Chapter 323 Demonic Qi
The filthy, cold, and sticky aura exuded by the Blood God Son made people feel as if they were falling into a pit of mud. What was even more frightening was that the mud was extremely cold, and the frozen people's blood would coagulate.

Even though Yan Feiyin had the weak Water Yuanling Heavenly Clothes, he was still suppressed by the filthy magic power of the Blood God Son, and it was difficult for him to operate his consciousness for a while, let alone activate his spells.

If it weren't for the three-tailed sky fox's natal spirit beast in the sea of ​​​​consciousness that continuously provided mana, she would have been transformed into a blood puppet by the dirty mana.

The gap between real people in the late stage of Jindan and foundation-building monks is too big.

Although Yan Feiyin has a three-tailed celestial fox, he is limited by his own cultivation and cannot exert the power of the three-tailed celestial fox.He was not qualified to fight against the Son of Blood God.

It also took Hua Qianhe hundreds of years to activate the power of divine consciousness contained in the blood demon relics to create this blood god son.

The Blood God Son is not only the weapon spirit of the Blood God Banner, but also has a spiritual connection with Hua Qianhe, and can be regarded as Hua Qianhe's substitute.

Just now, Hua Qianhe was hit by the Heavenly Fox's Claw of the God, but Hua Qianhe used the Blood God Son to replace her own damage.

The Blood God Son is powerful, but it consumes blood essence and blood to control it.Hua Qianhe didn't have long to live, so he didn't want to use the Blood God Son unless he had no choice.

The sword energy activated by Gao Xian lightly broke through his Blood God Banner, making Hua Qianhe aware of Gao Xian's difficulty.

There was not much time left for him. In at most a cup of tea, Yun Qiushui and Ma Tengyun could break through the Blood God Formation.

At that time, I don’t know how many Jindan masters will be recruited.Even the two Nascent Soul Lords will be dispatched.

Hua Qianhe couldn't care about anything else at the moment and could only use all his strength to capture the two of them first.

Hua Qianhe was also happy to see Yan Feiyin being restrained. These large sect true disciples had all kinds of magic weapons and spiritual weapons on them, which was very troublesome to clean up.

If you don't have enough time, you can just take Yan Feiyin away.Although the five-color lotus was precious, it was of little use to him.

At this moment, Gao Xian took out the Tianshu Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip from his sleeve.

With a gentle flick of the three-foot golden whip, Tianshu's thunder roared loudly, stirring up thunder and clearing away the demonic energy emitted by the Son of Blood God.

Yan Feiyin, who was struggling in pain, felt light all over and was instantly freed from the Blood God Son's magic restriction. She couldn't help but look happy.

"you go first."

Gao Xian waved his hand, signaling Yan Feiyin to leave quickly.

Yan Feiyin was a little hesitant. It wouldn't be right to leave Gao Xian like this, right?

Besides, her life bead is in Gao Xian's hands. If Gao Xian dies, she won't be able to escape.

Yan Feiyin said hurriedly: "Senior brother, I will fight side by side with you."

"It's too much trouble for you to stay here."

Gao Xian didn't care what Yan Feiyin said, he grabbed Yan Feiyin's collar and lifted her up. Pushed by the yin and yang heavenly wheel, she turned into a platinum rainbow and disappeared instantly.

The Blood God Son had some instinctive intelligence. It was frightened by Tianshu's thunder, and for a moment it cowered and did not dare to move forward.

After a moment's hesitation, Hua Qianhe could only see the platinum streamer left in the sky swaying like a streamer. Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin had already disappeared without a trace.

Hua Qianhe was shocked and angry. This kid also had a thunder magic weapon in his hand. It was even more incredible that the other party's escape method was so fast.

Not to mention him, not even a tangible and insubstantial shadow like the Blood God Son could catch up with him.

Five Elements Island has a radius of dozens of miles, and Gao Xian doesn't have to go far. He has nothing to do if he can circle around the island with his escape skills.

Hua Qianhe was also helpless about this. The thunder magic power of the Demon-Subduing Golden Whip was extremely restrained by the Blood God Son. If not, within the scope of the Blood God Son's filthy magic power, the opponent would be unable to use any escape method!

