Chapter 230 Gifts
"Brother Yun has won the prize..."

Gao Xian is also very proud of "The Dream of Huangliang". This story combines Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly and Huang Liang's dream. The story is simple but has multiple layers.

Those who like beautiful women can see the fragrance and excitement, and those who go further can see the fantasy and beauty of the butterfly fairy, and the next level can see that life is like a dream, and the next level can see the life of dreams, and the next level Can see the difference between form and spirit...

Yun Qiushui said in admiration: "This book is vulgar for the vulgar, elegant for the elegant, high for the tall, and its writing is like a mirror, which can see the heart of the reader.

"This poem is lingering and delicate, as bright as a brocade, as gorgeous as a beautiful jade, and its sense of melancholy shows the impermanence of life..."

Yun Qiushui turned around and exposed the picture, saying: "The only problem with this book is that the paintings are too direct and too detailed, and there is really no artistic conception at all."

Gao Xian explained: "Everyone likes to hear this, most people don't need to think about life, it's not that they don't have this wisdom, it's just that life is too bitter, and they don't want to touch it again and again.

"If you have sugar, eat sugar, if you have fun, enjoy yourself, that's all..."

Yun Qiushui showed deep thought, he was silent for a while and said: "Brother Gao has compassion in his heart, and he can see the suffering of all beings, which is far behind me."

"I dare not take it. I am just in it, so I have some feelings."

Gao Xian said again: "But some people are just fools without brains, but it doesn't matter whether they are suffering or not."

Yun Qiushui was deeply touched by this, he laughed and agreed: "It is true!"

When the two talked about speculation, they couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, they were irresistible in their hearts, and they felt a sense of confidant.

The carriage arrived at the Jade Mirror Palace first, and Yun Qiushui led Gao Xian to find Yun Qingxuan directly.

"Sister, this is a short story written by brother Gao, you can read it." Yun Qiushui gave "The Dream of Huang Liang" to Yun Qingxuan like a treasure.

Although Gao Xian has a thick skin, this will inevitably be a bit embarrassing.In order to sell well, he drew a lot of fragrant and hot illustrations in it.

Yun Qiushui is a man, and he indulges casually on weekdays, so it's no problem to read this kind of book.

Showing this to Yun Qingxuan, who is as cold as a fairy, is as embarrassing as watching little Huang Wen being caught by a female teacher on the spot!Yes, it's that embarrassing.

Fortunately, Gao Xian is not an ordinary person. He has done all the things that killed the female monk who established the foundation, and he can still look normal on his embarrassing face.

Yun Qingxuan is not an ordinary person either, she quietly flipped through "A Dream of Yellow Liang", not moved by those glaring illustrations, on the contrary she read it with some seriousness.

For a novel with tens of thousands of words, if you don’t look at the illustrations, it doesn’t take much time.

Not to mention that Jindan Daoist has sharp eyesight, can read ten lines at a glance, and has read the entire book in a short time.

Yun Qingxuan closed the book and said softly: "Good article."

As far as she is concerned, the story of Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly's life in the article has several layers of meaning, which is very delicate.

Many classics tell various big principles, but it is not as thorough as Gao Xian's little story.

In the end, the poem is very good, but the layout is a bit small, and the writing is gorgeous and delicate.

As for the illustrations, there is not much to say.Kitsch.

Yun Qingxuan said to Gao Xian: "Fellow Daoist has outstanding literary talents, and his wonderful ideas are refreshing. I admire you."

Gao Xian bowed his hand and humbly, he didn't expect Yun Qingxuan to appear to appreciate the book very much.

What surprised him even more was that Yun Qingxuan actually put away "Huang Liang Meng Ji".

She said: "I'm going to visit the Patriarch, this book is just a gift."

Yun Qingxuan looked at Gao Xian again: "Fellow Daoist, do you have any objections?"

Gao Xian could only smile: "It's my honor to present it to Zhenjun."

"Let's go, there is still a long way to go to Qingxiao Peak, don't be too late..."

