Chapter 326 Opportunity
There was still a ray of divine consciousness left in the Blood Demon Relic, which surprised Gao Xian.

According to the records of "Blood Nerve", the blood demon relics are formed by the natural condensation of the essence and blood of the souls of powerful demons after their death.

The powerful power of the cultivator during his lifetime collapsed inward and condensed into a solid and stable crystal under the powerful laws of heaven and earth.

In this state, the cultivator's own soul consciousness will inevitably collapse and disintegrate.Only when the consciousness of the soul is broken can such a crystal form.

The relics left by eminent Buddhist monks, including the crystals left by some evil spirits after death, are all based on the same principle.

Living beings with immortal consciousness cannot condense relics.

Only after complete death, relics and crystals will be condensed under the action of the laws of heaven and earth.

Just like the crystal nuclei left by evil spirits, they are all of extremely high value.No one would ever think that the evil crystal core is dangerous.

Because Gao Xianzheng knew the Blood Demon Relic very well, he didn't expect that this thing actually contained a spiritual consciousness.

But he immediately realized that this spiritual consciousness belonged to a latecomer and had nothing to do with the Blood Demon Relic.

Gao Xian thought of the demon cultivator he killed. Judging from his life state, he was at least five or six hundred years old.

It is very likely that such a late-stage Jindan demon cultivator also wanted to use the blood demon relics to create a clone, but failed.

It makes sense that there is a trace of divine consciousness left in the blood demon relic.

Moreover, the blood demon relics and the blood god son are closely connected, and only that demon cultivator can control the blood god son.

Gao Xian quickly calmed down after being surprised. The other party's spiritual consciousness only invaded the Taixuan divine phase clone and could not cause direct harm to him.

Secondly, although the other party's spiritual consciousness is strong, it carries a ferocious ferocity and obviously does not have much wisdom.

"The obsession of the demon's fragmented soul was originally not a problem, but it only triggered the power of the blood demon's relics, so it appears to be extremely powerful and cruel..."

With the clone as a buffer, Gao Xian had time to calmly think about the causes and consequences, and quickly came to a reliable conclusion.

There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as the remaining soul is crushed.

Gao Xian visualized the big vajra, rushing towards the powerful cold consciousness.

Even if the devil is not dead, Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is not inferior to that of the other party.Not to mention that there is only a trace of the other party's soul left.

The huge Vajra pestle, which was as big as a pagoda reaching the sky, smashed down, and a bloody light as sharp as a knife suddenly shattered.

The Tongtian Golden Pagoda also left a huge and deep crack in the violent impact and almost shattered on the spot.

Without the guidance of this spiritual consciousness, the blood demon relics turned into walnut-sized blood crystals again.

During this frontal bombardment, Gao Xian imagined that the Vajra almost broke, causing him to be severely damaged at the level of his soul.

The so-called non-retreat of the Vajra can be seen at this time to be unworthy of its name.

In fact, this is also the case. The Vajra is the realm of golden elixir. What can it do without retreating?

Not to mention the golden elixir, even Yuanying, Huashen, and even Chunyang Taoist Master dare not say that they will never retreat.

Gao Xian now had a splitting headache, but he didn't dare to rest and relax.He cast the Aoki Rejuvenation Technique on himself and barely suppressed the severe pain.

After destroying the demon's remnant soul, it was the best time to refine the blood demon's relics.

He controlled the Taixuan Divine Appearance clone to circulate his blood nerves and tried his best to absorb the breath of the blood demon's relics.

It took more than ten days for the Taixuan divine phase clone to barely leave a trace of divine consciousness mark on the Blood Demon relic and become the temporary owner of the Blood Demon relic.

Hua Qianhe used the Blood Demon Relic as the core to refine the Blood God Banner.Gao Xian can now barely control the Blood God Banner through the Blood Demon Relic.

It's just that this third-level spiritual weapon is very powerful, and it is extremely difficult to control it at the level of the Ether Mysterious God Avatar.

After Gao Xian reluctantly refined the blood demon relics, he collected the clones and returned to the camp.

Yun Qiushui was gone, and Gao Xian breathed a sigh of relief.Yun Qiushui would definitely ask him if he saw his miserable look.

You can't tell the truth, and you'd be sorry for your friends if you tell lies.

Back in his room, Gao Xian swallowed two Six-turn Golden Turtle Pills.

Golden Turtle Pill specializes in nourishing the mind and calming the soul. If the level of the soul is damaged, using Golden Turtle Pill will have very good effects.

Pills to treat the injuries of the soul are very rare. The price of two six-turn golden turtle pills is [-] low-grade spiritual stones, which is very exaggerated.

Gao Xian is very powerful at the spiritual level, and with Sister Lan and the Vajra, it is generally impossible to be harmed.

But out of caution, he still prepared three Golden Turtle Pills as backup.

Sure enough, it really came in handy.

Golden Turtle Pill is expensive and the effect is immediate.The power of gentle spiritual energy continues to spread into the sea of ​​consciousness, nourishing the soul deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Xian recuperated for seven days before he recovered.

However, after this injury, Gao Xian found that his proficiency with the Vajra had greatly improved.

Obviously, this kind of damage is a good training for the Vajra.

After all, it was done quickly. Gao Xian had not experienced the process of refining real gold, so his Vajra was less solid and indestructible.

This is not because there is something wrong with the Vajra, but because his personal spiritual realm is far behind.

Gao Xian is also aware of this problem. His sword power is now extremely high, and other aspects have been added by adding points, and he lacks a bit of understanding when using it.

The shape and spirit of the Great Vajra are perfect both inside and outside, which is a very good integration for the various secret techniques he practices.

