Chapter 217
The small courtyard is not big, with a radius of several feet.There are three main rooms, with wooden warehouses on both sides, which look rather simple.

Gao Xian didn't need the Flower Appreciation Mirror, he could see the situation of the courtyard clearly by standing at the door, and there was no aura of other practitioners inside.

Looking at the embarrassment on Zhou Ye's old face, Gao Xian was not in a good mood.

What's the matter, Yuling found a new owner after two years in a big city?

After several years of experience, Gao Xian's palace is getting deeper and deeper, and the matter has not been clarified yet, and his expression is still relatively natural and calm.It will not urge mana to scare the old man.

Daniu's face was not very good-looking, he knew that Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling were close, and had always been very supportive of the Zhou family.Seeing the guilty look of the old man, did he sell his daughter? !

When he looked at the old man, his eyes became a little more stern!
Wan Yingying looked curious: "Where did Uncle Zhou and sister Yuling go?"

The old man Zhou Ye laughed dryly: "Actually, it's nothing, Gao Xian, come in quickly, let's sit in the room..."

Gao Xian nodded and followed the old man into the main room.

The room is simply furnished, the door to the west is half open, and there are dozens of tanned animal skins on the huge table inside, as well as blood ink, pens and other items, which are obviously the place where the old man draws talismans.

The other room should be a bedroom, and the bed inside can be seen through the crack of the door.

Zhou Ye called Gao Xian and the others to sit down, and hurriedly made a pot of tea.Wan Yingying was very sensible, she first handed the little black cat to Daniel, and before Zhou Ye could do anything, she took the teapot and poured a cup of tea one by one.

The old man also showed a smile on his old face, and he sighed with some relief: "Yingying has also become a big girl."

When the Blood Evil Sect and the Seven Evil Sects attacked Pegasus at night, Wan Yingying escaped by chance and lived with the old man and Zhou Yuling.

Zhou Ye still has some affection for this little girl.Seeing the little girl take the initiative to take over the job of pouring tea, it also relieved him a lot of embarrassment, and he was very happy.

"Yes, Yingying is quite talented in cultivation, and her future is boundless..."

Gao Xian responded casually.

Wan Yingying chuckled softly: "Uncle Zhou saved my life, I will definitely repay Uncle Zhou when I have a future."

"Good boy..."

Zhou Ye chatted with Gao Xian for a few words and adjusted his emotions.

He said: "Yu Ling is fine, you don't have to worry."

Gao Xian didn't make a sound, silently waiting for the old man to explain.From his point of view, the old man might be confused, but someone as smart as Yuling wouldn't be confused.

It's just that Qingyun City is too big, there are dozens of Jindan real people, and there are too many foundation-building monks.Yuling is beautiful, and it's normal to encounter something.

Judging by Zhou Ye's expression, it seems that this is not the case.

"Yuling once went out and had a conflict with someone, and the two sides started fighting. Yuling severely injured the other party with the Shuiyue sword."

Zhou Ye paused when he said this, seeing Gao Xian's calm expression, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At the beginning, the little alchemist who was frightened by a little bit of evil spirit was really different now.

Sitting there calmly, his eyes are as bright as stars, and his eyes are concentrating. He really has the scale of a landslide and a landslide, but the color does not change.The old man felt a little guilty when he met Gao Xian like this.

Zhou Ye lamented Gao Xian's growth, and he was a little more careful with Gao Xian.

He said: "That battle happened to be witnessed by Master Xuanyue. The Shuiyue Sword is their lineage inheritance. Seeing Yuling's dexterity and compatibility with the Shuiyue Sword, he accepted Yuling as a disciple..."

Gao Xian nodded slightly. Since this Xuanyue is called a real person, he must be a third-order golden core.

The various titles in the world of cultivators are particular. Zhuji is called a monk, Jindan is called a real person, Yuanying is called a real monarch, Huashen is called a Taoist monarch, and Chunyang is called a Taoist priest.

These titles are just like his Section Chief, Division Chief, and Bureau Chief. They have clear and strict ranks, and they must not be called indiscriminately.

