Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 352 Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword

Chapter 352 Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword

Being surrounded by people, Gao Xian would enjoy the adulation and praise.

A strong person does not need to be recognized by others, but being recognized will still make a strong person happy.

Eminent people can refuse money and beautiful women, but no one can refuse honor.

The battle of defeating the Wuqi Divine Sword made Gao Xian the center of everyone's attention and brought him great glory.

Everyone in the Qingyun Sect, no matter what they thought of Gao Xian before, could only admire and admire him at this moment, even with a bit of fear.

Lian Yunzong, Qingfeng Sect and other 36 small sect cultivators all witnessed this scene.

This newly promoted golden elixir master made all the attendees remember his name and his reputation as a master of magic and sword.

Jin Dan, who knew Gao Xian, such as Yun Taihao and Li Chengfeng, were filled with emotion.

When Gao Xian dominated the Four Sects Alliance, they thought Gao Xian was extraordinary, but they never imagined that in just one or twenty years, Gao Xian would have reached the pinnacle of Qingyun Dao.

They, the Jindan Sect Masters, can only look up from a distance.

When Yun Taihao saw Zhu Qiniang's lonely eyes, he naturally knew what this woman was thinking.

At this moment, Gao Xian was shining brightly, and he was a great figure above ten thousand people in the Qingyun Sect. Even if Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian had an old relationship, they could not make up for the huge status gap between them.

Yun Taihao admired Zhu Qiniang quite a lot. This woman was very strong and capable, but she came from a humble background and had a somewhat extreme temperament, which also delayed her cultivation.

He said: "Zhenren Gao is nostalgic for old friendship. You can go up and talk to him about old times later. This friendship must be maintained..."

Before Yun Taihao finished speaking, he saw Gao Xian walking away from the crowd.Yun Taihao couldn't help but be startled.

"Senior Brother Yun."

Gao Xian smiled and bowed his hands in greeting, then naturally took Qiniang's hand. He turned to face all the Jindan masters in the hall and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is my best friend Zhu Qiniang. A monk of Lianyun Sect. From now on. If you have the chance, please take care of me..."

Many Jindan masters looked at Zhu Qiniang and saw that this woman had deep features, was wearing a gorgeous gold-red robe, and a fishtail crown. She was as tall as Gao Xian, and she had a generous and heroic spirit between her eyebrows.

Among women, such characters are rare.Although she was just a foundation builder, everyone immediately remembered her.

Furthermore, Gao Xian was able to solemnly introduce and emphasize his close friends, which shows that the friendship between Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian is extraordinary.

Many Jindan masters praised him politely and showed great enthusiasm.

Zhu Qiniang didn't expect Gao Xian to be like this. She was touched and a little shy.Fortunately, she was not an ordinary female cultivator after all, and she quickly adjusted her mood and greeted all the Jindan Masters generously.

Seeing her being so calm and generous, everyone recognized her a little more.Although she is just building a foundation, this woman really has some magnanimity.

When many female cultivators around saw this scene, they were extremely envious of Zhu Qiniang.

This woman is so virtuous and capable that she can hold hands with Gao Xian and share his glory.

Even Yan Feiyin couldn't help but be jealous. She kept staring at Zhu Qiniang with her bright eyes. She really couldn't see anything outstanding about this woman that deserved Gao Xian's treatment.

Could it be that Gao Xian likes to eat both men and women?

An obscure thought came to Yan Feiyin's mind. In fact, monks have always had a wide range of hobbies. Not to mention men, there are people who like monsters, monsters, and even big rocks and trees.

This kind of thing is actually difficult to say...

"Why don't you turn into a man tonight and please your master..." Yan Feiyin has three tailed celestial foxes, so it is easy for her to change her appearance.

Gao Xian took Qiniang around and greeted many Jindan masters.

He actually didn't know whether this was good or bad for Qiniang. After all, he had many enemies.

But when he saw Qiniang looking lonely, he felt very uncomfortable.

When he came to this world, Qiniang was the first person to help him.Qiniang's relationship with him was also the deepest.

Along the way, the two of them could be said to share life and death.

At this point, even Yu Ling is far behind.

Qiniang can't help him now, but this shouldn't affect their deep relationship.

Zhu Qiniang obviously understood what Gao Xian meant. She didn't care much about getting to know a group of real Jindan people. She was more concerned about Gao Xian's intention towards her, which made her moved and happy.

Even if she can't be with Gao Xian in the future, she will always remember this moment and how good Gao Xian was to her.

