Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 354 Tongtian Sword Cultivator

Chapter 354 Tongtian Sword Cultivator
The wind is howling, and the clouds are rippling like the tide.

There were no living creatures visible at an altitude of six thousand feet, only the Aoki airship was riding the wind.

The two huge cloud sails on the airship are both third-level magic weapons, which can absorb the strong spiritual energy in the strong wind and convert it into mana to propel the Aoki airship to fly.

Such an exquisite design also saved countless spiritual stones.

Gao Xian stood under the huge cloud sail of Hunter Flying, looking at the cloud sail with looming runes.

From his point of view, the two cultivation skills of weapon refining and magic circle are extremely superb and have great creativity.

The vigorous development of these two skills also allows human cultivators to build cities and sects, and gain a firm foothold in this world.

Everything is based on the use of runes.

Including making talismans and refining alchemy, they are all basically runes.Even for practitioners to practice secret methods, the foundation lies in the condensation of spiritual consciousness.

With the Dharma Ribbon as the center, the cultivator can use the breath of spiritual energy to transfer the magic power.

From practicing qi to pure yang, everything is like this.

Sword cultivation and law cultivation seem to be different, but in essence they are different applications of runes.

The sword intention of a sword cultivator is actually a special spell that is condensed into a special magic vessel through sword practice, but its changes are very different from those of the sword cultivator.

This is like the application of petroleum in modern industry, from refining gasoline and diesel to making plastics, clothing, and medicines, divided into thousands of categories.

The same applies to cultivators, who use runes to transform spiritual energy to control magic power. After tens of millions of years of development, countless schools of inheritance have been formed.

The long journey was too boring. Gao Xian had been thinking about the way of runes for the past few days, and he could barely figure out the truth based on his dialectical thinking in his previous life.

But knowing the truth is often easy.

Just like he knows that atomic bombs use the nuclear fission reaction of heavy atoms to release huge energy, but it is absolutely impossible for him to create an atomic bomb.

Gao Xian sighed softly and gave up the idea of ​​delving into the runes to explore the origin.

Cultivators in this world have accumulated thousands of years to develop the current magic system. How big of a brain does he have, he can surpass countless talented and wise people in this world!
He is able to achieve what he is today, not because of his great wisdom, but because of the treasures of the wind and moon.

So, don’t do any tricks, just use Fengyue Baojian to add some points.

Gao Xian returned to his cabin, opened the protective array, and his consciousness sank into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The last time he added points was two years ago, when he raised the Aoki Rejuvenation Technique to the level of master perfection.

In two years, 500 million people's spiritual light was accumulated.

Gao Xian feels that this is partly due to "Feng Shen Ji".

After the spread of the past two years, "Feng Shen Ji" has become quite famous in Donghuang.

Seeing the benefits, many magic cultivators spontaneously helped him print and sell it, which also made "Feng Shen Ji" more and more famous.

Demon cultivators and monsters are already lustful, so "Feng Shen Ji" naturally achieved very good results.

Gao Xian even heard a demon cultivator shouting, "I would rather teach me to betray the world!".

In addition, "The Legend of White Snake" continues to spread in Wanfeng County, and the amount of humane aura harvested every month is also growing steadily.

Fifteen million Taoist auras can elevate Tai Su Puppet God to one level.

Gao Xian felt that the price/performance ratio was not high. His consciousness was now powerful enough, many times better than ordinary golden elixirs.

He thought for a while and decided to upgrade the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel.His ability to defeat Gui Wuji is indispensable to the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel.

Not only is this escape technique incredibly fast, the yin and yang heavenly wheels formed by the magnetic field and the earth's magnetism can also resist attacks, and can even turn into light wheels to kill enemies.

It's just that he has many attack spells, so he doesn't need to use the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel to kill people.

The spiritual light of 400 million people cast down, raising the yin and yang heavenly wheel to the master state.

The magic urn representing the yin and yang heavenly wheel in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness shines brightly, and its structure becomes more and more complex and exquisite.

After the Yin-Yang Celestial Wheel's dharma basket stabilized, Gao Xian conducted experiments in the Temple of Heart.

The speed increased by a little more than [-]%, and the ultimate speed could reach [-] feet per breath.

