Chapter 322
Yan Feiyin was so polite and condescending, Gao Xian thought of two possibilities. One was that this woman fell in love with him and was a bitch.

The second is that there is danger around Five-Colored Lotus, and this woman first lets him be a pawn to explore the way.

Gao Xian ruled out the first possibility without even thinking about it. So, what else could be missing in this small pond?
He activated the flower appreciating mirror, and he could see through the shallow pond at a glance. There was nothing there.There is sand under the pond.

The roots of the five-color lotus are deeply embedded in the sand, but why are there regular diamond-shaped patterns underneath the sand, which look like the scales of a snake? !
Gao Xian suddenly realized something was wrong. These things seemed to be snake scales, but they were very big...

No wonder this girl let him take it first, with bad intentions!Get rid of this little girl first!

Gao Xian held his sword and turned to look at Yan Feiyin. The woman was quietly backing away. When she found Gao Xian looking at her, the woman smiled sweetly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"I won't take the five-color lotus flower for now. I want to take it from you first." Gao Xian said slowly.

"Senior brother wants to marry me? Are you too anxious? I am totally willing. It's just that it involves two sects, so we have to discuss it..."

Yan Feiyin seemed a little ashamed when she talked about this, her bright blue eyes slightly lowered, her white jade-like cheeks slightly flushed, and her bare hands gently pinched the corners of her sleeves.

Her charming and shy look is full of touching charm.

Gao Xian was also greatly moved. He elegantly drew his sword out of its scabbard and said, "It doesn't have to be so troublesome to take your head off. It can be done with just one sword."

"Brother, don't do it, don't do it, please,"

Yan Feiyin was shocked and begged for mercy in a hurry. She pressed the seal with her hand to activate the weak water Yuanling Heavenly Clothes.

This magical instrument was originally draped on her body. When it was not activated, it was like a layer of gauze. When the seal was activated, the gauze turned into clear and clear water waves.

Although Gao Xian would not relent because he begged for mercy, he would not make a sneak attack either.

Although Yan Feiyin is an enemy, he cannot be called a mortal enemy. He can still retain some grace.

He smiled and said: "Don't worry, Feiyin can use whatever skills he has. If you win, I won't take your head."

Seeing Gao Xian showing two rows of neat white teeth, Yan Feiyin was shocked and frightened, why did this guy suddenly turn against him?

He smiled and groaned, as if he was ready to eat her, which made her feel cold all over.

Yan Feiyin looked at Gao Xian with a weak and pitiful look, "Why did senior brother suddenly want to kill me? What did I do wrong? Senior brother had to tell me first no matter what, so that I could understand."

"Feiyin, you are so beautiful, well-behaved and cute, I'm attracted to you."

Gao Xian said with a sigh of regret: "If you want to realize the great truth, how can you be trapped by love?

"For immortality and for the supreme peak, senior brother can only prove the truth by killing love..."

Yan Feiyin's bright blue eyes were dull and motionless, and Gao Xian said he was confused.

If this guy wants to kill her, he will kill her. What kind of bullshit reason is this!
Gao Xian said softly: "Feiyin, I've wronged you. Don't move. Senior brother's sword is very fast and it doesn't hurt at all."

The words have made it clear, if Yan Feiyin is not prepared, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Yan Feiyin wanted to say something else, but the three-foot-nine-inch long green sword blade turned into a green edge and stabbed straight at him.

"This man is so cruel!"

Yan Feiyin cursed in her heart. After Gao Xian said so many words, of course she had been prepared.

She squeezed the seal with her hand to trigger the Tianfeng eight-note flute, and the eight notes sounded in unison, turning into an eight-sided sharp rotating light shield in front of her.

At the same time, the Qingmu Qi activated turned into a faint green light and circulated around the body.

The three-tailed sky foxes in the sea of ​​consciousness responded at the same time, and the Dharma was projected onto Yan Feiyin's body.

A white fox about ten feet tall appeared out of thin air, with three long snow-white fox tails swaying gently behind it.

