Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 138 Passing the Book

Chapter 138 Passing the Book (It's the third watch again!)

Gao Xian has practiced so many secret techniques and is quite experienced in this area.

The secret method that can increase lifespan is either to strengthen the body or to strengthen the mind.

Most spells and secret methods have no benefit to the body, or even damage it.

For example, ice archery and flame bombs, even if Gao Xian has practiced to the master level, it will not be beneficial to the body.

The Chilong Swallowing the Moon method can increase the lifespan, it should be to enhance the spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian can control the body very finely now, if the body is strengthened, it will definitely produce feelings.

On the other hand, Sister Lan also made a clear display in Fengyue Baojian.

She urged the aura of spiritual consciousness to turn into a red dragon, writhing and dancing, quite imposing.

It also made Gao Xian suddenly understand that after mastering this secret technique, he could use his spiritual consciousness to transform into a red dragon, which strengthened his spiritual power and thus increased his lifespan.

The red dragon transformed by divine consciousness is essentially the same as Sister Lan, after all, Sister Lan is also transformed by divine consciousness.

The difference is that Sister Lan's level is much higher than Chilong's.So Sister Lan can help him condense his consciousness and turn him into a red dragon.

Spiritual consciousness is the foundation of a cultivator!

Gao Xian understood this truth a long time ago, all secret techniques that can improve the power of spiritual consciousness are worth investing in the aura of humanity.

Unfortunately, in order to kill Zhu Changsheng, he spent all of his accumulated 2 Taoist auras.

Li Shuanglin has mastered the Changshengtang, Zhou Ye and Huang Ying can't sell pills, and the aura of humanity has been greatly reduced during this period.

Gao Xian felt a bit pained when he thought of this. The Pegasus Collection is not big, but it is quite cool for him to monopolize this market.

On the other hand, since there is no news from Qiniang, Gao Xian is unavoidably worried.

He also understands that even if Qiniang successfully takes over the Zhu family, it will take a while to figure out the mess.

It's just that he still has a lot of stock in his hand, so it's too wasteful to leave it like this.

Gao Xian didn't want to deal with Li Shuanglin, so he decided to talk to the old man again.

The Spirit Talisman Hall was relatively deserted, and there was only one guy sitting there lazily in the morning. He was also Zhou Ye's apprentice and had a close relationship with Zhou Ye.

When the man saw Gao Xian coming in, he rushed to greet him.He knew that Gao Xian and Zhou Ye were close, so he didn't dare to neglect.

Gao Xian followed the buddy to the backyard, and saw the old man standing in the yard with his hands behind his back. He didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression was a little sad.

Seeing Gao Xian coming in, Zhou Ye was obviously taken aback, he waved his hand to dismiss the young apprentice, "Nephew, is he so free?"

Gao Xian couldn't help laughing seeing the old man's refusal, "I came to see Uncle Zhou specially, and asked about Lianyun City by the way."

Regardless of Zhou Ye's lack of money and status, he is a disciple of the elder Chuangong after all, and he is fairly well-informed.You should be able to know some news about Qiniang.

In fact, Gao Xian also knew that if there was any important news, Zhou Yuling would definitely take the initiative to tell him.

However, Zhou Yuling obviously would not take the initiative to inquire about Zhu Qiniang's affairs.

"No news."

Zhou Ye shook his head, "The Zhu family is said to be a bit chaotic, but it doesn't affect much."

For Pegasus Ji, Zhu Changsheng may be a big shot.In Lianyun City, Zhu Changsheng was just one of dozens of great foundation-building monks.His backer in the sect was gone again, and no one cared about Zhu Changsheng's life or death.

Without the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator, the Zhu family is not qualified to master so many resources.It will inevitably lead to competition among other cultivators.

These things have no effect on Pegasus, so naturally no one will pass these news to Pegasus.

Gao Xian nodded, then he turned around and asked again: "Uncle Zhou, have you handed over the rest of your antler powder to Li Shuanglin?"

Zhou Ye's old face sank: "I don't owe him anything, why did you give him the antlers. At worst, just sell them."

Gao Xian smiled apologetically, "Uncle Zhou, I mean you can sell the remaining antlers to him."

"I still have [-] deer antlers. How about giving it to Uncle Zhou for [-] spirit stones?"