"Maybe the other party used some kind of explosive secret technique and couldn't hold on for too long?"

Hua Qianhe pondered for a while but still felt that something was wrong. Even if the other party could only hold on for a short while, he couldn't bear it.

When the time comes, the entrance will be blocked outside, and he will have nowhere to run if he wants to.

After all, he was an old guy who had lived for 700 years. After weighing the pros and cons, Hua Qianhe made an immediate decision. He turned around and flew outwards in the billowing red smoke.

At this time, Gao Xian had already brought Yan Feiyin more than ten miles away. He threw Yan Feiyin away casually, "Don't move here, I will kill that devil to do justice for heaven!"

Yan Feiyin barely managed to stabilize her figure in the clouds. She had just been contaminated by the Blood God Son's magic power, and was quickly escaped by Gao Xian by the collar. Her mind was still dizzy, and the operation of her magic power was somewhat sluggish.

She was stunned for a moment before she realized that Gao Xian was actually going to attack Hua Qianhe. She hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, it's too dangerous!"

Before Yan Feiyin could finish her words, Gao Xian had activated the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel and flew away in an instant, leaving behind a light whistle that broke through the air and echoed in Yan Feiyin's ears, as if it was Gao Xian's response to her...

Before Hua Qianhe reached the entrance, she heard a soft whistling sound coming from behind her.

As soon as his consciousness moved, he saw a green shadow trailing a long stream of platinum light coming from behind.

Hua Qianhe couldn't help but became furious. Even if a little foundation-building monk escaped by chance in his hands, he still had the guts to run back. Do you really think he is a vegetarian? !

This kind of arrogance really angered Hua Qianhe.

Hua Qianhe turned around and waved the Blood God Flag in his hand, and the Blood God Son screamed and rushed towards Gao Xian.

The Blood God Son will be restrained by lightning, but with his hundreds of years of cultivation, he will still be afraid of a small foundation!
The so-called thunder method restraint is nothing more than water restraining fire.The problem is that only a drop of water can help, and it becomes a joke when water overcomes fire.

Hua Qianhe silently bit the tip of her tongue and sprayed the few blood essence on the Blood God Banner.

Gao Xian took away Yan Feiyin and ruined his good deeds. Although it was abominable, it was not worth his efforts.The other party's reckless arrogance made Hua Qianhe intolerable.

He has been in the world for hundreds of years and has never been insulted like this.

Inspired by Hua Qianhe, the Blood God Son suddenly turned into a bloody shadow and enveloped Gao Xian.

Gao Xian smiled, and there were faint circles of electric light flashing in the depths of his eyes.

Facing the demon in the late stage of Jindan, Gao Xian activated the thunder and lightning method.

In his eyes, Hua Qianhe was like a slow old man on the verge of death. All his movements were slow, including the Blood God Son that the other party activated.

From their first contact, Gao Xian already knew that this demon was on the same level as Zhang Changzhen of the Xuanzhen Sect, and that his spiritual consciousness and magic power were almost the same.

The difference is that the opponent has the Blood God Banner in his hand, which should be a third-level high-grade spiritual weapon.Especially the Blood God Son is extremely troublesome.

However, he has a pair of demon-conquering golden whips in his hands, which can restrain the old boy's Blood God Son very well.

At the level of spiritual consciousness, he is no weaker than the opponent. With Sister Lan, he is even far better than the opponent.

The Blood God Son, a weapon spirit that is neither real nor illusory, is best at attacking divine souls.With Sister Lan, most of the Blood God Son's magical powers have been suppressed.

In terms of mana and other aspects, he can fight with the opponent with the powerful vajra.

Counting the Green Lotus Sword, the master-level Fengyun Sword Scripture, and the Daluo God Transformation Technique, it shouldn't be too difficult to kill this devil.

Half of the reason why Gao Xian was so active in killing Hua Qianhe was because he liked the Blood God Banner in his hand.

He got a blood god flag at the ancient sect ruins, as well as the accompanying "Blood Evil Spirit Demon Sutra".

After studying for a period of time, he found that the Blood God Banner's magic power was filthy and vicious, which was quite hindering him.

Until he succeeded in practicing the Daluo Transformation and Distraction Technique, Taixuan Shenxiang specialized in operating the power of Nine Yins.

