Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 355 The Way of Heaven

Chapter 355 The Way of Heaven

"Xiao Hongye wants to fight Gao Xian?"

After hearing Zhong Ziqi's words, Gui Wuqi looked indifferent and showed no emotion or anger.

He silently looked at the wooden buildings on the mountainside with unusually deep eyes.

From this location on the top of the mountain, you can just overlook part of the buildings in the lower courtyard.

A group of people from Qingyun Sect lived in these courtyards.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west and the mountain breeze was blowing away the sweltering heat of the day.Most of the practitioners of Qingyun Sect are active outside.

After all, after sitting on the spaceship for more than 40 days, everyone was already exhausted.They were quite curious about the Tongtian Sword Sect, so they happened to take a look around.

Most of this group of cultivators are foundation-building cultivators, rising stars of the sect, with some talent in swordsmanship, so they are qualified to participate in this Tianxiang Sword Palace trial.

The foundation-building cultivators naturally couldn't notice Gui Wuqi's gaze. There was a lot of clouds on the mountain top, so it was impossible for them to see Gui Wuqi.

Gui Wuqi found no trace of Gao Xian inside, which was a bit disappointing.

Since his defeat at the hands of Gao Xian, Gui Wuqi Jianxin has been frustrated and has been in a slump for a while.

After returning to the sect, others did not dare to speak to him to his face, and they could not avoid cynicism behind his back.

It is human nature to support the superior and suppress the inferior.

Gui Wuqi has an arrogant and cold personality, and his actions are unreasonable.Naturally, it offended many people.

Gui Wuqi has a high level of cultivation, so of course he can hear some taunting and insulting words about him.

This made him angry, but it also inspired him to be fierce.During this year of silent practice, my swordsmanship improved greatly.

Since Gao Xian dared to come to participate in the Tianxiang Sword Palace trial, he would definitely kill Gao Xian with the sword in the sword palace.

Even if he avenges his previous shame, he will also break his own mental barrier.

Xiao Hongye is his junior sister. She practices the "Green Leaf Sword Sutra", which is completely different from his Thunder Sword Sutra.

Xiao Hongye relied on his ancestor's favor and never had much respect for his senior brother. On the other hand, he was jealous of his reputation and always wanted to overpower him.

This time Xiao Hongye wanted to challenge Gao Xian, just to gain fame by stepping on him and Gao Xian.

Women think quite beautifully!Does she have that ability?
Gui Wuqi sneered in his heart, Xiao Hongye was running rampant in the sect, and others gave the patriarch face and did not dare to do anything to her.

Gao Xian appears gentle, but this person is sinister and vicious.Xiao Hongye wants to take advantage of Gao Xian, but he is not seeking death!
However, Gao Xian would not kill Xiao Hongye if he had the spare power.This is the Tongtian Sword Sect after all.

Gao Xian should be aware that so many people from the Qingyun Sect came to participate in the trial.

Gui Wuqi came to his senses, Xiao Hongye also noticed this, and then he had the courage to challenge.

Anyway, he lost to Gao Xian, so it was normal for Xiao Hongye to lose.If you are lucky enough to win one and a half moves, you will be in the limelight.

Gui Wuqi thought this little trick was ridiculous. Xiao Hongye was deeply trusted by her ancestor, and whether or not she had such a false reputation had no effect on her.

However, women always love vanity.Others have always felt that Xiao Hongye was inferior to him, and this woman must be holding her breath in her heart.

Gui Wuqi figured out Xiao Hongye's plan and was very disdainful of it.

He said to Zhong Ziqi: "Xiao Hongye, let her go. We will wait for Gao Xian in Lei Palace. This person practices Qingyun Sword Scripture and is very accomplished in the four swords of Fengyun, Leiyu."

"Now that he has come to the Tianxiang Sword Palace, he will definitely come to the Thunder Palace. With a Tianxiang Sword Talisman, he can seal part of the Thunder Palace. No matter how fast Gao Xian escapes, he will not be able to escape."

Zhong Ziqi nodded. They had discussed it beforehand, but they were not sure whether Gao Xian would come.

"The Heavenly Sword Palace will not be opened for another 20 days. Don't worry about Gao Xian during this period."

After Gui Wuqi discussed the plan with Zhong Ziqi, he was not interested in reading it anymore, and immediately flew away with his sword light soaring into the sky.

Zhong Ziqi, who stayed where he was, couldn't help but sigh. Gui Wuqi was far inferior to Xiao Hongye in terms of human sophistication and it was very awkward to get along with him.

It's just that he has already chosen to die, and it is impossible to change him again.Gui Wuqi was frustrated by Gao Xian's sword, which in his opinion was a good thing.

As long as Gao Xian is defeated this time, Gui Wuqi will definitely improve his swordsmanship.

