Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 137 The Red Dragon Swallows the Moon

Chapter 137 The Red Dragon Swallows the Moon
"I'm so sad, you're still molesting me! No conscience!"

Zhou Yuling heard that Gao Xian was molesting her, so angrily she grabbed Gao Xian's hand and bit it hard, leaving two rows of deep teeth marks.

Gao Xian didn't dare to use force, for fear of breaking his sister's teeth, so he could only endure it.

He still had to coax in his mouth: "I was wrong, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Zhou Yuling didn't speak, she also shed tears silently, looking extremely sad.

She's not pretending, it's really uncomfortable.Knowing that Zhu Qiniang had become a foundation-establishing monk that day, her father seemed very humble.

This made her very uncomfortable on the sidelines.

When she got home, she also solemnly warned her to stay away from Gao Xian.

Competing for a man with the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator is courting death.What's more, Zhu Qiniang has always been known for being cruel and cruel.

The more Zhou Yuling thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. The man she had chosen was just snatched away by another woman.

Not only could she not snatch it back, but she had to bow down to the woman in respect.I couldn't swallow this breath.

However, Gao Xian didn't move, as if he really dumped her.After waiting for a few days, her heart became colder and colder.

After finally Gao Xian came and teased her, she was even more wronged.

Even if Gao Xian was a straight man, he could see that Zhou Yuling was really angry.

He took out a platinum hairpin from his sleeve and inserted it gently on Zhou Yuling's head, "A gift for you."

"When you are angry, send gifts to coax me, you treat me like a child!"

The more Zhou Yuling talked, the more angry she became. She pulled out the hairpin and was about to throw it away. Gao Xian's hand was so fast, he grabbed Zhou Yuling's hand, "Don't get excited. This is the Shuiyue Sword, the best flying sword, don't throw it around. "

This Water Moon Sword, which Gao Xian left alone without Qiniang seeing it, was reserved for Zhou Yuling.

Through the cloud pattern secret solution, he translated "Shuiyue Sword Art" into the current language in the past two days.

"Water Moon Sword Art" is a female cultivator's sword technique based on water magic power.

Because of its unique sword control formula, only female cultivators can practice it.Men can also practice, but it is difficult to exert its power.

"Shuiyue Sword Art" is a complete set of sword arts, but "Shuiyue Sword Art" is just a method of application, a skill, which is very different from the secret method of improving one's cultivation.

It's like playing basketball requires specialized skills that also improve physical fitness.However, no one is exercising their basketball skills.

The Shuiyue Sword Jue emphasizes how to operate mana and how to control the sword.

After all, Gao Xian has too little experience, so it is difficult to judge the specific level of Shuiyue Sword Art.

From his point of view, this sword art is very sublime, at least it can be used at the foundation level.

What's more valuable is that the Shuiyue Sword Jue and the Shuiyue Sword are the same set, and the method and the sword fit together, which is so rare.

Gao Xian got a Chiyan Sword, and didn't have any sword tactics, so he directly urged it with his divine sense.

After watching "Water Moon Sword Art", Gao Xian knew how rough his way of controlling the flying sword was.

From the Shuiyue Sword Art, he also learned some sword control skills, which was of great benefit to him.

He felt that with Zhou Yuling's agility and intelligence, she should be able to learn the Shuiyue Sword Art.With this method to protect the body, practitioners at the level of Qi training are enough to protect themselves.

Gao Xian knew that Zhou Yuling was in a bad mood, so he explained the situation of Shuiyuejian in detail.

He took out the translated sword formula and handed it to Zhou Yuling: "You practice your sword well, if you want to compete with the great monk who established the foundation, you must have some skills."

Zhou Yuling looked at Gao Xian suspiciously, "Where did this flying sword come from?"

In the past, although Gao Xian gave her swords and magic robes, although they were very expensive, they all had their origins.

The level of this set of flying swords and sword tactics has faintly surpassed the realm of Qi training.This is not something Gao Xian can have.

She suspected that Gao Xian took it from Zhu Qiniang.

Gao Xian said angrily: "Don't think too much, this set of flying swords and sword formulas has nothing to do with Qiniang. I prepared them specially for you."

Zhou Yuling held the Shuiyue Sword tightly, she was silent, then said to Gao Xian with a serious face: "Wait for me to build the foundation, and then I will snatch you back in a fair manner!"