The so-called Nine Yin actually covers all changes in Yin system magic power.The filthy and sinister magic power of the Blood God Banner is also one of the nine yin magic powers.

The Blood God Banner controlled by Tai Xuan Shen Xiang is not only harmless, but can actually increase Tai Xuan Shen Xiang's cultivation.It's just that the power of the Blood God Flag in his hand is too poor.The powerful blood god flag in Hua Qianhe's hand aroused Gao Xian's strong interest.

Gao Xian was also very confident in defeating the old devil. He relied on Taixuan's divine appearance to restrain him in all aspects.

If you really can't beat him, it's not difficult to escape with his clone.

Facing the blood god's son who was rushing toward him, Gao Xian instantly considered everything.

When the Son of Blood God fell, Gao Xian flicked the Tianshu Thunder Devil-Subduing Golden Whip in his hand, and the blue Tianshu Thunder exploded into pieces of lightning grids.

The crimson phantom of the Son of Blood God manifested himself in the lightning grid.But it was supported by the essence and blood of Hua Qianhe, and its incorporeal form was extremely strong, and it could withstand the bombardment of the lightning grid.

The Blood God Son was already in front of Gao Xian in a blink of an eye, and he pounced on him without hesitation.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and rotated the black and white Tai Chi figure to block the Blood God Son.

The body of the Blood God Son suddenly swelled, and with one move of his hands, he tore the black and white Tai Chi diagram into strands of light.

Gao Xian's golden whip fell suddenly, and the Blood God Son held the golden whip with both hands.

The Blood God Son's whole body was as red as fire and blood, and had condensed into substance. There was endless filthy magic power on his palm, which forcibly suppressed the lightning on the Demon-Suppressing Golden Whip.

The body of the Blood God Son liquefied into dirty blood, which quickly spread towards Gao Xian's body along the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

Hua Qianhe, who was driving the Blood God Son in the distance, had a cruel and proud smile on his handsome face.

Gao Xian's physical body is really good. After being possessed by the Blood God Son, he might be able to trick Yan Feiyin...

Hua Qianhe was just thinking about good things when she saw another Gao Xian wearing a black and white robe emerging. This Gao Xian also held a magic-conquering golden whip in his hand.

"Not good!"

Hua Qianhe was shocked to realize something was wrong and wanted to take back the Blood God Son, but was a step too late.

The two high sages, one in front and one behind, urged to fire the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip at the same time, and the two Demon-Conquering Golden Whips struck the Blood God Son.

The two thunders of Tianshu Thunder and Zixiao Thunder collided. The purple thunder light and the blue and white thunder light naturally merged into golden thunder light, which was the Zixiao Tianshu Divine Thunder.

The improvement in the level of the thunder spell also increased the power of the Demon-Suppressing Golden Whip tenfold.

The Blood God Son exploded into thousands of pieces of dirty blood in the divine thunder, emitting wisps of green smoke.

This blow severely injured the Blood God Son, and Hua Qianhe, who was mentally connected to the Blood God Son, felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His face turned pale and his whole body was shaking.

At the same time, a sharp blue light shot out from a distance. Before the sword arrived, the sword light had dyed Hua Qianhe's hair and beard green.

Hua Qianhe was even more shocked. Gao Xian had a second clone? !

In a hurry, Hua Qianhe couldn't even tell which one was Gao Xian's true form. He could only wave the Blood God Banner in his hand, causing the intense blood light to emit.

The Blood God's Heavenly Evil Gangqi is his natal magical power. With the blessing of the Blood God's Banner, the power of the Heavenly Evil God's Qi is doubled.

The rich blood light was like the sea, completely covering a radius of several tens of feet.

Hua Qianhe has practiced these secret techniques all his life. When facing the enemy, he can naturally produce endless changes. There is no need to practice all kinds of fancy and useless spells.

The green lotus sword in Gao Xian's hand, who came with the sword, vibrated slightly, and used the most powerful move in the Fengyun Sword Sutra: Wind and Thunder.

The green sword blade gathered the power of wind and thunder and turned it into a fierce and unparalleled sword energy, cutting a long crack into the blood-like sea of ​​blood.

