Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 363 Qianyuan Transformation and Refining the Divine Pill

Chapter 363 Qianyuan Transformation and Refining the Divine Pill

Qingyun Sect, Xuandu Peak, underground quiet room.

Gao Xian looked at the avatar of the Taiyuan God standing in front of him, with golden eyes and golden clothes, and an aura of grandeur and splendor.It's just that there are more kinds of extremely sharp Octavia deep in the eyes.

Before the Tianxiang Sword Palace collapsed, he recalled this clone.

There is no doubt that the secret realm of Tianxiang Sword Palace will disappear completely.He didn't care about it and took everything he could get.

60 years later, Tongtian Sword Sect will definitely find something wrong, but by then it will be too late to say anything.

When this secret realm of cave heaven collapses, it will be completely annihilated in the void.

Not to mention True Monarch Nascent Soul, even Taoist Chunyang couldn't find any traces.It is even less possible to suspect him.

The white jade gourd that absorbed the Nine Sword Intentions inheritance has not changed much.

Gao Xian didn't know what the use was, nor how to refine the Nine Sword Intent inheritance.

The white jade gourd is definitely a rare treasure left behind by the Tianhua Sect. We can only wait until we find the inheritance of the Tianhua Sect in the future. Maybe we can find out the origin of the white jade gourd and find out the true use of this thing.

At present, the white jade gourd seems to be of no use and can only be put aside for now.

The biggest gain from this trip to the Celestial Sword Palace was the completion of the Wuji Celestial Sword Art.

Secondly, Fengyun Sword Classic reaches the state of master perfection.This allowed him to take a huge step forward in his swordsmanship.

At this time, there is no chance of facing him again. Gao Xian is sure to kill him within ten moves.

The last time I was able to win without hope, I actually used a variety of secret methods.Speaking of swordsmanship alone, the opponent's swordsmanship is stronger, and his victory lies in the subtlety of his swordsmanship.There is no obvious advantage against Shanggui Wuji.

Of course, the Xiandu Sword in Gui Wuqi's hand is a fourth-level spiritual sword, which is too powerful.It is useless for Gui Wuqi to have the Xiandu Sword now. He is already better than Gui Wuqi at the level of swordsmanship and will not give the opponent a chance to exert the power of the sword.

Finally, the clone reaches the tenth level of foundation building, only one step away from the golden elixir.

If he wanted to, he could actually form an elixir now.Even if there is no magical elixir or spiritual object, at least the third-grade golden elixir will be no problem.

Having reached this point, Gao Xian naturally wants to form a higher level golden elixir.

If the clone forms a pill, he can have all the power of the clone as long as he takes it back.

As for how the two golden elixirs functioned in the body, whether they would conflict, and whether their powers could be superimposed, he was really not sure.

The only thing that is certain is that Da Luo's God Transformation Technique is very good, which at least allows him to have the sword elixir without causing the two golden elixirs to conflict.

Every cultivator practices different techniques, and the spiritual objects required to form elixirs are naturally different.

The golden elixir allows the cultivator to unite his form and spirit, forming an indestructible center to control his body, spirit, and law.

The same principle applies to the golden elixir of sword cultivation.

The difference is that what sword cultivators call a clear sword heart is actually a golden elixir constructed from pure sword intent.

This golden elixir multiplies the power of swords and swords, but it is extremely difficult to control other magic powers.Therefore, it is said that swordsmanship is unique.

If you choose the path of sword cultivation, don't think about the power other than the sword.

Sword cultivators must be more cautious when forming elixirs. Ordinary practitioners can also modify other techniques after forming elixirs. However, if sword cultivators modify other techniques, the cost will be too high and it is almost impossible to succeed.

This actually limits ordinary sword cultivators. Without the guidance of a master, it is almost impossible for a sword cultivator to form a sword elixir.

Even if he succeeds by luck, the path of swordsmanship can only go so far.

Gao Xian took this into consideration. Although his Fengyun Sword Sutra had reached Grandmaster Perfection, it was still at a too low level.

Using Fengyun Sword Sutra to form elixirs, the lower limit will be very high, but the upper limit will be very low.

Although the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique is crude, it points directly to the Nascent Soul, and the purpose of the sword technique is even higher.

The Fengyun Sword Sutra is already in line with the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art. If he is given a period of time, he can transform the Fengyun Sword Sutra into the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art.

Moreover, Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique also has clear steps for forming pills.It's just that this ancient method of forming pills is far less perfect than the current method of cultivation.

The Wuji Celestial Sword Technique to form an elixir requires nine kinds of original spiritual crystals: sun, moon, stars, wind, cloud, rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

Although the white jade gourd has absorbed the inheritance of sword intention, it cannot be used to help him form elixirs.This is not the same thing.

Even if the nine types of original spiritual crystals do not have high quality requirements, they must be at least three levels.

With the two thousand and three hundred yuan of high-grade spiritual stones in his hand, it would be enough to buy these things.

Secondly, forming the elixir requires the Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill. Normal elixir formation requires the use of this elixir to purify the form and spirit.

If you want to form a first-grade golden pill, you must buy two third-order nine-turn Qianyuan transformation pills.

The Qingyun Sect has Li Baoding, the master of alchemy, and he also has the elixir recipe, and he can refine the Qianyuan Transformation Divine elixir by himself.This is also the foundation that a large sect should have.

If the elixir of the Linking Pill cannot be refined, what can be done to cultivate the Golden Pill Master?

The last spiritual elixir Gao Xian made was given by his sect. He really didn't know how much it cost, but he only knew that it was extremely difficult to refine the nine-turn elixir.

If he wasn't the true successor of Shenxiao, he wouldn't be qualified to get the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill.