Zhou Ye thought about it and felt that it was very lucrative, his face immediately softened, and the deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes stretched a bit.

But he was still refusing: "You can just go to Li Shuanglin directly, why bother with me."

"I don't like dealing with outsiders. Uncle Zhou knows it."

Gao Xian explained: "Besides, Li Shuanglin is a great foundation-builder, very powerful. If he has other thoughts, it will be very troublesome."


Zhou Ye echoed, "Li Shuanglin is very difficult to deal with. That's okay, I'll just take advantage of my nephew once."

"Don't say that, you helped me." Gao Xian was very polite to the old man because of Zhou Yuling's face.

The old man loves to hear this, his face is full of smiles, and he looks quite happy.

Gao Xian handed the pill to the old man, and the old man couldn't wait to find Li Shuanglin.

After coaxing the old man away, Gao Xian sneaked out to Zhou Yuling's boudoir without invitation.

Sitting on the bed, Zhou Yuling hummed coldly, "You still know how to come!"

"I won't give you time to practice Shuiyue Sword, do you miss me?"

Gao Xian knew that Zhou Yuling felt left out. She was already sensitive at the moment, and she must think too much if she didn't see each other for more than ten days.

He smiled and moved closer to him, Zhou Yuling rolled her eyes and pouted her lips without saying a word.

Gao Xian gently stroked Zhou Yuling's small face, "Why is such a pretty little face twitching?"

Zhou Yuling was aggrieved and was about to act like a baby when Gao Xian suddenly said, "It must be because I am too tired from cultivation. I will massage you to relax."

Before Zhou Yuling could speak, Gao Xian touched it with his electric photovoltaic dragon hand.

Zhou Yuling wanted to resist at first, but when she was lightly pressed by her hand, her whole body became numb and turned into a puddle.

Gao Xian licked the cat twice according to the cat licking procedure, making Zhou Yuling soft and boneless, sweating through the heavy clothes, and the curves of her delicate body were faintly visible.

She hadn't experienced this before, her soul seemed to have ascended to heaven, and she lay there with a dazed gaze, not knowing where she was.

"Are you happy?" Gao Xian asked anxiously.

Zhou Yuling wanted to give Gao Xian a look, but she couldn't use the strength, instead she seemed to be winking.

Gao Xian took a water glass and poured Zhou Yuling a glass of water, "Drink some water."

While Zhou Yuling was drinking water, Gao Xian helped Zhou Yuling wipe the sweat from her forehead, "I didn't realize you were drinking so much water."

Zhou Yuling heard that the words were not good, and pinched Gao Xian hard, but her whole body was weak and she couldn't use any strength.

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile, he was always so happy to be with this delicate and cute little woman.

It feels very decompressive, much more fun than petting a cat, and it feels good in the hand.

The worry and anxiety in his heart seemed to have disappeared.

Being with Qiniang is peace of mind.It feels completely different.

When Zhou Ye came back, he saw Gao Xian talking with his daughter in the main hall.

The old man sighed in his heart, he just took advantage of Gao Xian, and he didn't have the face to teach his daughter a lesson.

The old man forced a smile, "Things are going well. Nephew, why don't you have dinner here at noon."

He paused and said again: "I just sent a letter to Hongyan Hall to help you inquire about the situation. I think there will be news in the evening."

Hongyan Hall is a place specially used to deliver flying books, and there are more than ten Yunpier geese raised in it.

This kind of wild goose is no more than two feet long, and it flies extremely fast. Guided by a special magic weapon, it can fly back and forth between two fixed places without getting lost.

From Feimaji to Lianyun City, Chuanyunyan can get there in two hours.

Zhou Ye is so shrewd, Gao Xian specially let him earn a lot of spirit stones, of course he will reciprocate.

When Gao Xian came, he asked Zhu Qiniang for news, which was already a clear indication to him.

So, after he sold the antler powder, he immediately went to Hongyan Hall to send a letter to his senior brother.

Although Nan Pingsong was getting old, he was an elder who passed on his skills after all, and he had many disciples in the sect.There are also many people who have been favored by him.

It is not difficult for the disciples of Nanping Song to inquire about some news.

In the evening, Zhou Ye actually received a letter from his senior brother, which said something about Zhu Qiniang.

Gao Xian took the letter and read it again. The letter said that Zhu Qiniang had been received by the head of the sect and became the elder of the outer sect of Lian Yunzong.

