Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 286 Giant Spirit View

Chapter 286 Giant Spirit View

Liuhe City, surrounded by mountains like barriers, tightly encloses Liuhe City in the middle.

In the middle of Liuhe City, there is another natural lake. The entire Liuhe City is built around the natural lake and is divided into six small cities.

Looking down from the sky, the mountains surround Liuhe City like a ring, and the lake in the center of Liuhe City is also circular. Such an arrangement of rings and rings is impressive.

"Master Gao, this Liuhe city is divided into six cities, the upper, lower, southeast, and northwest. The upper city is the true lineage of the sect, and the four cities in the southeast, northwest, and north are divided according to rich and poor.

Huang Yan pointed out the window and warmly introduced: "Only the lower city is the most special. It gathers cultivators from all walks of life, including demon cultivators, and even monsters who have transformed. There are a lot of fish and dragons. The lower city is bigger than the southern part of Qingyun City." lively……"

Huang Yan is the deacon of Yunshui Tower in Liuhe City. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a kind-hearted appearance, and is very eloquent. He talks things in a very orderly manner and is very approachable.

He is enthusiastic without being flattering.The posture is well balanced, Gao Xian thinks that the deacon of Liuhe City is quite promising.

At least he has a high level of being a human being, which is a great advantage in the fierce competition.

Gao Xian has never been to Liuhe City, so he chose the Yunshuilou Airship as a matter of course, which is also the most convenient and quick way to go to the various sects of Qingyun Road.

As for secrecy, Gao Xian never considered such a thing.

When he arrived in Liuhe City, the news would spread quickly, and it was impossible to keep it secret.

In the small Liuhe City, what other strong man can be defeated or run away!
Before coming to Liuhe City, Gao Xian had consumed 240 million Dao auras to upgrade the Great Luo Transformation God clone method to the level of proficiency.

Da Luo's method of transforming god into body is his second most important secret method.

Taizhen Idol and Thunder Lightning Technique can only be called secret techniques.Because of the fusion of Taizhen Idol and Five Elements Heqi, this further enhanced the importance of Taizhen Idol, and it was also promoted from the level of secret art to secret art.

Mysteries and supernatural powers are all tools for application.It is equivalent to a magic weapon. No matter how powerful the cultivation is, it cannot make the practitioner live forever.

But the secret method can temper the cultivator, continuously improve the cultivator's cultivation level, and allow the cultivator to set foot on the road of longevity.

This is the fundamental difference between the secret technique and the secret method.

Gao Xian's fundamental secret method is of course the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and secondly, he learned the Da Luo Transformation God Split Body Method in Qing Yunzong.

This secret method is extensive and profound, but fortunately, it can be upgraded through the aura of humanity when it is integrated with the avatar technique, which saves countless time and energy.

The proficiency level of Da Luo's God Transformation Clone Technique is not enough to make a qualitative change. It only makes it easier for him to control the clone and become more proficient in the various techniques of Da Luo's God Transformation Clone Technique.

Including Taiji Xuanguang Intangible Heavenly Cloth, all of them have been slightly improved through this addition.

Gao Xian is also full of confidence with the Da Luo Transformation God clone method.

Among other things, two incarnations are equivalent to two lives.Not to mention the method of incarnation replacement, which allows him to easily escape from various dangers.

For low-rank Jindan cultivators like Yin Baishi and Shui Yuying, even if they come two or three, they won't be able to keep him.

Liuhe Sect has a real Jindan, Lu Bingyang.

This real person is said to be almost [-] years old. According to the calculation of Jindan Shouyuan, he has already entered the final stage of life.

According to Lu Jingxu, this Lu Bingyang has a strong personality, deep intelligence, and is very ambitious.Being old doesn't delay his tossing.

Also driven by Lu Bingyang, the Liuhe Sect has gradually loosened control over the past few hundred years, letting in the Eastern Wilderness Demon Cultivator and Yaozu.

This bold move caused some confusion in Liuhe Sect, but it also made Liuhe Sect prosperous.

Lu Shidao was born with Xuanyang spiritual body, good looks and good manners, but no one accepted him in Qingyun Sect, because Liuhe Sect's foundation was not clean, and everyone was worried.

