Chapter 119
Breeze blowing willows is Gao Xian's favorite sword style, and it is also the sword move he has practiced the most proficiently and has the essence of it.

The two moves of wind and lightning and wind and cloud are more swift and fierce, but the force is too strong, and it is far less agile and calm than the sword method of breeze blowing willows, and it also lacks some clever changes.

Facing the three masters in the late stage of Qi training, although Gao Xian was absolutely sure to wipe out the opponents, he was quite cautious in his actions, and he used his strongest sword moves when he came up.

In fact, the most correct way is to use the shadowless vestment to sneak into the room, and make a sudden and unexpected plot, so that the three masters in the late stage of Qi training do not know how they died.

It's just that Su Yong and Yang Qiying have been thinking about Zhou Yuling for the past few months, but Gao Xian was disgusted.

Gao Xian had to fight head-on, and he had to see the horrified and desperate expressions of the pair of dogs, so that the killing would be happy, and he would be able to express the anger in his heart.

Gao Xian is not arrogant, it is really a master of the great magic and the electric photovoltaic dragon hand that has reached the perfection of a master, which is enough to make him look down on all practitioners of Qi training level in terms of spiritual consciousness and speed.

He came to visit Yang's house almost every day. He knew Yang Qiying and Su Yue very well, knew their strengths and weaknesses, and even knew every hair on their bodies.

As for the extra red snake, although Gao Xian didn't know him well, he could see the level of his cultivation and the aura of several magical weapons on his body through the mirror of appreciating flowers.

Before making a move, Gao Xian had already seen everyone's details clearly.Really know yourself and your enemy.

The other three knew nothing about him, and they didn't even know what he wanted to do.

It is no surprise that there is no intention to do mental calculations like this!
Amidst the sound of the sharp sword whistling with a "chi", the green and green sword sharply brushed across Su Yue's long snow-white neck, leaving behind a circle of faint red lines.

Su Yue's hand just touched the hilt of Kanshui sword, and her vitality was cut off by Qinglian sword.

The blood squeezed by the high-speed sword turned into mist, and sprayed out together with the green and green sword, and landed on the face of Yang Qiying, who was diagonally opposite Su Yue.

Yang Qiying's pupils dilated and enlarged because of fear, could clearly see thousands of vaporized fine blood droplets, but all his attention was on the green sword edge following the blood mist.

He could even see the Qingbi sword blade fluctuate and tremble slightly due to the high speed, and saw the sharp Qingbi sword light shining on the blade under the spur of mana.

Gao Xian who held the sword had a calm expression, and his movements of swinging the sword were gentle and graceful, without any effort.

At a critical moment, Yang Qiying's spiritual sense became extremely strong and concentrated, which allowed him to observe many changes and observe many details with his spiritual sense.

The more he saw, the more frightened Yang Qiying became.

Gao Xian is only a mid-stage qi practitioner, how could he cast his sword so quickly? !
Yang Qiying knew that it was too late for him to draw his sword to parry, he wanted to retreat quickly, but compared with the Qingbi sword, his body was so slow and stiff.

The Lihuo sword in Yang Qiying's hand was only three inches out of the sheath when the Qingbi sword swept towards him. He folded his chest, retracted his abdomen and retracted his head.

Under Yang Qiying's gaze, the green and green sword blade with a beautiful arc swept across his neck.

The sharp blade cut through the flesh and bones smoothly, leaving a circle of red lines on Yang Qiying's neck.

This circle of red lines also cut off all the changes in Yang Qiying's mana and body, and even split his condensed spiritual consciousness.

The panic and despair in the eyes of Su Yue and Yang Qiying made Gao Xian extremely happy.

He took the risk to strike head-on, just for this moment.

It's a pity that with Red Snake present, he didn't have time to say goodbye to the couple.

When the Qinglian sword in Gao Xian's hand turned, it turned into a red snake that pierced the other side straight into the streamer.

After hard training day and night, Gao Xian's Qingfeng swordsmanship has reached the level of a master, and the transition between sword moves is extremely natural and smooth.

