Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 362 Wuji Celestial Sword

Chapter 362 Wuji Celestial Sword

The sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, snow, thunder and lightning, and the nine stone tablets carry the inheritance of the nine ancient swords.

So it is said to be ancient because Tongtian Sword Sect came from Tianxiang Sword Palace.

Judging from this, Tianxiang Sword Palace has a history of thousands of years.

Standing in front of the nine stone monuments, Gao Xian could clearly feel the vicissitudes of life on the nine stone monuments.

It has lasted ten thousand years without falling, and more importantly, it has lasted ten thousand years and the sword's intention has still remained condensed. This is such a power that even the sages can't help but feel in awe.

After three years of continuous training, the Taiyuan Divine Phase clone killed tens of thousands of sword spirits.

It can be said that he has mastered the essence of the six sword powers of wind, rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

Tianxiang Sword Palace opens once every 60 years and is open for 30 days each time.In such a short period of time, many sword cultivators were able to comprehend extremely superb sword intentions.

To say that the sword intention passed down from ancient times is actually quite rough and lacks many subtle changes.

However, the level of sword intention in Tianxiang Sword Palace is high enough, and it is likely that a strong person above the transformation of the gods created this sword technique, but the sword intention here only reaches the Nascent Soul level.

I don’t know if it was due to someone erasing the sword intent above Nascent Soul, or some other reason.

Gao Xian is extremely talented in swordsmanship, and his Fengyun Sword Technique is in line with the Six Sword Intentions of Wind, Rain, Snow, Thunder and Lightning.

His sword intention is exquisite, but the level is not high.The swords in the Tianxiang Sword Palace are of extremely high level, but they have bones and no flesh, which is perfect for him.

In addition, he had time to slowly ponder the changes in sword intention. After three years, he had reached the master's level in Fengyun Sword Classic.

The clone of Taiyuan God has also reached the tenth level of foundation building through practicing the Fengyun Sword Sutra.

For this training, Gao Xian also spent three hundred high-grade spiritual stones to prepare various training pills and spiritual objects for the Taiyuan Divine Clone.

In the closed Tianxiang Sword Palace, these elixirs and spiritual objects are enough to meet the needs of the Taiyuan Shenxiang clone.

Tianxiang Sword Palace itself is also full of spiritual energy.After sealing, the level of spiritual energy is two levels higher than the peaks of Qingyun Sect.

It is precisely because of these many conditions that the Taiyuan Divine Appearance clone can advance to the tenth level of foundation building, and can train the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag to the fourth level.

At this time, the clone of Taiyuan God used the White Lotus Golden God Flag as a robe, and separated from the divine light of the sun all the way to the nine sword monuments.

In the wind, rain, snow, thunder and lightning, Gao Xian has almost integrated the six swords.

At this moment, facing the sword tablet transformed by the six sword intentions, Gao Xian still patiently used the sword intention to sense the resonance one by one and accept the inheritance of the sword intention in the sword tablet.

The sword intent carried on the sword stele is thicker and higher-level.The sword spirits outside are all transformed by the sword spirit emanating from the sword monument, and they are completely of the same origin.

Gao Xian sat quietly on each sword stele for a few days, and he was able to arouse the inheritance of the sword intention and resonate with himself, thus obtaining the supreme inheritance of the six sword intention.

This process was quite easy for him, and could even be said to come naturally.

The Fengyun Sword Sutra was so consistent with these six sword intentions that he practiced it effortlessly.

When it comes to the three sword monuments of Sun, Moon and Star, the inheritance of sword intention has become too obscure.

Even with Gao Xian's talent in swordsmanship, he found these three swordsmen to be extremely difficult and difficult to understand.

In three years, Gao Xian also gained his understanding of the sword intention of Tianxiang Sword Palace.

The so-called celestial sword is based on the three swords of the sun, moon and stars, and the six swords of wind, cloud, rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

In other words, the three sword intentions of the sun, moon and star are the core of the Tianxiang sword intention.

Gao Xian's understanding is that wind, rain, snow, thunder and lightning are just changes in celestial phenomena and are symptoms of the movement of the great ways of heaven and earth.

