Chapter 285
Yun Qingxuan has always thought that Gao Xian is a very interesting person, full of talent, and his ideas are always different from ordinary people.

For her, this is the most valuable part of Gao Xian.

She was really surprised that Gao Xian could let Shui Yuying suffer.

After all, this kind of contest requires relatively high cultivation and secret techniques.Shui Yuying is also a golden elixir after all, but was surrendered by Gao Xian.

This thing is quite absurd to say, it is unbelievable.

Yun Qingxuan believed in Gao Xian, not to say that he believed in his character, but believed in his wisdom, and would not lie to her about this kind of matter.

She also understood Gao Xian's purpose in doing this.

Cleaning up Shui Yuying was a pleasure, but it was no small matter to form a deep hatred with the Shui family.

It would be troublesome if Gao Xian kept it secret and she didn't know anything when the Shui family made trouble.

Yun Qingxuan thought for a while and said: "Shui Yuying bullied others, this matter can't be left alone, I'll go to the Shui family for comment."


Gao Xian was startled at first, but he immediately understood Yun Qingxuan's intention.

The Shui family is at fault for Master Jin Dan's dealing with him as a foundation builder.

With this reason, Yun Qingxuan helped him to interrogate the Shui family, how could the Shui family still say that Shui Yuying had suffered a loss, and when the news spread, people laughed out loud.

Even if they said that Shui Yuying suffered a loss, who would believe it.

Obviously taking advantage of it, but want to pre-emptively strike and make the other party suffer.

Gao Xian couldn't help but look at Yun Qingxuan with admiration, this little woman looks like an ascetic literary artist, she didn't expect to be so sharp in her actions.

Well, it looks more reliable than Yun Qiushui.

Yun Qiushui worked so hard to do so many things, so he chopped Shui Yuying with a sword, which can be said to be painless.

"Thank you, brother." Gao Xian sincerely thanked.

If Yun Qingxuan didn't care, he could only go to Yun Changfeng.He didn't like the head of the Yun family very much.

The main reason is that this person is a little too smart and has too many calculations.He still likes to hang out with less intelligent people.

With the Yun family in the foreground, at least the Shui family will not mess around, and will not take their anger out on the people around him.

Zhou Ye, for example, would not die inexplicably just because he went out to drink.

As for Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang, Gao Xian is not too worried.They are all people with masters, and it is not that easy for Shui Yuying to touch them.

Now Shui Yuying's situation is very bad, and she doesn't have the energy to take revenge on them for a while.

With Yun Qingxuan coming forward, this possibility was eliminated even more.

We are all smart people, and no one should play tricks or tricks.After everything has been said clearly, if the other party is still messing around, then he really doesn't take the Yun family seriously.

That's why he hugged his thigh.

With him alone, no matter how he can fight, it will be difficult to deter a family.

Taking the boat of the Yun family can save countless troubles.

"Brother is brilliant." Gao Xian praised sincerely.

Yun Qingxuan said calmly: "This is how it should be handled."

Gao Xian was also relieved, if Yun Qingxuan came forward, if the other party wanted to take revenge, that would hit Yun Qingxuan in the face.

No matter how angry Shui Yuying was, she didn't have the courage.

After the matter was finished, Gao Xian immediately stood up and said goodbye.He knew Yun Qingxuan's temperament and didn't like chatting, let alone being lively.

On this point, Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui are completely opposite.

Yun Qingxuan got up and sent Gao Xian to the outside of the pavilion. She thought for a while and reminded Gao Xian: "At this stage, you need to absorb the essence of the Five Elements. The Five Elements Cave of the Liuhe Sect is very suitable for you."

Gao Xian asked: "Can Liuhe Sect's Five Elements Cave Heaven be borrowed casually?"

"Of course there are limits."

Yun Qingxuan explained: "According to the rules, anyone holding a Shenxiao Token is eligible to enter the Five Elements Cave. It's just to help Liuhezong do something, which is considered a reward."

