Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 356 Heavenly Sword Talisman

Chapter 356 Heavenly Sword Talisman
"A deal involving my life?"

Gao Xian probably understood what Xiao Hongye meant. He smiled and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Opposite Xiao Hongye felt her eyes light up. She didn't know what was shining. Was it Gao Xian's neat white teeth?Or is it his eyes that are as bright as stars? , or his handsome face?Or maybe both.

The Tongtian Sword Sect is such a large sect, and its talents are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Xiao Hongye has never seen a handsome man like Gao Xian. Well, Yun Qiushui is more handsome, but he looks like a girl.

For her, the most important thing about a man is that he is strong enough, and the appearance of his face is secondary.

Yun Qiushui couldn't even beat Han Chengzhen. No matter how handsome he was, she would not like him.

Gao Xian, who could beheaded to death, looked so handsome no matter how he looked, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

If Gao Xian was from the same family, she really couldn't help but marry him.It's a pity.

As the core true successor of the sect, she would never marry a cultivator from outside the sect, and even having a close relationship would be a taboo.

Xiao Hongye knew this, but couldn't help but take a second look at Gao Xian. He was really good-looking. Even if he observed it with his golden elixir consciousness, he could only see that Gao Xian was clear inside and outside, so charming.

Xiao Hongye was not an ordinary woman after all, but her heartbeat was immediately suppressed by her.

It's not that sword cultivators don't have seven emotions and six desires. Cultivating the Love-Severing Sword to cut off passions like Gui Wuqi only proves that Gui Wuqi doesn't have the confidence to control the seven emotions, so he takes an extreme and evil path.

Gui Wuqi is the sword that transcends the world, and she is the sword that enters the world.

Although the sword of transcendence is decisive, it is like abandoning one's true nature and becoming possessed by a demon.The sword of joining the world is rolling and turning upside down in the world of mortals, but it is not confused. Only then can you see the true nature of your heart.

How can a sword cultivator be ruthless? How can a ruthless person love the sword!
It is precisely through all kinds of entanglements of love and hate, joys and sorrows that one can understand one's true heart and determine that one's favorite thing is the sword in hand, and what one longs for most is the supreme swordsmanship.

Xiao Hongye had this kind of realization. She never felt that there was anything wrong with her being attracted to Gao Xian, whom she had just met once.

"Perhaps this person is my best sword-sharpening stone, polishing my sword's heart. If I can pass this level, I will truly be able to surpass Gui Wuqi!"

Xiao Hongye's sudden thought ignited her heart like a ball of flame, and her whole body seemed to be on fire.

Decades of pure swordsmanship, sparks burning brightly just because of this.

She was not panicked, but rather happy.

This is her natural love, and there is no forced feeling.Therefore, the more refined her swordsmanship is, the harder it is to suppress this inner fire.

Gao Xian, who was opposite, also noticed something was wrong. Xiao Hongye's eyes suddenly became hot. He was too familiar with this.

Gao Xian was a little confused, "Is this woman suddenly in love? Does she really want to sleep with him?"

Xiao Hongye suppressed the ups and downs of emotions in her heart. She had been practicing swordsmanship for too long, and she usually looked down on everyone. Once she got emotional, it would be difficult to suppress it.

It's one thing to fall in love passionately, but she won't lose her mind just because of a thought like a girl.At least not yet.

She can be more dedicated and serious, and she needs to act naturally instead of deliberately showing off her emotional look.

Xiao Hongye said to Gao Xian in a shy and soft voice: "The real person is so beautiful that it makes people admire and find it difficult to control themselves. Please forgive me for any rudeness."

Xiao Hongye said it so directly that Gao Xian didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, he is a master of lovemaking after all. He smiled and said: "I was also very happy when I saw the real person. It felt like it was fate from the previous life. I just didn't dare to be presumptuous..."

Xiao Hongye couldn't help but smile. Gao Xian was really good at talking and very considerate.Everyone likes each other and no one loses face.

She thought for a moment and said, "Master, let's get down to business first."

Gao Xian said seriously: "I'm not joking."

Xiao Hongye was slightly embarrassed and explained: "I made a mistake. I meant to talk about business first."

"Okay." Gao Xian was a little confused about Xiao Hongye's routine. Before talking about things, he used beauty to seduce him, so that he could bargain more easily?

Xiao Hongye adjusted her mood and then said: "Master, let's compete at noon tomorrow. If Master can give me three points, I will be rewarded generously."

However, Gao Xian had already guessed what Xiao Hongye was thinking. He nodded: "I wonder what you mean by generous reward?"

You can be vague when talking about relationships, but you have to be clear when talking about business.

The magic and sword are now resounding throughout Qingyun Dao.Even in Wanling Sect and Yuelun Sect, there should be many people who know his reputation.

Gao Xian is a very realistic person. It doesn't matter if he loses to Xiao Hongye. It is just a false reputation, but it must be of sufficient value.

Xiao Hongye said seriously: "Is it enough to give fellow Taoist his life?"

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile, "Oh, of course it's worth it. But how did I get this life? Please tell me, fellow Taoist."

"I told my Taoist friends the news, but if they don't admit it tomorrow, what should I do?" Xiao Hongye asked.

Gao Xian said slowly: "I won the first prize at the Qingyun Dharma Assembly, defeated the Golden Elixir Demon Cultivator with the foundation building method, and defeated the Immortal Sword at the ceremony. I have not lost a single thing along the way, so I have accumulated a little reputation.

"Fellow Taoist wants me to give up my humble reputation with just one sentence, but it's a bit difficult for me..."

