Chapter 229
Taizhen Idol can directly enhance spiritual consciousness and directly strengthen Sister Lan. Gao Xian has always listed Taizhen Idol as the most important secret technique.

80 points of human aura, just enough to raise Taizhen Idol to the master level.

Based on Gao Xian's experience, spells and secrets will be significantly enhanced when they reach the expert level, and there will be a qualitative change when they reach the master level.

The master level will undergo another qualitative change.When the master is consummated, he will push the secret art to the peak and know all the changes.

Raising Taizhen Idol to the master level, there may be surprises.

It's just that 80 yuan is invested in Taizhen God, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

His spiritual consciousness is actually very strong, not much worse than Shui Yuying.

In order to deal with the puja, upgrading the thunder lightning method can directly increase the combat power.

Including Ice and Fire 36 Heavens and Yin-Yang Baolun, they can make him more calm in battle and display more changes.

Especially the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, which can directly increase the power of Xuanbing Arrows and Flame Bombs.

After weighing it up, Gao Xian decided not to upgrade Taizhen Idol yet.This method consumes too much human aura.

The aura of 80 people can be used in other secret techniques, which can make him improve in all aspects.

Especially the thunder and lightning method, its power is second only to Taizhen God.It is also his fundamental secret method.

Gao Xian no longer hesitated after thinking of this, and invested 48 Dao auras in the Thunder Lightning Method, raising this method from the proficient level to the master level.

A tiny trace of electric light emerges from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and the electric light rapidly divides and expands, one is divided into hundreds, one hundred is divided into ten thousand, ten thousand is divided into billions...

Hundreds of millions of electric lights spread along Gao Xian's body, penetrated into his veins, muscles, and internal organs, and built an extremely complex three-dimensional electric-optical network with his body as the core.

From soul to body, lightning shrouded him layer by layer.

After such a long time, the billions of lightning lights gradually dissipated.

Gao Xian opened his eyes, there were still traces of light left by the electric light in the depth of his eyes.

He stretched out the middle finger of his left index finger and pointed forward, a thread of electric light shot out from the fingertip like a needle glow, the electric light stretched several feet away and curled into a circle, then turned into a long whip of electric light and flew across.

Under the control of divine consciousness, a ray of electric light changes randomly in the air, appearing extremely agile.

The master-level electric halo is no longer limited to a ring shape, and can be turned into a long whip, but the effect of the electric halo has not changed, and it still has no direct lethality.

Enemies hit by the electric halo will be paralyzed and soft, and the mana and consciousness in the body will quickly pour out.

Insufficient lethality, but has super control ability.

If the electric halo is cast inward, it can greatly enhance Gao Xian's speed.And it can be well integrated with the universe wheel.

Gao Xian tried the thunder cannon again, and then his consciousness turned, and a ball of thunder light formed in his palm instantly and shot out like a cannonball.

The thunder cannon at the master level is almost instantaneous, and the flying speed is faster, comparable to the sun bullet.

Lightning spells are very fast, but the lightning spells in this world must be condensed with the magic power of the thunder system, and they must be controlled by spiritual consciousness when they are cast. The speed of casting spells is limited by spiritual consciousness, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the speed of light.

Especially the thunder cannon, the thunder light is condensed like a cannonball, and when it is launched, it continuously absorbs the spiritual energy in the air and transforms it into the power of thunder, and the speed will not be too fast.

The flying speed of the Fierce Sun Bullet is already extremely fast, far superior to ordinary second-order spells, and even comparable to second-order flying swords.

The upgraded Thunder Cannon is more powerful by converging the power of thunder, and the firing speed is faster, and the consumption of mana has been reduced by [-]%.

The thunder cannon fired by Gao Xian continued to absorb spiritual energy while flying in the air, and it turned into a ball of blazing thunder the size of a basketball in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the blazing lightning cannon was about to hit the wall, the lightning suddenly dissipated silently.

The Thunder Lightning Technique has reached the level of a master, and Gao Xian can freely control the Thunder Cannon, gathering and dispersing freely.

In the battle with the four-armed monster monkey, Gao Xian tested the power of the thunder cannon, which was a certain threat to the four-armed monster monkey.

The thunder cannon at the master level can be called the strongest attack spell he has mastered, and its power far exceeds that of Lieyang Bullet and Black Ice Arrow.

