Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 364 Ten Thousand Peaks City

Chapter 364 Ten Thousand Peaks City

In February, the spring is cold and the weather is suddenly warm and then cold again.

The peach blossoms on Xuandu Peak have withered, and the ground has fallen red.

Many bright red petals fell on the pool in the backyard, dyeing the empty water a bit of color.

Several colorful koi carps were very curious about the fallen flowers. They came and went gracefully around the petals, and from time to time they touched the petals with their mouths, looking extremely leisurely.

Gao Xian, who was sitting by the pond admiring the fish, couldn't help but think of Zhuangzi's famous debate, "It is the joy of fish to swim leisurely."

Gao Xian felt that Zhuangzi was right. He could come and go freely in such a leisurely way, even if he was in a place so close to him, there was no reason to be unhappy.

Just like him, staying at ease in Qingyun Sect is of course happy.

If it weren't for the Nine Transformations Spirit Pill and Origin Spirit Crystal, he really wouldn't want to go to Wanfeng City.

He also thought about refining the Qianyuan Transformation Divine Pill by himself, but his level of alchemy was about to reach the level of a third-level master.

He couldn't even turn nine of the most skilled immortality pills, let alone a pill that he had never refined before.

The key point is that he doesn't have any elixir recipes, corresponding spiritual objects, medicinal materials, etc. yet.It is difficult to achieve results by refining it by yourself for ten or eight years, and a lot of resources and energy must be invested.

I will go to Ziyun Valley in 16 years.Forget it, no matter how dangerous it is, it's still a struggle at the Golden Core level.Even if there are dangers deep in Ziyun Valley, they can be avoided.

The great changes in the Eastern Wasteland are approaching, and the demon cultivators and demon tribes will come knocking on the door at some unknown time.

At that time, no rules were followed, Nascent Soul Lord would run around everywhere, and it was not uncommon to encounter the transformed gods.

He just has three lives, which is enough to use him several times.

Gao Xian opened the Wind and Moon Treasure Mirror in the Sea of ​​Consciousness and accumulated it over three years, accumulating more than 800 million spiritual auras.

Looking at the huge numbers, Gao Xian felt satisfied.

Fortunately, he chose the more promising cultural communication. If he was still struggling to refine elixirs every day, how long would it take for more than 800 million people to practice alchemy!

There are not many secret techniques that can be upgraded. One is the Taisu Puppet God, the other is the Yin and Yang Celestial Wheel, and the other is the Great Vajra.

The next step for the Great Vajra is the master state, which will definitely lead to a huge improvement.He just wanted to deduct 320 years of his life, and he couldn't bear it.

If we say that he has a life span of 400 years, deducting 320 years, he can still live for 1000 years.

Such a long time is enough for him to achieve Nascent Soul
Gao Xian firmly believes in this. Are you kidding me? You can't transform into a baby even if you hold a magical object like Fengyue Baojian in your hand? !There is no such thing as this.

There are many strong men gathered in Wanfeng City. The important thing is not to be able to fight or resist, but to be able to run fast.

In this regard, upgrading the Vajra is very inappropriate.

Gao Xian invested 600 Taoist spiritual lights and raised the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel to the master level.

When the secret technique reaches the expert level, there will be a qualitative change.Once you reach the master level, there is another huge improvement.The master level means that this secret technique has no secrets for him anymore.

The yin and yang heavenly wheel in the master realm allows him to reach a terrifying speed of thousands of feet per breath.

Through the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel, he can fly underground at high speed.The speed is about one fifth of flying in the sky.

It is incredibly fast to be able to fly at such a speed in the earth.

Gao Xian can also try his best to converge the light of the yin and yang heavenly wheels, reaching the point where he is almost invisible.

The power of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel has also been greatly improved. When the two heavenly and geomagnetic wheels are staggered to activate, the power is comparable to the third-level middle-grade magic weapon, and the changes in attack and defense are exquisite.

It took a few days for Gao Xian to fully master the upgraded Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel.

