Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 197 Nanming Lihuo Divine Light

Chapter 197 Nanming Lihuo Divine Light
Regardless of whether Li Feihuang took the initiative to challenge or not, the battle between Gao Xian and Li Feihuang was inevitable.

It's just that Li Feihuang seized the opportunity and asked Gao Xian to take the stage by name. This kind of initiative and toughness can stimulate the emotions of other cultivators.

Feixiantai immediately became lively.

The cultivators of the Qingfeng Sect kept clamoring and shouting to cheer Li Feihuang up.

The cultivators of the other three sects also became excited.

Gao Xian just fought against three with one, and even reversed the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, showing his superb cultivation.

Li Feihuang also played one against three. Although the last match was a tie, he also showed his peerless talent.

Two geniuses fight against each other, but who wins or loses? !

For this point, even several Jindan real people can't explain clearly.

Although Gao Xian is powerful, Li Feihuang's fire phoenix spirit body is not fake either.The key is that the two did not display their full strength.

Yun Taihao is the most relaxed, it is good for Gao Xian to win, he can gain the right to speak in the alliance and gain great initiative.

If Gao Xian loses, he has to listen to him.

At least for the next 100 years, he has the confidence to control Gao Xian.Such a powerful foundation-building cultivator can play a great role.

If it weren't for Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui, Yun Taihao would never let Gao Xian go.

Li Chengfeng, the Patriarch of Qingfeng Sect, is not so relaxed. Li Feihuang is his direct descendant, and in his eyes, he is the seed of the future Nascent Soul.

Li Feihuang took the initiative to challenge Gao Xian without discussing it with him, which made him somewhat worried.

It's not that I'm worried about Li Feihuang's safety. With him by his side, plus Li Feihuang's secret treasures and tyrannical natal supernatural powers, his life will not be in danger.

He was worried that Li Feihuang would lose to Gao Xian, so his Taoism would be damaged, and he would never recover from it.

In the long history of monasticism, there are many such examples.There are some arrogant geniuses who just cannot stand setbacks.

He was also afraid that Li Feihuang would not be able to stand the excitement, so he would show all his supernatural powers.

You must know that their goal is to get the leader of the Qingyun Dharma Association, and there will be several very powerful geniuses participating in this Dharma Assembly.

It is too unwise to expose all supernatural powers and secret techniques at this time.

It's just that at this point, he can't stop it anymore.

On the long road of cultivating the Tao, no one can have smooth sailing.They have to go through countless setbacks and overcome obstacles to forge ahead bravely, so as to open up a road.

Xu Cheng, Sect Master of Shaoyang, asked with a smile: "Why, are you afraid that your Li Feihuang will lose?"

Xu Cheng was wearing a gray robe, with gray hair, and looked kindly, like an old man next door.

He and Li Chengfeng have known each other for more than 400 years, and they are really old friends.Compared with the serious Li Chengfeng, Xu Cheng has a more witty temper and likes to joke with his friends.

With his friendship with Li Chengfeng, there is no need to have any scruples when speaking.

Li Chengfeng and his old friend had nothing to hide. He said through sound transmission with his spiritual sense: "Gao Xian came from the bottom, and the city is deep. He has such a peerless talent, and he didn't show some ability until he established the foundation. Feihuang is too young and immature..."

In order to train Li Feihuang, Li Chengfeng spared no expense.

Since childhood, Li Feihuang has been praised by everyone around him, and has never suffered a disadvantage.

This kind of personality made Li Feihuang very confident, but it also made her a bit less courteous and stoic.

Xu Cheng shook his head: "You have to walk this road by yourself, you can't keep supporting her."

He didn't take Li Chengfeng's nervousness very seriously. Li Feihuang was talented, but he was cultivated to be as delicate as a flower. What's the point of that.

When the two Jindan real people communicated, the much-anticipated battle began.

Li Feihuang knew that Gao Xian's flame bombs were powerful and his swordsmanship was superb, so it would be even more disadvantageous for her to be close.

Without hesitation, she activated the Gale Wind Knife first, and in an instant, crescent-shaped cyan wind knives spun and shot, flying all over the sky.

