to rob and kill people, causing civil turmoil in the Pegasus Collection.

The Red Snake Gang has dispatched dozens of rogue cultivators to sneak into the Pegasus Collection, making preparations several months in advance.

At that time, when he climbed up and called out, many casual practitioners would naturally respond.

Yang Qiying and Su Yue gathered practitioners from all sides in Pegasus, and this place naturally became the gathering center of the Red Snake Gang.

Therefore, Red Snake will also meet Yang Qiying and Su Yue when he comes this time.

Maid Xuemei came in from outside, she bowed respectfully, "Master, madam, Gao Xian is here."

She lowered her voice again and said, "Zhou Yuling didn't come."


Yang Qiying was a little surprised that Zhou Yuling didn't come!
Su Yue was also a little suspicious, she said to Chi Snake and Yang Qiying: "Wait a minute, I will welcome him in."

Su Yue just left the main room when she saw Gao Xian in the yard.

Gao Xian wore a black robe today. His skin was as fair as jade, but the dark black of the robe set off his whole body to be more radiant and gentle.

In the afternoon of September, the bright sun shone on Gao Xian's cheeks, making him seem to be glowing.

Especially Gao Xian's eyes are like stars in the night sky, bright and deep, full of charm.

The breeze came slowly, driving Gao Xian's black robes to flutter gently, giving him an elegant and unrestrained air of wanting to be calm and calm against the wind.

Su Yue couldn't help being startled. Although Gao Xian was handsome in the past, he was very cautious and introverted, with no sense of presence.Today, Gao Xian's brows are full of spirits, showing the sharpness like a drawn sword, which makes her heart shake.

Su Yong always felt that something was wrong, she suppressed the strange emotions in her heart and greeted with a smile: "Gao Daoyou is looking good today, there must be something good!"

Gao Xian smiled slightly and cupped his hands and said, "Your Daoist Su's eyes are as bright as a torch, it's really a good thing."


Su Yue was a little curious, "Can I hear something good?"

Gao Xian said with a smile: "This is a great thing, of course we must share it with Su Daoyou and Yang Daoxiong."

The two of them had already entered the main room while they were talking, and Yang Qiying, who was in the main seat, pretended to get up to greet him.

He said with a smile on his face: "But I don't know what good thing can make Gao Xiaoyou so happy?"

Red Snake was too lazy to act, so he just sat on Yang Qiying's head and looked at Gao Xian coldly.It's just that no matter how he saw the black robe on Gao Xian's body, he looked familiar, so he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Gao Xian greeted Yang Qiying, looked into his eyes and said calmly: "I have been waiting for several months, and today I can finally send the two of you on the road, how can you be unhappy."

Yang Qiying heard that something was wrong, Gao Xian's eyes were shining coldly, which made his heart palpitate even more.

He was startled suddenly, something was wrong!

Yang Qiying has a lot of fighting experience. When he realized something was wrong, he stretched out his hand to draw his sword, and Gao Xian on the opposite side also drew his sword at the same time.

Gao Xian drew his sword with a calm and graceful movement. Yang Qiying, Su Yue, Red Snake, including Xuemei who was standing beside him, could clearly see Gao Xian's movement of drawing his sword, and saw the slender green blade flying in the air With a gentle swipe, a graceful and agile sword light curve is left in the air.

The curve of the blue sword light happened to touch the necks of Su Yue and Yang Qiying.

Su Yong also heard something wrong in Gao Xian's words. Her spiritual consciousness was running wildly, and the eight spiritual apertures in her body breathed mana together, and she drew her sword at the same time.

However, whether it is spells or swords, they are obviously a step behind.

Su Yong watched helplessly as the Qingbi sword's edge swept towards him, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was terrified and heartbroken.

The desperation and helplessness in her beautiful bright eyes were instantly overwhelmed by Mingrui's blue sword light!
(The three updates have been completed for ten consecutive days, and there are more than [-] words in the three updates today, please support me~ bow)

(End of this chapter)

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