He didn't know how fast Yuanying Zhenjun could fly. Anyway, his speed should be able to surpass the golden elixir and no one could match it.

With 1000 and [-] million humane auras left, Gao Xian raised Tai Su Puppet God to a proficient level, and the sensing radius of his spiritual consciousness skyrocketed to [-] steps.

Gao Xian did not expect that his spiritual consciousness could be so greatly improved through one upgrade.

Considering that upgrading requires 1000 million human souls, Gao Xian thought it was reasonable.

Taisu Puppet God is already powerful, so the upgrade effect should be better.

Sister Lan's consciousness also improved simultaneously, making Gao Xian more and more able to control various secret arts and magical powers.

Even the very complicated Midas Touch and Yellow Turban Hercules, Gao Xian can perform them very quickly with Sister Lan's blessing.

To sum up briefly, it means to increase the power of spells, increase the speed of spell casting, and improve all aspects of perception.

Gao Xian bought some more elixirs and talismans, and wore a Huangtang robe for Taiyuan Shen Xiangfen. He didn't know where he got a second-level top-quality robe.

Sand yellow robe, simple and elegant style, restrained color.Yellow also goes well with Taiyuan Shenxiang’s golden eyes.

Paired with a Qingfeng sword, a second-level high-grade sword.The fourth-level spiritual weapon White Lotus Golden Divine Flag is in the left sleeve.

With this fourth-level spiritual weapon, it can fight against ordinary golden elixirs.

I also prepared a black black water hat, a second-level water protection weapon, which can activate water mana and turn it into a veil to resist spells and dirt. It is very exquisite and practical.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone first took a flying ship to Baiyun Sect, which is the westernmost sect on Qingyun Road.

Transferred through Baiyun City and arrived at Tongtian City.

Gao Xian did not contact Xiao Hongye. He did not need Xiao Hongye's help for such a small matter. Contacting Xiao Hongye would easily attract others' attention and cause unnecessary trouble.

After waiting in Tongtian City for 20 days, I waited for the airship to go to the Dragon and Tiger Sect.

The Dragon and Tiger Sect is famous for its alchemy, and the Dragon and Tiger Pills, Jinyuan Pills, and Eight Treasure Pills of the Heavenly King that they refined are all very famous.

The most precious third-level elixir is the Nine-turn Jade Dew Pill, a hundred thousand spiritual stone.Gao Xian stayed in Longhu City for more than ten days. There were many alchemists in this city, and the price of elixirs was about [-]% cheaper than in Qingyun City.

When eating and drinking outside, you can always meet a group of alchemists gathering together to talk about the method of alchemy, and there is quite an academic atmosphere.

The security in Longhu City is also very good, a level better than all the big cities Gao Xian has been to.

The biggest feature is the medicinal fragrance that fills the city.Newcomers may find it a bit overwhelming.Of course, you'll get used to it after staying there for a long time.

It's a pity that there is no Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill.There are no third-level ones!
Gao Xian still bought two Nine-Turn Jade Dew Pills as backup. They were elixirs that could heal the physical body and were very useful.

What surprised him was that a foundation-building monk took out 20 spirit stones, but it didn't attract much attention.No one followed him secretly.

It seems that the Dragon Tiger Sect spent a lot of effort to maintain order in order to sell the elixirs.

For practitioners, safe transactions are actually more important than anything else.The price is cheaper, which naturally attracts a large number of practitioners to come here.

It should be said that the managers of the Dragon and Tiger Sect are quite economically savvy.

The reason why Qingyun Sect doesn't do this is because it costs a lot to maintain order.Without a competitive product, no matter how good the order is, it will not attract many people, let alone make money.

Ultimately, it's a cost issue.

Furthermore, an environment that is too safe can cause people to lose vigilance and even feel a sense of crisis.For practitioners, this is not entirely a good thing.

Gao Xian felt that Longhu City was too comfortable, and the cultivators here were less defensive.

