Chapter 351
The Wuqi Divine Sword returns to Wuqi, what a prestigious name, what a momentum.

Gui Wuqi was holding the Xiandu Sword just now. Even though it was protected by a magic circle, its power made everyone watching the battle feel frightened.

Although Gao Xian had magical powers, he was still being suppressed and beaten by Gui Wuqi.

As a result, Gao Xian took the initiative to fight in close combat for the first time, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Most people didn't see the battle clearly, including many Jindan masters. They didn't see how Gui Wuqi was hit by the sword.

Gao Xian's style of spring breeze transforming into rain is extremely mysterious, and only a few of the most powerful golden elixirs have seen Gui Wuqi Zhongjian.

This sword passed through the brain and directly cut off Gui Wuqi's vitality.

Gui Wuqi also had a strong spiritual consciousness, so he managed to say a word before dying.

The scene of Gui Wuqi's headshot also frightened many cultivators.

Many of the masters of the Qingyun Sect have changed their expressions. The Tongtian Sword Sect is far more powerful than the Qingyun Sect, and it is a sword cultivating sect that holds grudges the most.

Gao Xian killed Gui Wuqi with one sword, and the feud was serious.

Many people looked at Yun Changfeng. This guy presided over the magic circle and didn't even know how to stop Gao Xian. His guilt was as great as Gao Xian's.

Yun Changfeng's face was dark. The fight between the two had changed rapidly. He had no idea that Gao Xian could have the upper hand, let alone that Gao Xian could kill Gui Wuqi.

By the time he saw something was wrong, the battle was over.

Even if he kills everyone, as the head of the cadre, he cannot show weakness in public.

Gui Wuqi is known as the Wuqi Divine Sword, and the sword can kill people.He ended up like this, which can be regarded as the reincarnation of heaven.

Yun Qiushui didn't think so much, his face was filled with joy.

Gui Wuqi was so good at showing off and was rude to his sister that Gao Xian killed him with one sword, which made him feel extremely happy.

As for the consequences of killing him, Yun Qiushui has a laissez-faire temperament, so he doesn't care about these.

Gao Xian naturally saw the expressions of everyone outside the circle. He also knew that killing people was not a good idea, but for such a master, it was unlikely that he would hold back.

If you don't kill Gui Wuqi with one sword, you may be killed by Gui Wuqi in return.The other party's swordsmanship is actually very good, but the sword is too strong, and it is so strong that it is impossible to control it satisfactorily.

Therefore, the Thunder Sword Technique is straight forward, without subtle changes.

Gao Xian also saw the problem of Gui Wuqi, so he seized the opportunity to kill him with a sword.

If he let go and didn't kill him, he would never be able to catch his breath, but the same method would be ineffective against him.

Gao Xian was just thinking about how to deal with the aftermath when he saw a green light shining from Gui Wuqi's heart.

In the blink of an eye, the green light completely enveloped Gui Wuqi, forming a huge green light cocoon.

The green light emitted by the light cocoon is full of vitality. It is obvious that this is a means of body reshaping.

Gao Xian thought for a moment but still didn't draw his sword. This was a battle, not a duel.

The relationship between the two parties is not endless.

Being able to survive without any period of time can also reduce a lot of troubles.The most important thing is that he can fulfill the Tianxiang Sword Palace trial that this guy promised while he is still alive.

If Gui Wuqi dies, whoever dares to go to Tongtian Sword Sect to play any kind of trial is not seeking death.

However, Gui Wuqi's method of reshaping the body has too many drawbacks.

If it were a life and death duel, how could he be allowed to toss so slowly.If he had a few more lives, he would have been beaten to pieces long ago.

People outside the magic circle also understood, and many of the Qingyun Sect's golden elixirs breathed a sigh of relief.

If Gui Wuqi really wants to die here, it will be a big trouble.

Yun Changfeng hurriedly opened the magic circle and led people to the light cocoon.He was quite satisfied with Gao Xian. Although killing someone was a bit excessive, it was impossible to hold back against such a master.

He nodded to Gao Xian and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Gao Xian smiled: "It is my honor to serve the sect and my senior brother."

Yun Changfeng was even more satisfied, this guy just knew how to talk.Although they knew these were polite words, the people who heard them felt comfortable.

Gao Xian raised his hand to Yun Qingxuan and said, "Senior brother, fortunately you have lived up to your command."

Yun Qingxuan nodded slightly. The meaning in her crystal-clear eyes was quite complicated. She watched Gao Xian grow up step by step. Today, his cultivation level is already above hers.

