Chapter 195
Gao Xian defeated the two foundation-builder monks of Chi Yanzong in a row with a flame bomb.

While everyone was shocked by Gao Xian, they inevitably became a little more suspicious of Chi Yanzong.

Is this sect intentionally releasing water?Still really too weak!
Gao Xian just used a flame bomb, and they couldn't stop it?

Across the protective circle, most cultivators cannot perceive the true power of the flame bomb.

Most of them know this low-level spell, so they will inevitably have some doubts.

It's also human nature, they only believe what they believe.Once their common sense is violated, their first reaction is not to study and learn, but to refute.

The four sects had a mediocre relationship at first. Seeing Chi Yanzong's losing streak, apart from marveling at the power of Gao Xian's flame bombs, it was more of a mockery of Chi Yanzong.

"The Red Flame Sect's name is too good to be true!"

"What golden core seeds, waste seeds are almost..."

"Looking at the cows coaxing each other, I can't really do it..."

Huo Ye's senses are so keen that he can clearly hear what the other sect cultivators said.

He couldn't help frowning, a group of brats dare to mock him face to face? !
It's just that my family really doesn't live up to it, and it would be even more embarrassing if I lost my temper with a group of low-level cultivators.

Huo Ye instructed Huo Lianshan, "The outcome is up to you, don't hold back."

Huo Lianshan understood what the suzerain meant, he nodded vigorously, "I understand."

Seeing Huo Lianshan ascend Feixiantai, everyone's eyes widened.Many people are betting that Gao Xian will lose this time!
You must know that Huo Lianshan is in the late stage of foundation establishment, which means that he has three spiritual apertures, and his mana and consciousness are more than three times that of the early stage of foundation establishment.

The initial stage, middle stage, and late stage of foundation establishment are three major stages, and each stage has a huge gap in strength.

Therefore, many foundation-building monks live for more than 200 years, which is the initial stage of foundation-building.

Gao Xianneng swept Peng Wufeng in the middle stage of foundation establishment in the early stage of foundation establishment, which is already incredible.

Why did he win Huo Lianshan? !

Huo Lianshan, who appeared last, must have the means to deal with the flames.Therefore, Gao Xian will lose this battle.

This is also the opinion of the vast majority of cultivators present.

Of course Li Feihuang thought so too, but seeing Yun Qiushui's relaxed face, she felt that it was not that simple.

She asked, "Why, do you still think Gao Xian can win?"

Yun Qiushui saw Li Feihuang's little calculation, and he smiled slightly, "Do you want to bet, fellow daoist?"

Li Feihuang stopped talking. Just now she said something wrong and was ridiculed by Yun Qiushui, she was already very angry.

Since she was a child, she has never been angry like this.She admired Yun Qiushui at first, and felt that the two of them were well matched.

This time, she already hated Yun Qiushui, but this kid still had a playful smile on her face, which made her even more angry.

Yun Qiushui could see Li Feihuang's anger, he just felt that this woman was so boring and had no self-knowledge.

No matter in terms of cultivation, family background, talent, or even appearance, Li Feihuang is inferior to him in everything, why is he still putting on airs in front of him!

Li Feihuang stared at Gao Xian on Feixiantai, she wanted to see how long this person could last against the late stage foundation builder monks!
Huo Lianshan had already stepped onto the stage, he solemnly drew his sword and saluted: "Please."


Before Gao Xian could finish speaking, the Chiyang sword in Huo Lianshan's hand had already been cut off abruptly.

Huo Lianshan, who has practiced for 200 years, is already at the ninth floor of foundation building, one step away from Jindan.

Huo Lianshan is different from other Chiyanzong cultivators. He specializes in sword weapons and has superb swordsmanship.

The Chiyang Sword in his hand is a fragment of an ancient sword weapon. After reforging, this sword weapon is close to the third-order level.

When the Chiyang sword fell, it was like a round of Chiyang descending from the sky.

Even through the protective circle, many qi training monks watching the battle in the audience closed their eyes, and many of them screamed uneasily.

Many foundation-building monks closed their eyes. For them, the powerful sword light was not a threat, but the blazing sword intent contained in the sword light was very terrifying.

Yun Qiushui narrowed his eyes slightly, he has many kinds of secret arts to protect himself, and the Chiyang Sword poses no threat to him.

He was just a little worried about Gao Xian, Huo Lianshan raised his sword and went straight, not giving Gao Xian a chance to urge the flame bomb, this move is simple but very effective.

The flame bomb is too powerful, and Gao Xian can't use it at close range, it will hurt himself.

Moreover, Huo Lianshan's swordsmanship is really brilliant.It also fits with the Chiyang sword in his hand, and when he is controlling the sword, he really has a bit of Chiyang's power in the sky.

Yun Qiushui didn't expect Huo Lianshan to have such abilities, he also sighed in his heart, he really shouldn't underestimate the heroes of the world.

In the little Scarlet Flame Sect, there is such a warrior-like Foundation Establishment cultivator!

Gao Xian's situation is not good this time...

Li Chengfeng, Yun Taihao, and Xu Cheng, the three Jindan real people, also looked at it very seriously.

They were all a little surprised by Huo Lianshan's tyrannical swordsmanship.This person was mediocre 100 years ago, but after getting the Chiyang Sword, he seemed to be completely reborn.

On this little flying fairy platform, Huo Lianshan can cover all directions as long as he activates his sword intent, and Gao Xian has no room to hide.

If it was an open place, Gao Xian might not be afraid of Huo Lianshan with his exquisite escaping skills and flame bombs.

To the surprise of several Jindan masters, Gao Xian didn't dodge immediately, but drew his sword to meet Huolianshan.

The cyan blade and the red sun-like sword light collided, and the cyan blade fluctuated like waves in an instant.

