Chapter 218
Zhang Dongling has practiced for more than two hundred years, is proficient in different arts, and is extremely good at observing people's bones and souls.

When he saw a few house buyers coming in, he took a casual look, and finally saw the girl Wan Yingying.

Based on his experience, he could tell at a glance that the young girl's bones were pure and beautiful, and she was born with a unique body, which was extremely extraordinary.

Following him to activate the strange spell, sure enough, the girl's divine soul breath was mysterious and unpredictable, and she was clearly born with a body of cultivating Taoism.

In terms of aptitude, it is the first he has ever seen in his life.

Even Daoist Yun Qingxuan, who is hailed by the sect as a genius born once every 3000 years, is probably not as talented as this girl.

Of course, he didn't dare to observe Yun Qingxuan with different techniques, he just made this judgment based on his feeling.

Even if this girl has the same aptitude as Yun Qingxuan, it means that there are seven or eight out of ten she can achieve a golden elixir, or even a third-rank golden elixir.

For a big sect like Qingyun Sect, every golden elixir seed is very precious.Not to mention the opportunity to condense the seeds of the third-grade golden pill!
Just for this, the value of a young girl is inestimable.

Zhang Dongling dared to ask someone directly because he knew that the other party had no background!
This is easy to confirm. For those who can come here to buy a house first, Fang Ya has already investigated the background of the other party and notified him, the owner.

If he didn't know anything, he led someone into his house, so what if something happened!
A young Lianyun sect who established his foundation came to Qingyun city at this time, no doubt he wanted to win the championship at the Qingyun ceremony.

There is still money to buy a house, which proves that this young Zhu Ji still has some money.

Secondly, just looking at the flow of mana in Wan Yingying's body, it is clear that she has just condensed her Qi.The practice is also extremely common "Tai Yuan Qi Refining Jue".

"Taiyuan Qi Refining Jue" is a first-class method for laying the foundation, it is very suitable for beginners to practice.

However, if you really want a famous teacher, you will never waste time practicing "Tai Yuan Qi Refining Jue".

From this point, it can be seen that Wan Yingying has not been instructed by a master.

With these two, Zhang Dongling can be sure that Wan Yingying has no background and is just an ordinary girl.

Whether this kind of genius is gifted to others or dedicated to the sect, he can get extremely generous rewards.

As for the girl's own thoughts, it doesn't matter at all.In the future, she will know that this is a turning point in her destiny, and she will only have endless gratitude to him.

Zhang Dongling, as the deacon of the law enforcement court of Qingyun Zongfeng Department, is extremely powerful in Qingyun City.

He fell in love with Wan Yingying, but there was no need to grab her, it was too disrespectful, and there was no need for it.

Zhang Dongling said to Zhou Ye: "Go and call your Zhu Ji, I will talk to him."

He smiled at Wan Yingying: "Little girl, I accept you as a disciple today."

Wan Yingying was afraid and angry, she knew she shouldn't speak, but she couldn't help but said: "When my brother comes, I'll let you know how amazing it is!"

Zhang Dongling really laughed this time, "Okay, this little fellow Taoist from the Bianhuang Lianyun Sect dared to come to the Qingyun Dharma Conference, he must be capable. I'm about to see and see."

Hearing that Zhang Dongling was so confident, Wan Yingying felt guilty. She looked at Zhou Ye eagerly, hoping that the old man could think of a way.

Zhou Ye's old face was full of bitterness, and the other party was a Foundation Establishment cultivator.What's more, he knew the Law Enforcement Court badge on the opponent's belt, and he presumably was the deacon of the Law Enforcement Court.

Among the 24 courts of the eight divisions of the Qingyun sect, the enforcement court of the Fengbu actually handles miscellaneous affairs, and its status is not high.

However, the Law Enforcement Court, the Fire Department Patrol Court, and the Yamabe Guardian Court are jointly responsible for maintaining order in Qingyun City, and they have a huge influence on ordinary practitioners in Qingyun City.

Although Gao Xian was an extremely powerful foundation-builder, he definitely couldn't beat Zhang Dongling here.

If it was according to what Zhou Ye thought, he would have to give in and leave Wan Yingying behind.Wait for them to go back and discuss how to deal with it.

Facing Wanying's expectant little face, he was embarrassed to leave the girl alone.