Gao Xian knew Li Feihuang's calculation, so he unhurriedly fired the flame bomb.

He has worked hard on this spell, it's not just as simple as adding points!
In the Temple of Mind, he has done tens of thousands of tests on flame bombs and ice archery.No one in this world knows flame bombs and ice archery better than him.

Li Feihuang is the spirit body of the fire phoenix, without the supernatural power of the Temple of Mind, she can't know so much about her spells!

When the crescent-shaped wind knife roared, a flame bomb exploded in the space in front of Gao Xianzhang Xu.

A group of crimson flames swirled and charged in all directions, and dozens of gale knives were shattered under the impact of the flames.

Then one flame bomb after another exploded around Gao Xian, destroying all the gale knives that were slashing towards him from all directions.

Using spells against spells, although Gao Xian is a latecomer, he shows subtle control over the power of spells.

Destroyed the sharp Gale Blade with a violent flame bomb.

Regardless of whether they could understand it or not, many cultivators in the audience were shocked by the blazing and ferocious impact of magic spells.

Li Chengfeng would have figured it out now, but he was very calm.

But Xu Cheng couldn't help but praise: "I can use the flame bomb so skillfully, I feel ashamed of myself."

In terms of mana, he is much stronger than Gao Xian, but in the magic of flame bomb, Gao Xian has already reached perfection.It made even his Golden Core feel like an eye-opener.

Huo Ye of Chi Yanzong also sighed, he said to Huo Lianshan and Huo Lingyun: "You are not wronged..."

Huo Lianshan had an unconvinced expression on his face, no matter how powerful the flame bomb was, it would be the same, and he couldn't help him if he played well.

I only hate that he missed a move and was broken by Gao Xian's sword to protect his body.One more fight, Gao Xian may not be able to defeat him!

The two sides fighting on the stage have entered into a white heat, a real white heat.

The explosive flame bombs turned into blazing flames, completely covering the figures of the two.

Ordinary cultivators can only see the dazzling fire, but they don't know what happened inside.

Only foundation builders can sense the battle situation between the two sides through their spiritual sense.

Faced with a series of attacks from flame bombs, Li Feihuang urged Nanming Lihuo Shenguang, his natal supernatural power.

This is a ray of divine light born with her fire phoenix spirit body, which was transformed into Nanming Lihuo divine light during foundation establishment.

In fact, at this level, it can only be barely called Nanming Lihuogang Qi.It is still very, very far from the level of Shenguang.

The red-golden flames spread along Li Feihuang's body like water, forming a red-gold mask about a foot thick around her.

The extremely powerful Nanming Lihuo is as soft and stable as water.

Li Feihuang's black pupils also turned into red gold. At this moment, the hidden power of the red phoenix blood in her body was truly stimulated.

Two flame bombs shot out, and the two points of red light and the red gold mask instantly melted into a trace of flame light when they touched.

Gao Xian couldn't help but frowned slightly, it was the first time he had seen such a domineering spell, which forcibly melted and absorbed the power of the flame bomb spell.

It's very, very difficult to do that.

It's like a cannonball blasted past, and as a result, the cannonball melted directly, and it didn't even have time to explode.

"It's Nanming Lihuo Shenguang, or Nanming Lihuo Gang Qi...Nanming Lihuo is known as one of the top ten real fires, capable of melting all things and dharmas. She actually awakened this supernatural power, no wonder she is so arrogant! Hehe..."

Yun Qiushui's spiritual consciousness sounded in Gao Xian's ear, and Gao Xian knew what kind of spell Li Feihuang was using.

"Nanming Lihuo Shenguang sounds very imposing. His flame bomb is too stupid, why don't you change the name..."

Gao Xian was a little envious of Li Feihuang, the spells he learned were either common or not serious.

Nanming Lihuo Shenguang surpassed all his spells in terms of force just by virtue of his name.

Gao Xian tried to urge a few flame bombs again, this time he did not touch the opponent's protective body, the Chijin Gang Qi, and exploded a few feet away from the opponent.

