Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 350 Blood Flower

Chapter 350 Blood Flower

Gui Wuji in the magic circle, blue and white thunder light flowing on the dark blue sword blade in his hand, and the condensed sword energy instantly reached the extreme.

The three-foot Xiandu Sword was now as deep and broad as a sea, with huge blue and white waves rising on the sea.

Gui Wuqi resonated with the sword spirit of the Xiandu Sword with his sword intention, and there was no hesitation when controlling this fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword.

As his thoughts turned, the endless thunder and sword energy was gathered and ready to go.

Gui Wuqi doesn't have the habit of talking nonsense, and he doesn't hesitate when he draws his sword.

Even if he feels he has a sure victory over Gao Xian, he will try his best to kill Gao Xian as soon as possible.

Gui Wuqi activated the Thunder Sword Qi and was about to activate it when a cold light broke through the air and pierced his eyebrows.

The cold light came suddenly and quickly, and its sharpness made the energy of his protective sword ripple slightly.

As Gui Wuqi's consciousness turned, he could clearly see the cold light. It turned out to be an ice pick that was about a foot long.

"Ice Arrow?!"

Gui Wuqi is a little surprised. Can such a low-level spell be so powerful?

He immediately realized something was wrong. The ice arrow was actually as flat as a sword, with sharp edges on both sides.

Judging from the changes in mana, this is indeed the condensation of ice mana. So is Gao Xian improving the ice arrow technique and turning it into ice sword technique? !
The long cold light of Chi Xu is exactly the same as the flying sword, except that its crystal clear sword body is completely condensed with ice magic power.

Ice Arrow is a very mature low-level spell. It has been optimized and improved by countless people before it became what it is now.

Turning the ice cone of Ice Arrow into a flying sword actually completely changes the mana structure of Ice Arrow.And it doesn’t make much sense.

With such low-level magic power, even if it turns into a flying sword, it will break at the touch of a touch.

The ice sword activated by Gao Xian was different. Not only did it change in shape, but the structure of the condensed mana also changed dramatically.

What's even more terrifying is that this ice sword, which looks like a flying sword, is extremely solid and sharp, and has the unique icy air of ice arrows.

Gui Wuqi felt that ice swordsmanship was somewhat special and should be a threat to ordinary golden elixirs.

It's just this small magic that can't be broken by his protective sword.

Gui Wuqi activated his sword intent, and the thunder sword on the Xiandu sword swayed, and the ice sword shot through the air exploded into crystal fragments all over the sky.

At this moment, dozens of cold lights in the void shot towards Gui Wuqi at the same time.

Gui Wuqi didn't pay attention. He drew his sword and slashed at Gao Xian. The thunder sword turned into a long thunder and slashed down suddenly.

No matter which direction the dozens of ice arrows shot towards Gui Wuqi, the thunderous sword energy turned into a layer of protection around Gui Wuqi's body, smashing all the ice arrows into pieces.

The thunderous sword light also struck in front of Gao Xian in an instant. Gao Xian had already blessed the Tai Chi Xuan Light Phaseless Heavenly Clothes. He flicked his long sleeves and activated the Tai Chi Xuan Light Shield again.

Naturally, the Yin and Yang Pisces couldn't stop the thunderous sword light and immediately collapsed and shattered.Gao Xian took advantage of this opportunity and summoned another flame shield.

Dozens of rounds of flame bombs emitted strong flames, and these flames overlapped and connected together to form this flame shield.

It looks like a flame shield in a low-level spell, but it is actually a deformed and condensed flame bomb.

Gao Xian's 36th level of ice and fire reached the master's perfection, formed the golden elixir, and promoted the black ice arrow and blazing sun bullet to the master's perfection. When these two spells were cast in his hands, they really reached the state of wishful transformation.

The Fierce Sun Bullet was originally violent and fierce, but when Gao Xian activated it, it turned into as soft and soft as water, forming a fire shield.

The fire shield could not block the thunder sword light, but the blazing sun bombs stimulated by the thunder sword light exploded.

Its terrifying heavy fire bombardment shattered the long thunder sword light.

Such exquisite magic changes exceeded Gui Wuqi's expectations. The Xiandu sword in his hand buzzed and vibrated, resisting the incoming flames and high temperature.

Everyone outside the magic circle could only see heavy flames like a sea, drowning the thunderous sword light.

Cultivators below the Golden Core level cannot understand this change, they only know that Gao Xian's magic is powerful.

The Jin elixir masters were all very shocked.

Use the flame bomb to turn into a shield, borrow the power of the opponent's sword energy to detonate it, and in turn destroy the sword energy.