For this reason, Lu Jingxu specially reminded Gao Xian to be careful of Lu Bingyang, as long as the price is enough, this guy can definitely tie him up and sell him for money.

Gao Xian could see that Lu Jingxu looked down on this family.Gao Xian also agrees with this.

The four sects of Lianyun Sect and Qingfeng Sect, which also bordered the Eastern Wasteland, were forced to form an alliance and fight to the death with the Seven Fiends Sect and the Demon Cultivators. It was so tragic.

The Liuhe Sect was unscathed, but the business was booming.

This is the difference.

It can be seen from this that Lu Bingyang's character is indeed not good, he only cares about profit, and he doesn't care how much harm the demon cultivator and the monster race will bring.

On the other hand, Lu Bingyang's ability to start this kind of business is indeed powerful, and he should not be underestimated.

Naturally, Huang Yan didn't know what Gao Xian was thinking, he introduced the situation of Liuhe City with all his heart, hoping to let this true biography of the gods remember him.

As a deacon from a non-family background, Huang Yan knew the weight of Shenxiao's true biography.

Although Gao Xian doesn't care about things now, he has a bright future.Everyone says that Gao Xian will become a golden elixir.

In Qing Yunzong's generation, Gao Xian was the most popular, and had already overwhelmed Yun Qiushui.In the true biography of Shenxiao, they are all top-notch characters.

Naturally, Huang Yan had to be careful to accompany him, and never dared to be careless.

The Xuanjin airship landed outside the west city, and the people from Yunshui Building had already arranged a carriage.

Huang Yan accompanied Gao Xian and sent him to the backyard of Yunshui Tower.This courtyard is specially used to entertain distinguished guests. It is very elegantly decorated and has a protective array to protect safety.

On the pretext of needing to be quiet, Gao Xian rejected several beautiful maids arranged by Huang Yan.

It's a bit too good-looking, he is such a casual person, it is easy to make mistakes when he gets along with a few maids day and night.

He's not pretending to be innocent, it's just that getting along like this is not good for both parties.

Liuhezong is not a good place, not to mention what Lu Bingyang is thinking, but Shui Yuying has to guard against it.

There are also demon cultivators and monsters here, and maybe someone is already targeting him.

In this case, it is safer and more convenient for him to be alone.

Gao Xian asked Huang Yan to give Liuhezong a famous thorn. He is now the true biography of Shenxiao, representing Qingyunzong's face, and he must behave according to the rules.It is impossible to go directly to Liuhezong. If others are unprepared, not only the other party will be embarrassed, but he will also be embarrassed.

It is best for both parties to say hello in advance and make an appointment to meet.

Huang Yan has also stayed in Liuhe City for ten years, so this small matter is naturally handled safely.

The famous assassin was delivered to the Lu family mansion in the upper city on the same day.

This house is the residence of Lu Shidao, which is also what Gao Xian meant, first talk to Lu Shidao.

At least ask about the situation before going to visit suzerain Lu Bingyang.Don't get rejected at that time, it will be boring.

Lu Shidao was drinking with his friends in the yard, and when he received the famous stab presented by his servants, he opened it, looked at it and laughed, "Here we come."

The young man in black beside him, Ye Qixiu raised his eyebrows, "Gao Xian, the leader of Qingyun Dharma Association?"

Ye Qixiu has thick eyebrows and tiger eyes. He is tall and tall. He is more than a head taller than Lu Shidao when he sits. His aura is majestic and majestic, which is very extraordinary.


Lu Shidao nodded and said: "This high sage is a master of both swords and magic. He once killed Yin Jiushi, the Jindan master of the Yin Demon Sect. He is very powerful."

Hearing Lu Shidao's praise of Gao Xian, Ye Qixiu showed an unconvinced expression, "Such awe-inspiring, then I will know it even more!"

He is aggressive by nature, and after practicing the Giant Spirit Sutra, he becomes even more domineering and fierce.

Since he established his foundation, he has hardly encountered an opponent.

The Giant Spirit Temple is located in the Eastern Wasteland. The leader of the temple, Ye Huanyuan, is a Jindan master. He occupies a good spiritual land in the Eastern Wasteland and leads several disciples to dominate the area. He is quite famous on the edge of the Eastern Wasteland.

Julingguan and Liuhe Sect are very close. Because of trade and transactions, the two sides are getting closer and closer.

