Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 196 4 Shots of Light

Chapter 196
"well done."

Yun Taihao seldom praises others, this time he has to praise Gao Xian from the bottom of his heart.

Gao Xian slightly lowered his eyes and bowed his head, expressing his respect for this Jindan real person, and also expressed a humble gesture.

Wang Chuan, Yuan Chongguang, and Yun Feiying all watched silently, and no one spoke.It's just that the three of them looked at Gao Xian with shock, doubt and awe in their eyes.

Especially Yuan Chongguang and Wang Chuan, who only heard that Gao Xian was powerful, but never saw it with their own eyes.

Today's battle scared Yuan Chongguang to the ground.He originally thought that everyone was in the early stage of foundation establishment, how big a gap could there be?
He never expected that in the early stage of foundation establishment, Huo Lingyun could completely abuse Yun Feiying, and Gao Xian could completely abuse Huo Lingyun.He is not as good as Yun Feiying...

Gao Xian wanted to kill him, just a few flame bombs!
Wang Chuan was more shocked than Yuan Chongguang. Huo Lianshan was a great monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, and his swordsmanship was much higher than him.

If he were to go up, Huo Lianshan would chop him down with the Chiyang Sword if he couldn't survive twenty moves.

There are two gaps between the early stage of foundation establishment and the late stage of foundation establishment, and there is a gap of several times in spiritual consciousness and mana.

In Wang Chuan's 200 years of life, he has never heard of the reverse cutting in the early stage of foundation establishment and the later stage of foundation establishment.

Today, he personally witnessed that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was better than Huo Lianshan's. The Great Five Elements Sword supported Qinglian Sword, and a single sword pierced through Huo Lianshan's bodyguard.

There is no conspiracy or gimmick in it, if I do it again, I am afraid that Huo Lianshan will still be killed by Gao Xian.

Wang Chuan sighed deeply in his heart. He deeply understood one thing. From today onwards, in Lianyunzong, only the suzerain can suppress Gao Xian, and no one else can!

At Nanpingsong's funeral last time, Zhu Qiniang spoke ill of them, which made the relationship between the two parties very stiff.

At first, Wang Chuan wanted to find an opportunity to handle these two people, but now that he thinks about it, he can't help but feel a little lucky, fortunately, he didn't do anything wrong.

Thinking of this, Wang Chuan forced a smile on his face, and he took the initiative to go to Gao Xian and congratulate him repeatedly.

Gao Xian understood what Wang Chuan meant, he didn't like this person very much, but there was no need to make things difficult for Wang Chuan.

He and Wang Chuan had a few polite words, and their attitude was quite gentle.

This made Wang Chuan feel relieved, and even a little flattered.Gao Xian is really magnanimous, regardless of past suspicions, he treats people generously, he is a good person...

But he turned around and felt that something was wrong, he was a bit too cheap, even if Gao Xian said something casually, he deserved his joy!
Wang Chuan's mood was a bit complicated, but it didn't affect his close relationship with Gao Xian.

Yuan Zhongguang also suddenly figured it out, and he also talked with him with a smile on his face, complimenting Gao Xian every now and then.

Yun Feiying stood silently by the side, seeing Wang Chuan and Yuan Chongguang flattering and flattering Fu low, she felt very uncomfortable.

These two faces changed too quickly!
Looking at Gao Xian again, he was still generous and cheerful, and he was quite polite to Wang Chuan and Yuan Chongguang, without any complacency.

Yun Feiying suddenly thought of the teacher's evaluation of Gao Xian. This person looks gentle, but his heart is sinister and deep.

She originally thought that the teacher was exaggerating a little bit, but today she realized that if Gao Xian hadn't been scheming, how could he not be surprised.

Gao Xian sensed Yun Feiying's gaze, but didn't care.At this moment, Yun Taihao is the only one in his eyes, it doesn't matter what other people think or do.

Both Wang Chuan and Yuan Chongguang are not very good at flattering, and after a few chats, they have nothing to say.

Fortunately, people from Qingfeng Sect and Shaoyang Sect came on stage at this time.

Four competitions, two-two duels, and finally determine the winner.The game rules are very simple.

This time, Zheng Hongdao, who was on the stage of Shaoyang Sect, is quite famous, and he is also regarded as the golden elixir seed by Shaoyang Sect.