Huo Lianshan felt that this sword was slashing on a raging river, but there was a rush of turbulent water on the seemingly calm river, which completely dispelled his fierce Chiyang sword intent.

Huo Lianshan was shocked, how could this kid's swordsmanship be so pure, even higher than him!
Li Chengfeng and Li Feihuang in the audience were even more shocked. This sword technique was clearly one of the calm and clear breeze sword techniques.

The Qingfeng swordsmanship was created by their patriarch, Qingfeng Zhenjun.

Because of its simple and easy-to-learn moves, this sword technique gradually spread.It's just the essence of the sword's intent, but it's the secret of the Qingfeng Sect.

Both Li Chengfeng and Li Feihuang had practiced Qingfeng swordsmanship, and their ancestors left the essence of the sword spirit, so their achievements in this swordsmanship were limited.

Unexpectedly, an outsider could comprehend the essence of swordsmanship with simple sword moves.

This made Li Chengfeng and Li Feihuang very uncomfortable.

Yun Qiushui was very excited. Of course he could see that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was as high as Huolianshan.

"There is talent in spells, and there is talent in swordsmanship! It's amazing..."

Yun Qiushui felt a little unbelievable, one must know that Huo Lianshan specialized in swordsmanship and has practiced swordsmanship for 200 years, yet he is not as good as Gao Xian, which shows how amazing Gao Xian's swordsmanship talent is!
Huo Lianshan also realized that something was wrong. If he couldn't beat Gao Xian in terms of swordsmanship, he could only win with strength.

The three spiritual orifices around him rotated together, and the fierce Chiyang Gang Qi was released suddenly through the Chiyang Sword.

Gao Xian draws his sword and retreats quickly, and a platinum light wheel appears behind him, and it continues to expand outwards.

In an instant, the platinum light wheel has expanded into dozens of light wheels, completely covering Gao Xian's figure.

When the Chiyang sword slashed down, the numerous platinum light wheels shattered, but Gao Xian had already retreated several feet away with the wheel of the universe.

The red light transformed from the nine flame bombs also blocked Huo Lianshan's pursuit route at the same time.

With a slash of Huo Lianshan's horizontal sword, a round of Chiyang had already cut through nine flame bombs.

Under the control of the powerful spiritual consciousness in the late stage of foundation establishment, the Chiyang Gang Qi is transformed into the Chiyang Sword Intent through the Chiyang Sword.

Although the flame bomb is strong, it is still incomparable with the late foundation establishment monk who is integrated with the body and sword.

The next moment, Huo Lianshan was already in front of Gao Xian with his sword.

Gao Xian Yujian and Huo Lianshan Youdou, his swordsmanship is not far from the master's perfection, and coupled with his strong body, in fact, he has an advantage in close combat.

It's just that it's not wise to show your strength in front of so many people.

Gao Xian used the Qinglian Sword to carry the Great Five Elements Sword Gang, which is not much different from Huo Lianshan's Chiyang Sword Intent, plus the Qiankun Wheel is exquisitely advanced and retreats like lightning.

Gao Xian fought when he wanted to fight, and retreated when he wanted to.Although Huo Lianshan tried his best, he couldn't do anything to Gao Xian.

The two of them have superb swordsmanship, and their swords and lights are intertwined when they fight together, and their figures are unpredictable.

Dozens of moves in such a fight, a cyan sword light broke through the red sword light in a flash, and pierced directly between Huo Lianshan's eyebrows.

Huo Lianshan was horrified, Gao Xian's sword suddenly became ten times faster, breaking through his Chiyang sword defense in an instant.

It was too late for him to retreat, he could only urge Chiyang Gang Qi to force Gao Xian to retreat.

After all, after more than 200 years of practice, the full-power explosion of Chiyang Gang Qi has condensed into a red golden light wheel.

The Qinglian Sword, which condenses the swords of the Great Five Elements, also has an indestructible sharpness.

Fast and fast, the most powerful move in Qingfeng swordsmanship.

Huo Lianshan urges Chiyang Gang Qi to be powerful, but he uses his sword to break his face and sharpen his strength, what can Huo Lianshan do to stop him!

As the sword edge passed, the golden light wheel suddenly broke, and scattered golden light flew all over the sky.

Gao Xian retreated with the dissipating golden light, he put his sword back into its sheath and bowed his hands to salute: "Accept."

Standing where he was, Huo Lianshan held the Chiyang Sword firmly, the red light in his eyes might be full of murderous intent.

He just lost, he was very unwilling.

Gao Xian stood with his sword in hand, his green clothes fluttering gently with the surging mana, his posture was leisurely and comfortable, and he didn't seem to care about Huo Lianshan, whose eyes were full of murderous intent.

Huo Lianshan was silent for a while before coming down from Feixiantai with a sword in hand.

Many practitioners in the audience were silent. The Qi practitioners didn't know why Huo Lianshan lost? !

The foundation-building monks were shocked by Gao Xian's bravery and tyranny, and were shocked by Gao Xian's peerless swordsmanship.

Huo Lianshan was still full of disbelief, which made everyone despise him.If Gao Xian hadn't stopped just now, he would have been sent to the west with a single strike of the sword!

Yun Qiushui said to Li Feihuang with a half-smile, "How is it, is my friend okay?"

Li Feihuang raised his slender eyebrows: "He's capable, but I'm not afraid of him either!"

Yun Qiushui couldn't help laughing, Li Feihuang's words seemed tough, but revealed a guilty conscience.

He comforted in a soft voice: "It's just a discussion of the law, and he can't do anything to you if you lose..."

 I didn't procrastinate on purpose, I really don't have the energy to write too much.Do your best to keep it updated~
(End of this chapter)

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