It was obviously an extremely simple low-level spell, but in Gao Xian's hands, it turned out to be so sophisticated that it would be an understatement to say it was superb.

The two Jindan masters Han Chengzhen and Zhong Ziqi from the Tongtian Sword Sect also expressed admiration.

I have to say that Gao Xian's magic is indeed brilliant.If they were on top, they really wouldn't be able to defeat this wise man.

Zhong Ziqi even boasted, "He is a master of both magic and sword, and his reputation is well-deserved."

Han Chengzhen's expression turned cold. Gao Xian's spells were superb, but his swordsmanship could be better than hers?She didn't believe it.

Although the two Tongtian Sword Sect Jindan were surprised by Gao Xian's magic, they were not nervous.They have strong confidence in their future.

Speaking only of swordsmanship, Gui Wuqi has been firmly ranked among the top three in Tongtian Sword Sect.

He and Xiandu Jian have an extremely tacit understanding. In this situation, what do you have to lose?

At least, Qingyun Sect will not have such talents.

He missed the blow and ended up dead, so he didn't pay much attention to it.This spell poses no threat to him.

"That's it?"

Gui Wuqi was actually a little disappointed. Gao Xian, who had high hopes from Yun Qingxuan, could only do this, which was too far behind.

It's better for Yun Qingxuan to come up, at least she has a fourth-level spiritual weapon in her hand.You can even fight him head-on a few times.

Gui Wuqi didn't have the habit of taunting his enemies. He thought it was very tasteless and boring.

If you have this skill, it's better to kill the enemy directly.This is the greatest respect for yourself and your enemies.

Gui Wuqi thought of this and swung his sword to slash again. This thunderous move was an extremely subtle change in the sword sutra.

The Xiandu Sword vibrated slightly, triggering the thunder and sword Qi but not moving, but the Qi Machine locked onto Gao Xian first.

To Gui Wuqi's surprise, Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and triggered dozens of rays of cold light.

The opponent's long-distance attacks with spells could not hurt him, but they frequently interrupted his changes in swordsmanship.

It's like a person is preparing to sing, and someone next to him is beating time randomly.

Gui Wuqi's horizontal sword vibrated, making a roaring sound of thunder, and all the cold light that shot out was destroyed by the sword's energy.

Amidst the roar of thunder, Gui Wuqi was in front of Gao Xian the next moment, with the Xiandu Sword in his hand piercing Gao Xian's eyebrows.

Gao Xian urged the black and white Tai Chi figure to block, but it broke instantly under the sword light.He also summoned the Geng Gold Sword and Shield.

This serious spell has also reached the state of master perfection, and with the blessing of the Ruyi Golden Whip, the Geng Gold Sword and Shield in his hand can also change as he wishes.

More importantly, with the blessing of the Great Five Elements Tiangang, this low-level spell is powerful enough.

Zhanran's golden light shield rotated to block the Xiandu Sword, but was cut through by the Xiandu Sword.

After all, it is a fourth-level spiritual sword. Not to mention the power of the sword, the sharpness of the sword itself can easily cut through third-level protective spiritual weapons.

Not to mention that Gao Xian only activated spells.

A faint platinum halo circulated in front of the Xiandu Sword.

Gui Wuqi was a little awkward. He struck with his sword so quickly. Gao Xian actually had time to activate spells continuously. The speed of casting spells was too fast.

He slashed the platinum halo with his sword horizontally, only to find that the halo contained two kinds of magic power: celestial magnetism and terrestrial magnetism. The two fit together and repel each other, forming a positive and negative cycle.

It looks like a simple platinum halo, but it is actually two opposite mana powers that are rapidly rotating.

Even though the Xiandu Sword was extremely powerful, it was almost deflected by the sharply turning platinum halo.

Gui Wuqi had to activate his sword energy again, and then he broke the platinum halo in front of him.

The continuous spells also hindered the changes of Thunderous Sword Qi, and the sword moves were inevitably a little sluggish.

It was this trace of sluggishness that made Gao Xian's handsome face instantly disappear under the impetus of the platinum halo.

Gui Wuqi had no choice but to turn his sword Qi again and activated the Xiandu Sword to turn into a bolt of thunder and hit Gao Xian directly.

Gao Xian, who retreated quickly, stretched out his hand, and dozens of cold rays shot out again, followed by dozens of blazing sun bullets.

The thunder sword qi vibrated like a halo, sweeping away all the cold light and bursting flames in the roar of thunder.

Gao Xian's palm was pressed falsely, and the huge silver-white palm transformed into the Five Elements Tiangang hit him without any direction.This giant palm covered a radius of several feet, and grabbed the slightest gap where Gui Wuqi's sword energy was surging, making it impossible for Gui Wuqi to escape.