Zhou Ye was afraid that Gao Xian would misunderstand, so he hastily emphasized: "Xuanyue Daoist is Kunxiu, and all of them are also Kunxiu. They have quite a status in Qingyunzong.

"I didn't mention this matter in the biography because Master Xuanyue doesn't allow it to be spread outside. She also has a rule that her disciples must cut off their emotions and six desires. Even I can't visit, and Yuling is not allowed to contact the outside world..."

Gao Xian took a deep look at the old man, perhaps there was some inaccuracy in what he said, otherwise why would the old man be so guilty.

Presumably, Master Xuanyue explained the conditions earlier, and they agreed.Zhuan felt a little sorry for him again.

In fact, his feelings for Yuling are very simple. The lively and charming Yuling brought him many happy moments in Pegasus.

Compared with the resources and support he gave Yuling, it was all the generosity he had to spare, and it was not equivalent to these happiness.At least that's how he weighed it in his mind.

Yuling can have a better future, he is still very happy for Yuling.As for the harsh requirements of Master Xuanyue, he didn't care much.

He could understand that Zhou Yuling wanted to give up their relationship for the sake of Taoism.It's like asking him to choose between Dao Dao and Yu Ling. He may hesitate for a while, but no matter how he chooses, he will definitely choose Dao Dao in the end.

The love between men and women is just the scenery on the repair road.He has this awareness, and it is reasonable for Zhou Yuling to have this awareness.

Under this choice, there is no betrayal or debt.

However, he always wants to see Yuling and hear what she has to say.Don't add so much drama to yourself in your heart!

Zhou Ye saw that Gao Xian remained silent, his face was as deep as water, and there was no joy or anger.This kind of darkness made him even more uneasy.

Wan Yingying wanted to talk to ease the atmosphere, but seeing Gao Xian's appearance, she didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

After being silent for a while, Gao Xian said to Zhou Ye: "I will ask someone to ask about Yuling's matter. Don't worry about Uncle Zhou."

He turned around and said, "The house here is too small to accommodate so many people. Uncle Zhou has been here for two years and is more familiar with this place than us. Find us a place to settle down first..."

Zhou Ye breathed a sigh of relief, he hurriedly got up and said: "The northern city is full of direct descendants of the sect, and they must be guaranteed by someone to live in. The 42nd square in the eastern city, the best condition is Anshanfang.

"The residences inside are magnificent. Yunshui Building, Wanbao Building, Wan'an Hall, and Changle Building are all there. There are many foundation-building monks gathered here. They often meet in the teahouse to exchange ideas..."

"Alright, please ask Uncle Zhou to arrange it for us."

Gao Xian was not familiar with the place, so it was more convenient for Zhou Ye to handle these chores.

Besides, it is reasonable to support Zhou Ye with a lot of spiritual stone pills, so it is reasonable to use this old man.

Zhou Ye nodded again and again: "I'll make arrangements."

Gao Xian took Wan Yingying, Daniu, and Xiao Heimiao to the inn first, a large inn named Chang'an, and each person charged ten spirit stones per day for accommodation.

Both Daniel and Wan Yingying were taken aback by the price, and Wan Yingying whispered to Gao Xian: "Brother, Daniel and I can live with you."

She knew that Gao Xian was quite rich, but only ten spirit stones for one night, the price was too exaggerated.

Ordinary casual cultivators in Pegasus Ji can earn three to five spirit stones a month, and they have to go without food or drink for three months to stay here for one night.

Both Wan Yingying and Daniu grew up in Feimaji, and they are used to living a hard life, so they are reluctant to spend money.

Gao Xian also felt that the price was expensive, there must be cheap inns in Qingyun City.But now that he has money, there is no need to wrong himself for a few spirit stones.

He asked for three upper rooms, except for the little black cat.

After settling down, Gao Xian wrote a letter to Yun Qiushui.The other party said that they wanted to contact him when they came to Qing Yunzong.