As long as Gui Moji can prove the Dao Sword Lord, his lack of understanding of the world will be the pride that the Sword Lord should have, and it will no longer be a problem.

Zhong Ziqi thought for a while and went to the lower courtyard using the escaping light. When the Qingyun Sect cultivator saw Zhong Ziqi coming, someone immediately went in to inform him.

After a while, Lu Jingxu came out smiling and wearing a yellow robe.

He raised his hands and asked, "Friend Zhong Dao, I wonder if I have any advice for you here?"

Zhong Ziqi laughed dryly and said, "Fellow Daoist Lu, my sect, Master Xiao Hongye, has heard of Fellow Daoist Gao for a long time, and would like to ask Fellow Daoist Gao for some advice."

Lu Jingxu smiled. The other party said something polite, but he was actually here to challenge him.

He thought for a moment and said: "Fellow Taoist Gao likes to make friends the most. He must be extremely happy to be able to communicate and learn from Xiao Hongye. I agreed on his behalf."

Zhong Ziqi nodded: "Then tomorrow at noon, we will discuss swordsmanship at the slightly shorter Wanjian Mountain Peak opposite. I will come over then."

"Okay, just follow what fellow Taoist said. I'll be waiting for you at noon tomorrow."

Lu Jingxu readily agreed. In other people's territory, it would be impossible to refuse such a challenge.

Zhong Ziqi finished explaining the matter, said a few polite words, and then left in the light.

Lu Jingxu returned to the yard and found Gao Xian in the main room in the backyard.

Gao Xian is reading a book. There are bookshelves in the main room with some idle books, as well as some basic enlightenment books on swordsmanship and magic.

The Tongtian Sword Sect is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Qingyun Sect, and the customs and customs of the two sides are very different.

The leisure books I read are also very different.Through these idle books, we can also get a glimpse of the general situation of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Gao Xian thought he found a copy of The Legend of the White Snake on the bookshelf inside. The pages of the book were already rolled when he looked through them, which showed that this book was still very popular.

Gao Xian was quite pleased with this. Everyone has the desire to pursue the Tao.

The sword cultivators of Tongtian Sword Sect also have seven emotions and six desires, and they also need spiritual food.

Lu Jingxu also saw the volume of "The Legend of White Snake", and he was also a little amused.

To be honest, he never understood why Gao Xian wrote these books.

He possesses a third-grade golden elixir, possesses magic and sword skills, and is vaguely the number one golden elixir master in the Qingyun Sect.

Among the tens of millions of cultivators of Qingyun Dao, he is already the most outstanding existence.

It is really inappropriate for such a character to write these low-level novels.Lu Jingxu also read it. The first volume of The Legend of White Snake is actually quite profound, especially the sentence written on the first page at the beginning: In the way of heaven, what is damaged is what is left to make up for the deficiency.The way of man is to lose more than you can give.

The more you read this sentence carefully, the more endless its charm becomes.

In addition, there are some exaggerated stories and exaggerated characters about lewdness and thieves.

Lu Jingxu also asked Gao Xian, and Gao Xian replied that it was to enrich the spiritual life of the majority of practitioners.

This answer was obviously nonsense, so Lu Jingxu stopped asking any more questions.

Lu Jingxu told Xiao Hongye about the challenge, and Gao Xian suddenly thought of the beauty in red he saw today.

Li Feihuang's red dress is as red as fire, which makes her even more gorgeous.

Xiao Hongye's red dress is dark red. The style of the robe is simple and elegant. The waistband can highlight the figure and naturally divide the beauty of the body proportions.

Gao Xian asked casually: "How old is Xiao Hongye?"

Lu Jingxu looked at Gao Xian with a strange expression. He thought for a moment and said: "She should be younger than Gui Wuqi, well, almost ten years younger than you. He is a genius who has only emerged from the Tongtian Sword Sect in the past two years... "

Qingyun Sect and Tongtian Sword Sect rarely interact with each other, but with Wanbao Tower here, it is not difficult to inquire about the situation of Tongtian Sword Sect.

The situation of these golden elixir masters is no secret.If you look for anyone in Tongtian City, you can name Xiao Hongye.

Lu Jingxu reminded Gao Xian: "This is the Tongtian Sword Sect. You can't kill Xiao Hongye. If you can't, it's okay to be a draw. You have to give people some face."

He has great confidence in Gao Xian, and he will never lose with Gao Xian's methods.He was afraid that Gao Xian would be ruthless, and if Xiao Hongye died, he would be in big trouble.

Gao Xian said angrily: "Senior brother, am I that stupid? Besides, I have always been kind and kind in my actions, so how could I kill people easily? Besides, Master Xiao is a beautiful woman, how can I not hesitate to love her..."