The reason why the Sword Palace here is called Tianxiang instead of Celestial Phenomenon is because there is a fundamental difference between the two.

Celestial phenomena are external changes, but celestial phases are the core of the movement of heaven and earth.

The sun, moon, and stars are the center of this world, governing the cycle of day and night and the four seasons.All changes in celestial phenomena come from these three things.

The three swords of the sun, moon and star here reflect the changes in the sky.Even if it is just the sword intent at the Nascent Soul level, it is already vaguely involved in the great avenue of heaven and earth.

Gao Xian was talented in swordsmanship, but the sword intention of the Three Phases of Sun, Moon and Star was too grand and lofty for him to understand.

After thinking hard about the Starry Sword Intent Sword Monument for more than ten days, Gao Xian decided to start with the simplest and understandable one.

After all, the astrology is too complicated, let alone him, how much Chunyang Taoist Master can understand.

The astrological sword intention is lofty and far-reaching, and he needs to have a point that can be realized in order to resonate with the sword intention.

As for what this reality is, he needs to find it himself.

The horoscopes in this world are similar to those in his previous life, with the Big Dipper and the South Dipper and the Milky Way stretching across the sky.

According to various astrological records in this world, Gao Xian chose the simplest astrological change to start with, the Big Dipper.

Sure enough, with this starting point, the originally complex and obscure astrological sword meaning can be gradually understood.

After more than a month of effort, Gao Xian initially mastered some of the astrological sword intent.

The divine light of the Great Sun in the Sun Palace is constantly changing, and even though he has the White Lotus and Golden Divine Flag, he cannot resist it for too long.We must seize the time.

Gao Xian arrived at the Moon Phase Sword Monument. The meaning of the Moon Phase Sword was more brilliant, but more concrete and easier to understand.

There is only one moon, but it waxes and wanes.

Gao Xian can be regarded as a half-scholar. He often chants poems to the moon, and he understands the sword meaning of the moon phase very quickly.

Within a few days, he had obtained the inheritance of Moon Phase Sword Intent.

Finally, there is the Sun Phase Sword Intent.The solar phase is also easy to understand, but there are three changes: rising sun, scorching sun, and setting sun.

The great sun's divine light in the Sun Palace has only one blazing change, just like the blazing sun at noon, which is easier to understand.Gao Xian had an entry point, and it was easy to establish resonance and obtain the inheritance of the Sun Phase Sword Intent.

At this point, all nine sword intent inheritances of Tianxiang Sword Palace have been obtained.Although the three sword intentions of the sun, moon and star were only partially comprehended, the inheritance of the nine sword intentions formed a complete sword art.

On the front of Fengyue Baojian, a "Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique" suddenly appeared.

Wuji Celestial Sword Technique: The Celestial Sword is a sword that cuts through obstacles and proves the way with the sword. (56654/100000 proficient)
Gao Xian looked at the annotations on Fengyue Baojian and felt extremely happy.

Although Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art is only a sword art, it is obviously two levels higher than Fengyun Sword Art.

Moreover, Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique not only has the inheritance of sword intention, but also has a complete set of cultivation methods.

Using Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art as the foundation is enough for him to cultivate to the level of Nascent Soul Sword Lord where body and sword are integrated.

As for what Nascent Soul will do in the future, that is too far away for him.Don't think about it now.

The most important thing right now is to condense the sword elixir first!
With Jian Dan, it shouldn't be difficult to dominate Wanfeng County.Looking at Mingzhou, it should be among the best at the level of Jindan.

Gao Xian knew that Mingzhou was extremely vast, and there were 290 sects like the Qingyun Sect.

There are also large sects presided over by 36 Huashen Dao Lords, and a super large sect presided over by Chunyang Dao Lord.

There must be at least a hundred or so disciples of Taoist Huashen and Taoist Chunyang.

Although he was a genius and practiced hard day and night, he had no master to guide him and he relied entirely on his own thinking and cultivation.

Compared to these people, they are inherently inferior.Not to mention they have countless resources to support them.He is just a treasure of romance.It’s already very strong if you don’t fall behind!
Gao Xian has no ambition to dominate the world. He just wants to live his own life.

It is quite good to rule the roost behind closed doors in Qingyun Sect.