The appearance of the three-tailed sky fox is somewhere between reality and reality, seeming real and illusory. It looks like its eyes are moving, but its golden elixir magic aura is strong and strong.

After a few months, the three-tailed sky fox's broken tail grew back. At the same time, its magic power also increased greatly.

Gao Xian quickly realized that it was not that the three-tailed sky fox's magic power had increased, but that it showed its complete legal form and mobilized all the golden elixir magic power.

"It's quite powerful. His magical power alone is enough to compare with Yun Qingxuan, or even three points stronger than Yun Qingxuan."

Gao Xian knows many golden elixir masters, and Yun Qingxuan is undoubtedly the strongest among all the golden elixirs.

The three-tailed sky fox's magic power is even stronger than Yun Qingxuan. This may be because the spiritual beast itself is far more talented than human cultivators. Moreover, the three-tailed sky fox is an extremely rare high-level spiritual beast, and its status is higher than that of the third-grade golden elixir. .

It is reasonable that this fox has higher magic power than Yun Qingxuan.

As for other aspects, the three-tailed sky fox obviously cannot compare with Yun Qingxuan.If he really wanted to take action, he would be beaten to pieces by Yun Qingxuan in person.

As soon as the three-tailed sky fox appeared, Gao Xian took a close look at the opponent.

Jianhua Lingjing is still second, the main thing is that his swordsmanship reaches the master level and his swordsmanship is exquisite.

With a sword in hand, he could see through the changes in the three-tailed sky fox's appearance.Including Yan Feiyin's various changes, the changes in his spiritual consciousness and mana, all reflected by the sword intention.

This is the terrifying thing about sword cultivation. You use your spiritual consciousness to control the sword and use the sword to control the law. It is extremely sharp and subtle.

Ordinary monks use their spiritual consciousness to control spells and magic weapons. Even though they are clever, they still lack the sharpness of the sword and the subtlety of the sword to defeat the enemy with sharpness.

Gao Xian's current level of swordsmanship is still higher than that of Yun Qiushui. Against Yan Feiyin, a fake golden elixir, his advantage is too great.

The changes in the sound shield transformed by the eight-note chorus are very subtle, but in Gao Xian's eyes, the magic shield transformed by these sound waves all have obvious fluctuation gaps.

Controlling the Green Lotus Sword and entering through the gap, it can easily penetrate the eight-layer sonic shield.

Yan Feiyin suffered a loss once and knew that the eight-tone magic shield could not stop Gao Xian.She activated the Weak Water Yuanling Heavenly Clothes with a flick of her sleeves.

This third-level top-quality spiritual weapon is the top-level protective spiritual weapon of the Wanling Sect. Its weak, watery, and viscous transformation has a special restraint effect on flying swords and sword weapons.

For this battle, the sect specially lent this spiritual weapon to Yan Feiyin.

Even with the help of the three-tailed sky fox spirit beast, it was still very difficult for her to control such a top-notch spiritual weapon with her magic power.

As the long sleeves flicked, the clear water spread out like a curtain, isolating Gao Xian and Jian Guang from the water curtain.

Gao Xian drew his sword straight in, and felt that the gauze-like thin water curtain was as endless as the Yangtze River, and had a change of lightness and emptiness.

Gao Xian immediately sensed something was wrong. Yan Feiyin's robe could withstand the Green Lotus Sword just by changing on its own, which was a bit stronger than he expected.

However, this sword also tested the reality of Yan Feiyin.Although this spiritual weapon is wonderful, Yan Feiyin cannot control it.

The Green Lotus Sword changed from reality to reality, and Gao Xian who wielded the sword also disappeared at the same time.

The wind and clouds are treacherous, the most treacherous sword technique in the Fengyun Sword Classic.Gao Xian also reached the master level in swordsmanship and truly mastered the essence of this style.

He used his sword intention to converge his magic power and consciousness, so that he could hide his figure, and it was barely considered a change in which his body and sword merged into one.

Yan Feiyin controls the magic power of the three-tailed sky fox, and she is not a golden elixir.The lightning and flint were completely blinded by the sword's intention, and they had no idea where Gao Xian had gone.

