Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 327 3 miles apart from the world of mortals

Chapter 327: Three thousand miles apart from the world of mortals

"Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" is the most wonderful inheritance of swordsmanship of Qingyun Sect.

Gao Xian has always been keen on this sword classic, but he has obtained two volumes of secret method inheritance, and it is almost impossible to learn this sword classic again.

The secret method is passed down with divine consciousness, and every time it is passed on, the divine consciousness will be weakened by one point.

The 36 volumes of Qingyun are all secret techniques that directly point to the Nascent Soul level.Only by reaching the Nascent Soul realm can one modify and add to the inherited secrets.

Cultivators at other levels can only keep their own cultivation experience.Not qualified to change the secret inheritance.

"Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" is said to be the inheritance left by a Nascent Soul Sword Lord.

Every time it is passed down, the charm of the sword is lost.The most difficult thing is that the Qingyun Sect has not produced a Nascent Soul Sword Lord for thousands of years, and the consumption cannot be replenished.So be extremely cautious when passing it on.

If he were a swordsman, Yun Zaitian wouldn't be stingy.

But now that he has made it clear that it is impossible to specialize in swordsmanship, it would be unjustifiable to practice the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" again.

Gao Xian trained in the Lihuo Palace for two years, bombarding the Blood Demon relics with a large vajra all day long. Not only was his own consciousness tempered, but the Blood Demon relics were also refined by him.

At this point, Gao Xian was actually confident that he could use the Blood Demon relics as the foundation of his clone to create a true Taixuan God clone.

From this point of view, it is not impossible for Taiyuan and Taiji to become divine clones.

Sword cultivator Weiwei is the best, he can completely use the Taiyuan Shen phase clone to follow the path of sword cultivating.

But this reason is hard to say directly.

It is not a secret that he cultivates the Daluo Transformation Nerve, but it is very wrong to refine the Daluo Transformation Nerve into the Daluo Transformation God Clone Technique, and to condense the divine form clone as if it were real.

Being able to do this is entirely due to the blessing of Fengyue Baojian.How do you explain this to Yun Zaitian?

No matter how tempted Gao Xian was, he could only refuse Yun Qiushui's kindness.

"Brother Yun, I have achieved great success in the Five Elements. At this point, I can't change my path..."

Yun Qiushui sighed deeply: "Sword cultivator Wei Jingyi. You have used the Great Five Elements Kung Fu to promote the Qingyun Sword Sutra to this level. If you put down the Great Five Elements Kung Fu and practice the Qingyun Sword Sutra, you will definitely become the Nascent Soul Sword Master integrating body and sword in the future." .

"Although the path of sword cultivation is narrow, it is also a shortcut. As long as you have enough talent, you can move forward bravely, and it is easier to break the pill and become a baby. It is a pity..."

Yun Qiushui really felt sorry for Gao Xian. He was still more talented in swordsmanship than him, but he didn't follow the path of swordsmanship.

It's just that Gao Xian has already made up his mind, and it would be bad to say more.

"This time I hurt my good friend's heart a bit..."

Gao Xian understood that Yun Qiu Shui had good intentions, but he couldn't explain it. He could only watch Yun Qiu Shui walk away with his sword with a look of sadness on his face.

Returning to Xuandu Peak, Gao Xian could see the red and yellow autumn colors of the mountains from a distance. Only Xuandu Peak was full of green and green spots with bright reds. It was just when the peach blossoms were about to bloom, just like early spring.

After pressing the button, the light drifted down. Gao Xian was quite satisfied when he saw that the yard was neat and clean. Daniel was really a good family man.

Daniel came out of the room to welcome him when he heard the noise. He was also overjoyed to see Gao Xian.

I haven’t seen him for more than two years. Daniel’s aura is calm and his eyes are shining. He is already a foundation-building monk.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. Da Niu built the foundation on his own without waiting for him to come back to protect the law. There was a lot of risk involved.

Fortunately, Daniel succeeded in building the foundation, and Gao Xian was also very happy for this little brother.

Time flies by 20 years ago. The honest young man who was excited to work with him for two spiritual stones is now a calm middle-aged man and a foundation-building monk.

Gao Xian was filled with emotion when he thought of this. He patted Danuo on the shoulder: "The foundation establishment is successful. Congratulations, Brother Daniu!"

