Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 159 Soul Locking Needle

Chapter 159 Soul-Locking Needle
Vajra: The vajra is condensed with true self-nature and wisdom, breaking troubles internally, breaking demonic barriers externally, and the body is like gold and iron. (233/20000 entry)

Gao Xian looked at the notes on the Fengyue Baojian, and was a little bit surprised amidst joy.

Huanxi is that this kind of spiritual infusion is really convenient, and you can get started directly without practicing.

The practice method of the vajra was so deeply imprinted in his memory that he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

He also used jade slips to practice the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and the inheritance of divine intent in them was much weaker, and it could not be compared with the Vajra Pestle at all.

The spiritual infusion of the vajra even directly left a imprint of the vajra, allowing him to directly visualize the dharma.

To his surprise, just getting started with the Vajra requires 2 auras!
This is a bit of an exaggeration.

The various spells he has learned, such as Taizhen Idol and Electric Photovoltaic Dragon Hand, are his own, and they also have a special connection with Fengyue Baojian, so the two methods are different from other spells.

To put it simply, Taizhen Idol and Dianguang Longshou are more compatible with him, and more compatible with Fengyue Baojian, which can be regarded as his natal supernatural powers.

Therefore, the power of the two secret arts is far superior to other secret arts, but the human aura needed to upgrade is not much.

In contrast, secret techniques such as the Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon Method and the Shadowless Vestment require a lot of human aura to upgrade.

The Vajra Pestle is far superior to these secret techniques, but just getting started requires [-] points of human aura.

It can be seen from this that the level of this secret technique is very high.

Gao Xian glanced at the aura of humanity, Dajiangfang upgraded all the secret arts to master perfection, and there were still more than 2 auras of humanity left.

In the past two months, more than 8 humanitarian auras have been accumulated, adding up to 11.

Backed by Changshengtang, there is a big market in Lianyun City, where Lujiaosan and Tianguidan can sell [-] to [-] pills every month.

It's just that these elixirs have to be taken to give birth to the aura of humanity, and about 4 auras can be stably produced in a month.

Gao Xian first invested 2 Dao auras to raise the vajra to a proficient level.

He immediately felt the effect of the upgrade, like the giant vajra pestle of the tower reaching the sky emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Under the combination of the vajra and giant pestle, the magic power transformed by the aura of heaven and earth continuously penetrates into the limbs and bones.

Under normal circumstances, Gao Xian will enter the spirit orifice and turn it into mana after breathing out spiritual energy.

The more spiritual apertures, the stronger the transformation power.

The magic power circulating in the body will continuously infiltrate the body, strengthen the body, and at the same time make the body more compatible with the aura, making it easier to run the magic power.

Every time a cultivator breathes out and practices, every time he uses his mana, he is subtly changing his body and spirit.

It's just that this kind of change is very slow. If you want to make your body strong, you must practice a special body training method.

Zhu Qiniang is a body refiner, and she took lapis lazuli fruit in her early years, causing her body to distort like steel.

On the other hand, this also laid the foundation for Zhu Qiniang's foundation.

The most important thing is that he helped Qiniang solve the problem of alienation, so that the body can truly be compatible with the aura to run mana, and finally complete the foundation building.

Whether it's strength, endurance, explosiveness, reaction, etc., Qiniang is not on the same level as him.

The two of them are similar in size, and if they compare their physical fitness, he is much worse than Qiniang in terms of comprehensiveness.

Fortunately, there is an electric photovoltaic dragon hand, and the rejuvenation technique to restore blood and blue, so that he can barely fight.

When the Vajra Pestle has reached the level of proficiency, the concentrated magic power continuously penetrates into the bones and flesh, strengthening the body from an extremely subtle level.

For Gao Xian, the body training attached to this method is the most important.

To practice the Vajra Pestle, in fact, one needs to cooperate with the corresponding secret medicine Vajra Pill and some special spiritual objects, in order to make progress.