Compared with active attack spells such as thunder cannon and electric halo, Gao Xian actually paid more attention to the addition of thunder and lightning to the body's spiritual consciousness.

Just now, when the Thunder Lightning Technique was upgraded, an electric light training was carried out on his body and mind.

Gao Xian feels that now the consciousness is obviously more transparent and pure, and it runs more smoothly and quickly.Including his body, it immediately responded as his mind turned, and the reaction speed increased by at least [-]%.

According to his understanding, this time the thunderbolt method strengthened his body and expanded the network for his consciousness to transmit signals.

It is equivalent to upgrading 4G to 5G, the network signal transmission is faster and more stable, and the strengthened body can also respond synchronously.

In order to test these changes, Gao Xian directly triggered the Qiankun Wheel.

The faint platinum halo rotated, propelling Gao Xian to accelerate forward suddenly.

The retreat room left by Zhang Dongling is located about two feet underground, with a radius of no more than ten feet. The four walls are made of bluestone, and the center is poured with copper juice. Some stones containing spiritual energy are also used to bless the runes.

This quiet room is extremely strong and exquisitely designed, the air circulates quickly and has the effect of gathering aura.

The only problem is that it is not too big, the speed of the Qiankun wheel that Gao Xian pushes is three hundred feet per breath.

He was no more than ten feet away from the wall, converted to the unit he was familiar with, and he would hit the wall within one hundredth of a second.

Before doing it differently, Gao Xian would definitely not be able to react.

Now he can easily control the steering of the Qiankun wheel, and after turning around in the quiet room, he returns to its original position precisely.

If there is a qi practitioner in the room, he will only feel a blur in front of his eyes, and he will not be able to see anything else.

If it is a foundation cultivator, you will see a series of phantoms left by Gao Xian.

Gao Xian urged the electric halo to bless the Qiankun wheel again, and his speed suddenly doubled. He could still fly freely in the narrow room.

Such terrifying high speed allowed him to grasp the initiative to enter and retreat the battlefield at will.

If you want to fight, you can fight, and if you want to leave, you can leave.In battle, it can roam around at high speed to ensure its own safety to the greatest extent.

As long as he doesn't touch the suppression of the golden core level of consciousness, or some magic weapon, spiritual weapon, or some kind of formation that can control a wide range of space, he can come and go freely with his high speed.

For the remaining 32 people, Gao Xian thought about it and added 36 to the Ice and Fire 24th Heaven, raising this method to the expert level.

The most direct effect of the improvement of the Ice Fire Nine Layers is that the Xuanbingjian and Lieyang Bullet are simultaneously upgraded, from the entry level to the proficient level.

Xuanbingjian and Lieyang Bullet cannot be upgraded directly. It takes at least 30 years to upgrade to the proficient level by increasing the proficiency a little bit every day.

By adding points, it is equivalent to saving 30 years of penance time.This promotion is so cool.

Fengyue Baojian can directly add points to the back spells, but cannot directly add points to the front spells.

The Xuanbingjian Lieyang Bullet is also incomparably compatible with the 36 days of ice and fire, and this can be added in disguise.

With the remaining 8 Dao Lingguang, Gao Xian added [-] to the Yin-Yang Treasure Wheel, raising this method to the expert level.

The Qiankun Wheel was then promoted to the full level of a master, only one step away from the level of a master.

Gao Xianzhi entered the Temple of Mind, and tested the upgraded Lieyang Bullet, Ice Archery and Qiankun Wheel.

The power of Lieyang Bullet and Xuanbing Arrow has increased by more than [-]%, and it consumes less mana.

This improvement is very considerable.

You must know that with the blessing of Ice Fire 36, he can instantly trigger 72 rounds of Lieyang bullets or Xuanbing arrows. It is not too strong to increase the power of a spell by 72%, and [-] rounds will increase the power by [-]%. This is enough to cause a qualitative change in power.

The speed of the Qiankun wheel has not increased much, but under the blessing of the electric halo, the speed of the Qiankun wheel has reached a high speed of [-] feet per breath.

At this extreme high speed, it is difficult for Gao Xian to control it satisfactorily.But it is enough to escape.

After Gao Xian upgraded all the secret techniques, he felt that his strength had improved a lot.

Facing Xing Shan again, he should be able to defeat the opponent in the face to face.

It's a pity that the Shadowless Dharma Clothes, Clone Technique, and Vajra Pestle have all reached the master's perfection, but they don't know how to break through.