As a friend, she was very happy for Gao Xian.As a cultivator, she felt very frustrated.

Enlightenment at Duihu every day, 360 and five days a year, without slacking off even a day.

Gao Xian's cultivation has never been considered as diligent, and he is not even as diligent as Qiu Shui.Even though he practiced so casually, he was already the number one in the sect's golden elixir.

Yun Qingxuan silently made up his mind to practice hard and catch up with his junior brother after returning.

As for Gao Xian helping her solve the problem, she didn't particularly care.

She and Gao Xian are good friends, and good friends should help each other.

Yun Qingxuan liked Gao Xian's attitude better. She agreed immediately as soon as she opened her mouth, without any hesitation or consideration.

After it was done, he wasn't too proud of it, as if he had just done a small thing for her and it wasn't worth talking about.

This generous and free-spirited expression shows Gao Xian's caliber.

Gao Xian understands Yun Qingxuan so well. She has a literary and youthful temperament and values ​​​​a close friend and a close relationship, so everything goes without saying.

It would be too vulgar to say thank you.It doesn't fit her character.

Gao Xian also felt that Yun Qingxuan was very elegant and interesting in this way.This is a beauty with her own aesthetic and ideological realm, which is really extraordinary.

Even though Yun Qingxuan is not down to earth, she has extremely high wisdom.At this point, Gao Xian actually admired her very much.

This time too, before Gui Wuqi took action, Yun Qingxuan had already expected that Gui Wuqi would cause trouble.

It is really very, very powerful to predict the enemy first.

Gao Xian felt that even if Yun Qingxuan played on his own, he would not lose to Gui Wuqi.

At this moment, all the golden elixirs from all sides came together, and Zhong Ziqi and Han Chengzhen from the Tongtian Sword Sect both had stern expressions on their faces.

Yun Qingxuan saw that there were too many people, so she whispered to Gao Xian, "I'll leave first."

As she spoke, she lightly pulled away and backed away.Everyone's eyes were on the light cocoon, and no one noticed Yun Qingxuan leaving.

Gao Xian also felt that there were too many people and the mess made him a little irritable.

It's just that he can't leave now, the matter is not over yet. "Everyone, get out of the way." Zhong Ziqi, a boy with white hair and a childish face, rudely drove everyone away, telling them to stay away from the light cocoon.

In such a large public place, no one should dare to mess around.However, we have to guard against it.

If someone is just not afraid of death and tries his best to cause trouble to Gui Wuqi, that would be troublesome.

Yun Changfeng glanced at Zhong Ziqi. He was about to speak when he saw the light cocoon silently shattering into pieces of flowing light, and the intact Gui Wuqi walked out of the middle.

Yun Changfeng felt relieved, as long as this kid was alive.

He also explained with a serious face, "We should have finished the competition. Gao Xian also made a mistake and injured fellow Taoist. Fortunately, fellow Taoist is safe..."

Gui Wuqi didn't look at Yun Changfeng. He stared at Gao Xian with a deep look.

Gao Xian smiled and cupped his hands: "Fellow Taoist, just be fine."

Gui Wuqi felt even more complicated when he looked at the polite and sincere Gao Xian.Originally he thought this man was worldly, gentle and harmless.

He never imagined that he would be stabbed in the head by this guy's sword.

If he hadn't brought the Qingyuan to transform into a cicada, and the Xiandu Sword to keep the sword elixir immortal, he would really be dead right now.

This fourth-level spiritual object that can reshape the body is extremely rare.It was also during this trip that he was given a bodyguard by his teacher, thus saving his life.

At that moment, he had touched the deep and cold death.This shocked and stimulated him greatly.

Gui Wuqi was in a very uneasy mood at the moment, but if he lost the fight, he couldn't lose his grace as well.

This battle touched him greatly and also damaged his sword heart.

That's not a bad thing, though.Nothing can be broken, nothing can be established!
Gui Wuqi never felt there was a problem with his swordsmanship or his cultivation before.

Gao Xian's sword made him see all kinds of problems in himself.This profound lesson is extremely valuable.

Gui Wuqi suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, and said to Gao Xian and Yun Changfeng: "My fellow Taoist Gao has excellent swordsmanship, and I have nothing to say about losing.

"According to the prior agreement, the trial of Tianxiang Sword Palace will be open to the noble sect next year."

He thought for a moment and added: "The number of people should not exceed 500."

Tianxiang Sword Palace is a secret realm within the Tongtian Sword Sect. It is said that the Sword Palace contains various secret sword intentions left by ancient powerful men.