The Five Elements Mana condensed by the Great Five Elements Tiangang was extremely powerful, and it struck out in all directions with a single palm.

The Xiandu Sword unleashed numerous thunderous sword energy, all of which collapsed under the great Five Elements Heavenly Gang.

Such a powerful Great Five Elements Tiangang also surprised Gui Wuqi. This man's magic power is so powerful, and the changes in the Great Five Elements have a faint flavor of the positive and negative Five Elements. His power is fierce but brilliant.

Gui Wuqi held a sword across his chest, and the thunderous sword energy surged in a circle with him as the center.

The silver palm and the Thunder Sword Qi collided, and the huge palm shattered, and the Thunder Sword Qi also revealed a huge gap.

Everyone outside the magic circle looked surprised.Gao Xian's attack was actually so powerful. He fought head-on with Gui Wuqi's fourth-grade spiritual sword, but he didn't suffer any loss.

It's just that the Five Elements Tiangang is so powerful. How many times can Gao Xian activate it?

Before anyone could figure it out, dozens of rays of cold light fell like a violent storm again.

Then dozens more blazing sun bullets were fired in succession.

Gui Wuqi broke the Great Five Elements Tiangang, and all his changes were inevitably blocked. He could only passively receive the Fierce Sun Bullets and Black Ice Arrows.

Gui Wuqi is not in a hurry. He can use the Xiandu Sword in his hand to use his magic power, but Gao Xian relies on his own magic power to activate the spell. How long can Gao Xian last?

Facts have proved that Gao Xian can persist for a long time.

Gao Xian's spell was like a violent storm, giving Gui no time to breathe.

Fierce Sun Bullet, Black Ice Arrow, Geng Gold Sword and Shield, Tai Chi Mysterious Light, and the Great Five Elements Tiangang were continuously casting spells.

With the Xiandu Sword in his hand, Gui Wuqi could easily break the spell, but he had no chance to get close to Gao Xian.

He used all his strength to activate his Thunder and Sword Qi several times, but he could not catch up with Gao Xian, who came and went like lightning.

After fighting like this for a while, both Gao Xian and Gui Wuqi still had some energy left and acted very calmly.

The faces of many cultivators watching the battle were filled with shock.

Gui Wuqi's Thunder Sword Qi has the power to crack the ground and break mountains. He keeps activating the sword Qi without any loss of power.This shows how deep this person is.

Even more terrifying was Gao Xian, who kept activating several spells without stopping from beginning to end.

These spells may not seem to be of high level, but they all have terrifying power.

The higher your cultivation level, the more you know how terrifying such a spell is.

Even Shui Yujun, who hated Gao Xian the most, now felt deeply afraid of Gao Xian.

If it were him facing Gao Xian, he would be blasted by Gao Xian without even three rounds of spells.

Wan Chang'an, Niu Wanyong, and Ma Tengyun from Wanling Sect all had pale faces at this meeting.Gao Xian was the only one, and if the three of them came together, they would all be blown to pieces.

He was as arrogant as Han Chengzhen, and his face turned pale at this moment.She knew very well that if she and Gao Xian had taken action, Gao Xian would have been turned into a pile of dregs.

The fair-faced Zhong Ziqi had a solemn look on his face. If this delay continues, Gui Wuqi may not be a sure winner!

The little Qingyun Sect actually has such a peerless genius!
Gui Wuqi also felt that something was wrong at this moment. Only Gao Xian was beating him, but he couldn't touch Gao Xian. If he continued to waste like this, he would never be able to win.

It's just that Gao Xian is too fast, and he can always cast spells just right to block his pursuit.

He used several exquisite pursuit methods, but failed to touch Gao Xian at all.

It's really uncomfortable to be able to just look at it but not feel it.

Gui Wuqi thought about whether to sell Gao Xian a loophole. As long as he was within ten feet, Gao Xian would not be able to escape.

At this moment, dozens of rays of cold light shot out.

Gui Wuqi Hengjian was about to block, but he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Among the dozens of cold rays, there was one cold ray with unusually strong magic power.

After fighting with Gao Xian for a long time, he had become accustomed to the opponent's spells.When he sensed something was wrong with his sword intention, he was a little slower.

The Xiandu Sword activated the sword energy to smash all the cold rays into pieces, but that special cold light broke through the sword energy and stabbed in front of him.

Gui Wuqi turned the Xiandu Sword in his hand and crushed the cold light into pieces.The dissipated white cold air covered his whole body.

The cold air, which was enough to freeze ordinary golden elixirs, had no real effect on Gui Wuqi, but only slightly interfered with his sword intention.