Converted to the units he was used to, it was 1000 or two hundred meters per second.This speed is faster than the bullet ejection speed of a heavy sniper rifle.

The key is that Gao Xian can change direction at will at such high speed, and even fly in reverse direction.

Using all your strength to activate the thunder and lightning method can also increase the flight speed again.

Gao Xian felt that no one should be able to catch up with him in the realm of golden elixir.

As for the Nascent Soul Lord, this level is a bit too high.He didn't know much and couldn't jump to conclusions.

The yin and yang heavenly wheel in the master realm has a protective ability increased five to six times.Generally, third-level spells and magic weapons cannot break the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel.

The Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel's cutting ability has also been significantly enhanced.The white gold nimbus that was sent out was as sharp as a blade.Extremely powerful.

The geomagnetic power contained in the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel allows it to easily penetrate the ground and attack enemies hidden underground.

You can also take Gao Xian to escape, and the changes are extremely subtle.

Gao Xian was quite satisfied with this. This secret technique gave him super mobility.Even in a very small area, he can move vertically and horizontally, making it impossible for the enemy to touch his side.

Not to mention that the power of a sword strike at high speed is doubled.

After studying in the cabin for more than ten days, Gao Xian completely mastered the master-level Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel. He couldn't help but want to find someone to try the sword.

After speaking to Yun Qiushui, Gao Xian drove the Yin Yang Heavenly Wheel and left the Aoki Airship.

The Aoki Airship can fly more than a thousand miles in one hour, and its speed is sixteen times that of the Aoki Airship.It couldn't be easier to chase the Aoki airship.

Gao Xian descended and circled the sky for a while, and soon encountered dozens of vicious crows.

These crows have a wingspan of more than three feet, and their feathers are as black as iron. Dozens of huge black crows gather together to croak, but the sound alone makes people dizzy, chest tight, and extremely irritable.

The black crows seem to have a strong sense of territory, or they regard Gao Xian as food. They will fly over with strange screams when they find Gao Xian.

Gao Xian suddenly accelerated, and the platinum light wheel behind him penetrated the crowd of crows like a phantom.He didn't need to do anything, just the extremely fast impact of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel crushed dozens of black crows to pieces.

In the long platinum light rainbow, broken black feathers scattered all over the sky.

Gao Xian turned around dozens of feet away. Just as he expected, the rapid impact of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel alone had terrifying power.

After landing, Gao Xian shuttled through the mountains and forests at high speed.

Facts have proven that the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel has extremely strong protective capabilities.When encountering obstacles such as trees, rocks, etc., the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel would crush these obstacles while turning, without affecting his flight at all.

It's just that flying like this is so loud that the rocks and trees it passes are broken, and the ground is covered with smoke and dust.

Gao Xian followed the spiritual energy and found a third-level demon tiger in the forest. He flew over at high speed and lightly touched it with his sword, and the demon tiger's head flew away.

Putting the demon tiger into the storage talisman, Gao Xian returned to the spaceship.

They found a monk who was good at cooking and made a large pot of tiger meat and tiger whip soup, and treated Yun Qiushui and Lu Jingxu to a feast.

This time Lu Jingxu is the team manager. He is good at handling chores, has a good temper, and is good at dealing with people.

Therefore, Lu Jingxu was asked to lead the team in order to have a good relationship with the Tongtian Sword Sect.

I have to say that the tiger whip of the third-level demon tiger is really nourishing, not to mention that there are many elixirs in it.

Gao Xian couldn't sleep, so he thought of Li Feihuang who lived in the cabin below.

Li Feihuang also signed up to participate in this trial in order to hone his sword skills.As a true disciple of Lu Jingxu, it is not difficult for her to get a spot.

Gao Xian urged him to activate the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes and quietly came to Li Feihuang's room.


Li Feihuang was also surprised when there was an extra person in the room.When she saw clearly that it was Gao Xian, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She was a little happy in her heart, but frowned slightly on her face, "Master Gao, why are you sneaking here in the middle of the night?"

Gao Xian was so familiar with Li Feihuang that he said seriously: "How are you doing with the postures and moves I taught you last time? Let me check..."