It's not that Gao Xian's magic power is better than Hua Qianhe's, but that he uses sharp arrancar. Even if this sword has only one-tenth of Hua Qianhe's strength, it can break through the opponent's blood sea.

The Qinglian Sword is originally a third-level top-grade spiritual sword, and it also contains the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword. Even if Gao Xian cannot activate it, it indirectly improves the level of the Qinglian Sword.

Gao Xian's peerless sword intent allowed him to lock Hua Qianhe's position, and the four-foot-long green blade thrust straight in front of Hua Qianhe.

Hua Qianhe was shocked. He didn't understand how Gao Xian could find him in the sea of ​​blood.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that the Blood God Son was suppressed by two demon-conquering golden whips. He could not take the Blood God Son back, and thus lost the most important means of self-defense.

Hua Qianhe felt a little guilty at this moment. He didn't dare to fight in close combat with a swordsman like Gao Xian, let alone the opponent's sword was so sharp.

He shook the Blood God Banner, and the rich blood turned into a huge scimitar and slashed Gao Xian.

The Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, this is Hua Qianhe's best offensive spell.One strike of the knife can turn living beings into dirty blood, which is extremely vicious.

Gao Xian raised his sword in front of his chest, and the man and the sword disappeared instantly.

Hua Qianhe's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that he cannot sense Gao Xian's position.This made Hua Qianhe's expression change greatly. He waved the Blood God Banner and was about to change his position when Gao Xian appeared beside him.

A wisp of green light flowed and swept over, the sound of the light sword chant was inaudible, and the sword light was so agile that it seemed to have no trace.

At the critical moment, Hua Qianhe waved the Blood God Flag in his hand again, and the people and the flag instantly seemed to merge into one, turning into a ball of extremely violent bloody flames that struck from all directions.

Hua Qianhe was burning his essence and blood at all costs, wildly releasing the blood god Tiansha Gangqi.

He himself also knew that [-]% of the mana would be wasted.

It's just a matter of life and death. Hua Qianhe has no ability to lock the opponent with his spiritual consciousness and control the magic power in a subtle way.

His way is to rely on powerful and dirty magic power to win. He is not good at subtle changes, nor is he good at close combat.

The bloody flames, so intense that they seemed to melt everything, only lasted for two breaths before quickly dimming.

Hua Qianhe, who was furious, turned pale, and the hand holding the Blood God Banner was trembling.

Gao Xian emerged from the void at this moment, with lightning flashing in his eyes, and circles of electric rings fell on Hua Qianhe first.

When Hua Qianhe's body froze slightly, the green lotus sword flashed with lightning and slashed down, splitting the horrified Hua Qianhe into two.

As the green sword light flourished, Hua Qianhe was completely submerged in the roar of thunder.

When the sword light dissipated, Hua Qianhe also turned into debris and green smoke that filled the sky.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. This style of wind and thunder agitation gathered the thunderous sword intention to Yang Zhigang, which had extraordinary power against the demon cultivator, and then killed Hua Qianhe Xingshen.

This was because he used a pair of demon-suppressing golden whips to suppress the Blood God Son, cutting off Hua Qianhe's control over the Blood God Son and not giving Hua Qianhe a chance to act like a monster.

Gao Xian urged the Taixuan Divine Phase clone, grasped the Blood God Flag and shook it gently. Without the suppression of the Demon-Suppressing Golden Whip, the Blood God Son whizzed and landed on the Blood God Flag.

Yun Qiushui, who was galloping in with his sword piercing the air, saw Gao Xian holding the Blood God Flag fluttering in the wind, with blood flowing all over his body, and demonic energy overwhelming the sky...

Yun Qiushui couldn't help but feel her heart sink. Could it be that Gao Xian was possessed by a demon? !He stopped his sword and asked with a wary look on his face: "Brother Gao?"

Gao Xian grinned at his good friend: "Haha, you are a step too late, the devil has already been killed..."

He asked apologetically: "Brother Yun, you won't blame me for getting there first, right?"

Yun Qiushui was also relieved, it was Gao Xian.The devil is not that angry...

(There is nothing wrong with nine thousand words being counted as three updates. There is nothing wrong with asking for a monthly pass for three updates. Please give me a monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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