The three-tailed sky fox was born with keen senses, but he had never seen such exquisite and strange changes, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

If it were any other cultivator, even a golden elixir cultivator, there would be no problem if he hesitated for a moment.

The Weak Water Yuanling Heavenly Clothes was borrowed, so it was a bit sluggish to control.

Gao Xian seized the momentary opening, and the four-foot green blade in his hand penetrated a layer of water curtain and stabbed into Yan Feiyin's throat while humming softly.

With a swipe of green light from the straight tattoo, Yan Feiyin's neck has been cut off.

Only then did Yan Feiyin react. The five fingers of her left hand were bent like hooks. The red eyes of the three-tailed sky fox behind her were shining, and the white claws suddenly penetrated the void and landed on Gao Xian.

Wherever the Sky Fox's claw passed, three Octavia arcs were left in the air. Gao Xian and his sword split into four pieces under the Octavia arcs, and then the pieces dissipated.

Yan Feiyin was horrified and disappointed at the same time. The Sky Fox Splitting Divine Claw failed to hurt Gao Xian, but left him as a phantom and chopped it into pieces.

For this, she paid a sky fox tail.

The remnants of the Sky Fox's split divine claw fell to the ground, leaving three deep cracks more than ten feet long.

The pond not far away was affected, and the water in the pond stirred up heavy waves.

Gao Xian had already reached dozens of feet away with his sword. He was a little surprised when he saw the power of the Sky Fox Dharma Prime's strike. This fox was really quite capable and should not be underestimated!

His eyes fell on Yan Feiyin. There were still blood marks on Yan Feiyin's neck, but the injury had healed.

Although Yan Feiyin suffered a fatal blow from the three-tailed sky fox, her vitality was also damaged, and her beautiful blue eyes became a little sad.

Gao Xian smiled at Yan Feiyin, "Feiyin, this sword blow was in vain. I can only ask you to bear with me..."

Hearing that Gao Xian wanted to take action, Yan Feiyin's face was full of panic and sadness, "Senior brother, please don't do it, don't do it, why don't I admit defeat!"

Just as Gao Xian was about to speak, the pond shook violently, the water splashed, the ground cracked, and a huge thing slowly climbed out of the ground.

This is a giant snake hundreds of feet long. The scales on the snake's body are in five colors. The ninth-grade five-color lotus flower grows on the top of the giant snake's head.

Such a change also surprised Gao Xian.He rode the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and flew very high, keeping distance from the giant snake.

Seeing the giant snake and the five-color lotus forming one, Gao Xian was a little confused. He looked at Yan Feiyin a hundred feet away.The woman asked him to take the five-color lotus first, so she must know the origin of the snake.

Yan Feiyin was so smart that she immediately understood the meaning of Gao Xian's gaze. She hurriedly explained: "The Five Elements Giant Snake is actually the remnant soul of a monster beast parasitic on the five-color lotus. After an unknown number of years, it condensed into one body and killed Just drop it.”

"Thank you."

Gao Xian politely thanked him, then stretched out his hand to indicate that he was leaving.

Yan Feiyin tried her best to smile: "Senior brother, I can help you deal with the Five Elements Giant Snake. Just give me a few five-color lotus petals."

Gao Xian shook his finger without hesitation.Yan Feiyin gritted her teeth when she saw this. She suppressed her shyness and whispered, "Senior brother, I can give you anything."

"Don't even think about destroying my right path."

Gao Xian gently pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist and said calmly: "If you don't leave, don't leave."

Yan Feiyin took a deep look at Gao Xian, and could not see any emotion in his eyes, which were as bright as stars, only the dazzling light that was as sharp as a blade.

She couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Even with the blessing of the three-tailed sky fox, she couldn't seduce Gao Xian. This man was really hard-hearted. ,
Yan Feiyin had been struck by a sword just now. Not only did her neck hurt, she felt like her soul was cut in two by the sword. She was so scared when she saw Gao Xian holding the sword.

It's not that she is timid, but she fought Gao Xian twice, used all her magical powers, and used powerful spiritual weapons, but she still couldn't withstand Gao Xian's sword.