In the secret method of Vajra Pestle, there is no record of the prescription of Vajra Pill.

Gao Xian guessed that someone had practiced the vajra before, but there was no achievement without the prescription.

Although the secret technique of Vajra Pestle is good, if it is not practiced well, it is worthless.It is precisely because of this that this secret method fell into his hands.

Fortunately, the magic of Fengyue Baojian can break through without pills or spiritual objects.

Gao Xianneng could feel the turbulent qi and blood in his body like a tide, his bones were full of vitality, his muscles contracted and stretched rapidly, his body was red like a piece of red-hot iron...

He felt as if he had been put into a large furnace, the impurities in his body were continuously smelted away, and his body was continuously strengthened during the tempering.

This process lasted for almost two hours before Gao Xian's body temperature slowly returned to normal.

Gao Xian stood up vigorously, and the man stood up abruptly.Fortunately, his spiritual sense was strong, and he immediately controlled the explosive power of his body.

He was a little surprised that the vajra has only reached the proficiency level, and the effect on body transformation is so good? !

Although Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is strong, he has not practiced the profound secret method, and cannot look inside himself.He can sense the subtle flow of qi, blood and mana, but he cannot perceive the subtle changes in himself.

This is also the case, he can only feel that the bones and muscles have strengthened a lot, but he is not very clear about how much the bones and muscles have been strengthened and what specific changes have occurred in the bones and muscles.

He pulled out the Qinglian Sword casually, this 27 catties long sword was quite easy to use originally.

Holding it in my hand now, it feels light and light.

Gao Xian swung his sword and slashed in vain, the green sword edge pierced through the air and screamed sharply, leaving behind a faintly sharp blue light.

"The speed has become significantly faster, almost increased by about [-]%..."

Gao Xian was very familiar with his own strength and speed, and he knew that his body was different just by swinging his sword.

The strength has obviously increased a lot, according to his estimation, it has almost increased by [-]%.

This is because the bones and muscles become stronger and the strength naturally increases.

A strong body can also carry a faster speed, and further exert the speed of the electric photovoltaic dragon hand.

The current speed has not yet reached the limit of the electric photovoltaic dragon hand.

Gao Xian summed up his own changes and praised the effect of the Vajra Pestle for body training.

Especially Fengyue Baojian, which can directly strengthen his body out of nothing.It's amazing.

In the past, using human aura to add points only increased the speed of secret art practice and optimized the secret art.

The electric photovoltaic dragon hand can optimize the body to a certain extent, but it will not have such an exaggerated effect.

Gao Xianzheng sighed, but found that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that this kind of body training method should be able to increase his lifespan.The lifespan marked on Fengyue Baojian is 260 years old, a full ten years of lifespan has been shortened.


After Gao Xian studied for a long time, his mood became a little complicated.

In the process of practicing the vajra, the aura of humanity is not created out of nothing, but stimulates his life potential, so his life span has been reduced by ten years.

To say that the price is not too high, he has almost 300 years of life after all.After he completes the foundation building, his lifespan can be greatly increased.

It's just that he didn't have this preparation, so he felt very uncomfortable.

You must know that the rejuvenation technique can regenerate a severed limb, and it will only take five years.

The secret method of Vajra Pestle is good, it killed him ten years of life in one stroke.

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Temple of Mind, and tested the new body.

The body is strengthened in all aspects, and the effect is very good.Especially with the electric photovoltaic dragon hand, the combat power has been significantly improved.

Even with the iron dragon hand, he has improved a lot.

It is worth paying a little price for foundation building.

As soon as Gao Xian gritted his teeth, he invested another 4 spiritual lights to raise the vajra to the level of proficiency.

His body fell into a torrent again, and after three hours of internal and external tempering, he slowly returned to normal.

Gao Xian opened Fengyue Baojian, and his life span has become 240, which has been reduced by 20 years.

The price is acceptable!

I just don't know how much lifespan it will take to upgrade again. If it is a doubling algorithm, then it is the limit to rise to the expert level.