As Yun Qingxuan spoke, he flicked his sleeves, and a mass of pale white light gushed out of nowhere, turning into a white cloud umbrella over the heads of the three of them.

The cloud umbrella lifted Yun Qingxuan, Yun Qiushui, and Gao Xian into the sky while gently rotating. As the cloud umbrella continued to rise, the speed became faster and faster.

Gao Xian knew that this spell was called cloud umbrella, and it was a spell specialized in flying.

Being in it, he felt that a stable space was naturally formed within the range of the cloud light umbrella, and people could stand firmly in it.

The high-altitude cold wind, stellar qi, strong light, chaotic aura, etc. are all blocked by the cloud umbrella.

Umbrella-shaped cloud light slowly rotated above their heads, and there were streaks of spiritual light flowing among the faint clouds.

Flying with a cloud light umbrella, it is difficult to speed up, but it is more stable, and the flying posture is calm and elegant.

The Yunguang Umbrella controlled by Yun Qingxuan is not slow, almost a hundred feet per breath.

Converted to a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour, the speed is much faster than that of the high-speed rail.

There is no reference object in the vast sky, and the cloud light umbrellas flow slowly, which makes people feel slow.

After flying for half an hour, Yun Qingxuan brought Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui to the top of a mountain.

Gao Xian could see from a distance that there was a Taoist-style building on the top of the peak, but it looked like it was two steps forward and backward, and the scale was not large.

The walls of the Taoist temple are made of blue bricks and the roof is made of gray tiles, which looks quite simple.He didn't expect Yuanying Zhenjun Yun Zaitian to live here.

When I arrived at the gate of the Taoist temple, I saw the three characters "Xuanming Temple" written on the horizontal plaque in front of the gate.

There is still some moss growing on the bluestone steps in front of the door, and the wooden door is also quite dilapidated, the vermilion paint on it has been mottled and whitened, revealing the true color of the wood.

Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui straightened the Fa-rectification crown naturally, and tidied up the neckline and skirts.

Gao Xian followed suit and did it again.

Regardless of whether the bun is loose or the clothes are wrinkled, the ritual is an expression of respect.

After tidying up, Yun Qingxuan stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly. After a while, the door opened, and a handsome Taoist boy in Tsing Yi, aged twelve or thirteen, came out.

Taoist boy in Qingyi respected Jishou and saluted: "Uncle Master, Patriarch is waiting for you..."

Under the guidance of the Taoist boy in Qingyi, several people came to the main hall of the Taoist temple. Gao Xian saw Wan Yingying in apricot yellow Taoist uniform at a glance.

The statue enshrined in front of the main hall looks like a Taoist wearing a fishtail crown. Wan Yingying is sitting on the futon under the statue, trying her best to put on a serious look on her small face.

It's just that her pair of beautiful big eyes are always looking around, which makes her appear more lively.

Sitting opposite Wan Yingying was a white-haired Taoist priest with a pale face, three long beards, a blue hibiscus crown on his head, and a blue Taoist robe.

The white-haired Taoist sits quietly with his eyes closed, and naturally has a quiet and empty atmosphere.

Both Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui saluted from a distance: "The disciple pays homage to the Patriarch."

Gao Xian followed Jishou to salute, but did not speak.

The white-haired Taoist slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as clear as water, with the indifference and peace of a Taoist.

He smiled slightly and raised his hand to signal: "Come in."

Yun Qiuping talks a lot in daily life, and in front of his patriarch Yun Zaitian, he restrains his unrestrained madness, and behaves like a humble gentleman in every word and deed.

Yun Qingxuan was still as cold and indifferent as ever, after she saluted, she took out "The Dream of Yellow Liang Liang" and handed it to the white-haired Taoist Yun Zaitian with both hands.

"Patriarch, this is a short story written by Fellow Daoist Gao, which is quite interesting."

"Oh, let me see."

Yun Zaitian took the book with great interest, and he immediately greeted Gao Xian: "Little friend Gao, come here and sit here."