Li Feihuang's face turned red immediately after hearing Gao Xian's straightforward words. Gao Xian grabbed her hand again, and her body felt a little soft for some reason...

In the next few days, Gao Xian stayed in Li Feihuang's room and taught Li Feihuang swordsmanship every day.

The fire phoenix spirit body is indeed unusual.Only Yan Feiyin can be better than her.

The originally boring journey became a lot more fun.

The Aoki flying ship flew day and night for more than forty days, and it was not until mid-September that it arrived at Tongtian Sect.

According to the naming convention of the sect, the main peak where Tongtian Sect is located is named Tongtian Peak.

This peak is more than [-] feet high, and half of the peak reaches straight into the sky. From a distance, it is really connected to the sky and the ground, and it is majestic and majestic.

It is called Tongtian, which can be said to be worthy of its name.

The Qingmu flying ship landed on the mountainside, and He-haired boy Yan Zhong Ziqi came up with several Jindan masters and a group of disciples.

As the team leader, Lu Jingxu took the initiative to greet everyone politely.

Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui were following behind Lu Jingxu. Neither of them spoke, but just watched with smiles on their faces.

Zhong Ziqi glanced at Gao Xian, his eyes a little cold.He didn't expect Gao Xian to actually come. This kid is so brave!

Several other golden elixirs from the Tongtian Sword Sect, including many disciples, all focused on Gao Xian.

Even though Yun Qiushui beside him was extremely handsome and dressed in white like clouds, no one cared about him.

Everyone is very curious about Gao Xian, they all want to see this guy who can defeat the Infinite Sword.

Gao Xian smiled casually at everyone, not caring about the scrutiny and malice in their eyes.

Among this group of people, there was a woman in red who was very beautiful, with a graceful figure, bright eyes like water, and a gentle and generous temperament.

Among a group of swordsmen with cold and sharp temperaments, this woman in red is quite eye-catching.It also made Gao Xian a little interested.

But he was a serious person, so he just looked at it twice.

Zhong Ziqi and Lu Jingxu exchanged a few casual words and asked their disciples to lead Lu Jingxu and his party to the lower courtyard to rest.

Tongtian Peak is divided into three courtyards: upper, middle and lower. Only the lower courtyard has tens of thousands of disciples.It is not difficult to arrange a break for hundreds of people.

Zhong Ziqi hates Gao Xian and has no good impression of Qingyun Sect, so naturally he will not arrange a good place.

Watching the Qingyun Sect and the others go away, the beauty in red Xiao Hongye asked: "Is the man in Qingyun Gao Xian?"

Zhong Ziqi nodded solemnly: "Master Xiao, that's him."

Xiao Hongye smiled softly: "This man is handsome and generous. I really can't believe that his sword skills are so powerful."

No one in the Tongtian Sword Sect dared to speak. Despite Xiao Hongye's gentle and generous appearance, this person's status in the sect was still higher than Gui Wuji.Her swordsmanship is said to be superb, not inferior to Gui Wuqi's.

Zhong Ziqi laughed dryly: "Gao Xian is indeed a talented person. However, this person is sinister and vicious. It is said that he is also greedy for women. He is not a good person!"

Xiao Hongye said thoughtfully: "He hurt Junior Brother Wuji and still dares to come to our sect. This person is very arrogant. You can make arrangements tomorrow and I will also learn this person's sword skills."

"Master Xiao, think twice." Zhong Ziqi was a little anxious. If Xiao Hongye was killed by Gao Xian's sword, Gao Xian would certainly be unlucky, and he would be even more unlucky.

"Are you afraid that I will be killed by him?"

Xiao Hongye said softly: "If I don't take action, this person will think that our sect has no one. How can we retreat from this matter."

At the end of her speech, her voice was still gentle, but with unshakable determination.

Zhong Ziqi looked embarrassed. They had prepared a careful plan to deal with Gao Xian. If Gao Xian dared to come, he would never leave!

Xiao Hongye's sudden appearance left him wondering what to do...

(On the last day of September, I wish you all a happy National Day~ Brothers, if you have a monthly vote, just vote~ Don’t leave it until it expires~)

(End of this chapter)

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