In any case, it can be regarded as a shortcut, and the price is acceptable.The effect is also very significant.

Gao Xian tested his own body, and his strength increased by about [-]%, his skin became finer and tougher, and his bones became stronger and stronger.

It is roughly equivalent to Qiniang's state when she practiced Qi at the tenth level.

One must know that Qiniang has taken green gold fruit, and her body is far better than that of ordinary body refiners.Even the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator may not be stronger than Qiniang in terms of physical strength.

The few foundation-establishment monks that Gao Xian knew, such as Xu Lingyun, Zhu Changsheng, and Li Shuanglin, were like this.

The only exception is Zhang Chunjiang, this person may have also practiced some kind of body training method, his body is quite tyrannical.The combat power is also significantly better than other foundation-building early-stage cultivators.

Gao Xian reckoned that the vajra needs to be upgraded to at least the level of a master, so that his physical strength can barely be enough.

When Qiniang came back in the evening, Gao Xian gave Qiniang a big surprise.

In the following days, Gao Xian stayed at home every day to make alchemy and practice, and did not go anywhere.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and in December, the mountains are covered with heavy snow.

Even the cultivators of Yuncheng began to come out.

A cultivator who has been tossing for a year, Metropolis chooses to relax in winter.The restaurants and brothels in Lianyun City also became more and more lively.

Under this kind of atmosphere, Lujiaosan and Tianguidan naturally sold well.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Baojian every day, and he could see a lot of human aura entered into the account, and he felt very happy.

After accumulating 8 spiritual lights, he raised the vajra to the level of an expert.

At this level, his internal organs are all strengthened together.

So far, his skin, muscles, bones, and viscera have been condensed into one body, to the point where he is as firm as a diamond and as soft as cotton brocade.

This upgrade consumed 30 years of his lifespan.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief, he still has 210 years of lifespan, and he will be able to raise the vajra to the level of a master with another 40 years of lifespan.

By next summer, his cultivation base should be able to reach the ninth level of Qi training, and he should be able to accumulate enough human aura.At that time, if you upgrade the vajra, you can prepare for foundation building.

When he completes the foundation building, losing more than 100 years of life is nothing.

It takes 16 Dao auras to ascend the vajra to the level of a master.At least until April next year to accumulate enough human aura, Gao Xian has no intention of practicing anymore.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming, he decided to rest for a few days.

Seeing that Gao Xian was free, Zhu Qiniang reminded: "Bai Yurong is your mistress, you should visit him a few years ago."

With the master gone, it is inconvenient for Gao Xian to get too close to his wife.However, visits are also required during the holidays.

Gao Xian nodded, he understood what Qiniang meant.Respecting the teacher is the first-class political correctness in this world.

There are two kinds of inheritance in this world, the inheritance of master and apprentice and the inheritance of blood.

The former inheritance model is the Zongmen sect, while the latter inheritance model is the aristocratic family.Of course, the two are often mixed together.

The master-student relationship and the blood relationship are the most important relationships in this world.

The so-called heaven and earth master relationship, generally speaking, the master-student relationship is higher than the blood relationship.

Because the cultivation talent cannot be passed on stably through blood.

For Jindan Daoist, the direct descendants after seven or eight generations are no different from other disciples.The blood relationship is not as stable as the master-student relationship.

Based on this situation, the real big sects are continued through the inheritance of master and apprentice.

Respecting the teacher and respecting the way has become the foundation of the sect.This includes the so-called magic cultivators.

Gao Xian prepared one hundred Tianguiling Pills and six Three-Turn Longevity Pills, and packed them in exquisite wooden boxes.

Zhu Qiniang reminded again: "I heard that Xu Lingyun is back, you have to be careful."

Qing Luoyu was too eye-catching, Gao Xian didn't want to cause trouble, he wore a bamboo hat and walked to the teacher's house under the light snow falling.

The gate of the Xu family was very calm, and no one swept the snow.