Gao Xian had something to say to Qiniang alone. He said hello to Yun Changfeng and took Qiniang to the side hall.

There are many rooms in the side hall, which are mainly used to entertain guests alone.The furnishings of the room are simple but elegant, and there is also a magic circle protection to prevent outsiders from prying.

"Qiniang, I accidentally got three more lapis berries, which are just right for you."

Gao Xian took out a storage bag and handed it to Qiniang. These lapis lazuli fruits were obtained from the six-armed iron ape.

He has no use for this thing, but it is perfect for Qiniang.

For this reason, he went to the Shanggong Academy to exchange for three ten thousand-year chalcedony.Spent 60 good works.

Of course, all good deeds are credited.Anyway, he owes more than 1000 million for good deeds, and these hundreds of thousands of good deeds are nothing at all.

Zhu Qiniang opened the storage bag and found that the third-order lapis lazuli fruit inside was also equipped with ten thousand-year chalcedony. She was even more moved.

It's just that she is poor at words and doesn't know what to say.

Gao Xian knew Qiniang too well. He smiled and said, "Hurry up and form the elixir. I am weak in the Qingyun Sect, so I am waiting for you to help me."

Zhu Qiniang also smiled. With Gao Xian's current level of cultivation, there was no need for her help.

Besides, Gao Xian is in the limelight right now, who in the Qingyun Sect would dare to embarrass him.

"I have a big yard in Xuandu Peak with abundant spiritual energy. Come here, it will be convenient for cultivation. You can also help me deal with various things..."

Gao Xian really wants Qiniang to come. Qiniang is super capable and is of the same mind as him. They are true besties.

Although Daniel is loyal and reliable, he is too honest and is not very good at things.

If Qiniang can come over, he can also help prepare the elixirs and spiritual objects needed to form the elixir.

Of course, there will be some inconvenience. If Qiniang stays there permanently, it will be difficult for other women to come.

It didn't matter, he just asked for the mountainside courtyard and kept it for private meetings with the women.Zhu Qiniang was silent for a while and said: "I will go back to Lianyun Sect to prepare. After all, we are a big family."

"That's fine." Gao Xian didn't quite understand Qiniang's thoughts, but he respected Qiniang's choice.

A person as big as Qiniang has her own ideas and considerations, and there is no need for him to dictate.

Qiniang and Yun Taihao returned to Lianyun Sect that day, and Gao Xian even went to deliver her outside the city.

When Gao Xian returned to the sect, he received a message from his ancestor Yun Zaitian, asking him to come to Xuanming Temple.

Gao Xian didn't dare to neglect him. After all, he was the True Lord of Nascent Soul, so he might have something important to point out to him.

It was already dusk when we arrived at Xuanming Temple. The setting sun hung over the mountains outside, and the red glow was like fire.

The quiet Xuanming Temple becomes more tranquil and clear under the afterglow.

Entering the main hall, Gao Xian saw Yun Zaitian. The Nascent Soul Lord was still the same as before. He bowed respectfully and said hello.

Yun Zaitian nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work in this battle."

"I am fully responsible for both public and private matters." Gao Xian said seriously.

"You are indeed talented in swordsmanship, even better than Qiushui Sanfen. If you concentrate on practicing swordsmanship, it is not impossible to become a god in the sword..."

Yun Zaitian sighed softly: "Even if you just unite your body and sword, you will be able to sweep across Wanfeng County with the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword in your hand at that time. It's a pity..."

At first, Yun Qiushui had been praising Gao Xian's talent in swordsmanship, but Yun Zaitian didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, the path of swordsmanship is too narrow. If Gao Xian practices swordsmanship, no one in the sect can guide him in his practice.The road ahead will be particularly difficult.

As for Yun Qiushui, he was only talented in swordsmanship, but he had no choice.

During today's battle, Yun Zaicai saw Gao Xian's subtle talent in swordsmanship.It's just that the elixir has already been formed, so it's too late to say this.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel moved when he heard Yun Zaitian mention the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword.

According to Yun Qiushui, the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword is a fourth-level top-grade spiritual sword and the sect’s most precious treasure.

Can you sweep through Wanfeng County just with a fourth-level top-grade spiritual sword?Gao Xian thought it was impossible.Maybe Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword is not that simple.

Yun Zaitian saw Gao Xian's curiosity, he smiled and did not explain.

He changed the topic and said: "Although you can't form a sword elixir, you can still make some progress in the way of swordsmanship. You can go and take a look at the Tianxiang Sword Palace trial next year."

"Grandmaster, what is going on in Tianxiang Sword Palace?"