Daniel smiled shyly. He had followed Gao Xian for more than 20 years, but he still didn't know how to respond to Gao Xian's jokes.

"Good good..."

Gao Xian was very happy, and he promised: "Brother will give you a set of magical weapons and robes. They are all foundation-building monks. We can't afford to miss out on the ones they wear."

Daniel hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head: "Brother, no, no, no. I will stay at Xuandu Peak to make elixirs. What do I need the magic weapon and robe for?"

"That won't work."

Gao Xian trusts Daniel very much, but he has become a foundation-building monk, so it would be bad to follow him any longer.

Although the Qingyun Sect is large, there are only a few thousand foundation-building monks.

Yun Qingxuan was so arrogant, but he didn't even mention finding a foundation-building monk to be his housekeeper.

Even Yun Zaitian, the Nascent Soul Lord, did not let the foundation-building monks serve as servants.

Gao Xian asked: "Qingyun Sect Eight Branch 24 House, where do you want to go?"

"Or you can go to Qingyun City to set up your own business and sell some elixirs or something."

The foundation-building monks of Lianyun Sect call themselves ancestors behind closed doors, which is actually not an exaggeration.

After all, if a monk who can live to be three hundred years old likes to have children, I wonder how many generations he can have.

Daniel looked at Gao Xian a little uneasily. He hesitated and said, "Brother, I just want to follow you. I just want to stay here and make elixirs in peace."

Although he successfully built the foundation, he actually had little combat experience and rarely even interacted with people.

He is quite proficient in alchemy, but he is just proficient.

Daniel didn't know what he could do without Gao Xian, and he didn't want to leave Gao Xian.

Gao Xian laughed loudly: "That's not possible. A person as old as you should marry a wife, have children, start a family and start a business. There is no reason to follow me all day long."

He thought for a moment and said, "Let me help you ask and see who has a suitable woman..."

With Daniel's temperament, it would be difficult for him to find a suitable one if he were to look for it on his own.

Within the sect, everyone knows the basics, so a blind date is safer.

Daniel waved his hands repeatedly, his face flushed, "No, no, no."

"That's not possible. It would be suspicious if you don't find a wife. Oh, you want to make your own choice."

Gao Xian smiled and said: "In this way, I will go to class in a few days and you will follow me. Just tell me which one you like."

Daniel blushed and nodded.

Gao Xian was in a good mood and drank a lot of fire ginseng wine with Daniel.Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Gao Xian picked two foundation-building monk robes from his storage bag, as well as swords, self-defense weapons, etc.

The long pole of the Blood God Banner is a very powerful storage instrument, and Hua Qianhe's hundreds of years of belongings have been stored in it.

This old demon in the late Jindan period is cruel and ruthless, and he also likes to plunder within the Yuelun Sect.All that can be returned to him are extremely high-grade magical weapons and robes.

There are more than 1000 high-grade spiritual stones in the Blood God Banner, which shows how rich this old demon is.

Gao Xian received a gift from the old devil, which included two thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

Naturally, he was even more generous to Daniel. He randomly selected a few items, which were enough for Daniel to use until the later stage of foundation building.

Returning to the room, Gao Xian activated the protective array and slept soundly for three days.

Staying in the Lihuo Underground Palace, even though there is a magic circle for protection, my heart is always with my heart.

Only when he returned to the sect could he truly relax.

After a restful sleep, Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Book and carefully checked the data above.

After practicing for more than two years, my swordsmanship has improved slightly, my Vajra has made considerable progress, and my Five Elements Kung Fu has made great progress.

His cultivation reached the tenth level of Foundation Establishment, which also gave him a life span of 580 years.

In total, he has only lived one-third of his lifespan now, and his life source is strong enough. Ten more years of cultivating Qi will be enough for him to obtain the Nine Transformation Pills.

In two years, 300 million people's spiritual light was accumulated.After waiting for another year, Daluo's spirit-transforming body technique can be raised to the level of master perfection.

Every time Da Luo's God Transformation Technique is improved, his consciousness and magic power will be improved, but this improvement is mainly reflected in the three gods, not directly blessed on him.

Facts have proved that the three gods are closely related to him.As the power of his divine appearance increases, he will naturally improve in all aspects.

Gao Xian thought about it, and tried to upgrade all the secret techniques that could be upgraded before forming the elixir, so that he could be in the best condition.

The exception is the Great Vajra.Any further improvement in this secret method will not only lead to an imbalance of body and spirit, but will also deduct 320 years of life.