She added: "Liuhe Sect doesn't dare to embarrass the true biography of Shenxiao, you just go. Just be careful of the Shui family..."

"I understand. Thank you for your guidance, senior brother." Gao Xian thanked him with his hands.

Back at Xuandu Peak, Gao Xian and Daniel explained, and went directly to the quiet room for retreat.

The Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method has become Sister Lan's spell, and she needs to practice with Sister Lan to absorb essence to truly digest and absorb it.

The abundant essence obtained from Shui Yuying actually consumes a lot of energy when converted.

If it could be transformed one by one, then the Hehuan Sect would have been invincible long ago.

The normal method of dual cultivation is to proceed step by step, so that you can make the best use of everything.

The rougher the method used, the lower the efficiency of obtaining essence.

Fortunately, there is the Five Elements Alignment Method, which has improved the efficiency of the double cultivation of him and Sister Lan, and the change of the positive and negative cycle of the five elements has further improved the level of double cultivation.

The absorbed essence is ground, filtered, and purified in the positive and negative five-element cycle, and finally turned into pure essence to be absorbed by Gao Xian.

There are three stages of foundation building, refining the essence, refining the qi, and refining the spirit.

The level of Qi refining in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment is not the same as that of Qi training practitioners.

This qi refining is actually tempering and polishing the aura, continuously purifying mana, and finally igniting a natal aura in the lower dantian qi aperture.

The level of refinement in the early stage of foundation building, the test is the foundation of the body.In the middle stage of foundation building, you need to be patient and slowly refine your Qi.

At this stage, the secret method of refining qi is very important, and you need to have enough aura.

Generally speaking, it takes at least ten or eight years to polish in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Geniuses like Yun Qingxuan who formed elixirs in their early 20s are very rare and cannot be measured by common sense.

May, June, July, August, September.

Gao Xian transformed the essence every day, and it took him five months to purify and absorb all the essence.With the support of these essences, he also broke through two levels in a row, from the fourth floor of the foundation building to the sixth floor of the foundation building in one fell swoop.

At this point, the Great Five Elements Kungfu and the Five Elements Heqi are more harmonious, and the positive and negative five element cycles have formed a stable structure.

The improvement of cultivation has led to the all-round improvement of spiritual consciousness, magic power and other aspects.

Lifespan has also increased by 40 years, reaching 560 years.

According to the records of the Great Five Elements, normal practice would not have such a good effect.

Gao Xian guessed that it was Shui Yuying's essence transformation that made him increase his lifespan so much.

The consumption of practicing the Great Vajra has been made up for.

Of course, without the consumption of the Great Vajra, the lifespan would not have increased so much.

The reason is simple, the larger the base, the more difficult it is to improve.

With so many lifetimes, it is enough to raise the Great Vajra one more time.

Gao Xian just thought about it this way, and didn't dare to add more randomly.It is easy to consume lifespan, but it is very difficult to increase lifespan.

If possible, he still wanted to buy the pill from the Dragon Elephant Palace.Spending money is better than wasting life.

At the sixth floor of Foundation Establishment, it is only one line away from the later stage of Foundation Establishment.

At this time, you should not be anxious. You must carefully polish your magic power, continuously purify it, and naturally ignite the natal aura of your Dantian Qi orifices.

According to what Yun Qingxuan said, now he should go to the Five Elements Cave to polish his cultivation and purify the magic power of the Five Elements.

During this period of time, Gao Xian practiced cultivation and did not delay his daily work such as alchemy, teaching, and writing.

After retreating for several years, even Jindan Taoist seldom do this.

Generally speaking, practitioners will choose long-term retreat only when they hit the bottleneck of their cultivation.

Practice is more accumulated over time, Gao Xian practiced for six or seven hours a day, which can be called extremely hard work.

Normally speaking, you need to be relaxed and relaxed while practicing. It does not mean that the longer you practice, the better.