If Ru Gui Wan Jie and his ilk weren't here to mess with him, he wouldn't bother to pay attention.

He worked hard this time to comprehend the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique in the Tianxiang Sword Palace.

If you were a disciple of Huashen Daojun, you would be able to obtain the top-level swordsmanship inheritance directly, so there is no need for such trouble.

When Gao Xian thought about this, he couldn't help but feel emotional. Fortunately, all the hard work has paid off!
Gao Xian was already satisfied with the inheritance of the Wuji Celestial Sword Intent, and was about to leave with the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag, but suddenly he thought that these great sun divine lights could actually be used, right?
The White Lotus Golden Divine Flag cannot absorb the Divine Light of the Great Sun, but the white jade gourd in his hand can even contain the Divine Light of Gengjin, so it should not be difficult to capture the Divine Light of the Great Sun.

Gao Xian couldn't do this before he understood the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique.

With the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique and the Sun Phase Sword Intent inheritance, he has been able to barely contain the divine light of the sun.

He didn't know what the use was of gathering the light of the great sun. Anyway, it was transformed by the sword intention of the sun phase, so it must be of some use.

Gao Xian took out the white jade gourd and tried to use the Sun Phase Sword Intention to gather the light of the sun, and it went very smoothly.

It was very slow at the beginning, but as he became more and more proficient in the operation of the Sun Sword Intent, the white jade gourd was like a whirlpool, absorbing the light of the Great Sun.

In just a few days, the divine light of the Sun in the Sun Palace was actually absorbed by the white jade gourd.

Gao Xian tried to absorb Yuegong's Moon Phase Sword Intent again, but there was no problem.

In this process, he is equivalent to practicing the sword intention of the moon phase.

After that, the stars, wind, cloud, thunder, lightning, rain, snow and the six-phase sword intention were all taken away by the white jade gourd.

The Tianxiang Sword Palace, which was originally filled with sword intent, suddenly became empty.

Gao Xian has been here for several years and is still a little uncomfortable with this empty scene.

"When the Tianxiang Sword Palace reopens in 60 years, the cultivators of the Tongtian Sword Sect will probably be shocked... but the nine sword monuments will probably regenerate their sword intent..."

When Gao Xian thought of this, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the nine sword monuments.

This thing is a stone tablet, but the stone tablet is just a carrier.What is really important is the nine-door celestial sword intention on the stone tablet.

Since the white jade gourd can collect the sword intent scattered in various palaces, I wonder if it can collect the sword intent on the stone tablet.

Gao Xian was holding a white jade gourd. He used the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique to resonate the inheritance of the sword intention on the stone tablet, and actually brought out the inheritance of the sword intention deep in the stone tablet.

Then, the white jade gourd naturally absorbed this extremely powerful sword intention inheritance into the gourd.

Only then did Gao Xian realize that this white jade gourd was the most precious thing.The golden divine light in the white jade gourd was probably not prepared for the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag.

Or are the two integrated?

He has too little knowledge and cannot understand the origin of this rare treasure.

Anyway, if you can receive the sword inheritance, you're welcome.

Gao Xian put all the sword intention inheritance on the other eight stone tablets into the gourd. Don't worry about whether they are useful or not. If you don't take them, you will get nothing.

This time he was almost killed by Gui Wuqi, and his impression of Tongtian Sword Sect was very bad.

He didn't feel guilty at all for taking the Sword Intent inheritance.

It was originally a gift from heaven. The Tongtian Sword Sect took over it first and it became the Tongtian Sword Sect's.If he takes it, it becomes his.

In the world of cultivators, there is no such thing as first come, first served.Only when everyone has the same strength is it necessary to be reasonable.

Without the stone tablet of sword intention inheritance, it would lose its role in controlling the Tianxiang Sword Palace.

The huge secret space roared and vibrated, and the spiritual energy of the entire space began to stir.

The ground and sky were shaking violently, as if the world was about to collapse!
Without the sword monument center to circulate the spiritual energy of the secret realm, this secret realm seems to be collapsing...

(Third update~Brothers and sisters, monthly tickets are up~)

(End of this chapter)

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