Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 160 Subduing demons and subduing demons

Chapter 160 Subduing demons and subduing demons
"Too dangerous."

Bai Yurong expressed strong opposition, "Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang's accident may involve us.

"We stay in Lianyunzong mainly to collect news for the sect. Don't cause trouble."

She said with some dissatisfaction: "At the beginning, you were greedy for Xu Mingyuan's cultivation, and he realized that it was wrong, so we had to kill him. Without Xu Mingyuan in charge, it is inconvenient to do anything here!"

The woman in Tsing Yi said nonchalantly: "Killing Xu Mingyuan, it will be much easier for us to do things. His savings over the years will also belong to us, so there is nothing wrong with it."

She turned around and said: "Zhu Qiniang and Xu Lingyun have deep conflicts. If something happened to Zhu Qiniang, others will only suspect Xu Lingyun of causing trouble, and they will never suspect you."

She said triumphantly: "Gao Xian is a very good poison bait. If you use Gao Xian to cast the girl's soul-locking needle, you will never miss it.

"As long as I restrain Zhu Qiniang, I can reverse the Xuanyin girl's method and absorb Zhu Qiniang's essence. If I use it well, it is enough for me to break through to the second floor of the foundation."

Bai Yurong looked suspicious: "If you want to be so powerful, why don't you drain Xu Lingyun's essence?"

"That's different. Xu Lingyun has cultivated for more than 100 years, and his spiritual consciousness has been condensed. The girl's soul-locking needle can kill him, but it is difficult to subdue him.

"Zhu Qiniang is training her body to build a foundation, and she has only built a foundation not long ago. Her spiritual consciousness is not strong but her energy is strong. It is the best goal."

The woman in Tsing Yi gently pinched Bai Yurong's tender cheeks, and she said with a smile: "Sister, it's normal for you to not understand the mysteries of the foundation-building level."

Bai Yurong looked a little ugly, but she had nothing to say.

Although she and Bai Yuzhen are twin sisters, their cultivation qualifications are somewhat different.

The key point is that Bai Yu was really willing to donate his body, and he absorbed countless men's essence with the method of the mysterious girl, and only then did he establish the foundation in one fell swoop.

She wasn't that thick-skinned, and she was trapped in Lianyun City, so naturally she couldn't build a foundation.

Now being ridiculed by Bai Yuzhen, she was powerless to refute.

Bai Yurong said helplessly: "If you want to do it, I won't stop you. It's just that you have done things properly. If you don't succeed, you will implicate me instead."

Gao Xian is no longer the Gao Xian of the past, she is very disappointed with the current Gao Xian, since her sister insists on doing so, she can only say that Gao Xian is destined to die like this. .

"My Xuanyin Soul-Locking Needle is so exquisite. If you plot against Zhu Qiniang secretly, you will never miss it."

Bai Yuzhen said proudly: "If something goes wrong, with the top-grade Lingxi sword bestowed by the ancestor, killing Zhu Qiniang will be easy."

Bai Yuzhen had full confidence in the Lingxi sword. This flying sword was originally a top-tier third-tier sword. It was said that it had already cultivated a sword spirit. However, the sword spirit was destroyed in a battle, and the flying sword fell to a lower level.

That's it, the Lingxi sword also maintains the sharpness of the third level, and even poses some threats to Jindan.This kind of sharp flying sword is the most restrained body training and foundation building that can only use brute force.

With this sword as his reliance, Bai Lingzhen didn't care about the ordinary foundation building stage at all, and he became more reckless and bold in doing things.

So she dared to pretend to be her younger sister to absorb Xu Mingyuan's essence.Xu Mingyuan found out that something was wrong, and instead killed his old life under the sword of Lingxi.

Xu Mingyuan was killed, how could she put Zhu Qiniang in her eyes.

Using Gao Xian to deal with Zhu Qiniang was not a whim on her mind, but she had already planned this.

She stayed here for the past few days because she wanted to wait for Gao Xian to come.

It would be fine if Zhu Qiniang came with her.Since Gao Xian came here by himself, how could such a good opportunity be missed.

Bai Yuzhen said to Bai Yurong: "You go to the side room at the back first, and I will use your room to do business. In half an hour, let Gao Xian become a puppet under my skirt."