Gao Xian also has the strong support of Shui Yuying, which can support him to practice hard for several months.

The past few months have been quiet, with no movement in the Shui family.This also allowed Gao Xianneng to practice with peace of mind.

He guessed that Shui Yuying couldn't swallow this breath, but she could only bear it now.

It's a pity that this woman didn't have the guts to come to him again.

In September, the autumn is high and the air is crisp. The mountain is full of bright red peach blossoms on Xuandu Peak, facing the cold autumn wind, blooming in full bloom, and it is beautiful alone among the mountains.

This kind of scenery can be said to be more beautiful than any other peak.

Gao Xian stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back to admire the flowers. After staying here for several years, he really liked the enchanting peach blossoms on Xuandu Peak.

There is a Xuandu Courtyard on Xuandu Peak, a wooden building with a simple and quiet style.

Against the backdrop of these charming peach blossoms, the simple and quiet Xuandu Courtyard has a unique charm.

No one has ever lived here.

Gao Xian had already made up his mind, and when he formed alchemy, he would choose to live in Xuandu Courtyard as a permanent residence.

Now it is only seven or eight 94 floors away from the knot.

The later stage of foundation establishment is mainly about refining gods. With his powerful spiritual consciousness, it is easier to build the later stage of foundation establishment.

Gao Xian opened Fengyue Baojian, and in five months, he has accumulated 300 million spiritual lights.

Waiting another half a month is enough to raise Taizhen Idol to the realm of master perfection.

However, he is still considering whether to upgrade.

The golden elixir also needs to be complete in form and spirit. At this level, the spiritual consciousness must also match the body, so that it can be perfect.

He suffered a loss once when he was building the foundation, and there was no way he would fall into the same pit a second time.

Put the aura of humanity there, and it won't be too late to add more when necessary.

Gao Xian was thinking about how to add some points when a ray of light fell from the sky beside him. The person was dressed in yellow and had an elegant temperament. He was none other than Lu Jingxu, the leader of the Lecture Hall.

Lu Jingxu looked at the peach blossoms all over the mountain, and he said with some emotion: "The peach blossoms in Xuandu are strange. The grass and trees are withered, but they bloom."

"After all the flowers are killed, I will bloom alone, adding a touch of color to this bleak world, making it more beautiful."

Gao Xian said with a smile: "Brother is old, so you can't see abnormal things."

Lu Jing is a humble and gentleman, so naturally she won't care about small teasing.

He said calmly: "Day and night change, seasons rotate, this is the way of heaven. Going against the sky is not a good thing."

He said and handed Gao Xian a yellow gourd, "The fire ginseng wine is brewed, you can keep it and drink it slowly. This wine has strong medicinal properties, so don't drink too much."

"Brother, I want to go to Liuhezong to practice, I wonder if you are familiar with that?"

Gao Xian invited Lu Jingxu here mainly to inquire about Liuhezong.

He doesn't have many friends in the sect, and it's not easy to always go to Yun Qingxuan, so he can only ask Lu Jingxu for advice.

Lu Jingxu pondered for a while and said: "Liuhe Sect is also a branch of the sect. It's just that they are close to Donghuang, and Liuhe Sect advocates inclusiveness. They often deal with demon cultivators in private. There are also some heretical monks, I also like to gather in Liuhezong.

"The situation in the Liuhe Sect is quite complicated. You must be careful when you go here. That Lu Shidao, don't trust him..."

Lu Jingxu has been to Liuhezong, so it's not easy to talk about it, but she also knows the general situation.

He reminded Gao Xian so solemnly mainly because he knew that Gao Xian was at odds with the Shui family.

Liuhezong was fine, but it will become a dangerous place.

Gao Xian nodded.

The Shui family is indeed a trouble, but he is now at an important stage of cultivation, but he cannot stop going to Liuhe Sect because of this.

If Shuiyuying wants to kill him, he won't be polite...

(End of this chapter)

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