Chapter 321

Although the hole opened by the Five Elements Miasma is stable, there are still wisps of five-color smoke filling the air.

The figures of Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin were quickly submerged in the five-color smoke.

Although Yun Qiushui has the Nine-turn Yuan Yang Jue and can activate the Yuan Yang Mirror, it cannot penetrate the Five Elements Miasma.

He was a little worried about his good friend. The Wanling Sect deliberately proposed this condition, and they must have their calculations.

Fortunately, Gao Xian has always been cunning and a little shameless.It's not that easy to scheme against him.

Ma Qianjun, the leader of the Thunder Courtyard, came over and said to Yun Qiushui: "The restrictions on the seventh level have been released. I am going to Ziyun Mountain to find a spiritual object."

"Mashou, just go. I'll just watch."

Yun Qiushui specially accompanied Gao Xian this time to protect Gao Xian.

Although there were many spiritual creatures in Lihuo Earth Palace, he was not very interested in them.

"it is good."

Ma Qianjun didn't say much. Yun Qiushui was a third-grade golden elixir and a sword cultivator. His true combat power might be higher than him.

The entrance to the Lihuo Palace is hidden, and there are restrictions left by the two true kings, so outsiders cannot enter.

Wanling Sect and Qingyun Sect are forming an alliance again. At this time, Wanling Sect will be more cautious and will not dare to act recklessly.

Even if there is no alliance, Wanling Sect does not dare to mess around.

The two sects are equal in strength. If you dare to act recklessly today, tomorrow others will retaliate equally, or even double the retaliation.

If the Wanling Sect uses insidious means to kill Gao Xian, then no one can save Yan Feiyin.

If there is Yun Qiushui watching here, he can warn and call for help if something happens.Everyone doesn't have to be here.

After all, a group of people came to the Lihuo Underground Palace, and they all had their own things to do.

Ma Qianjun and Master Xuan Yue took the others away, leaving Yun Qiushui behind to guard the entrance to Five Elements Island.

Niu Wanyong and others from Wanling Sect also left. Only Ma Tengyun stayed and looked at Yun Qiushui.

Yun Qiushui thinks Ma Tengyun is more interesting. He is obviously quite handsome, but for some reason, he has a sense of stupidity.

It can't be said that he is stupid, he is just fascinated by Yan Feiyin, and his eyes are glued to Yan Feiyin.

As a Jindan master, it would be a bit stupid to be obsessed with women like this.

Ma Tengyun was keenly aware of the teasing and disdain in Yun Qiushui's eyes, and he frowned slightly, "Yun Qiushui, I heard that you and Gao Xian are good friends?"

Yun Qiushui nodded slightly, but he said nothing, with a hint of just the right question in his eyes.

"Prepare the funeral arrangements for your good friend." Ma Tengyun sneered.

"Ha ha……"

Yun Qiushui smiled. He was young but experienced in travelling. Such small talk would not irritate him.

He said slowly: "Fellow Taoist Ma, you'd better prepare the gift money first."


"Gao Xian and Yan Feiyinlang are interested in having a concubine, and it just so happens that they have a chance to be alone on Five Elements Island.

"My friend is very capable, and Yan Feiyin can't stop his charm. When they come out, they may have children. As a senior brother, you must prepare a generous gift."

Yun Qiushui was willful and indulgent. He knew that Ma Teng Yun was obsessed with Yan Feiyin and said these things specifically to stimulate him.

Whoever tells the other party to be mean-mouthed comes first to provoke.

Sure enough, Ma Tengyun couldn't stand this.His face turned red with anger, and the mana in his body was brimming with energy as he held the hilt of the sword in his hand.

Yun Qiushui smiled even happier, "Hey, why are you so anxious? I'm not your wife..."

Ma Tengyun was about to explode. He wished he could chop off Yun Qiushui's head with one sword.But he knew how powerful the swordsman was, and it was not that easy to kill the opponent.

Besides, junior sister is still important.We can't mess up our position now.

Just as Ma Tengyun was bearing the humiliation, someone next to him said, "How can I bear this guy slandering your junior sister?"

Ma Tengyun was shocked. He didn't know when someone would appear next to him!
Following the sound, he looked over and saw a man in white standing dozens of steps away. This man had white hair and a handsome face. He was wearing white clothes and long sleeves, and his appearance was quite outstanding.

"Who are you?" Ma Tengyun was extremely vigilant. He didn't know this person, and he didn't look like he belonged to the Qingyun Sect.

Qingyun Sect practitioners will all wear sect badges and have corresponding emblems on their bodies to distinguish their identities.

Furthermore, the person who instigated him to attack Yun Qiushui could never be from the Qingyun Sect.

Yun Qiushui also held the hilt of the sword, his eyes shining brightly, and the playful smile on his face disappeared.

The man in white clothes in front of him looked handsome but had a strong evil aura.

The other party concealed it very well, but he couldn't hide it from his Transparent Sword Heart, nor could he hide it from Yuan Yangjue of the Nine Revolutions.

This third-level magic weapon has been triggered by evil spirits, and it shines slightly with golden aura.This person must be a demon cultivator, and an extremely powerful demon cultivator!
The Lihuo Palace is sealed by two Nascent Soul Sovereigns, and you can only enter with the pass tokens given by the two Sovereign Sovereigns.

The devil didn't know what means he used to break into the Lihuo Underground Palace past the seal.

Yun Qiushui felt strong vigilance in his heart, and he shouted: "Where did the devil come from? You are so bold!" Ma Tengyun saw Yun Qiushui's reaction and knew that something was wrong.He did not hesitate to activate the warning rocket, and at the same time activated the protective Geng Gold Sword and Shield. A layer of pale platinum light enveloped him front and back like a round shield.

