Chapter 365 Windfall
"This airship will land in the tail city of Dong Qisu. The 28 cities are divided into different levels according to the stars. The cities ranked lower have more people..."

Tian Yunong enthusiastically introduced the situation of Weicheng to Gao Xian, and he obviously knew Weicheng very well.

"Weicheng is divided into seventeen floors. The cost of food and accommodation on the upper floor is huge, and outsiders can never afford it. We and Shengtang are on the twelfth floor. We earn hard-earned money, mainly because of our reputation. Everyone believes in us... "

Gao Xian listened quietly to Tian Yunong's bragging, occasionally nodding slightly in agreement.

Tian Yunong talked for a long time, but Gao Xian never spoke, which made him feel a little awkward and a little guilty.

People with such deep thoughts are more difficult to deal with.Looking at Gao Xian's appearance, there is a hint of pride between his brows, which suggests he has some status.

However, this is Wanfeng City.Not to mention a foundation builder, even Jin Dan Zhenren is not a very powerful figure here.

Entering Wanfeng City alone is equivalent to a woman taking off her clothes and running around at night.

The other party also claimed that he wanted to buy the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill.You must know that one piece of this kind of elixir costs two to three million low-grade spiritual stones.

For a foundation-building monk, this money is too much, enough to crush him to death.

Tian Yunong started to say hello. It was just a test and there was no definite intention to do anything.

Knowing the other party's intention, his greed cannot be restrained.

In his opinion, such a large sum of money was simply a windfall, prepared just for him.

As long as the other party reconciles with him, the money is his.Well, the swords and robes are also very good, and can be worth one or two hundred thousand spiritual stones.

Tian Yunong felt that he still needed to collect more information, so he asked politely: "You haven't asked the Taoist friend's name yet?"

"Wuji." Gao Xian had already thought of a pseudonym and took the word Wuji from the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Art.

Tian Yunong felt that this name must be fake. He could also call the little Foundation-Building Monk "Wuji".Of course, it could also be that his surname is Wu, but that's not what he should be called.

In this world, no matter whether you are a mortal or a cultivator, your name cannot be called randomly.

I don’t even dare to say the name, it must have no origin!
On the contrary, Tian Yunong felt relieved. There was no reason to hide the true origin.

While the two were chatting, the huge Aoki spaceship had slowly landed on the mountainside of a high mountain.

There is an open platform here, which seems to be specially used for landing spaceships.

The platform faces an open and flat road on the mountainside, leading straight into the depths of the mountain.

After getting off the airship, everyone moved forward along the passage.In front of the huge entrance like a city gate, a team of monks were checking everyone's identity bronze medals one by one.

Cultivators without a bronze medal need to pay one hundred lower-grade spiritual stones to enter.

Gao Xian just heard Tian Yunong say that outsiders must pay a hundred spirit stones to enter the city and will be given a temporary status bronze medal to stay in Wanfeng City for half a year.

You will have to pay again after half a year. Those who do not pay will be sent to the underground mines for mining, and there is no possibility of coming out alive.

Gao Xian handed over a hundred spiritual stones and received a temporary identity bronze medal with his face imprinted using magic to prevent others from using it fraudulently.

Tian Yunong led the way, and the two entered Weicheng together.

After passing through the passage of more than a hundred feet, the front suddenly became clear.The sun is shining brightly in the sky, light clouds are flowing, and the summer breeze blows in the face, bringing with it a slight coolness.

Various buildings are lined up on both sides of the long road in an orderly manner. Most of them are wooden houses with attics and simple style.There are many stalls on the street, selling some low-level magic weapons, elixirs and the like, mainly various daily necessities.

The city at the center of the mountain seems to cover an extremely large area and is well planned. Most importantly, you can see the sun and white clouds, which is no different from the outside.

Gao Xian could see that the sun and white clouds actually shrouded dozens of feet in the sky, creating a curved water mirror that projected the sky outside onto it, thus creating a blue sky and white clouds.