Gao Xian glanced at Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui who were standing with their hands tied. They were both standing, and he didn't sit very well.

He declined and said, "In front of Zhenjun, there is no seat for me."

Yun Zaitian smiled lightly: "It's okay, today you are Yingying's parent, but you are different from Qingxuan and the others. Sit down."

Yun Zaitian was approachable and approachable, and he didn't have any strong aura, just like an ordinary Taoist.

Gao Xian didn't know why, so he naturally had to follow the other party's words.

He also scolded himself in his heart, his legs will be weak if he can't see Yuanying Zhenjun, we have to show a chic and calm demeanor, and focus on being neither humble nor overbearing.

The cloud spanned two thousand springs and autumns in the sky.Not to mention anything else, just such a cultivator who has undergone long years of training is worthy of respect.

Respecting the old and loving the young is also a beautiful tradition of his previous life, and here we must maintain our style, so that Zhenjun Yuanying can also see the high quality of our modern people!
Gao Xian didn't back down any more, and respectfully sat down at the head of Yun Zai Tianxia.

Wan Yingying, who was sitting opposite Yun Zaitian, looked straight at Gao Xian, her big eyes were full of joy, but she didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Gao Xian nodded to Wan Yingying. He hadn't seen her for more than ten days. Although the girl changed into a Taoist robe, she was still so lively and didn't change much.

It can be seen that Yun Zaitian treats Wan Yingying well, otherwise she would not be so relaxed.

Yun Zaitian said: "There is still a little time, I will read Xiaoyou's works first."

The [-]-year-old Nascent Soul True Monarch picked up "Huang Liang Meng Ji" and flipped through it.

Yun Zaitian didn't read very fast, he flipped through the pages page by page, and he read it quite seriously like that.

When Gao Xian thought of those revealing illustrations he drew, which were carefully studied by the [-]-year-old Yuanying Zhenjun, he felt even more embarrassed.

This kind of embarrassment is equivalent to writing a love letter to your first love, and after being caught by the teacher, let him read it aloud in front of the whole class...

Wan Yingying next to her stared curiously. She never knew that Gao Xian could write books, but the teacher seemed to write very well.

Gao Xian stared at Wan Yingying, this is not something she can see!
Wan Yingying didn't understand why, she pouted a little bit aggrieved, wondering why Gao Xian attacked her!
Yun Zaitian turned to the last page, and he nodded lightly: "Little friend is very talented, I have never seen such an interesting story since I am already well. The paintings are also good, unique..."

He casually put "Huang Liang Meng Ji" into his sleeve, and turned to the serious business: "Yingying is very talented, lively personality, and I quite hit it off, I plan to accept her as a personal student, you are her elder, what do you think?" ?”

Gao Xian hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed his head: "It's Yingying's blessing to be favored by the True Monarch. I'm very happy for her. It's all up to the True Monarch to decide."

Yun Zaitian nodded, he was just asking out of politeness, Gao Xian had no reason to object.

He said: "Yingying formally apprentices today, as Yingying's elder, you just happen to watch the ceremony."

Yun Zaitian stood up while speaking, he waved to Wan Yingying, and Wan Yingying walked over obediently.

"It's very simple in my department. I bow to my ancestors, bow to my teacher, and swear that I will never betray the sect..."

Under the guidance of Yun Zaitian, Wan Yingying burned incense and kowtowed to the statue of the patriarch, and then prostrated to Yun Zaitian three times and nine times, and then swore an oath in front of the statue of the patriarch under the witness of Yun Zaitian.

The whole process was simple and solemn, and Gao Xian even faintly felt that the enshrined god came alive, and he was calmly examining the kneeling disciples at his feet.

Gao Xian could feel the sacred and solemn atmosphere in the hall, and he could feel the pure power that had been honed over a long period of time, before which he was as insignificant as an ant.

He was shocked in his heart, and suddenly realized that the invisible force had penetrated his protection at some point and infiltrated his soul.