"That's right, you need to have this ambition."

Gao Xian praised, and then said: "Our matter has nothing to do with Qiniang, and you don't have to be angry about it. What should we do with each other!"

Zhou Yuling glared at Gao Xian, Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian were so close, and she said it was okay, she was lying!
However, Gao Xian dared to come to her, and even gave such a valuable flying sword and sword formula, which proved that she was very important to Gao Xian.

She was silent for a while and said, "You go, I'm going to practice."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Zhou Yuling pushed Gao Xian out of the room.

Gao Xian felt a little helpless when he closed the door. The girl didn't give him any sweets after accepting his gift, and kicked him out, which is a bit too much.

It's just that the anchor girl received a big reward from the big brother on the list, so she still has to post a few private photos to show it.

He felt a little bored, and was about to turn around to leave when the door opened again. Zhou Yuling glared at him angrily, "Just leave when I tell you? You can't coax me."

Just as Gao Xian was about to explain, Zhou Yuling grabbed Gao Xian by the collar and dragged him into the room, followed by Xiao Zui and came up to bite Gao Xian hard.

Out of politeness, Gao Xian cooperated.The two of them were just playing around, and after gnawing and gnawing, they both got angry and rolled together.

It was Gao Xian who calmed down first, and looked at Zhou Yuling, who was left with a small undergarment, her small face was flushed, her bright eyes were full of charm, and her bare hand was still holding on to Gao Xian.

"Don't act recklessly." Gao Xian saw that something was wrong with Zhou Yuling's appearance, so he hurriedly dissuaded her.

"I don't, I'm going to sleep you hard and take revenge on that woman." Zhou Yuling grabbed Gao Xian's hand and said coquettishly, "Stop pretending, I don't know you yet, and I don't know how long I've been thinking about her body."

"Hey, I'm not that kind of person."

Gao Xian knew that Zhou Yuling was agitated and was saying angry words, so he wanted to comfort her, "You practice hard, you won't be able to build a foundation if you do this."

"Brother Xian, you are so kind."

Zhou Yuling sighed quietly, and after a lot of tossing, the little estrangement between her and Gao Xian disappeared.

Leaning weakly on Gao Xian's chest, she sighed softly: "Building a foundation, it's not that easy.

"I've been stuck on the seventh level of Qi training for three years. I can't break through even after taking the Tiangui Spirit Pill. It feels like my whole body is really solidified into a piece of jade and I can't get through my heart..."

Just as Gao Xian wanted to comfort her, Zhou Yuling's expression changed slightly, and she sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and began to operate the Ming Yu Jue.

After a while, Gao Xian felt that Zhou Yuling's mana suddenly surged, and he couldn't help being a little surprised, Zhou Yuling had broken through the bottleneck!

When Zhou Yuling's mana completely calmed down, she opened her eyes and smiled at Gao Xian, her brows and eyes were full of joy and coquettishness.

"I got through the most difficult heart opening!"

Zhou Yuling hugged Gao Xian happily, her little face was about to burst into laughter, the little resentment just now had disappeared.

Cultivation really depends on chance, I haven't made a breakthrough in three years, but when I get emotional, I do not know how to make a breakthrough!She was only two steps away from establishing the foundation, which lifted her spirits.

Gao Xian was very happy for Zhou Yuling. He broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and saw hope for improvement. This was a great joy for Zhou Yuling.

Zhou Yuling, who regained her composure, did not mess with Gao Xian again, but Gao Xian was a little disappointed.

The two spent an afternoon studying "Water Moon Sword Art" in their room, and at night, when Zhou Ye came back, he saw Gao Xian was there.

The old man's face was a bit ugly, this kid is Zhu Qiniang's man, and he dared to come to seduce his daughter!
This is not a joke, the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator got angry, Gao Xian didn't know if he was dead or alive, and their father and daughter would definitely die.

The old man had some city mansions, and on the surface he politely asked Gao Xian to have dinner at home.

Gao Xian politely declined, he also had something to do when he came to see Zhou Ye this time.

The two parties were seated separately, and after a few words of politeness, Gao Xian said: "Uncle Zhou, I have something to tell you. Qiniang has gone to Lianyun City, and the Changsheng Hall has been handed over to Li Shuanglin from then on. Antler powder can no longer be sold. "

Zhou Ye heaved a long sigh. After such a big event happened in Changshengtang, and he followed Zhu Qiniang to achieve foundation building, he knew that there would be great changes in the future.