Especially the vajra, if it can break through the limit, it should make his physical body go a step further.

His ultimate move is Qinglian Feihong Sword, if he wants to kill a strong enemy, he must fight in close quarters.

Being close is full of danger, and a strong physical body can guarantee his safety to the greatest extent.

Unfortunately, the vajra is the secret of the Dragon Elephant Palace.

The Dragon Elephant Palace is very far away from here, and it may be difficult to obtain this kind of secret law inheritance.

Gao Xian couldn't help feeling a little regretful, if the vajra can continue to be upgraded and added points, it is possible to raise the physical body to the golden elixir level.

Even if it consumes a lot of life energy, it is worth it.

After the upgrade, the strength increased greatly, but there was no one to try the sword.

Having nothing to do, Gao Xian had a sudden inspiration, and drew a book "Dream of Huang Liang".

He had changed his figure and sold those two albums under the name of Liu Sanbian, but the results were not very good.

It may be that Qingyun City cultivators have a little higher appreciation and taste, and don't like such direct and rude things.

Different platforms, different audiences, and different content forms.

Just as Douyin audiences look down on Kuaishou, Bilibili users also look down on Douyin.

The core content of this "Huang Liang Meng Ji" remains unchanged, and it is nothing more than Fengyue.It's just that the form of expression is more elegant, and the allusion of Huangliang Yimeng has raised the level of the story.

The story of Gao Xian's Huangliang Dream has also been revised, saying that the cultivator dreamed and entered the Butterfly Fairyland, met many butterfly beauties, and all kinds of lingering love.

In the end, the protagonist Zhuang Sheng wakes up from his dream, and all the love and affection dissipate. Zhuang Sheng is disappointed, and he doesn't know whether he is dreaming of the Butterfly Fairy, or the Butterfly Fairy is dreaming of himself...

In the end, Gao Xian also embezzled Li Shangyin's famous poem.

A few days later, Yun Qiushui came to visit.

As soon as he entered the door, Yun Qiushui said with a smile all over his face: "Brother Gao, there is great news. The Patriarch has taken a fancy to Wan Yingying and wants to accept him as a personal disciple!"


Gao Xian was both surprised and delighted, although he was looking forward to this, and this matter really came true, but there was a sense of unreality like falling into a dream.

Yun Qiushui was also full of envy: "That's the true disciple of the patriarch. In terms of seniority, I have to call him uncle. Hundreds of years later, she may be in charge of the sect!"

"This is really surprising..."

Gao Xian was very emotional, no one could have imagined that Wan Yingying's fate would undergo tremendous changes here.

He asked, "Can I go and see Yingying?"

Yun Qiushui said: "I am here this time on the orders of my patriarch, please go up to the mountain to talk. After all, you are Yingying's only elder, and Yingying's apprenticeship, there must always be an elder watching the ceremony."

He also warned: "This matter is of great importance, fellow daoist, remember to keep it secret. If the news leaks out, it will be very detrimental to her."

A future Nascent Soul seed will inevitably attract malice from all parties.

Especially the suzerains of the nearby roads, no one wants the neighbors to become too strong!
Gao Xian understood this reason well, he nodded and said: "It's natural, I know the seriousness."

"Let's go."

After Yun Qiushui took Gao Xian into the car, Gao Xian handed "Huang Liang Meng Ji" to Yun Qiushui, "It's a game, Brother Yun, help me take a look..."

Yun Qiushui took it casually, and saw the words Liu Sanbian written on the cover.

He was stunned and couldn't help laughing, "Brother Gao is actually Liu Sanbian. His drawing books are quite popular recently. Although the story is simple, the artist is unique and very beautiful..."

The super realistic style of painting has now led the trend, and all kinds of picture books are imitating and plagiarizing.

When Yun Qiushui first saw this painting, he thought it was exquisite and realistic, but the painting style was too direct and lacked any connotation.Tired of watching it a few times.

He flipped through "Huang Liang Meng Ji" casually, and the short story was still fragrant and beautiful, but it was a little more ethereal and Zen-like.

Especially the last poem with the title is even more sublime.

He recited softly: "There are tears in the moon and pearls in the sea, and smoke in the sun in Lantian. This feeling can be remembered, but at that time I was at a loss..."

Yun Qiushui patted his thigh and praised sincerely: "Good poems, good poems, brother Gao is a great talent!"

(On the last day of the month, brothers ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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