Gao Xian stepped forward to call the door, and an old porter came out from the side door. After asking Gao Xian's name, he walked slowly back to the yard.

This old man, with a deep breath, is actually in the middle stage of Qi training.And the spiritual orifice is stable, obviously the method of cultivation is quite superior.

There are too many qi practitioners in Lianyun City, so it is normal to come to see the door.Gao Xian was puzzled because Lao Menzi looked at some background, which was a bit weird.

After a while, the pretty Chunxiang hurried out, and she respectfully welcomed Gao Xian into the main room.

There was no one in the main room, Chunxiang served Gao Xian a cup of tea, she lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Master Gao, Madam is changing clothes in the backyard, please wait a moment."

Gao Xian smiled, not seeing each other for a year, this little maid has grown up, her complexion is fair and her figure is exquisite and undulating.She looks shy, but her brows and eyes are full of charming girly style.

He said casually: "It's okay, I'll wait for Mistress here. You can go and get busy..."

Chunxiang hesitated for a while, then bowed her head and left the main hall lightly.

Watching Chunxiang's slim back leave, Gao Xian showed a thoughtful look.Something is wrong, how did Chunxiang become so attractive?The breath flow is also obviously much more subtle...

At the same time, two women were talking in the main room in the backyard.

Bai Yurong, who was dressed in green, said to the woman beside her, "Gao Xian is here, I'll go and deal with it."

The woman next to Bai Yurong smiled charmingly: "Xiaoxian, good job. I just wanted to play with him..."

This woman was also dressed in Tsing Yi, and her appearance was exactly the same as Bai Yurong's.

The appearance, demeanor, and demeanor of the two are the same person, but the woman in Tsing Yi's eyebrows and eyes are all charming and enchanting, but her temperament is completely different from that of Bai Yurong.

Bai Yurong frowned slightly: "He's just a little Qi training, even if you pick him up, it won't do you any good. Why bother."

The woman looked at Bai Yurong with a half-smile, "Why, can't you bear it?"

She turned around and said disdainfully: "This kid has climbed a high branch, and he doesn't take you seriously. Why are you still worried about him?"

Bai Yurong shook her head slightly: "Gao Xian has changed a lot. The maiden mark I put on him before has somehow lost its effect. I thought he was smart, and I wanted to find a chance to recruit him. It's a pity..."

Gao Xian was good-looking when she was a child, and she was interested in this, forcing Xu Mingyuan to accept Gao Xian as a disciple.

She planted a maiden mark on Gao Xian, and through continuous infiltration and transformation, she could finally completely control Gao Xian.With this relationship, she is naturally close to Gao Xian.

As Gao Xian grew up, Xu Mingyuan was jealous of her close relationship with Gao Xian, so he sent Gao Xian to Feimaji.

There was nothing she could do about it. After all, Xu Mingyuan was a foundation-builder and a master of alchemy, so she really couldn't handle Xu Mingyuan.

After getting rid of Xu Mingyuan, Bai Yurong hurriedly called Gao Xian back.As a result, Gao Xian seemed to be a different person.He was very strange to her, and the maiden seal left on Gao Xian's soul also disappeared.

What made her most sad was that Gao Xian embraced Zhu Qiniang's thigh and became the face of this woman!
Bai Yurong was very disappointed with Gao Xian, she used Xu Lingyun to try, and the result disappointed her even more.Gao Xian was also wary of her and never came to her again.

She still doesn't really want to kill Gao Xian, after all, she has been together for many years and always has some affection.

She thought for a while and said, "Since it can't be used, it's okay to dispose of it. It's just that he and Zhu Qiniang got mixed up, so it's hard to explain if something happens to me."

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled lightly, "It's not that I'm killing him right now, I'm just draining his energy, and leaving the girl's Soul-Locking Needle.

"When Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang are fooling around, I will urge the girl to use the soul-locking needle to restrain Zhu Qiniang in one fell swoop..."

(Third-shift million words ask for a monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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