Ye Qixiu and Lu Shidao had a pretty good friendship, and after hearing Lu Shidao mention Gao Xian a few times, he looked down on Gao Xian.

Lu Shidao said with a smile: "Brother Ye's giant spirit palm is mighty, but you can't underestimate this person. His superb spells are indeed amazing."

He said and looked at Fan Lingzhen, the woman in white on his left, "Fellow Taoist Lingzhen, this person also has a Green Lotus Sword. I wonder if he has anything to do with your sect?"

Brahma Lingzhen has a beautiful appearance, but she is bald and hairless. She is dressed in a white monk's robe and her feet are bare.

She sat there and drank happily, but her green eyes were pure and soft, like a spotless white lotus.

Fan Ling really drank the wine in the glass slowly, so he looked at Lu Shidao calmly and said softly: "There are so many sects in the world that use the lotus as their emblem, but we can't make judgments based on this."

Fan Lingzhen's voice is soft and clean, full of moving beauty just like her.

Lu Shidao turned his eyes away and did not dare to look at Fan Lingzhen, the people of the Bailian Sect are all evil.

Don't look at the Brahma spirit as clear as a white lotus, this woman is more terrifying than Ye Qixiu.

There are three boundaries of light and darkness, the birth and death of causes and conditions.No one can tell when Vatican is really normal and when it is abnormal.

The White Lotus Sect has a huge number of believers in the Eastern Wilderness, and there are even many followers of the Monster Race, which has a huge influence.This is not comparable to the concept of giant spirits who live behind closed doors.

"So that's the case, but I thought too much."

Lu Shidao mainly wanted to instigate Fan Lingzhen. Seeing that the other party would not follow, he changed the subject and said, "Gao Xian is a man with good bones and a clear mind. He is indeed a first-class man. Fellow Daoist Lingzhen may as well meet you."

"Okay, now that we have met, of course we must see the true biography of Qingyun Sect's Shenxiao."

Fan Ling said with a smile that was not a smile: "I have heard the name of Qingyun Sect for a long time in Donghuang."

"Tomorrow, I will host a treat, and the two of you happen to be together."

Lu Shidao said again: "Gao Xian is a distinguished guest of our sect, Brother Ye and Fellow Daoist Lingzhen, please give me some noodles, don't fight him."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Qixiu laughed and said, "Xiao Lu, I understand what you're thinking. Don't worry, I won't let you lose face, and I will help you teach this kid a lesson."

Lu Shidao was exposed by Ye Qixiu face to face, he was not angry and ashamed but laughed, "I can't hide my little thoughts from Brother Ye."

He asked curiously: "I heard that Master Ye is also in Liuhe City?"

"Master is here to meet an old friend."

Ye Qixiu said casually: "You don't have to worry about this, it has nothing to do with us."

Lu Shidao smiled and said nothing, Ye Huanyuan is a Jindan real person, and he was born in the Eastern Desolation, he is a huge threat to Liuhe City, how can he say that it has nothing to do with him!
He couldn't help muttering in his heart, Ye Qixiu was quite tight-lipped!
Ye Huanyuan, who was being talked about by Lu Shidao, was drinking in a hall at the moment.

Ye Huanyuan has a stout figure, with a thick beard covering most of his face, and a thick earthy Taoist robe, holding a black iron rod in his hand, sitting there with an unremarkable appearance, even a bit rustic.

Shui Yuying, who was sitting opposite, hated Ye Huanyuan's earthy smell, and dumped Ye Huanyuan after two months of playing.

Shuiyuying would have to beg Ye to return to his original form, which made Shuiyuying feel a little embarrassed.

In a few months, Shui Yuying has barely recovered her cultivation, and her old state has also been wiped off with various spiritual objects, but she has lost the hydration and youthfulness of before.

Ye Huanyuan, a dignified Jindan real person, can naturally see the subtle changes in Shui Yuying's state.

He was a little surprised and said: "Yu Ying, you are old!"

Shui Yuying gave Ye Huanyuan a white look, "You bastard, you always speak so badly."

She didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "I was hurt by that Gao Xian. Brother Ye, as long as you help me get rid of Gao Xian, I will promise you whatever you want..."

(End of this chapter)

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