The status is similar to Huo Lingyun, but not as high-profile as Huo Lingyun.

Daoist Zheng Hong has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tall figure, wearing a blue robe, calm eyes, and a simple and vigorous appearance.

The Qingfeng sect sent Li Feihuang to the stage. She was dressed in a red robe, she was extremely gorgeous, she wore a golden phoenix hair crown, coupled with her beautiful phoenix eyes and long eyebrows, she stood there with a breathtaking charm.

Li Feihuang and Zheng Hongdao stood together, like a queen and her guard with a knife.

"This Zheng Hongdao really looks like a seed of cultivation..."

Yun Qiushui came over at some point, he said with a smile.

Gao Xian nodded. Indeed, Zheng Hongdao felt more solid and stable.

In comparison, Li Feihuang was a bit too flashy and glamorous.With her foundation-building cultivation, such an atmosphere seems a bit exaggerated.

Yun Qiushui added: "However, talent is the most important thing in cultivating the Tao. Li Feihuang is a fire phoenix spirit body, and she is still a little volatile now. When she settles down to practice Taoism, her achievements will be much higher than Zheng Hongdao in the future..."

Gao Xian was a little surprised: "Fellow Daoist thinks highly of Li Feihuang."

"The fire phoenix spirit body, this is an extremely rare spiritual body for cultivation."

Yun Qiushui shook his head: "At the level of foundation building, maybe there is not much advantage. If she can condense the golden core, the worst is the third rank. If we want to get to this point, we don't know how much effort we will have to put in."

He said meaningfully: "Fellow Daoist, don't underestimate Li Feihuang..."

Gao Xian felt that Yun Qiushui seemed to be reminding something, but he didn't understand what he just said.This is also in line with his noble son's personality, what he said is too straightforward and boring!

On Feixiantai, Li Feihuang urged Fenghuozhenjing, and a huge cyan wind knife emerged out of thin air, spinning and slashing towards Zheng Hongdao.

The cyan wind knife is six feet long, and the crescent-shaped blade shines dazzlingly.

The humming and whistling sound when it was spinning showed how majestic and terrifying the mana condensed by this blue long knife.

"The Wind and Fire Sutra is the most suitable secret technique for the spirit body of the fire phoenix. The Gale Blade is more powerful in Li Feihuang's hands..."

Yun Qiushui used his spiritual sense to transmit a voice to Gao Xian, helping him explain Li Feihuang's spell.

Gao Xian didn't speak, he watched all the changes of Li Feihuang's spells carefully, and he could see more details through the continuous switching mode of the Appreciation Mirror.

He didn't know what the fire phoenix spirit body was, but he could see that Li Feihuang was running the wind and fire mana smoothly and freely, and he could naturally control the change of mana with one breath, which was indeed exquisite.

Li Feihuang controls the mana of wind and fire, just like a fish playing wantonly in the water.

Although his control of mana is exquisite, he swims like a master who is proficient in swimming.Compared with Li Feihuang, he lacks the natural agility.

It can make Yun Qiushui repeatedly emphasize that Li Feihuang is really extraordinary.

On the opposite side, Zheng Hongdao drew his sword to activate Shaoyang Gang Qi, and the Gaefeng Dao was shattered with one blow.

Li Feihuang squeezed the seal with his hand, and slashed at Zheng Hongdao with ten gale knives spinning.

Zheng Hongdao held his sword firmly. His sword skills are superb, and his sword weapon is also a second-tier top-grade sword.

Although the Liefeng Saber is sublime, it is formed by the condensation of mana after all, tangible and intangible.

Zheng Hongdao used the sword to break the void, and it was easy to break the Liefeng Dao.

The problem is that Li Feihuang is urging more and more gale knives, and in less than a few breaths, there are spinning and slashing gale knives everywhere on Feixiantai.

The low-pitched knives whistling repeatedly, seemed to be able to cut straight into the heart.

Most of the cultivators watching the battle in the audience were shocked.Such a mighty Gale Wind Knife is much more majestic than a bullet that can only burst into flames and flames.