Although this style of wind and lightning is the fastest move in the Qingfeng swordsmanship, Gao Xian is still so calm when performing it at this moment.

Cooperating with the geomagnetic wheel that slides silently, Gao Xian, with fluttering robes, is more like an immortal walking against the wind.

The Red Snake who practiced Qi at the ninth level didn't have the mind to pay attention to how exquisite Gao Xian's movements were, all his attention was on Gao Xian's sword.

When Gao Xian drew his sword, he realized something was wrong.It's just that Gao Xian's sword was too fast, when he got up from the chair and pulled out the flame sword, the green and green blade had already pierced in front of him.

The Red Snake didn't have time to activate any magic spells, so he could only drive the flame sword with all his strength to stab Gao Xian.

Propelled by his mana, the Raging Flame Sword turned into a blazing flame. The Raging Flame Sword was still a few feet away from Gao Xian, and the high temperature emitted from the blade had already made Gao Xian's whole body as hot as a furnace.

With a thought of Gao Xian's mind, he activated the shadowless robe. His attainments in this spell have reached the level of proficiency, and he can completely cast spells instantly.

The Xuanshui shield that comes with the Xuanbing robe takes a little time to activate, which is much worse than the instant shadowless robe.Its protective effect is not as good as the shadowless vest.

The shining room of transparent water has turned into a transparent robe to wrap Gao Xian. Under the impact of the flames released by the flame sword, Gao Xian's faded figure in the water light is revealed again, and the shadowless cassock has also turned into a stable water light robe.

The shadowless vestment lost the change of hiding his figure, but it completely blocked the high temperature impact released by the flame sword.

At the same time, Gao Xian urged the second spell: Zhengyang Spear.

In Gao Xian's eyes, the aura of red gold shone, and the invisible red gold spear condensed with spiritual consciousness directly hit the red snake through his eyes.

Regarding this notorious leader of the Red Snake Gang, Gao Xian was a little more careful, and when he drew his sword, he activated two spells at the same time.

Red Snake is far behind Gao Xian in terms of spells. In such a short period of time, he has no time to activate any spells, charms, or artifacts. He can only use all his mana to control the flame sword.

Facing the Zhengyang Spear urged by Gao Xian, Red Snake sensed something was wrong but couldn't react, but instinctively tightened his consciousness.

The invisible blazing sun spear suddenly pierced deep into the center of Red Snake's eyebrows, and Red Snake felt as if his head had been pierced by a red-hot iron rod. The severe burning pain made his eyes black.

At a critical juncture, the magic bell hanging around the neck of the red snake was activated by the Zhengyang gun, and it made a crisp bell of "ring bell".

The sound of the bell flowed through the sea of ​​consciousness of the Red Snake like a clear spring, extinguishing the severe burning pain and restoring the consciousness of the Red Snake.

Gao Xian, who swung his sword and stabbed straight, was inevitably affected by the crisp ringtone, and he felt calm, and the cold killing intent in his heart disappeared somehow.

However, Sister Lan appeared in the center of Gao Xian's brow, and immediately suppressed Gao Xian's abnormal emotional changes, and also suppressed all the influences of the crisp ringtone.

The momentary confrontation of magic tools and spells did not have any real impact on Gao Xian.

The appearance of Sister Lan made Gao Xianneng more focused on Yujian, and the speed of piercing Qinglian Sword in his hand was actually two points faster.

The Red Snake, who carried the Zhengyang spear with the help of the calming bell, raised the flame sword with great reluctance to block it sideways.

The straight piercing green lotus sword and the horizontal flame sword are handed over together, the blue and blue sword light is rippling and twisting like water, and the red and fiery sword light explodes like fireworks.

Relying on the subtle changes in the sword technique, Gao Xian dissipated the violent force on the Raging Flame Sword with a slight shift of the blade.

Red Snake's swordsmanship is obviously one level behind, and he has less variety in passive combat.