It is impossible for Taiyuan Shenxiang to form elixirs in his avatar and ask for elixirs from the sect.You can only buy it outside.

The Qianyuan Transformation and Divine Refining Pill is related to the formation of the pill. If one of it is shed, a real person of the Golden Pill may be created.

All major sects will definitely strictly control the Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill.On the other hand, since all major sects can refine this elixir, some of the elixirs will definitely be circulated.

Gao Xian left Taiyuan's clone in a secret room to practice swordsmanship, while he went to Wanbao Tower to find Jin Dabao.

Today, Jin Dabao can be said to be very enthusiastic and respectful towards Gao Xian.Even if Wanbao Tower has a transcendent status, he, a small foundation-building monk, is not qualified to stand up in front of the Qingyun Sect's number one golden elixir master.Over the years, I have taken many novels from Gao Xian and earned more than [-] spiritual stones.

For Jin Dabao, making this money was effortless, like picking it up for free.

Considering money, Jin Dabao should also be more respectful to Gao Xian.

The two of them were already very familiar with each other. Gao Xian and Jin Dabao just said a few polite words and got straight to the point.

"A good friend of mine wants to make a pill. Do you have the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Transformation God Pill?"

Jin Dabao's fat face showed an expression of embarrassment, "Master, I have no right to sell this level of elixir. Only Wanbao Tower in the center of a county like Wanfeng City is qualified to sell such level of elixir."

"I see."

Gao Xian immediately understood that if Jin Dabao sold the pills indiscriminately, it would have a big impact on the Qingyun Sect.

After all, one more Jindan Daoist may destroy a small sect.For large sects, it is natural to control this variable as much as possible in their own hands.

In order to do business, Wanbaolou should not offend the local sect too much.

"What's the approximate price?" Gao Xian asked.

Jin Dabao thought for a moment and said: "Nine-turn stones are very rare and usually cost two to three hundred high-grade spiritual stones."

Gao Xian nodded. The price was a bit expensive, but not too exaggerated.

After all, most people who need it don't need to buy it, and ordinary foundation-building monks can't afford so much money even if they kill themselves.

He then asked casually: "Do you have the third-level source spiritual crystal of Fengyun Leiden?"

Jin Dabao said: "I don't have any here. I can go out and ask. As long as Wanfeng County has it, I can transfer it. It just takes a while..."

Gao Xian can't trust Jin Dabao. Even though the two of them are so close, this guy is a businessman!
Besides, Jin Dabao is still from Wanbao Tower.

Wanbaolou especially likes to sell out intelligence information. The sect must be careful to hide anything from these guys.

The four original spiritual crystals of Fengyun, Thunder and Lightning have many uses.He asked casually, not afraid that the other party would guess what he was using these things for.

As for the fact that he wanted to buy the Qianyuan Transformation and Divine Refining Pill for his friend, it was also because Qiniang was already at the tenth level of foundation building and would soon form the pill.

The third-level green gold fruit is really suitable for Qiniang.

Gao Xian didn't just say that when he was at his weakest, it was Qiniang who helped him and shared life and death with him.

He will remember this favor forever.Helping Qiniang buy the elixir for forming pills is not a big deal.

Gao Xian asked Jin Dabao to help him collect several sample source spiritual crystals and notify him as soon as possible if there is any news.

After coming out of Wanbao Tower, Gao Xian went directly to find Lu Jingxu.

He only has a few connections in the sect. Of course, it is not impossible for him to go to Li Baoding directly.

With his current status, Li Baoding has to give face no matter what.However, it is better to ask Lu Jingxu before going.To save everyone from embarrassment.

"Do you want the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill?"

Lu Jingxu hesitated and asked, "Is it for your best friend?"

At the Golden Elixir Ceremony, Gao Xian held Zhu Qiniang's hand and introduced her solemnly to everyone. All the attendees remembered the slender female foundation-building monk with a heroic face.

Gao Xian nodded: "Well, it's best to buy a few more. It will also give you greater certainty."

By buying two more pills in Qiniang's name, he could keep one for himself, and Qiniang would definitely keep it a secret for him.

Lu Jingxu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Don't think about it, the sect only has three now..."

"The Nine Transformations and Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill is extremely difficult to refine. Li Baoding was lucky enough to refine it 20 years ago. There are only six pills in total. Qingxuan Daozheng, Qiu Shui and you will get two pills each.

"There are three left, and they must be reserved for talented juniors... You definitely can't buy them if you want to."

Gao Xian smiled dryly: "That's it."

In order to form a first-grade golden elixir, he was afraid that the medicine would be insufficient, so he took all the elixirs given by the sect.

Of course, even if he were asked to choose again, he would not be able to deliberately leave a Qianyuan Transformation Divine Pill just for today.

Returning to his compound, Gao Xian decided to visit Wanfeng City, the center of Wanfeng County.

Gao Xian doesn't like traveling very much. He is a little curious about the vast world, but he is not willing to bother with it.

What he loves most is staying in a familiar environment and enjoying a comfortable and peaceful life.

In order to buy the Origin Spiritual Crystal and the Nine Transformations Spiritual Pill, he had to go to Wanfeng City.

He also got to know the Wanfeng Sect, which was a super sect with powerful gods in charge.

Before going out, Gao Xian still needs to prepare.

A trip to Tongtian Sword Sect would take several months to go back and forth.Wanfeng County is even further away.

It was such a long journey, and even if he had enough magic power, he wouldn't be able to fly there by himself.

On the other hand, after accumulating more than three years of human aura, he also needs to upgrade his magical powers.

In a place as big as Wanfeng County, you may encounter True Monarch Nascent Soul. For your own safety, you cannot be too careful...

(End of this chapter)

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