Gao Xian was a little puzzled at first. It would be better to build a city directly outside. After spending so much effort to build a city in the heart of the mountain, just the illusion of the magic circle would consume an unknown amount of spiritual energy.

But he soon realized that the spiritual energy here was very rich and very stable.

The Taoist Transformation Master made a big barrel out of a mountain. Once the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was drawn in, it could no longer flow out.

Although large sects such as Qingyun Sect and Tongtian Sword Sect use magic circles to guide and restrain spiritual energy, at least [-]% to [-]% of the spiritual energy will escape.

The city in front of the mountain retains at least [-]% of its spiritual energy.This kind of efficient operation of spiritual energy completely offsets all the inconveniences of building a city in the middle of the mountain.

Even though Gao Xian was not proficient in the magic circle, he quickly understood the mysteries of this city with the help of the inner and outer mysteries illuminated by the first-grade golden elixir, and with his spiritual consciousness that was so powerful that it far exceeded the level of the golden elixir.

For practitioners, spiritual energy is the most important foundation.

Well, Reiki is the modern equivalent of petroleum.

With spiritual energy, you can practice, refine elixirs and weapons, and do all kinds of things.

When cultivators establish a sect, they must first choose a blessed land with abundant spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy is never evenly distributed in all directions. Different terrains and different earth veins will have a huge impact on spiritual energy.

Yue Wanfeng, the Taoist Lord who transformed into a god, used his peerless magical power to hollow out the 28 peaks in order to efficiently gather spiritual energy.

Gao Xian understood the methods of Huashen Daojun and admired his courage.

Tian Yunong was still chattering as Gao Xian kept introducing various situations in Weicheng.It's just that he kept talking here and there, deliberately speaking in a disorganized way so that no one could figure out what he was talking about.

Under the leadership of Tian Yunong, Gao Xian followed him and took the elevator to the next floor.

The city on this level is larger and has more people, but it looks a bit messy and not as orderly as the previous level.

The people here are also dressed a little casually, and many people are even barefoot or bare-chested.They look at people like wild dogs ready to starve, greedy and a bit ferocious.

But Gao Xian felt it was very familiar. This was exactly what Pegasus was like, unorganized, chaotic and dangerous.

Tian Yunong also held the hilt of his sword with a serious look on his face. He looked at everyone who came close to him with stern eyes.People around him looked at him and consciously kept a distance from him.

"There are many gangsters on this level who have no serious things to do and just think about stealing and robbing every day..."

Tian Yunong added: "You'll be fine if you follow me. On this level, no one dares to touch us or Shengxing."

Gao Xian naturally didn't believe Tian Yunong's lies. This urban area was very large, but the houses were dense and messy. It looked like there were at least tens of thousands of people living there.

If you are in the Pegasus gathering, a foundation building can shake up the scene.This is Wanfeng City. According to normal calculations, there are at least a thousand golden elixirs here.

Although Wanfeng City is large, it can only support 2000 to [-] million monks.On average, there is one golden elixir for every [-] monks.

In such a big place, it is impossible for Tian Yunong to be the boss.

Gao Xian followed Tian Yunong silently. He could let the other party brag as he pleased. There was no need to worry about these details.

After turning two streets, Tian Yunong led Gao Xian to a wide and lively street. The people here were obviously much cleaner and there were no naked people in sight.

The shops on both sides of the long street have elegant and clean facades.Obviously this is the main street, the commercial center on this level.

He Shengxing is located in the center of the main street. Opening the door, there are many spiritual objects and elixirs on the shelves inside. There are a group of customers inside, and there are a few guys in green clothes and small hats in the middle. The business is actually very good.

As soon as Gao Xian took a look at He Shengxing's store, he knew that this store definitely didn't have the Nine-Transformation Transformation Refining Pill.

Tian Yunong saw Gao Xian suddenly stop. He was a little surprised and said: "Fellow Taoist, we are already here. Please come inside. I will ask someone to get some food and wine, and we will eat and chat."