He used violent mana to urge Lieyanjian to swing Qinglian sword away, but he failed. The strength of Lieyanjian in his hand was no longer able to change.

Red Snake also realized that something was wrong, and when he drew back to retreat, Gao Xian spat out the Qinglian Sword in his hand, and the shining green blade pierced Red Snake's eyebrows smoothly, piercing his head back and forth.

Gao Xian fluttered back after winning the sword, and Red Snake stood there blankly, his eyes were full of unbelievable horror.

Red Snake recognized Gao Xian through the last sword, and recognized that the other party was the murderer of White Snake.It's just that Gao Xian is only in the middle stage of Qi training, where did he come up with such means? !
Red Snake looked straight at Gao Xian, he wanted to say something unwillingly, but before he could say anything, he saw Su Yue's and Yang Qiying's heads suddenly flying up, passing over his head obliquely.

Feiyang's blood sprinkled the red snake's body, face and mouth, and the red snake stared at Gao Xian unwillingly and asked tremblingly, "Who are you?"

On the opposite side, Gao Xian danced a sword gracefully and put the sword back into its sheath. He stood in a very good position. Although blood was splashed everywhere in the room, there was no blood on his body.

Gao Xian gave Chi Snake a sneer, but did not answer the other party's question.

His eyes fell on Xuemei standing in the corner. This maid was stunned by the sudden shock, her face was pale.

Xuemei is not timid, Su Yue and Yang Qiying and his wife she followed did not kill a lot of people.

In some respects, Su Yue and Yang Qiying are like her master, who holds a high status in her heart.

Seeing the couple being decapitated by Gao Xian's sword, Xuemei was deeply shocked, she didn't even see the red snake being pierced between the eyebrows by a sword.

When Xuemei's frightened eyes met Gao Xian's, she couldn't help screaming.

Gao Xian knew that this maid was fine, she was not a good thing.

He flicked his fingers casually, and a foot-long cone of transparent ice turned into a cold light, nailing precisely between Xuemei's eyebrows.

The ice arrow easily pierced Xuemei's skull, and the powerful kinetic energy had already shattered Xuemei's brain tissue.

Xuemei's screams came to an abrupt end, and the power of ice on the Frost Arrow froze the screaming expression, and covered it with a layer of white frost.

Xuemei swayed and fell down.

So far, Gao Xian is the only living person left in the room.

Gao Xian glanced at the two heads that were still rolling around on the ground, and his face showed a bit of sarcasm, "You husband and wife are going to bliss today, such a great event is worth drinking three times in a row! It's a pity that there is no wine..."

Both Yang Qiying and Su Yue have solid consciousness, they will lose their vitality but they still have a little bit of consciousness.They all heard Gao Xian's words, but unfortunately, they were unable to make any response.

The two gathered their spiritual consciousness and quickly dissipated completely.Red Snake swayed over there for a while, but finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

Gao Xian was quite satisfied with this battle, from the moment he drew his sword to the end of the battle, the whole process took only one sentence.

The real hands-on time is shorter, and all of them add up to one breath of time.

With the blessing of the electro-photovoltaic dragon hand, his quick sword is comparable to a great foundation-builder within seven steps.

When he suddenly drew his sword and attacked, Yang Qiying, Su Yue, and Chi Snake, who were at the ninth level of Qi training, couldn't react.

The only surprise is that Red Snake has a magic weapon to protect the soul, which is activated by his Zhengyang spear to change passively, but fortunately, it has almost no effect.

Before the battle even started, the outcome was already doomed.

However, Xuemei's scream spread out, startling everyone in the wing.

Gao Xian didn't care, even without Xuemei's scream, the howling sound of his sword could not be covered up, and there was no need to cover it up.

The door of the wing room was slammed open, and six masters in the late stage of Qi training quickly jumped out from the door and window.

The six qi masters all held swords in their hands, and their faces were full of vigilance.

The first man in Tsing Yi asked loudly to the main room: "Boss, what's wrong?!"

(End of this chapter)

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