The azure sword light that changed vertically and horizontally like a god had already left deep sword marks in her heart.

Yan Feiyin was extremely reluctant to leave, so she could only turn around and leave.She angrily cursed Gao Xian in her heart, "Smelly men will bully me, and I will definitely be bitten to death by the Five Elements Snake!"

Coming out of the Five Elements Miasma Hollow, Yan Feiyin was holding back her breath, but she soon discovered that something was wrong. Why was there a layer of blood on the outside.

Amidst the heavy blood light, Ma Tengyun and Yun Qiushui each used spells to resist.A man in white clothes holds a long blood-colored flag in his hand, with long white hair flying in the air, and demonic aura emanating from his body. He looks like a demon at first glance.

Yan Feiyin was horrified, why did a golden elixir demon cultivator come from Lihuodi Palace?

His magical power is even stronger than that of Wan Changan, and he is definitely a late-stage Jindan!
Just when Yan Feiyin was hesitating whether to launch a sneak attack, the white-haired man suddenly turned around and looked at her.

"It's great to have it delivered to your door automatically! It saves a lot of trouble..."

The white-haired man looked happy. He waved the long blood-colored flag, and blood surged towards Yan Feiyin like a tide.

Normally, Yan Feiyin would definitely not fight the white-haired man.At this moment, she was full of grievance and discomfort, and she was holding back her strength.

Seeing the white-haired man with a lewd smile on his face, his eyes seemed to eat her up, which made her even more angry.

Yan Feiyin smiled charmingly at the white-haired man. Hua Qianhe, the real man who has practiced the demonic path for 700 years, felt that the other man was so bright and beautiful, and the seductiveness in his eyes made him unable to help but indulge in it.

When Hua Qianhe was stunned, a huge sky fox appeared behind Yan Feiyin, and the split claws of the sky fox fell out of the air and caught Hua Qianhe.

The Blood God Formation has heavy protection, and the Blood God Flag can also resist various spells. It is impossible for other spells to harm Hua Qianhe.

Yan Feiyin's Celestial Fox Split Divine Claw has the ability to penetrate the void, and it is also the most powerful attacking magical power of Sky Fox.

As the three sharp arcs of light shone, three deep blood marks were left on Hua Qianhe's body.

By the time Hua Qianhe reacted, he had already been hit.Looking at his body again, the Heavenly Fox's claws completely tore the robe, and his fragile body was cut into four pieces.

Hua Qianhe held the Blood God Flag in his hand and waved it. Rich blood flowed around his body, and his broken body recovered in an instant.

Yan Feiyin was shocked when he saw this scene. This demon was so powerful that even the Sky Fox's claws could not hurt him.

Although the Blood God Sect's magic is powerful, I have never heard of anyone having the ability to instantly regenerate flesh and blood!

"I almost capsized in the gutter!"

Hua Qianhe laughed ferociously. Not only had his Blood God Banner been refined for hundreds of years, but it was also inlaid with a blood demon relic at the Nascent Soul level.

Therefore, it can easily regenerate flesh and blood and offset the fatal damage suffered.

It was precisely with the help of this Blood Demon Relic that he was able to reach the late Golden Elixir stage step by step.It's just that his potential has been exhausted, and no matter how powerful the Blood Demon Relic is, it can't help him extend his life.

Yan Feiyin saw the ferocious smile on Hua Qianhe's face. She knew that the situation was not good, and immediately used the Qinglian Escape Technique without hesitation and turned around to escape to Five Elements Island.

A blooming blue lotus wrapped around Yan Feiyin was instantly submerged in the five-color smoke.

Hua Qianhe dropped Ma Tengyun and Yun Qiushui, waved the Blood God Flag, turned into billowing red smoke, and chased Yan Feiyin.

Yan Feiyin is not good at fighting, but is very good at escaping.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Feiyin rushed to the pond in the middle of Five Elements Island.

To Yan Feiyin's surprise, the five-element giant snake disappeared and the five-color lotus disappeared, leaving a deep and long huge pit on the ground.