He was not qualified to sell elixir, so it was normal not to let him continue to sell Lujiao powder.

People are so strange, even if they expected this, he still felt very uncomfortable when he heard Gao Xian's report.

Zhou Ye also knew that this was unreasonable, he was able to make money thanks to Gao Xian.

He said with a dry laugh: "It's a bit ashamed to say that I, an elder, didn't help you. Instead, I made a lot of spirit stones with you."

"Uncle Zhou takes good care of me, if you say this, you will be out of touch..."

Gao Xian saw that the old man was not in a high mood, so he said goodbye and left after a few polite words.

When Gao Xian left, Zhou Ye reprimanded him severely with an old face: "I didn't tell you that, I must never associate with Gao Xian again."

Zhou Yuling rolled her eyes at her father, "Look at you, Zhu Qiniang has returned to Qingyun City. Besides, Gao Xian is not afraid, so what am I afraid of. If Zhu Qiniang really has a temper, she will kill Gao Xian first!"

"You, what are you talking about." The old man was really a little angry, "Great cultivator Foundation Establishment, killing us is like killing a dog. When Zhu Qiniang comes to the door, it will be too late to say anything."

Zhou Yuling said impatiently, "I see."

She walked into the bedroom with a cold face and said nothing.

Sitting in the main hall, Zhou Ye sighed deeply. He could understand his daughter's reluctance, but he was helpless.

When it comes to the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator, the risks involved are too great, and the father and daughter cannot bear it...

The next day, Gao Xian went to Huang Ying again and told her that the Changshengtang belonged to Li Shuanglin, and she could no longer provide Tiangui Pill to her.

Huang Ying was also very disappointed, but she didn't say much, she just dragged Gao Xian to drink and got drunk.

Although Gao Xian was drunk, he didn't do anything with Huang Ying.Zhou Yuling would be a little troublesome, and if she got involved with Huang Ying, it would be even more troublesome.

Moreover, Huang Ying is not a simple woman, easy to get started but hard to get rid of.It's fine for everyone to get together to chat and massage, there is no need for in-depth communication.

When Zhu Qiniang went to Qingyun City, Gao Xian was very worried about her safety and didn't have the mind to make trouble.

In the next few days, apart from studying the "Longevity Alchemy", he also used the "Secret Explanation of Cloud Patterns" to interpret the "Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon Method".

The method of Chilong Swallowing the Moon was obtained from Nan Zhengxing, Gao Xian studied it for a few days, and finally deciphered the whole text.

This is a secret method of absorbing women's cultivation through sexual intercourse, which is very unscrupulous and even quite evil.

The true double-cultivation secret method is of great benefit to both men and women.The red dragon swallowing the moon method is that men treat women as furnaces and unilaterally absorb each other's cultivation.

Nan Zhengxing focused on Zhou Yuling at the beginning, because Zhou Yuling practiced Mingyu Jue, and Yuanyin's pure cultivation is also very good, which is enough to help him break through the bottleneck of cultivation.

Gao Xian felt that this secret method harming others and benefiting himself was immoral, and it was not in line with his nature.

It's just that the Chilong Swallowing the Moon method is extremely exquisite. In terms of level, it seems to be above the Great Five Elements.

Several changes such as retreating to lock the gods, refining and transforming qi, etc., can be used to protect the body and defend the way.

Although he doesn't want to use it to harm others, with this method in his body, he can prevent being harmed by others.

This method is so exquisite that Gao Xian practiced it for more than ten years before he really got started.

Open the Fengyue Baojian, and you can see the Chilong swallowing the moon method.To achieve proficiency, you need [-] points of human aura.

Gao Xian has practiced so many secret methods, only the first stage of the Chilong Moon Swallowing method needs the most human aura.

After thinking about it, he invested [-] points of human aura and added the Chilong Moon Swallowing method to the proficiency level.

Chilong swallowing the moon method: deify the Chilong swallowing the moon and transforming Yin. (1/1000 skilled)

To Gao Xian's surprise, after the Chilong Swallowing the Moon technique was upgraded, his lifespan actually increased by two years, making his lifespan reach two hundred years.

This evil secret technique can actually increase lifespan, Gao Xian immediately became interested...

(End of this chapter)

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