Xiao Hongye knew that Gao Xian was not exaggerating, and his reputation as a master of both magic and sword was extremely resounding in the Tongtian Sword Sect.If not, why would she come here to make a deal with Gao Xian.

Xiao Hongye dared to come to Gao Xian, so he was naturally prepared.

She said: "To show sincerity, I will tell the news to fellow Taoists first."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This woman trusted him so much?
He nodded and said, "I will never let fellow Taoists suffer."

If this news was really worth his life, he would naturally repay it.

Xiao Hongye was also very straightforward. She said directly: "Gui Wuqi will ambush fellow Taoist in Tianxiang Sword Palace."

Gao Xian showed a polite smile. This was what he had expected. Xiao Hongye was not so naive after thinking about it and felt that this news was valuable!
"They have the Celestial Sword Talisman, which can trigger the Sword Palace Restriction."

Xiao Hongye naturally understood what Gao Xian meant, and she said the most important point, "The forbidden power of the Sword Palace reaches the sixth level, and even Chunyang Taoist Master may not be able to break through the restrictions. All magical powers and secrets below the sixth level will be blocked. Suppression. Including magical powers such as teleportation and death substitution..."

Gao Xian was slightly shocked. Is this restriction so overbearing?
He has an incarnation that can instantly replace death and move, but he is not sure what level this magical power is, and whether it will be suppressed by the sword palace's restrictions.

In fact, the center of these magical powers is Feng Yue Baojian. Otherwise, how can a permanent clone be condensed by Da Luo's God Transformation Clone Technique? It is too outrageous!
Gao Xian felt that Fengyue Baojian should be far above the sixth level. As for how high it was, he couldn't tell clearly from his perspective.

However, this is just his judgment.Whether the Tianxiang Sword Talisman can be cracked is still open to question.

This news about Xiao Hongye is still quite valuable.

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and said: "It's not that I'm arrogant. Even if the space is restricted, Gui Wuqi is no match for me."

"The Heavenly Sword Talisman can control the restriction and limit your mana level to the foundation building level."

Xiao Hongye said: "This kind of victory is certainly tricky, but it can also break through the barriers in the heart and allow Gui to make great progress in swordsmanship."

"I see."

Gao Xian said very sincerely: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for reminding me. However, it's still not worth it."

Xiao Hongye was about to speak when she saw the platinum halo behind Gao Xian turning silently, and Gao Xian disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The next moment, Gao Xian was back to where he was.

Xiao Hongye's powerful consciousness knew that Gao Xian had circled the woods, coming and going in an instant.

However, such a rapid change in escape technique is almost silent.It shows Gao Xian's exquisite control over the escape method.

No wonder Gui Wuji will be defeated miserably, because Gao Xian can come and go freely with this escape technique and control the initiative in the battle.

Xiao Hongye was a little confused as to what it meant when Gao Xian suddenly revealed his escape skills?
Gao Xian said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, is the escape technique I used to activate the foundation-building magic still acceptable?"

"Huh? Ah!"

Xiao Hongye's beautiful face clearly showed surprise. She wasn't quite sure what level of magic power Gao Xian had just used. She could only tell that Gao Xian didn't really exert any force.

Xiao Hongye was silent. Gao Xian's meaning was very simple. Even if he only had foundation building cultivation, Gui Wuqi would not be able to touch him.

This is my intention not to admit it.No wonder Gui Wuqi denounced Gao Xian as being cunning and cunning, and that was indeed the case!

She was a little angry again. This man just wanted to use tricks against Gui Wuqi. The two had already negotiated, but he turned away and refused to admit it. This was too scumbag.Fortunately, she still thought Gao Xian was someone worthy of liking.

Gao Xian smiled and said: "I am a kind person, and I can't let my Taoist friends suffer. We will split the difference tomorrow. How about it?"

Xiao Hongye looked deeply at Gao Xian, and she calmed down now.There's no point in getting angry with Gao Xian.

She was silent for a while and said: "If fellow Taoist allows me to make a move, I can share the Tianxiang Sword Talisman with me. With this sword talisman, I can go deep into the deepest part of the Sword Palace, the Sun and Moon Palaces, and have a chance to obtain the Tianxiang Sword." The supreme inheritance of meaning..."

"Okay. Just follow my Taoist friend."

Gao Xian readily agreed this time. He had a clone that could enter the Sword Palace, but it might not be able to enter the depths of the Sword Palace.

With Xiao Hongye leading the way, countless troubles can be saved.

What's more, Xiao Hongye is not as old as him!
The Tianxiang Sword Palace opens only once every 60 years, which means that Xiao Hongye has not entered the Tianxiang Sword Palace yet.

For Xiao Hongye, if she misses this opportunity, she will have to wait another 60 years.A person like Xiao Hongye would not waste 60 years just to harm him.

Xiao Hongye and Gao Xian reached a deal, and she felt tired for a while. She felt that Gao Xian was not so good-looking and she didn't like him that much...

Back in the room, Gao Xian thought about it for a long time. The whole thing should not be a big problem.

He just paid for a false name, but he was able to get the opportunity to enter the Sun and Moon Palace of Tianxiang Sword Palace. This is too rare.

Of course, Xiao Hongye might also be Gui Wuqi's person and team up to set a trap for him.

From his point of view, this possibility is slim.Xiao Hongye was not able to deceive him about the first-grade golden elixir.

The first-grade golden elixir is pure, flawless, mysterious and unpredictable, which means that low-level golden elixirs cannot deceive him...

(The third update will be later~)

(End of this chapter)

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