Cultivators who enter the Tianxiang Sword Palace can fight with the sword spirit incarnation. As long as they win, they can obtain sword spirit fragments and greatly improve their sword skills.

The Tianxiang Sword Palace is opened once every sixty years, and it lasts for several months at a time.This secret cave is extremely important to sword cultivators, and the Tongtian Sword Sect is never open to the outside world.

Most of the people present have heard the name of Tianxiang Sword Palace.After hearing what Gui Wuqi said, everyone in the Qingyun Sect was naturally very happy.

A group of cultivators from Wanling Sect could not help but look envious.This kind of trial opportunity is too rare.

Even if you don't take the path of sword cultivation, improving your sword skills will be of great benefit to your practice.

Yun Changfeng was also greatly surprised. Gui Wuqi looked gloomy, but he could actually keep his word. Such magnanimity and magnanimity were rare.

He thanked him profusely and warmly invited Gui Wuqi and others to stay for a few more days.

He had no interest in staying any longer, so he immediately said goodbye.

Before leaving, Gui Wuqi said seriously to Gao Xian: "My fellow Taoist swordsmanship is extremely talented. There is an ancient sword immortal who left his sword intention in the Tianxiang Sword Palace. You might as well try your luck. If you can get the inheritance of the sword immortal's sword intention, your swordsmanship will definitely improve." Can we get to the next level..."

"Thank you buddy."

Gao Xian smiled and said: "I will carefully consider Taoist friends' suggestions..."

He felt that Gui Wuqi had bad intentions, but he was very curious about Tianxiang Sword Palace, so he didn't say clearly whether he would go or not.

We'll see when the time comes. Anyway, he has a clone to die for, so it's not impossible to take the risk and take a look.

After the people of Tongtian Sword Sect left in the spaceship, Wan Changan and Niu Wanyong began to compliment Gao Xian enthusiastically.

"Fellow Daoist Gao, he has the best swordsmanship, and he lives up to his name. In Wanfeng County, Gao Daoyou is the best in swordsmanship!"

"Gui Wuqi is so sinister and evil. My fellow Taoist stabbed his head in with a sword. It was so satisfying..."

Gao Xian smiled and exchanged greetings with the two of them. The two sects formed an alliance. They were allies, so they had to be polite.

Niu Wanyong originally looked down on Gao Xian, but now his face was full of admiration.It's just that his level of praise is limited, and he can only come and go with a few words.

Wan Changan's level of praise was much higher, and he kept praising Gao Xian in different ways.

Yan Feiyin on the side was a little speechless. The flattery of these two people was a bit too disgusting.

She can also understand that Gao Xian is too strong now.

Gui Wuqi, who was holding a fourth-level spiritual sword, shocked many golden elixirs.But he fell into Gao Xian's hands.

Numerous golden elixirs watched Gao Xian kill him to death, and it was hard to express the shock in words.

Jin Dan knew one thing very well. If Gao Xian took advantage of them being alone, they would definitely die.

Such a powerful golden elixir is too dangerous.Showing enough respect is the most direct way to close the relationship.

Yan Feiyin quietly sent a message to Gao Xian and agreed to meet at night, and she felt relieved.

At this moment, Ma Qianjun and other sect Jindan also came over, and they all enthusiastically congratulated Gao Xian.

Gao Xian proved with facts that although he was a newly promoted Golden Elixir, he was already the number one Golden Elixir master in the Qingyun Sect.

No matter how many golden elixirs thought of Gao Xian before, starting from today, Gao Xian's status in their hearts has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Cultivator, in the final analysis, it depends on cultivation and ability.Such a powerful and powerful person naturally occupies an extremely important position in the sect.

Even the power structure of the sect will change as a result.

Shui Yujun, who hated Gao Xian extremely much, gritted his teeth and stepped forward to congratulate and praise Gao Xian.

At this moment, Gao Xian was like the sun rising in the sky, shining brightly.

The male cultivators were busy complimenting Gao Xian, while the female cultivators stared at Gao Xian with admiration.

Many female cultivators are affectionate and look like they can sleep with them at any time.

Li Feihuang, who was in the crowd, couldn't stand these bitches, so she turned around and walked away angrily.

Zhu Qiniang looked at Gao Xian from a distance, who was enthusiastically surrounded by the crowd. They were a few steps away, but she felt that Gao Xian seemed to be far away in the sky.

She felt a little lonely and sighed secretly: "We are so far away, so that's probably it..."

(End of this chapter)

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