Gao Xian, who was wearing flowing green clothes, was just above the pit. He was lowering his eyes and thinking about something. When he heard the movement, he slowly raised his head and looked at Yan Feiyin.

"Killing the Five Elements Giant Snake so quickly?!"

Yan Feiyin was shocked but also a little surprised. Now she hoped that Gao Xian would become more powerful.

She was afraid that Gao Xian would take action, so she hurriedly called for help softly: "Brother, help me..."

Gao Xian looked past Yan Feiyin and landed on the red smoke coming from across the sky, "A cultivator of the Demon Sect?"

Yan Feiyin said hurriedly: "Senior brother, this is a late-stage Jindan demon cultivator, so powerful. Senior brother, be careful!"

Gao Xian glanced at Yan Feiyin and said angrily: "You are such a scourge, I let you live, but you attracted the devil to harm me!"


Yan Feiyin explained softly and timidly: "The devil is cruel. I am too scared. I don't want to harm senior brother."

While talking, Hua Qianhe has arrived. He has suffered a loss. There are two other Jindan masters outside, and he is in no mood to talk nonsense.

Hua Qianhe waved the Blood God Flag in his hand, and the blood rolled like a tide towards Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin.

There was a clear clang of the sword, and like a tide of blood, it suddenly split from it and dispersed into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Gao Xian pulled out the Green Lotus Sword from his waist a few inches, and used the energy of the sword to cut off the changes in the Blood God Banner's mana.

Hua Qianhe, who was not close, showed a look of surprise. This boy is so powerful with his sword, a bit stronger than Yun Qiushui outside.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's none of your business, get out of here."

This tone was very domineering, but Gao Xian was not angry. He smiled at Yan Feiyin and said, "It seems that it's none of my business, so I'll leave now. Goodbye, Feiyin."

Yan Feiyin was anxious. She knew very well what would happen if she fell into the hands of a demon cultivator.

She stretched out her hand to stop Gao Xian: "Brother, help me once, and I will give you everything."

Gao Xian shook his head: "I will not take advantage of others."

"I'm not taking advantage of others' danger, but I love my senior brother deeply and am willing to give everything." Yan Feiyin said firmly.

"It's not good..."

"I'm willing to do it, and I ask my senior brother to give me a chance because of my infatuation."

Yan Feiyin's eyes were red. She would risk everything to hug Gao Xian's thigh.

Gao Xian said sternly: "I'm not that kind of person."

Yan Feiyin thought for a moment, opened her mouth and spat out a white orb, "How about I pledge my life orb to my senior brother."

The natal spirit bead is where her natal spirit beast entrusts its form and spirit. If the natal spirit bead is destroyed, her cultivation will be greatly damaged, and her natal spirit beast, the three-tailed sky fox, will be destroyed both physically and spiritually.

Yan Feiyin knew that Gao Xian was cold and the relationship between the two was not good, so it would be good if the other party did not add insult to injury.

If you want to ask Gao Xian for help, you must show sincerity.

Gao Xian glanced at the bright spiritual bead, thought for a moment and asked, "There won't be any saliva on it, right?"

Yan Feiyin was speechless.

"The two sects are united and united. How can I not care about Feiyin's troubles?"

Gao Xian accepted the natal spirit bead, with an impassioned and upright look on his face, "It is our unshirkable responsibility to conquer demons. Feiyin, please step aside first. Today I will risk my life to eliminate harm for all living beings in the world..."


Hua Qianhe on the side was furious. This man and woman were a little too arrogant and did not take him seriously at all.

Hua Qianhe wanted to save some trouble, but it seemed that it was impossible. The mana around him surged, and his consciousness resonated with the blood god banner and the blood demon relic.

The smoke blew over the Blood God Banner, and a faceless man in blood clothes walked out of the Blood God Banner. The extremely filthy and extremely cold aura instantly spread in all directions.

Yan Feiyin's whole body felt cold, and the blood all over his body seemed to freeze into ice. Even his magic power was contaminated by the cold and filthy aura and could not be activated at all.

She didn't know what level of blood god he was, with such terrifying power, and a look of despair could not help but appear in his bright eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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