From this perspective, the Great Vajra is actually far more advanced than the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

The method of Daluo transforming into a clone of the gods is another way.The level is higher than the Vajra, but for his current situation, it is a bit too high.To condense the golden elixir, a strong source of life is the foundation, a strong soul can increase his upper limit, and a strong spiritual consciousness can increase the efficiency of elixir formation.

To put it bluntly, the change in the appearance of the Great Vajra is the condensed form of spiritual consciousness.Divine consciousness comes from the soul.

Therefore, these three are closely related to each other.

The purpose of building the tenth level of the foundation is to temper the spiritual consciousness and polish the spiritual aperture, making final preparations for forming the elixir.

Gao Xian discovered this cultivation method, which not only helped him refine the blood demon relics, sharpen his consciousness and soul, but also cultivate his clones. It simply served multiple purposes.

Of course, be sure to control the heat appropriately.Don't let your soul be really hurt. Golden Turtle Pill is very expensive, and if you get hurt, you will also lose your essence.

In the next few days, Gao Xian went to Poison Fire Cave to refine the blood demon relics every day.

His refining method is also very simple and crude, which is to use a large vajra pestle to bombard the blood demon relics.

The blood demon relic is somewhere between reality and reality, extremely solid and stable.The appearance of the large vajra pestle cannot shake the blood demon relics, but it will be damaged itself.

Under Gao Xian's control, these minor injuries can be recovered quickly.

It didn't take long for Gao Xian to find a training rhythm, practicing for one day and resting for three days.In this way, you can continuously sharpen your soul and consciousness through the Vajra, without damaging your roots.

As for Yun Qiushui, he found a gold spirit cave. Inside was a gold spirit that was manifested by billions of Geng gold energy. It had form but no substance, spirit but no intelligence.

They are like phantoms of golden light, but condensed with extremely sharp Gengjin Qi, and some instinctive intelligence like grass and trees, which will automatically attack outsiders.

Yun Qiushui liked to sharpen his sword energy there. Although his sword was strong, he came from a noble family and had a smooth journey, so his sword lacked some killing intent and sharpness.

Gengjin's energy kills the sharp, and practicing swordsmanship here for a long time will be of great benefit to Yun Qiushui.

Gao Xian has been to the Jinjing Cave several times. It's not like he can't practice swords here, but it can sharpen his sharp edge too much, which is not very good for him.

Yun Qiushui felt that this was a pity. He felt that Gao Xian was obviously more talented in swordsmanship and could definitely pursue a career in swordsmanship.

It's just that Gao Xian doesn't want to, and he can't force it.

The two of them practiced their own way and stayed in the Lihuo Palace for more than a year.

On this day, Gao Xian suddenly felt something in his heart. He took the clone of Taixuan God and returned to the camp.

Gao Xian entered the tent and sat cross-legged. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Sister Lan also appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, and at the same time he was running the Five Elements Heqi Technique.

The Great Five Elements Kung Fu and the Five Elements Qi Method come together, and the yin and yang intersect and rotate, constantly polishing the natal aura between the eyebrows.

The aura that was originally as bright as a bean suddenly increased by an inch.

The aura of the heart orifice and the aura of the Qi aperture of the lower abdomen both shimmered and evaporated at the same time. The three auras combined up and down to form a powerful aura that penetrated Gao Xian's body inside and outside, illuminating the dark sea of ​​consciousness and illuminating Gao Xian's soul.

The magic power that continuously gathers and circulates through the three auras is pure and powerful.

Gao Xian knew that he had advanced to the tenth level of foundation building, and he even vaguely felt the spark of inspiration between heaven and earth.

Taking advantage of the situation, he could form a golden elixir.

Gao Xian hesitated for a while but gave up. It was too hasty to form the elixir now.

After reaching the tenth level of foundation building, he still needs to polish his mana and consciousness to make it as perfect as possible.

This requires time and cannot be achieved overnight.

When it comes to finishing, don't be anxious.

Gao Xian has been in Qingyun Sect for more than ten years and has learned a lot.

Especially the various details of pill formation, Yun Qiushui has said it repeatedly, Yun Qingxuan has also said it, and even Yun Changfeng has said it.

The three golden elixir masters each focused on different things.But they all emphasize that you should not be impatient when forming elixirs.

When entering the tenth level of foundation building, it is indeed easy to connect with the world and sense the inspiration for forming pills.

However, this kind of inspiration comes and goes quickly, and is very unstable.

Casual cultivators who have no connections can take this opportunity to give it a try.

There is no need for monks from large sects to covet such shortcuts.

Gao Xian opened his eyes. With his cultivation reaching this point, it was time for him to return to his sect.

The aura of Lihuo Earth Palace is complex and changeable, and contains various dangers, so it is not suitable for cultivating mana and consciousness.

When Yun Qiushui came back, Gao Xian told him about the matter.

Yun Qiushui was a little surprised. Gao Xian only built the ninth floor a year ago, and in just over a year, he has reached the tenth floor!

This progress can be described as rapid.

"To build the tenth floor of the foundation, you need to warm up your mana and consciousness. It is really inappropriate to stay here."

Yun Qiushui thought for a moment and said: "My sword is almost sharpened. If it continues to be sharpened, it will damage the root. I will return to the sect with you..."

Back at the sect, Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui went to meet Yun Changfeng.

Yun Changfeng praised Gao Xian for a while. The story of Gao Xian's killing of the golden elixir demon cultivator came back, causing a sensation in the sect.

Yun Changfeng was still very excited when he mentioned this matter again after two years.

He said to Gao Xian: "Building pills is very important, so you can rest assured to cultivate in the sect and don't worry about other things..."

Coming out of Yun Changfeng, Yun Qiushui said to Gao Xian seriously: "Brother Gao, you still have time to switch to sword cultivation. If you are willing, I will go to the master and tell you to give you the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" Enlightenment..."

(End of this chapter)

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