Seeing that Bai Yurong still didn't want to leave, she smiled coquettishly and said, "Why, you want to try something new too? That's fine, I'll play with you when I finish it..."

Bai Yurong was shameless, she couldn't stand this, so she could only turn around and leave quickly.

When Bai Yurong's figure disappeared, Bai Yuzhen raised his voice and said, "Chunxiang, bring Gao Xian here."

Chunxiang outside couldn't hear what was said in the room, let alone the difference between Bai Yuzhen and Bai Yurong.For her, there is only one Master.

Chunxiang responded, and hurried to the front yard to find Gao Xian.

Gao Xian didn't think too much about it. Given the close relationship between him and his wife, it's normal to meet in the backyard.

Anyway, he is an upright gentleman, he will not think too much and will not do too much.

When Gao Xiancai entered the room, there was a gust of warm wind blowing towards his face, and in the warm wind was a scent like musk deer or orchid.

There is not only the top-grade incense from the three-legged ox-head incense burner, but also the faint body fragrance of the woman.

The furnishings in the room are rich and exquisite, and eight screens with eight female fairies are placed in the middle, dividing the room into two parts, inside and outside.

Behind the screen is a large and comfortable bed of pineapple wood.Through the screen, Gao Xian could only see a pair of snow-white jade feet protruding from the rug. .

Gao Xian stood outside the screen and hesitated, it would be too ambiguous to go in this situation, it is not suitable!

"Xiaoxian, come in quickly..." Bai Yurong's soft and sweet voice came from behind the screen.

Gao Xian thought for a while and turned around the screen.Perhaps it was warm in the room, so he saw his mistress wearing a thin breast-length lake green skirt with a gauze-like shawl outside, exposing a large snow-white chest.

A pair of snow-white calves were exposed under the loose skirt. Her two jade feet were casually put together, and the bright red toenails curled up and down, making the snow-white jade feet divided into layers at once, making the red more vivid and the white more tender.

Bai Yuzhen had a lazy demeanor, and there was a hint of charm between her eyebrows and eyes, and her whole person was full of mature and glamorous style.

She greeted Gao Xian with a smile: "Xiaoxian, you haven't seen me for a long time."

She glanced at Chunxiang as she spoke, and Chunxiang bowed and exited the room very cleverly.

Gao Xian offered two boxes of elixir after saluting respectfully, "This is the Tiangui Lingdan and Changsheng elixir refined by my disciples. Please taste it, my wife."

Bai Yuzhen casually opened the medicine box and took a look. She knew that Gao Xian could refine the longevity pill, but she had never seen the Tianguiling pill.

She picked up a Heavenly Guiling Pill casually, and with the scent of the medicine, she could probably see the efficacy of the Tianguiling Pill.

Gao Xian's eyes naturally fell on her bully Sai Xuehao's wrist, the other's wrist was pretty, but what he looked at was the platinum bracelet on the other's wrist.

The style of the platinum bracelet is simple and simple, but it doesn't quite fit this woman's temperament.

With sharp eyesight, he saw a rhinoceros-like pattern on the platinum bracelet.He also faintly felt a trace of sharpness circulating in the bracelet.

"Is this a flying sword?" Gao Xian thought to himself.

"Xiaoxian has a heart."

Bai Yuzhen was so focused on the Tian Gui Ling Dan, he didn't notice the change in Gao Xian's eyes.She patted her body softly: "Xiaoxian, come and sit down. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a good chat..."

Her attitude is casual and frivolous, but extremely natural, making it hard to refuse.

Gao Xian felt that this was too intimate and couldn't help hesitating.Bai Yuzhen pursed her lips and smiled lightly, "Why are you still seeing my wife?"

Seeing that Gao Xian still didn't move, Bai Yuzhen got down from the slump, she walked on tiptoe, as if she was afraid of the cold on the ground.

She was obviously a mature and beautiful young woman, but her posture was a little more charming and charming.

Bai Yu really took two steps to Gao Xian's side, she took Gao Xian's hand and returned to Ruanta, "You child is still cheating on me."

Gao Xian was not good at resisting, so he had no choice but to follow Bai Yuzhen into a soft collapse.

Bai Yuzhen saw Gao Xian sitting upright, she knelt and leaned in front of Gao Xian, gently stroking Gao Xian's cheek with one hand.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Xiaoxian is even more handsome."