This Zhang Dongling said he wants to recruit disciples, who knows what he is going to do? !

Zhou Ye thought for a while and said to Daniel, "Go back to Gao Xian and explain the matter clearly."

Although Daniu was simple and honest, he also knew that the situation was wrong, so he nodded vigorously, turned around and walked out of the gate quickly.

Daniel has been here twice, and the roads here are neat, so he clearly remembers the way back.

After leaving the gate of Anshanfang, Daniu used the Wind Control Technique and hurried back to Chang'an Inn. When he broke into the room, he found Gao Xianzheng talking to a white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was wearing a dark green pine-pattern robe, his bun was neatly combed, and not a single strand of hair was messed up.He stood there with his head lowered slightly, looking polite and respectful, but with a natural and peaceful expression, appearing extremely generous and decent.

Daniu didn't expect that there were outsiders in the room, so he was also startled, he looked at Gao Xian and hesitated to speak.

Although there is something urgent, but there are outsiders here, he doesn't know whether to say it or not.

Gao Xian nodded slightly to the white-haired old man: "Sorry, something happened to my people, please wait a moment."

The white-haired old man hurriedly bowed and nodded: "Please go ahead."

Gao Xian said to Daniel: "Hurry up, what's the matter?"

He has known Daniel for a long time, and he knows that Daniel is honest and down-to-earth, and if there is no urgent matter, he will not be so flustered.

Daniel hurriedly said: "Brother, there is a monk named Zhang Dongling who insists on accepting Yingying as a disciple, so he detained him and asked you to go and talk."

Gao Xian showed surprise, the other party wanted to accept Yingying as his disciple, could it be because he fell in love with Yingying's beauty?
To say that Yingying is also 14 years old, although she is still young, she is already glamorous, but it is normal for some people to look at her beauty.

He was apologetic and said to the white-haired old man: "Something happened suddenly, I will go to deal with it first. If your master arrives, please wait a moment. Or I will go to him later."

The white-haired old man understood this very well, and he respectfully said: "Mr. Gao just go about your business, and I will explain to the master."

"It's work."

Gao Xian said politely, he got up and walked out.

When Gao Xian came to the door, he stopped suddenly, and he asked casually: "If someone in Qingyun City kills me, I will kill him instead, shouldn't it violate the rules?"

The white-haired old man thought for a while and said, "It is forbidden to do anything in Qingyun City. Those who strike first break the rules, and Mr. Gao can deal with it as he pleases."


Gao Xian floated out of the room and went straight to Anshanfang with Daniel.

When we arrived at the north gate of Anshanfang, the middle-aged Fang Ya was waiting there just now, when he saw Daniel and Gao Xian approaching, he hurried up to greet him.

The middle-aged Fang Ya bowed his waist and showed a flattering smile: "Senior, I have something to say, and I mean it out of kindness, please don't take offense."

Gao Xian had already guessed what the other party was going to say by looking at this person, he flicked his sleeves: "Don't talk nonsense."

The middle-aged Fang Ya refused to give up. He bravely stretched out his hand to stop Gao Xian, saying: "Senior, big monk Zhang Dongling is the deacon of the law enforcement court. He has been in Qingyun City for many years. It doesn't matter how advanced he is, but his connections are very important. Very deep.

"Why do you have to embarrass him because of a little girl. Besides, Deacon Zhang also took a fancy to the girl's aptitude, and he has good intentions."

Gao Xian didn't speak, but just took a deep look at the middle-aged man.His deep gaze made the middle-aged man's heart tighten suddenly, and he couldn't speak the following words.

Gao Xian ignored this philistine man, he took Daniel to register and entered Anshan Fang.

The middle-aged man could actually ask the guards at the gate to stop Gao Xian, but he hesitated again and again and finally did not dare.

Putting great efforts to please Zhang Dongling, the other party may not appreciate it, but he will offend this young foundation-builder to death.

There are thousands of ways for a foundation-building cultivator to want his life, and there is no need to do it directly.

The middle-aged man couldn't help being curious again, and bravely followed.

Under the rattan trellis in the Zhang family's courtyard, besides Zhang Dongling, two Foundation Establishment cultivators came, one Zheng Ting and the other Shui Yurong. They were both friends of Zhang Dongling.