Gui Wuqi Tongmingjian felt a warning sign in his heart that something was wrong.

In the distance, Gao Xian's eyes sparkled with electricity, and the electric halo of the Thunder and Lightning Technique was stimulated by him, falling on Gui Wuqi.

If you want to defeat a master like Gui Wuqi in public, you have to show some real skills.

The opponent's sword is too strong and his swordsmanship is superb, so he is not much inferior to him.

He won't be able to gain any advantage by fighting the opponent head-on with a sword.

Gao Xian and Gui Wuqi have been fighting for so long, and they have completed testing Gui Wuqi.

He condensed dozens of black ice arrows into an ice sword, which caught Gui Wuqi by surprise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the electric halo fell on Gui Wuqi out of thin air.

The electric halo is not an ordinary thunder technique, but a peerless secret technique blessed by Fengyue Baojian.Its electric power can not only paralyze people's bodies, but also make people feel ecstasy, and can also absorb the opponent's spiritual consciousness and magic power.

Gui Wuqi immediately felt the terrifying power of the electric halo. An abnormal flush appeared on his calm face, and less than half of his mana and consciousness were absorbed by the heavy electric halo.

Fortunately, the fourth-level Xiandu sword in his hand buzzed and vibrated, and heavy thunder sword energy erupted from his body, dispersing all the electric halo.

However, Gao Xian has already issued the Golden Finger.

A ball of golden light suddenly rose from Gui Wuqi's body. The thick golden light was like molten gold water, sealing him and the Xiandu Sword tightly.

Gui Wuqi was startled, the Xiandu Sword in his hand shook again, the thunderous sword Qi turned into fierce thunder and exploded, shattering the solidified metal magic power.

A sharp green light suddenly appeared in Gui Wuqi's eyes, it was Gao Xian wielding a sword from a distance.

Gao Xian's speed was extremely fast, dragging out a long stream of platinum light behind him.

Gui Wuqi's whole body flashed with lightning, and in an instant the human and Xiandu swords merged into one and struck Gao Xian straight away.

The opponent came at the right time. As long as the two swords clashed, he could kill Gao Xian's sword!
Two extremely sharp sword lights exchanged, and Gao Xian's cyan sword light suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Gui Wuqi made a backhand slash without thinking, and the Xiandu sword in his hand turned into a thunderous sword light and slashed rapidly.

Gao Xian, who was revealed from behind, crossed the Green Lotus Sword, and the Thunderous Immortal Capital Sword was absorbed by the Green Lotus Sword.

There was a look of astonishment in Gui Wuqi's eyes. The opponent's sword could actually withstand the power of the Xiandu Sword?
Before he could figure it out, all the thunderous sword light absorbed by the Qinglian Sword was spat out.Gui Wuqi was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, but he didn't dare to take his own blow. He could only retreat with his sword, and his figure and sword turned into a bolt of lightning and escaped instantly.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand, and a needle-like white electric light fell on the dark blue thunder light.

The thunder cannon was turned into an electric light by Gao Xian, and its power was greatly reduced, but it was even faster when activated.

The electric light penetrated Gui Wuqi's Sword Escape, and also destroyed the resonance between him and the sword. Gui Wuqi, who transformed into a thunder light, flew for a few feet before being forced to reveal his body again.

The sword escape was broken, and Gui Wuqi was in a very embarrassed state, with the sword energy all over his body being a little disordered.

A sharp green light once again reflected in Gui Wuqi's eyes. Gui Wuqi continued to perform changes, but this time he was already somewhat powerless.

He could only forcefully activate the Thunder Sword Qi again, and the ferocious thunder sword rings exploded outwards.

Gao Xian, who came with a sword, turned into almost nothingness, and his dense invisible sword light penetrated from the gap between the opponent's swords.

Gui Wuqi was shocked to realize that something was wrong. The green sword light that had reappeared had already passed by him and flew away.

More than ten feet away, Gao Xian gracefully put his sword into its sheath. He handed Wuqi the sword in a graceful manner: "Wuqi Divine Sword is really brilliant. I have learned from you."

Gui Wuqi glanced at Gao Xian with a complicated expression, and he whispered: "Double magic and sword, well-deserved."

Before he finished speaking, a bloodstain appeared on Gui Wuqi's eyebrows and continued to spread outwards. In an instant, Gui Wuqi's face was covered with strange bloody lines.

The next moment, the bloody lines suddenly bloomed, and Gui Wuqi's head turned into a blooming blood flower.

Is the famous Everlasting Sword dead like this? !This made many cultivators outside the magic circle scream in surprise...

(Vomiting blood for the third time, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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