He couldn't bear such a huge loss.

Even if he achieved the golden elixir, he would not be willing to spend 320 years practicing the Vajra Pestle.

Let’s leave this secret method there for now.It won't be too late to think about it when he has a lifespan of several thousand years.

Gao Xian spent a few days recuperating at home. That morning, the sky was clear and the clouds were white, and the autumn mood was clear. Gao Xian saw that the weather was very good, so he went to the Jade Mirror Palace to visit Yun Qingxuan.

He only has a few friends, so of course he will visit them when he comes back.

As usual, the lake water is like a mirror. Yun Qingxuan, dressed in green clothes, sits alone in a small pavilion, watching the lake water thoughtfully.

Seeing Gao Xian coming over, Yun Qingxuan just nodded slightly but said nothing.

Gao Xian had long been accustomed to Yun Qingxuan's style. He raised his hand and said hello: "Senior brother, it's been a long time since we last met."


Yun Qingxuan turned his head slightly and glanced at Gao Xian, "You are full of energy, and you are only one step away from the golden elixir. At this time, it is best to use the Nine Transformation Dingyuan Pill to nourish your spirit and strengthen your energy, and constantly purify your breath."

"Nine Turns of Ding Yuan Dan?"

Gao Xian couldn't help but ask: "How much does one cost?"

With his status as the True Successor of Shenxiao, he can receive ten Sixth Transformation Ding Yuan Pills every month.

Every time the elixir is returned to the elixir and practiced again, the medicinal properties of the elixir are purified.Nine turns is the ultimate level of elixir.

Even an ordinary second-level elixir can be sold for a very high price at the ninth turn.Ding Yuan Dan is a third-level elixir, so it must be ridiculously expensive.

"It should be a high-grade spiritual stone."

Yun Qingxuan was not sure about this. She said softly: "If junior brother doesn't have the spirit stone, I can lend it to you."

"No, no, I still have it."

Gao Xian has 2000 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones in his hand, and he will not waste favors on it.

"The last step of forming the elixir is to nourish the energy. It is extremely important. From today on, try not to leave the sect, let alone fight with others."

Yun Qingxuan said seriously: "Any bit of vitality lost before the formation of the pill may delay the formation of the pill, or even cause immeasurable damage to the formation of the pill. Junior brother must be careful."

"I see."

Gao Xian nodded. Yun Changfeng and Yun Qiushui had also emphasized this point. Now Yun Qingxuan said it again, which shows the importance of this matter.

"You killed the Golden Core Demon Cultivator in the Lihuo Palace, and your reputation spread far and wide. I don't know how many people are watching you now, trying to ruin your business..."

Yun Qingxuan rarely spoke so many words, but Gao Xian was different and always had to speak clearly.

Gao Xian understood what Yun Qingxuan meant. He was the target of public criticism, and many people must be holding back things to harm him.

"Thank you, senior brother. I will be careful."

While Gao Xian was speaking, a gust of autumn wind happened to blow, causing slight ripples on the surface of the mirror-like lake, and the mountains reflected in the blue sky on the lake also rippled.

Somehow, Gao Xian suddenly thought of a word: Troubles on the Ground.

"This sign is a bit unlucky..."

Gao Xian couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. Things in the world are unpredictable, and fate is unpredictable. With just a few fingers, he knew that those in the future and past were gods, not cultivators!
If fate is doomed, it would be too boring if it could be determined by someone's finger...

Yun Qingxuan didn't know why Gao Xian was smiling, so she looked at him in a questioning tone.

Gao Xian stood up and looked at Jade Mirror Lake with emotion and said: "Suddenly, I thought of a poem that I would like to send to my senior brother.

"The jade mirror has no waves and fills the heart of the boat, and the empty water is clear and the color of autumn is clear. The world is separated by three thousand miles, and the green clothes and white clouds are leisurely..."

This Jade Mirror Lake can cut off the world of mortals for three thousand miles, allowing Yun Qingxuan to cultivate here without interference.It's a pity that even though he has this consciousness, he doesn't have Yun Qingxuan's cold temperament.

There was a hint of joy in Yun Qingxuan's crystal clear eyes, but this poem suited her exactly what she wanted. Gao Xian was indeed her confidant...

(Gao Xian, who copied the poem, asks for monthly votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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