Yun Qiushui said to Gao Xian: "Li Feihuang was stimulated by you, she is about to get angry. The wind blade of Gaefeng Dao is only the first level of change, and when it turns into the flame wind blade, its power will double. Zheng Hongdao can't stand it..."

Just as Yun Qiushui expected, a pair of cyan wind knives suddenly turned crimson.

The second change of Gaefeng Dao is displayed, which also makes Gaefeng Dao blazing and sharp.

It was very difficult for Zheng Hongdao to deal with it. When thousands of crimson gale knives exploded together, Zheng Hongdao was immediately blasted out of Feixiantai...

At the critical juncture, Zheng Hongdao's body flashed with golden light, dissolving all the gale knives gathered on his body.

Zheng Hongdao stabilized his figure in the air, and he simply bowed his hands to Li Feihuang: "Friend Daoist, I lost."

Li Feihuang nodded slightly as a response.Zheng Hongdao still has some skills to be able to catch her Gale Wind Knife without hurting her.

Of course, she only used five points of strength.

Next, Li Feihuang defeated a mid-stage foundation builder from Shaoyang Sect.

Li Feihuang, who won two games in a row, received more appreciation and gained many fans.

After all, this is the site of the Qingfeng Sect, and most of the cultivators belong to the Qingfeng Sect.

These low-level cultivators have also heard of Li Feihuang's name.Only when Li Feihuang took the stage did they have the courage to appreciate this beauty with confidence.

Seeing that the geniuses of this sect have defeated powerful enemies in a row, and they are so beautiful, these cultivators are naturally very excited.

Gao Xian is an outsider after all, no matter how powerful he is, it has nothing to do with them.

In the third scene, Xu Qingyuan from Shaoyang Sect appeared on the stage. This female monk in the late foundation establishment period looked amiable.

Xu Qingyuan and Li Feihuang fought each other, both of them seemed relatively restrained, and all kinds of spells were flying all over the sky, the scene was quite spectacular.

In fact, it is a fight between two people, which is equivalent to two people fighting street dance, but the Thai pants are useless... This is Gao Xian's opinion, he thinks this fight is quite funny!

Many cultivators in the audience stared in shock, their eyes widening.

Gao Xian lost interest after watching it for a while, and Xu Qingyuan was obviously letting go, the two must have discussed it.

Shaoyangzong probably didn't want to fight for the first place, so he gave Qingfengzong a favor.

Unlike Lianyunzong and Chiyanzong, they don't play tricks at all, just hard steel.

Sure enough, the two on stage fought for a while and stopped at the same time.

Xu Qingyuan praised Li Feihuang very much, and Li Feihuang also expressed respect to Xu Qingyuan and so on.

In the end, Xu Qingyuan said that the battle was a draw.She also publicly stated that she would give young people a chance, and this time, Shaoyang Sect withdrew from the discussion.

Many Qingfengzong practitioners in the audience were very excited. Li Feihuang and the famous Xu Qingyuan had a tie, which showed Li Feihuang's ability.

The crowd cheered loudly, it was very lively.

Standing on the Feixiantai, Li Feihuang had a calm expression on his face, but was quite happy in his heart.

Her emotions of being repeatedly beaten by Yun Qiushui were well comforted by the cheers of the crowd.

Li Feihuang turned his eyes to find Yun Qiushui, and also saw Gao Xian beside Yun Qiushui.

Compared with Yun Qiushui's bewitching beauty, Gao Xian's figure is taller and taller, with deeper eyebrows and facial features. He is dressed in elegant green clothes, standing next to Yun Qiushui in white clothes, he is less suave, but more solemn.

In terms of demeanor, he can be said to be on par with Yun Qiushui.

Li Feihuang thought it was a pity, but he was born as a casual cultivator, even if he had some talent, how far could he go on the road of cultivation?
She didn't hesitate anymore when she thought of this, she raised her voice to Gao Xian and said: "Fellow Daoist Gao's spells are superb, and his swordsmanship is superb. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask fellow Daoist for advice, and also ask Fellow Daoist for advice..."

As soon as this remark came out, all the cultivators in the audience couldn't help looking at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian smiled, the platinum halo behind him shone slightly, and he had floated to Feixiantai.

He clasped his fists and cupped his hands: "I've heard about the name of fellow Taoist for a long time, and I'm about to learn how to teach you. Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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