As for what happened to the Zhu family, the letter didn't say anything.

For Gao Xian, this is enough.As long as the Zongmen accepts Zhu Qiniang and does not pursue the matter of Zhu Chang's life and death, other matters such as the Zhu family's matters will be trivial.

Gao Xian expressed his gratitude to the old man sincerely, as expected of Yuling's own father, he is smart and knows everything.

Back home, Gao Xian was also in a good mood, he made an exception and asked Daniel to buy some more vegetables, and asked Daniel to drink some wine with him.

The next day, Gao Xian received a letter from the staff of Hongyan Hall.

The biography was sent by Qiniang, and there were only four words on it: everything is going well.

Zhu Qiniang doesn't like to talk too much, and it's not safe to pass on letters. These four words have already explained the situation clearly.

Gao Xian was completely at ease, and only waited for Zhu Qiniang's relationship to be straightened out before he could go to Lianyun City.

Gao Xian was a little excited at the thought of going to a big city.

Reincarnated into this body, he has been staying in Pegasus Ji.For this world, he is a standard country bumpkin.

A few days later, when the aura of humanity accumulated more than 1000 points, Gao Xian raised the Chilong Swallowing the Moon method to the proficient level.Life expectancy is also increased by two years.

The Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method can improve one's consciousness and increase one's lifespan. Only these two benefits are worth investing in the aura of humanity.

After all, other spells that can be added are either full-level, or require too much human aura, and the cost-effectiveness of adding points to upgrade is too low.

After waiting for more than ten days, Gao Xian finally received the second letter.

After Gao Xian opened the biography, he found something wrong. The person who sent the book was not Qiniang, but his teacher's wife Bai Yurong!

Since he became Gao Xian, his master Xu Mingyuan has never contacted him.

Because of the original owner's fear of Xu Mingyuan, he never contacted Xu Mingyuan.

After three years, why did his wife suddenly send him a letter?

After reading the biography, Gao Xian's expression was a bit complicated. His teacher Xu Mingyuan had been missing for forty days without any news.

Master's Wife summoned many disciples, maybe there is a decision to announce.

It's just that he stayed in Feimaji and hadn't contacted him for three years. His wife still remembered him as a disciple and specially sent him a biography, which made him a little puzzled.

Gao Xian is not interested in Xu Mingyuan's matter.It's just that, as Xu Mingyuan's disciple, he couldn't ignore the summons from his teacher's wife.

In this world, sect inheritance, master-student relationship, and clan blood are very important, which is also the foundation of order for cultivators.

After much deliberation, Gao Xian decided to go to Zhou Ye to inquire about the situation first.

Zhou Ye also felt sorry for him, and there was news the next day that Xu Mingyuan was confirmed to be missing.

No matter what Xu Mingyuan said, he was also a great foundation-builder and a master of alchemy. His disappearance still aroused various discussions in Lian Yunzong.

Everyone thought Xu Mingyuan was dead.Just don't know who did it.

Zhou Ye also persuaded Gao Xian to go back and have a look.Otherwise the reputation will be ruined.

It is difficult for a disciple who betrays his master to get along in the sect.

Gao Xian originally wanted to wait for Qiniang's news before making a decision, but in the current situation, it seems unreasonable to keep moving.

After weighing again and again, Gao Xian still decided to take the Aoki Airship to visit Lianyun City.Anyway, Qiniang has already settled the sect, even if it's a little troublesome, it's nothing.

There is nothing to be nostalgic about in the Pegasus collection. The only thing I can't let go of is Zhou Yuling.

Before Gao Xian left, he stayed with Zhou Yuling every day, gave her a lot of promises, and helped her refine a lot of Tiangui Lingdan, which finally calmed her down.

Before leaving, Gao Xian visited Huang Ying again, and went to see Wan Zhen's father and daughter.In Pegasus Ji, he only has a few friends.

Xiao Wan Yingying heard that Gao Xian was going to Lianyun City, she was very reluctant, she hugged Gao Xian's thigh no matter what.Gao Xian also liked the little girl very much, comforted her a lot, and gave two small magical artifacts as presents, even so the little girl kept tearing up.

On the afternoon of July [-]th, Gao Xian arrived in Lianyun City on the Aoki Airship...

(Three updates, three updates and three updates, the author is so sincere! Please come to some monthly pass rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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