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the Dragon and Tiger Sect is bound to be poor.If there is really going to be a war, a sect like the Dragon and Tiger Sect will definitely be unlucky first.

Longhu City has developed business and has closer ties with Wanfeng County.There is a flight to Wanfeng County every seven days.

The huge Aoki airship can carry more than a thousand people.And its speed is much faster than the Qingyun Sect's Qingmu flying ship.

Aoki airship is a general term. In fact, each airship will be very different.Just like they are all called mobile phones, each mobile phone is different.

This Qingmu flying ship can reach a speed of two thousand miles per hour, which is twice as fast as the Qingyun Sect flying ship.

In this way, travel efficiency is greatly improved.

In more than 20 days, Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone arrived in Wanfeng City.

Standing on the top deck of the Aoki airship, you can see Ten Thousand Peaks City in the distance.

What surprised Gao Xian was that Wanfeng City was not a city, but a city cluster composed of dozens of continuous peaks.

The majestic or steep mountain peaks have small windows dug out, making them look like mountain-shaped high-rise buildings.

Through these small windows, Gao Xian could see the moving figures inside.

Gao Xian saw such a strange city for the first time, so he couldn't help but look at it very carefully.

A man came over and said with a smile: "Is this your first time coming to Wanfeng City, fellow Taoist?"

Gao Xian glanced sideways. He was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. He had a smooth smile on his face and had built up a good foundation. He seemed to be a businessman.

Businessmen like to talk to others and smile at others.There is also that sleek and sophisticated air, which is also the most common temperament in businessmen.

"you are?"

Gao Xian's heart moved when he saw the other party's appearance. When he arrived in Wanfeng County, his eyes darkened. It would be much easier to have someone who was familiar with the situation.

Even if the other person is a liar, well, we can still talk about it first.

"In the field, Yunong, and the popular shopkeeper."

The middle-aged man saw Gao Xian's polite attitude, and his smile became a little more enthusiastic.

Gao Xian nodded slightly: "Fellow Taoist Tian, ​​do you have any advice?"

Tian Yunong waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't dare to give you any advice. I just saw that this fellow Taoist seems to be here for the first time and doesn't know much about Wanfeng City, so I spoke rashly."

He then introduced it vigorously: "Wanfeng City is the central city of Wanfeng County. At that time, Tao Zun hollowed out 28 peaks with his peerless power, named them after the 28 stars, and built Wanfeng City among these peaks.

"The interior of the mountain peak is divided into dozens of layers. Because it is full of spiritual energy and has a magic circle that reflects the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, the mountain peak is like spring all year round, and is airy and bright, making it very livable..."

Gao Xian listened quietly. Tian Yunong was obviously very familiar with Wanfeng City. He introduced the local customs and customs very well.

Tian Yunong kept talking for a long time. Seeing that Gao Xian remained silent, he couldn't help but ask: "I wonder what your friend is doing in Wanfeng City?"

He hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, fellow Taoist. We and Shengxing sell everything, and we also serve as introducers. No matter what you want to buy or do, I can help."

Gao Xian could vaguely see that Tian Yunong was not a good person. Of course, it was too early to say that the other party had any malicious intent.

He said: "I want to buy a few Qianyuan Transformation and Divine Refining Pills. Is there any way to buy them?"

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to form an elixir?"

Tian Yunong was slightly startled, but he immediately showed joy: "Fellow Taoist, you really asked the right person. I'm not bragging, there are not many people in Wanfeng 28 who can buy the Nine-turn Qianyuan Transformation Divine Pill..."

Tian Yunong, who was boasting, did not know that Gao Xian could clearly see the greed he showed in that moment.

The first-grade golden elixir is so powerful that it can illuminate both the inside and outside.Tian Yunong's malicious intent was sensed by Gao Xian.

Gao Xian smiled instead, bad guy, great, a wallet delivered to your door!

When Tian Yunong saw Gao Xian smiling, he immediately smiled even more happily...

(End of this chapter)

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