Lu Jingxu looked at Gao Xian silently. He really wanted to ask Shui Yuying what was going on!But for the sake of friendship, he still showed a polite and non-awkward smile.

Gao Xian sighed: "I promise not to kill anyone, that's all."

"Good junior."

Lu Jingxu breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "Xiao Hongye is going to die. You may be fine. Hundreds of people from all over the sect will have to answer here..."

Gao Xian waved his hand, signaling Lu Jingxu to leave quickly.This old man is becoming less and less good at chatting.

After Lu Jingxu left, Gao Xian picked up the book and read it casually.

He doesn't practice much in the sect, and there is no reason to go to Tongtian Sword Sect to practice.

Of course, it is true that Taiyuan's clone has been practicing swordplay.

Over the past year or so, Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone has practiced the "Wind and Cloud Sword Sutra" to the master level, and has also advanced to the tenth level of foundation building.

The Fengyun Sword Sutra comes from the Qingyun Sword Sutra, which contains detailed secrets of elixir formation.

It is not difficult for Gao Xian to form an elixir, and he is sure to form a third-grade sword elixir.

However, he hopes to form a first-grade sword elixir.After all the hard work, he looked down on the third-grade sword elixir.

Gui Wuqi is a second-grade sword elixir, and he cannot be worse than Gui Wuqi.

He had great hopes for this trial in Tianxiang Sword Palace.If you can obtain some inheritance of sword intention and improve the level of the Fengyun Sword Sutra to perfection, you can probably form a second-grade sword elixir.

Gao Xian was thinking about his next plan when he heard the sound of a flute.

The melodious, clear and mellow sound of the flute is just like a beautiful woman dancing lightly. It is light, moving, beautiful and lively, and makes people's hearts beat wildly.

Gao Xian noticed that the sound of the flute was transmitted through spiritual consciousness. There were dozens of people in the huge courtyard, but he was the only one who could hear the sound of the flute.

He didn't need to use his spiritual sense to observe. Xiao Hongye, dressed in red, naturally appeared in his mind.

"What does this woman want to do when she sends out an invitation with the sound of a flute?"

Gao Xian didn't think much about it. Even with Master Feng Yue's skills, he could still be afraid of a woman.

He didn't want to alarm others, so he activated Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes and left the courtyard.

The sound of the flute was like an invisible thread, leading him all the way forward.

After walking like this for a while, Gao Xiancai saw Xiao Hongye in a red leaf forest.

At this time, the sun had already set for most of the day, leaving only a trace of afterglow shining on the horizon.

The red leaves on the trees are reflected in the afterglow and become even more red.There was darkness in the woods.

Xiao Hongye stood under a tree.Her beautiful and gentle face is more delicate than the red leaves on the tree, but her slender and graceful figure is shrouded in darkness, giving her a vague and hazy beauty.

Gao Xian came to a stop ten steps in front of Xiao Hongye. He raised his hands and saluted: "Master Xiao plays the flute very well."

Xiao Hongye put the piccolo on her waist and said softly: "My father taught me that practicing swordsmanship on the mountain will inevitably lead to emptiness. Sometimes I feel homesick, so I play the flute to comfort myself..."

Xiao Hongye and Gui Wuqi are two completely opposite people. Gui Wuqi doesn't like to talk, but Xiao Hongye can talk about his private affairs as soon as they meet, and his talk is quite interesting.

Her chatting attitude is very relaxed and natural, and she is also very approachable, making people want to listen to her.

Gao Xian casually chatted with Xiao Hongye for a few words, and felt that this woman was a suitable person to chat with.

But he didn't really believe what Xiao Hongye said. This woman played the flute so cheerfully, without any hint of loneliness and sorrow. It didn't look like she was practicing because of homesickness.

He asked: "Master Xiao brought me here, do you have any advice?"

Xiao Hongye smiled slightly: "The way of heaven only damages more than it can serve. The way of human beings can only do more damage than it can serve. Fellow Taoist, these words are of great meaning and lofty artistic conception. After I read it, I was really enlightened..."

Gao Xianming knew that Xiao Hongye was cheating, but he still liked to hear it.

This woman is good-looking, so good at chatting, and secretly asked him to meet. Could she be his fan?

If Xiao Hongye insists on sleeping with her, would it be impolite if he refuses?

Xiao Hongye didn't know that Gao Xian had already started a third-party plot in his mind. Out of a woman's intuition, she felt that Gao Xian would have a good impression of her.

She said: "Fellow Taoist, I want to make a deal with you."

Gao Xian suddenly woke up and said, "Fellow Taoist, please speak clearly."

Xiao Hongye said seriously: "This is a deal that affects the lives of fellow Taoists..."

(October, Happy National Day everyone~Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~I will definitely update three times today~)

(End of this chapter)

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