Everything else is trivial, the key is the Qingyun Dharma Conference, only by contacting Yun Qiushui can we know the details.

This matter is related to his way of cultivating Taoism, and because of this he even offended Yun Taihao, so he must not take it lightly.

Gao Xian found a buddy and asked him to run errands to deliver the letter.

The address Yun Qiushui left was a medicine hall, so it was very convenient to send letters.The big inn is so expensive to charge, so it is also necessary to help run errands and deliver letters.

After dealing with this matter, Gao Xian stayed in the room and did not go out.Mainly waiting for Yun Qiushui, besides, he is not very interested in going out for fun.

Wan Yingying and Daniu couldn't resist the hustle and bustle of Qingyun City, so they went out with Zhou Ye.

According to Zhou Ye, the law and order in Qingyun City is very good, especially during the day, as long as they don't go deep into the Nancheng District, there will be no danger.

Gao Xian stayed in the room with his knees crossed and his eyes closed, quietly sensing the strong aura here.

There are millions of cultivators in Qingyun City, each of them exhales spiritual energy day and night, and the spiritual energy here is still so strong, which shows the prosperity of the spiritual energy here.

It is no wonder that Qingyun Sect is established here, and it is no wonder that Qingyun City can be so prosperous.

Gao Xian runs the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and the qi moves in one hundred and eight cycles, and the aura circulates in his body to infiltrate his body and soul little by little.

After several years of day and night practice, he has practiced the five elements to the level of a master.This also makes his Great Five Elements Gong run extremely smoothly, and can fully display the balanced characteristics of the five elements of the Great Five Elements Gong.

In an environment with sufficient aura, the five elements work more smoothly, and breathe out aura more easily.

However, Gao Qian clearly felt the limit of the Great Five Elements Kungfu. This place is so full of spiritual energy, but his efficiency of breathing out spiritual energy is almost the same as that of Lianyun City.

It can be seen that this is not a problem of spiritual energy, but the limitation of the five elements.

Nan Pingsong had reminded him a long time ago that the Great Five Elements Kung Fu is an ordinary skill that has been widely spread. Even if he can condense the golden elixir with this method, it must be a lower third-rank golden elixir.

Now it seems that, as Nanping Song said.The limit of the Great Five Elements Gong itself lies here.

The Great Five Elements Gong is like a broken car, no matter how skilled and exquisite his driving skills are, he will definitely be far behind by other good cars during the long distance.

Not to mention that some people directly fly a plane and ride a rocket, how can he compare it!

The Fengyue Baojian can optimize the secret technique of the law, but it needs a special opportunity, and it also needs the combination of the side magic and the five elements.

Now, it is no longer possible to add new spells to the back of the Fengyue Baojian, even if he finds the Huang Chi method that fits the five elements, it is useless.

Gao Xian also checked, it is very important to use what method to complete the foundation.

Although other methods can be modified after the foundation is established, they will definitely not fit well with the body and the light of the primordial spirit.

For him, modifying the exercises is the worst policy.The best way is to find the Five Elements Heqi method to improve the level of the Great Five Elements.

The last time I saw Yun Qiushui on Feixian Island, because I was surrounded by Jindan real people, and I was busy with martial arts competitions, so I didn't have time to ask about the Five Elements Heqi method.

Besides, it would seem too anxious to think about these things before getting started.

Gao Xian decided to ask Yun Qiushui for advice this time, because it involves the future of Taoism, it has a lot to do with it, and no hypocrisy can be tolerated.

In the evening, Zhou Ye came back with Daniel and Wan Yingying.

Daniu looked tired, obviously shopping was too tiring for him.Wan Yingying was also a little tired, but her bright eyes were full of excitement, obviously Qingyun City, a big place, made her very excited and happy...

Gao Xian asked Zhou Ye to find a good restaurant, and invited a few people to have a big meal, and they all left happily.

The next morning, Zhou Ye came again, and Wan Yingying was still excited to go with her.

Daniel didn't want to go at first, but he was a little worried about the old man and worried about Wan Yingying's safety, so he insisted on walking together.