"no need."

Gao Xian refused the invitation directly. He said: "You first go to find the Nine-Transformation Transformation Refining Pill. Once we have the confidence, we will talk about it."

Tian Yunong was a little anxious: "Fellow Taoist, it's not safe here. Where are you going?"

Gao Xian said, turning around and pointing to the corner of the street, "When I came here, I saw an Anfu Inn. I will wait for your letter there."

"This..." Tian Yunong's expression was a bit complicated. As long as Gao Xian entered the backyard, he could always keep Gao Xian by any means.

At the gate of He Shengxing, there were people coming and going. Even if they were shameless, they couldn't do anything so openly.After all, we still have to do business here.

Tian Yunong was a little unsure about the level of Gao Xian and did not dare to persuade him any more.

He said: "Okay, as soon as one day, as late as two or three days, I will have news."

As he spoke, he followed up with Gao Xian enthusiastically, "I know the owner of Anfu Inn. Let's talk to him and arrange a good room for you, and it will be cheaper..."

Tian Yunong sent Gao Xian to Anfu Inn and then to his room, and then he returned to He Shengshang with peace of mind.

He ignored the respectful salute and went straight across the lobby to the backyard.

A man with disheveled hair was lying on a recliner and reading a book. There was wine and some side dishes on the table on the left.

This man had a wide face and thick lips, and a strong and strong body. He was lying there with his chest exposed and his body stained with oil and wine. He looked quite sloppy.

"Brother, if you were here, you could have dragged that guy in if you had known!"

Tian Yunong muttered, and he naturally sat on the chair opposite, picked up the wine bottle and took a few sips.

He and Xiang Shouyi have been together for decades and have a close relationship.In addition, Xiang Shouyi is quite loose and doesn't like to pay attention to etiquette, so he is very casual in front of Xiang Shouyi.

The sturdy man glanced at Tian Yunong towards Shouyi, "What?"

Tian Yunong hurriedly explained the matter, and finally said: "That guy wants to buy the Nine-turn Qianyuan Transformation Refining Pill, but he has hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones on him. This is a big deal."

"It's really a big deal."

Xiang Shouyi was not in the mood to read any more. Several hundred high-grade spiritual stones, so much money for gold elixirs, would make him jealous.

If they can get it, it will be enough for their retirement.

Xiang Shouyi asked, "Have you asked clearly about the origin?"

"This man is very strict and didn't say a word the whole way."

Tian Yunong said with a nonchalant expression: "If he really had the connections, he wouldn't be unable to get the Nine Turns and Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill. It's even more impossible for him to run to Wanfeng City with his eyes darkened. He might be an elder from a small sect. What!

"What the hell, outsiders like these in Wanfeng City are nothing!"

Despite his rough appearance, Xiang Shouyi is actually quite careful in his work.The other party brought a large amount of money with him and started talking to people about it.Nothing felt right to him.

Don't let that guy pretend to be a pig and try to lure them into taking the bait!

He asked with a serious face: "What if he hides his cultivation and is actually a golden elixir?"


Tian Yunong was a little confused, and he didn't dare to say that he wouldn't be mistaken.After all, there are so many invisible methods of concentrating Qi, so it is normal for the golden elixir to be used as a foundation-building method.

He was stunned for a moment and said with reluctance: "Are we going to ask the ancestor to take action?"

The ancestor is Jin Dan Zhenren Xiang Zhengye, and this large area is under his control.Xiang Shouyi was considered a descendant of this person, and it was precisely because of this relationship that they were able to open a black shop here and engage in deception, abduction, and robbery.

It's safe to invite Xiang Zhengye, but Xiang Zhengye is so greedy that they might not even be able to drink the soup.

"The ancestor has a third-level spiritual weapon, the Concentrating Mirror, which can reveal a person's magical power and cultivation level, and can also frighten the soul."

Xiang Shouyi said: "If you borrow the calming mirror, you will know that that guy is lying. If it is really a foundation building, this windfall will be ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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