She really wasn't flattering, before Gao Xian was handsome and unrestrained, but he couldn't help being frivolous.

This time, Gao Xian's facial features became more profound, and his star-like eyes became more serious, and his whole temperament suddenly became deeper.

Just like clouds and mists enveloping dangerous peaks, it is ethereal and steep.

Bai Yuzhen has met countless men, but this is the first time she has seen such a handsome and outstanding man, the more she looks at him, the more she likes him.

Her bright eyes gradually became intense and hot, and a blush appeared on her jade-like cheeks.

Maybe it was a little hot, a thin layer of sweat formed on her neck, and the faint body fragrance became strong.

Although Gao Xian claimed to be pure and pure, seeing this scene, he couldn't help his mouth dry and his heart burning.

Bai Yuzhen is not tall but has an excellent figure. Sitting there on her knees, her neck is long and her shoulders are narrow. The collarbone on her chest-length underskirt is exquisite, which sets off her very tall and straight chest, and her thin waist draws a round curve downward.

The key is that the presumptuous charm in her eyes can ignite people's hearts.

Gao Xian was a little nervous, who can withstand such a woman, without such a tester, he really can't stand the test!

Bai Yuzhen could see Gao Xian's nervousness, and her smile became more and more charming. This kid is quite innocent, and he still hasn't responded to such a seduction!
She doesn't care, let alone a man, even a woman, she can make the other party fascinated and unable to control herself by relying on the mysterious girl method.

"It's a bit hot in the room..."

Bai Yuzhen slapped Gao Xian lightly with her hand, and she glanced at Gao Xian again, "Xiao Xian, you are hot too, why don't you take off your coat?"

Just as Gao Xian was about to refuse, Bai Yuzhen had already approached Gao Xian with a smile, her warm red lips were almost touching Gao Xian's lips.

At such a close distance, it is really breathable.

He yelled in his heart: "The witch! The witch! This is trying to seduce me, destroy my righteous way, and tarnish my pure body...I have to hold back!"

Bai Yuzhen was also a little surprised, she had used the girl's fascination method, as an ordinary man, she would have been fascinated for a long time, and Gao Xian could barely maintain restraint, which is really not easy.

But men, how can there be no lust!
Bai Yuzhen stretched out her hand and inserted it along Gao Xian's collar. To her surprise, Gao Xian's skin was as smooth as jade muscles, but it was as solid as steel, with a strong sense of strength.

Gao Xian looked thin and thin, but she didn't expect her body to be so strong and powerful, which made her heart flutter.

Although this kid is only practicing Qi, such a strong body can also be very useful.What's more, he looks so good-looking!

Gao Xian was still encouraging himself in his heart, but this time he couldn't hold it anymore.He yelled in his heart: "Demon girl, you are looking for death yourself, watch me use the supreme righteous method to subdue demons and subdue demons!"

As soon as he came in, he realized that something was wrong with Bai Yu. Although this woman was exactly the same as Bai Yurong, her spiritual consciousness was obviously much stronger.

The smell of the two is even worse.

The master's perfect scent-smelling technique has reached an extremely high level for distinguishing smells.

Gao Xian could distinguish tens of millions of different smells if he wanted to.

Bai Yurong's smell was very different from this woman's.However, the woman in front of her can't see any traces of magic changes.

His body transformation technique is also perfect as a master, and he has an extremely keen observation ability for this kind of body shape change.

In addition, the smell of Bai Yurong still lingered in the room.Obviously Bai Yurong was here just now.

Judging from all the traces, this woman should be Bai Yurong's twin sisters.It's just that there is a seductive look in this woman's eyebrows and eyes, and her words and deeds have the power to confuse people's hearts.

Gao Xian couldn't figure out the details of this woman, but he could tell that she was a foundation cultivator, so he was really nervous.

The two sides are so close, he can respond as soon as he activates the magic woman.

It's one thing for him to take the initiative to strike first, but it's another thing to fight with the Foundation Establishment cultivator at such a close range.The difference between the two is too great.

After pestering for a while, the woman actually tried to sleep with him with a charm technique!Gao Xian weighed it up and accepted the move.

The other party is a cultivator who established the foundation, what can he use to fight with him, a master of Fengyue!Suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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