Yun Zaitian didn't target him, let alone do it intentionally, he just followed the ancient solemn ceremony, and his power was naturally projected.This is the peerless supernatural power that Zhenjun Yuanying has accumulated over 2000 years!
Gao Xian was also very happy for Wan Yingying. This girl's parents died early, and today she can worship under the Yuanying Zhenjun's family. The future is truly boundless in the future!
One must know that Yun Qingxuan's talent is not Yun Zaitian's direct disciple, so one can imagine the importance of this direct disciple!

After the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, Yun Zaitian also seemed very happy, "Over the past 2000 years, I have accepted eight direct disciples, and you are the ninth. This Heavenly Escape Ring will give you self-defense."

Yun Zaitian took out a silver ring with spiritual light, and put it on Wan Yingying as a hair ring with his own hands.

Wan Yingying didn't know what kind of magic weapon the Heavenly Dunning Ring was. Anyway, what the teacher gave should be a good thing, so she thanked her happily.

Gao Xian also couldn't tell the depth of the Heavenly Escape Ring, from his point of view, it was at least a Tier [-] spiritual weapon!

He sighed in his heart, Yuanying Zhenjun is rich and powerful.After tossing and tossing for so long, he didn't even have a third-order spiritual weapon in his hand.

After thinking about it, the other party is the majestic Yuanying Zhenjun, who has lived for 2000 years and has accumulated a lot of wealth. He also controls the Qingyun Sect and rules tens of thousands of practitioners.

The same is true for Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan. Although they are young, they rely on the Qingyun Sect, have a sophisticated and rigorous practice system, and have various matching pills, magic weapons, and spiritual objects.

They have gathered the power of a huge sect to have such cultivation.

Although he has the trick of Fengyue Baojian, he has only accumulated it for a few years, how can he compare with Yuanying Zhenjun, how can he compare with Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan.

Gao Xian was very envious of Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan at first, but now he can figure out the joints, and he immediately regained his balance.

Wan Yingying got something good and wanted to share it with Gao Xian.But the apprenticeship gift given by the teacher obviously cannot be given away.

She turned her bright eyes and grabbed the sleeves of the white-haired old man coquettishly: "Teacher, my brother has come to watch the ceremony. You are a majestic Yuanying Zhenjun, you must give me a meeting gift..."

Gao Xian couldn't help but glanced at Wan Yingying, and said in his heart, good girl, brother didn't love you for nothing!

Yun Zaitian couldn't help but laugh: "Yingying is young, but she knows how to be respectful. This little friend is here to watch the ceremony, and it's the first time we meet, so we need to give a meeting gift."

He pondered for a while and said: "Little friend, I think the Lingxi flying sword in your left hand is of good quality, but it's hard to exert its power because of its lost spirituality.

"I just happen to have a piece of raising sword jade, so I will give it to you. I think it can always increase the power of this Lingxi sword..."

Gao Xian asks himself that he has a noble character, he can be said to be indifferent to fame and wealth and does not love money, but he dare not resign from the gift of the elders!
To refuse a gift from a Nascent Soul True Monarch is not only impolite, but also reckless!

He immediately bowed and cupped his hands: "Thank you Zhenjun, the brat is ashamed to accept it."

Yun Zaitian smiled, he admired Gao Xian's straightforward manner.It's nice not to be pretentious if you want to, a smart guy!
On the other hand, Yun Qiushui showed joy, the gift itself is not too important to be rewarded by the patriarch, what is important is the admiration of the patriarch for Gao Xian.

If something really happens in the future, revealing the name of the patriarch is enough to deter the young people in the sect!
No matter how presumptuous Shui Yuying is, she dare not show any disrespect to the Patriarch!

Even if Gao Xian missed at the Qingyun Dharma Assembly, with the care of the patriarch, it is not difficult to become a true disciple.

Yun Qiushui feels that he has gained a lot this time, and is really happy for his good friend...

(The first update in August, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~)

 The age of Zhenjun Yuanying was wrongly written earlier, please correct it~
(End of this chapter)

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