Of course Gao Xian wants to go, but he has to ask clearly.Don't get tricked by Tongtian Sword Sect for no reason.

"The Tianxiang Sword Palace is a secret cave left in ancient times. It was in the Tianxiang Sword Palace that Lord Tongtian Sword received his inheritance, and then he founded the Tongtian Sword Sect and became the ancestor of the sect."

Yun Zaitian said: "Back when Tongtian Sword Lord had a good relationship with our ancestor, the Qingyun Sword Sutra was derived from the sword art given by Tongtian Sword Lord. If you go to Tianxiang Sword Palace, if you can get the inheritance of ancient swordsmanship, it will be great for you. There are benefits.

"However, the Tianxiang Sword Palace is very dangerous. The central area contains the powerful remaining sword power from ancient times. The higher the level of cultivation, the more dangerous it is. Generally speaking, one needs to build the foundation and practice Qi to penetrate deep into the central area."

Yun Zaitian reminded Gao Xian: "When you go to the Tianxiang Sword Palace, be sure not to go deep into the central area. As for the Tongtian Sword Sect, you don't have to worry too much.

"Gui Wuqi practiced the Sword of Killing Love, and cut off the emotions just to polish his body and mind like a sword. If he is defeated in your hands, he will definitely kill you under the sword to break the heart barrier. Therefore, the Tongtian Sword Sect will keep you. Gui Wuqi will be a sharpening stone and won’t do anything to you..."

Gao Xian nodded, this is a good thing.At that time, all he has to do is be careful about his death.

"Practice your sword well. I think I will leave the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword to you in the future."

Yun Zaitian said righteously: "Gao Xian, you are a first-grade golden elixir, and your future achievements will be limitless. The sect also has high hopes for you. You are good at everything else, but you are too ruthless.

"The low-level monks have no way out, so they act ruthlessly. We have been watching for a long time, and we rely on the sect, so we might as well be tolerant in our actions. Don't take the short-term victory or defeat too seriously..."

"Yes, follow the teachings of the ancestors."

Gao Xian felt that what Yun Zaitian said made sense, but the old man still didn't understand his character.

He is kind-hearted and loyal, and always leaves a little room for action.The people he killed had their own way of dying, and they deserved to be killed.

Back at Xuanduyuan, Daniel came up to us and said, "Brother, Yan Feiyin is in the backyard. She is holding the magic circle token and says you gave it to her."

"Yeah. I gave it to her."

Gao Xian and Daniel exchanged a few words before arriving in the backyard.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yun Qiushui, dressed in white like clouds, sitting in the living room. He was a little surprised and then realized that something was wrong. Yan Feiyin, who had a clear soul and aura, had just transformed into Yun Qiushui.

It has to be said that the three-tailed sky fox has very powerful magical powers. From appearance to magical aura, Yan Feiyin is exactly the same as Yun Qiushui.

Gao Xian frowned slightly: "What the hell are you doing?"

'Yun Qiu Shui' stood up and gave Gao Xian a charming look, "Master doesn't like this kind of man. I think Yun Qiu Shui is more beautiful. Master must like him more..."

"Don't be ridiculous, Qiu Shui is my good friend!"

Gao Xian was a little funny, but also a little embarrassed. He didn't know what was going on in this woman's mind.

He casually took out the nine-grade five-color lotus and handed it to Yan Feiyin, "Take it."

When he formed the elixir, he consumed [-]% of the ninth-grade lotus flower, leaving only the innermost five petals, which should be enough for Yan Feiyin.

Yan Feiyin received the ninth-grade five-color lotus flower in surprise. Her watery eyes were full of joy, and she hugged Gao Xian and was about to kiss her.

Gao Xian held her mouth and said, "Change back quickly!"

Yan Feiyin's charming eyes turned, and she swayed slightly and transformed into the beautiful Yun Qingxuan, but her crystal-clear eyes were full of charm, but her temperament was completely different from Yun Qingxuan's.

She chuckled and said: "Master, you must like this..."

Gao Xian felt that he and Yun Qingxuan were close friends, and there was no relationship between men and women.But seeing how charming Yun Qingxuan turned out to be from Yan Feiyin, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Junior brother, I'm here..." Yan Feiyin imitated Yun Qingxuan's expression and tone, her face was cold and indifferent, but her red lips were already pressed against Gao Xian...

"The witch, the witch is powerful..." Gao Xian was not to be outdone, and braced himself to fight the witch.

(Wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ Double monthly tickets, please support me with monthly tickets~)

(End of this chapter)

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