Today I came to the banquet by appointment to see off Zhang Dongling.

Unexpectedly, when this happened, Zheng Ting and Shui Yurong looked at Wan Yingying curiously, but they didn't see anything special.

Shui Yurong said with a smile: "I didn't see anything else, but this little girl is very beautiful. Don't you think about marrying a concubine?"

Shui Yurong looks like she is in her 30s, and she wears a Hulanru skirt-style robe. She is quite glamorous. Her cheekbones are a bit high, and her face is a bit tough.But when she spoke, her eyes rolled, and she was full of mature style, which was very attractive.

Zhang Dongling shook his head and waved his hands: "Fellow Daoist, don't be joking, I am not that kind of person. This girl has extraordinary bones, she has been cultivated carefully, and she will be able to achieve something in the future."

Shui Yurong smiled and said nothing, acting like I don't know what kind of virtue you men are.

Zheng Ting said with a smile: "Brother Zhang is good at the secret art of observing people, so he can't be wrong when he says that."

He turned to Wan Yingying who was not far away and said: "Little girl, my brother Zhang is a deacon of the Law Enforcement Court. He is a high-ranking deacon in terms of status. Now he has been transferred to Waifang to be in charge of the life and death of a hundred thousand monks on his own.

"In terms of cultivation, he is a great cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, he is the true biography of Lian Tianfeng, and he cultivates the Taoist orthodox method, which is sublime. It is the greatest luck in your life that you can worship Brother Zhang as your teacher!"

Zheng Ting has an ordinary appearance, wearing a dark yellow cloud-patterned robe, looks like he is in his 30s, has three long beards, and speaks with a slightly accented tone, obviously relying on his status, so he looks condescending.

Wan Yingying saw that the three foundation-building monks were not pleasing to the eye, but she also knew that fighting against the foundation-building monks was asking for trouble, so she just curled her lips and didn't respond.

Zheng Ting, however, was a little displeased. He explained to her earnestly as a dignified foundation-builder monk, but the girl looked disdainful.

If you say she is thirteen or fourteen years old, how can she be so rude!But I don't know who taught it!

Zheng Ting relied on his status, and because of Zhang Dongling's bad face, he was fussing over Wan Yingying.

He smiled at Zhang Dongling: "This kid is indeed a bit naughty, Brother Zhang will have to train him well in the future."

Zhang Dongling nodded: "It's true that few people have raised her, it's okay, I will discipline her well, and I can't let her lose the face of our Lian Tianfeng..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Daniel leading a man in Tsing Yi into the yard.

The man in Tsing Yi is plump and handsome, with a noble demeanor.Especially those pair of bright eyes, shining like stars.

Zhang Dongling, Zheng Ting, and Shui Yurong, the three Foundation Establishment cultivators, met this person's eyes, and their hearts instinctively tensed up.

The three of them were shocked, where did this character come from, to have such an extraordinary demeanor!

Especially Zhang Dongling, he knew that this person was from Lian Yunzong.He was quite puzzled, how could there be such an outstanding person in the small frontier sect? !
Gao Xian bowed his hands to the three of them, "Gao Xian has met three fellow Taoists."

Wan Yingying was very happy to see Gao Xian coming, she hurriedly ran to Gao Xian and softly called "Brother", then said aggrievedly: "These people don't know what's wrong, they insist on making me his apprentice. I won't do it!"

Gao Xian touched Wan Yingying's head, "Don't worry, no one can force you if you don't want to."

The faces of the three of Zhang Dongling changed slightly, Gao Xian's words sounded so harsh!
Shui Yurong originally saw Gao Xian as extremely handsome, and she admired him a little bit in her heart.But Gao Xian made it clear that he didn't take the three of them seriously.

She sneered: "Fellow Daoist Gao, let me tell you the truth, Fellow Daoist Dongling's falling in love with this little girl is a blessing that you can't ask for in three lifetimes!
"Little girl is young and ignorant, you have built a foundation no matter what, you should know what is good or bad!"

Gao Xian smiled, and he said unhurriedly: "We appreciate the kindness of the three of you. As for the apprenticeship, if the child is not willing, he can't force it."

Before Gao Xian finished speaking, Shui Yurong said forcefully: "So what if we insist!"

(End of this chapter)

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