The rocket soaring into the sky could only fly more than ten feet before it was blocked by a layer of invisible magic power and exploded into a ball of flames.

Under the impact of the flames, a red network of light appeared above the sky.The huge blood net spread out, covering several miles in radius.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun had serious expressions on their faces. The other party actually arranged the magic circle in advance!Trouble...

The man in white is none other than Hua Qianhe of the Blood God Sect, a master of the late Jindan period.

Hua Qianhe didn't expect the provocation to be successful, it was just a test.Seeing that Ma Tengyun and Yun Qiushui were so alert, he sighed softly. After all, they were the Jindan masters of the big sects, and they were not easy to fool.

Fortunately, he had arranged the Blood God Formation in advance, and it was enough to temporarily trap the two golden elixirs.

With his ability, it's not impossible to kill Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun, it just requires a lot of time and the ultimate trick.

Through secret techniques, Hua Qianhe had spied on Yan Feiyin several times.This woman's natal spiritual beast is really a three-tailed celestial fox, and what's even more valuable is that she has a body of pure yin.

The pure yin body plus the three-tailed sky fox is extremely valuable.In order to get Yan Feiyin, he would do anything.

Hua Qianhe waved his hand and summoned a long bloody banner, which was the infamous Blood God Banner of the Blood God Sect.

The long flags made by Qi practitioners of the Blood God Sect are all called Blood God Flags, which is a common name.

The Blood God Banner in his hand was a third-level top-quality spiritual weapon that he had refined for hundreds of years. For this reason, he had killed countless living beings.

He also attracted various evil spirits, and once he was almost sucked dry of his essence and blood by evil spirits.This also cut off the last possibility of Huaying.

This also made Hua Qianhe let go of his scruples. There was no possibility of immortality anyway. Every day he lived, he became more and more unscrupulous in his actions.

Just like this time, there were two Nascent Soul Masters who imposed a seal on the cave. Even if other golden elixir demon cultivators had the ability to enter, they would not do this.

But Hua Qianhe didn't care. He didn't know how many days he could live. He couldn't care about so much.

He said softly to Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun: "You two, be good and I won't kill you, okay?"

Yun Qiushui didn't say anything, he just pulled out Zixiao Yun's lightsaber and struck head-on.

The snow-colored sword light unfolded like a sword, cutting Hua Qianhe's figure into two pieces.

Ma Tengyun didn't draw his sword, but just activated another protective magic weapon.

He couldn't see the depth of this demon that suddenly appeared. Because of this, he could see how terrifying the opponent was.

The other party also set up a magic circle in advance, and the practitioners of both sects found no abnormalities, which shows that the other party is also extremely skilled in the magic circle.

Ma Tengyun couldn't believe Yun Qiushui, so Yun Qiushui took the initiative and it suited him.

Hua Qianhe, who had turned into two pieces, appeared a few feet away. He shook his head and chuckled: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

Hua Qianhe said as she waved the Blood God Flag in her hand. Under the blessing of the Blood God Formation, the surrounding blood surged up like a tide, and soon submerged Ma Tengyun and Yun Qiushui...

At the same time, Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin were already standing in front of the five-color lotus.

In the middle of a pond tens of feet in size, five-color lotus flowers are blooming.

Nine layers of five-color petals are stacked, and the order of the five colors on each layer is different, so that they overlap to form a complex color configuration.

Gao Xian felt a little dazzling after taking a look at it. The overlapping five colors were not only shining with light, but also looked like a nine-layered rotating light wheel in the human eye, which was cool and dazzling.

Yan Feiyin didn't look at the five-color lotus. She carefully looked at Gao Xian from the corner of her eye.

She was slightly shocked when she found that Gao Xian looked calm and composed.

The spiritual energy of the five elements flowing through the nine-grade five-color lotus is complex and sublime, which can make the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator unconsciously indulge in it.

Gao Xian looked directly at the five-color lotus, but was not confused by the changes in its aura. Is this guy really building a foundation?
Gao Xian noticed Yan Feiyin's gaze, and he smiled slightly at the woman, "What's wrong, fellow Taoist?"

Yan Feiyin chuckled sweetly: "It's nothing, it's just that my Taoist friend is so charming that the little girl likes him so much that she unconsciously glanced at her a few more times. Don't be offended, my Taoist friend."

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian laughed, this woman really knows how to chat, she was so drunk that he was a little confused.

Today, Yan Feiyin wore a green robe and a green girdle around her waist, which cut her figure into a beautiful proportion. She was plump and graceful, and her slender legs were looming.

The bun on her head also hangs softly on the back of her head, just like the bun that was very popular in the previous life. It is casual and has a lazy and sexy style unique to women.

The bright blue eyes were full of emotions, with a mix of joy and shame, which made people daydream. They always felt that this woman had fallen in love with him.

Gao Xian suppressed his thoughts, he couldn't look at this woman's natural temptation, let alone think too much about it.

He said: "Fellow Taoist Yan,"

Yan Feiyin said softly: "Senior brother, why are we so distant from each other? Just call me Feiyin."

"Feiyin, can you tell me how to get these five-color lotuses?" Gao Xian didn't care. He didn't need to take the title seriously.

The five-color lotus was right in front of him, but Yan Feiyin had not made any move yet, which made Gao Xian a little confused.

Could it be that the other party made this condition just to date him alone? !
Yan Feiyin smiled charmingly: "The five-color lotus is related to senior brother's elixir formation. How can I compete with senior brother? Senior brother just takes it first..."

Gao Xian felt bad. Don't let this seductress try to use a honey trap. He couldn't stand the temptation...

(End of this chapter)

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