Wan Yingying threw the little black cat to Gao Xian, and happily followed the old man and Daniel out.

Several people walked for more than half an hour and arrived at Anshanfang.

There are 160 nine squares in Qingyun City, and each square has high four-sided outer walls, which separate the squares.

These workshops are like independent small towns, with guards guarding the gates, and waist badges must be checked when entering the gates.Outsiders must register to enter.

Fang Ya was waiting for them outside the north gate, and when he saw Zhou Ye arrived, he went over to talk to the guards, and took Zhou Ye and the others into Anshanfang without registering.

The Fang Ya contacted by Zhou Ye was an intermediary specializing in real estate transactions.

Fang Ya is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a dark complexion, a green coat and a cap, and a shrewd expression.Seeing people smile before they speak, their gestures are warm and humble.

"Guys, the mansion of Daxiu Zhang we visited yesterday happened to be occupied today, let's go in and take a good look..."

Yesterday Fang Ya took Zhou Ye and the others around the door, and Wan Yingying thought the house was nice.

Enter the courtyard three times, open the gate opposite, and through the high blue brick wall, you can faintly see the high eaves and corners inside, which looks quite grand.

After going back, Wan Yingying also told Gao Xian, and Gao Xian asked them to come and see, if it was really good, they would rent it for a temporary stay.

Several people arrived at the gate, and sure enough, the side door opened, and an old porter-like man was cleaning the steps at the gate.

Fang Ya said in a low voice: "Cultivator Zhang Dongling was transferred outside for a higher promotion, so this house will be sold, you are also lucky..."

Zhou Ye smiled and responded with a few words, such as good luck, he heard too much and said too much, so he couldn't take it seriously.

Wan Yingying also curled her lips slightly, she is so smart, she doesn't care about such words.

Fang Ya went over and nodded and said a few words to the old concierge, and the old concierge led the crowd into the yard lukewarmly.

Several people entered the atrium under the guidance of the old concierge, and there happened to be a tall, middle-aged man in the yard. He was wearing a gorgeous dark blue robe, and he looked at the fish swimming in the big tank with his hands up and down, looking at ease.

A pergola is set up here in the atrium. The tall pergola blocks most of the scorching sun in July, and the remaining scattered sunlight falls on the yard, which makes the yard a bit clearer.

The old concierge saw the middle-aged man hastily salute, and Fang Ya also bowed deeply.

Zhou Ye and others also noticed that this is the owner of the house, Brother Zhang Dongling.He bowed his hands and saluted with an old face.

Wan Yingying was with Gao Xian and Qiniang every day, and she didn't have much respect for the Foundation Establishment cultivator. She looked curiously at Zhang Dongling, a serious old man, and she lost interest after seeing him.

But Zhang Dongling's eyes turned and fell on Wan Yingying's small face, a strange light flickered deep in his eyes, and his momentum was quite frightening.

Although Wan Yingying didn't know what Zhang Dongling was doing, she felt a little uneasy instinctively. She stepped back a few steps and got behind Daniel.

Zhou Ye also saw that something was wrong, he didn't want to cause trouble, and was about to leave with Wan Yingying, but Zhang Dongling said, "Whose family is this girl, I think she has a special physique, which is quite suitable for my family's practice."

He said and smiled at Wan Yingying: "Would you like to be my disciple?"

Zhang Dongling had a square face with thick eyebrows, and looked quite tough and majestic, but the corners of his mouth twitched, but there was no smile in his eyes.

No matter how Wan Yingying looked at this person, she felt uncomfortable. Before Zhou Ye could speak, she hurriedly said, "Thank you, I have a teacher."

Zhou Ye was afraid of offending the other party, so he apologized and said with a smile: "Senior, it is an honor for this child to be valued by you. It's just that this child has a teacher. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Dongling said calmly: "This child is destined for me, since we met, I must accept this apprentice."

Zhou Ye, Daniu, and Wan Yingying's complexions all changed, especially Wan Yingying's face turned white...

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(End of this chapter)

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