Nanming Lihuoshen's light can swallow flame bombs, but it can't even swallow the burst of magic power, right? !
Facts have proved that Nanming Lihuo Shenguang is to restrain fire spells.Nanming Lihuo would absorb the impact of the burst of fire magic power.

Li Feihuang just stood still in such a leisurely manner, the red golden light around his body flowed like water, swallowing and absorbing all the flame bombs.

Many cultivators in the audience were shocked when they saw this scene.The cultivator of Qingfengzong shouted again with great excitement.

Zheng Hongdao, Yun Feiying, Yuan Chongguang and other young Foundation Establishment monks all looked ashamed.

Even Huo Lianshan, Xu Qingyuan, and Wang Chuan, the late foundation-building monks, all had solemn faces.

Gao Xian was already called an extraordinary genius, but was completely restrained by Li Feihuang's natal supernatural power.

At this moment, Zhu Qiniang frowned slightly, she knew that Gao Xian still had a lot of tricks.It's just that this Li Feihuang looks a bit contrived, I didn't expect the supernatural power to be so tyrannical!
Gao Xian is also considering what method to use to deal with Li Feihuang. The Qinglian Feihong Sword cannot be used, the Lingxi Sword is best not to be used, and the Vajra Pestle must not be used.

After much deliberation, the only option is to draw the sword and slash hard.

Of course, Ice Arrow can also be used. It is a bit embarrassing that Ice Arrow is restrained by Nanming Lihuo Shenguang, so the effect will definitely not be very good.

Gao Xian drew his sword and went straight. Driven by the Qiankun Wheel, he crossed a distance of several feet to Li Feihuang in an instant.

Qingbi's sword pierced through the air and stabbed straight at Li Feihuang.

A smug smile appeared on Li Feihuang's glamorous face, and she even saw her own bright smile in Gao Xian's star-like eyes, wrapped in the golden light, like a god-man!
"I'm so beautiful!"

Li Feihuang was very satisfied with her beauty, but after being hit by Yun Qiushui again and again, she began to doubt herself.

She didn't regain her confidence until she activated her natal supernatural powers.

Let Yun Qiushui see her ability, see her supernatural powers!
Li Feihuang had distracting thoughts one after another, but it didn't affect her fighting with the sword.

The red-golden sword in her hand slashed towards the Qinglian sword, and the light of Nanming Lihuo passed out along with the surging red phoenix sword.

When the two swords collided, the two turned their swords sideways at the same time to strike together with their swords.

Gathering on the sword body, the Great Five Elements Sword Gang and the Nanming Lihuo Divine Light were facing each other, and the Chijin Divine Light and the white Sword Gang erupted at the same time.

The red golden divine light suddenly flourished, submerging the white sword gang at once.

Gao Xian quickly retreated with the wheel of heaven and earth, avoiding the impact of the red golden light.When the momentum of Shenguang weakened a little, Gao Xian Yujian came back and raised his sword to strike again.

This time Gao Xian's sword was as fast as lightning, and his figure was like a streamer, and he circled Li Feihuang with swords.

Only then did Li Feihuang feel the great pressure, Gao Xian's sword was too fast, and the flying speed was too fast.

In the eyes of the cultivators in the audience, dozens of cyan Yujian figures were seen, and they were divided into different directions and drew their swords towards Li Feihuang at the same time.

Li Feihuang's swordsmanship was much worse. She had no choice but to urge Nanming to leave Huo Shenguang with all her strength.

Layers of red-gold divine lights kept surging up and down like tides, and every time the red-gold divine light shone, it would engulf a large cyan Yujian figure, but the cyan Yujian figure appeared and disappeared with time, seemingly endless.

The continuous bursts of pure golden light created a gap in the undulating waves.

A cyan sword light flicked along the gap, and the turbulent red-gold divine light was torn apart amidst the gentle sword chant, revealing Li Feihuang's glamorous face full of panic...

Gao Xian suddenly discovered the beauty of Li Feihuang, and a word naturally popped up in his heart: I feel sorry for him.

Sure enough, such a proud young lady has to peel off the tough shell to be interesting...

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(End of this chapter)

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