Chapter 366
Anfu Inn is not big, but fortunately the rooms have low-level protective magic circles, so they are fairly safe.

There are also some very practical magic tools in the room, such as a wooden bucket for bathing, which can activate the rune array on it to boil water for disinfection, a toilet that leads to nowhere, etc.

Another example is that the bed comes with a cleaning technique. By inputting magic power, you can clean all the bedding on the bed.

In addition, there is a silent magic circle that can isolate outside sounds and even act as a curtain to reduce the brightness of the room.

Gao Xian has done some research and realized that bringing the magic weapon into life is a routine operation for most sects.It is very rare for a small inn to have complete supporting living instruments.

Along the way, from Qingyun City to Tongtian City and Longhu City, these major sect cities were very prosperous and lively, but the details of life were still very backward and rough, far inferior to this small inn.

Gao Xian felt that it was not that the small inn was overly thoughtful, but that Wanfeng City was very developed in all aspects, and the convenient living magic tools naturally spread downwards.

Bringing magic weapons into life and improving the quality of life has always been his favorite concept.

Unfortunately, most cultivators in this world are still busy and fighting for cultivation resources. Basic survival issues are not guaranteed, and there is no talk of improving the quality of life.

The security at the bottom of Weicheng is extremely poor, but life is very convenient. This is also the benefit of a big city.

On the other hand, Wanfeng City is actually built in the middle of a mountain, and the space is small. It must operate reasonably and efficiently in order to maintain the basic order of life.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy here is full, which is one level higher than Qingyun Sect.

Even if the monks who live here do not practice hard, their cultivation will continue to grow day by day.Even ordinary people can live an extra 30 to [-] years under the nourishment of spiritual energy.

However, Gao Xian felt that the Qingyun Sect was more comfortable. He occupied a hilltop alone and had a large palace-style villa. Even if there were some inconveniences in life, it was much more enjoyable than here.

After staying in the room for a while, Gao Xian decided to go out for a walk.

He was very interested in the local entertainment life, and after thinking about it for a while he gave up the idea of ​​going to the Fengyue place to inspect.

The main reason is that Fengyue place is more chaotic. If he rushes there alone, he will not only be easily killed, but also easily cause conflicts.

Gao Xian is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't want to cause trouble at this time.He didn't know anything, and he didn't know where to run if something happened.

Just now he didn't advance to He Sheng because he considered that the other party couldn't have the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill, so even if he killed him, it would be in vain.

Instead of doing this, give the other person a few days.The other party just wanted to fool him, so he had to prepare something.

Taking advantage of this time, he could also get a feel for the local situation.

You can't go to romantic places, but you can still go to wine shops and teahouses.

Gao Xian called the boy and gave him ten low-grade spiritual stones in exchange for one million Wanfeng Talisman coins.

Although Wanfeng City is a big place, it is not convenient to use spirit stones for daily expenses.The sect must cast talisman money, firstly, to facilitate buying and selling, and secondly, to profit from it, and to regulate and control the market through talisman money.

Wanfeng talisman coins are also made of gold mixed with brass. There are square holes in the circle, and there are incised words written by Wanfeng clan on both sides.

Gao Xian did not let the man's work go in vain and gave him ten Wanfeng Talisman coins.

The guy who got the reward had a smile on his face.It can be said that he knows everything and can express everything.

After asking about some basic local information, Gao Xian went out to a liquor store on another street.

In the evening, Gao Xian returned to the inn.

Most of the wine shops he went to were filled with Qi practitioners. If you invited anyone to drink a few drinks, you could learn a lot about them.

To Gao Xian's surprise, Tian Yunong didn't come the next day.He went to the liquor store to hang out for another day.

After getting the same answer from different people, the boss of the twelfth floor of Weicheng called Xiang Zhengye.

This Jindan Zhenren is said to be over 300 years old and is the true successor of the Wanfeng Sect.No one dared to say it openly, but Gao Xian could tell from their few words that everyone was quite disgusted with Xiang Zhengye.

It is normal for lower-level cultivators to hate and envy high-level cultivators.It's just that everyone agrees that Feng Criticism is not good, so Xiang Zhengye is really not good at it.

Xiang Zhengye also opened a Jin Shenghui, which took over all the big business on the [-]th floor.

Heshengye is a small trading firm under Jinshenghui. According to the people, neither Xiang Shouyi nor Tian Yunong is a good person.

Gao Xian was convinced that the masses were always discerning.

This group of people is very familiar with the situation on the twelfth floor, and they have a rough idea of ​​things beyond the twelfth floor.

Gao Xian asked many people about Wanbao Tower, but they all gave vague answers.

Wanbao Tower is located in Doucheng in Beiqi City, which is also the most prosperous and bustling city among the 28 cities. It is said that there are as many as 300 to [-] million monks.

It costs a lot of spiritual stones to go in and out of each city. It is difficult for this group of people to support themselves. They can't even join the upper echelons of Weicheng City, let alone go to the outer cities.

Gao Xian understood this very well. Even though they were all in Wanfeng City, these low-level monks didn't really understand this big city.

It wasn't until noon on the third day that Tian Yunong came.

"Fellow Taoist, the Nine Revolutions Spiritual Pill is too difficult to obtain. I have been busy for several days before I can get the accurate information. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long..."

Tian Yunong greeted with a smile and apologized politely.

"Do you believe it?" Gao Xian asked.

"Come with me, let's go to my place to talk in detail."

"it is good."

Tian Yunong took Gao Xian to the backyard of He Shengxing. There was a magic circle in the yard to block the inside and outside. As soon as Gao Xian came in, he found that the magic circle was running, and there was also a faint smell of incense in the yard.

Tian Yunong seemed to see Gao Xian's vigilance. He explained: "It's not safe here. There are thieves everywhere. The only way is to activate the magic circle."

After Gao Xian sat down, Tian Yunong asked casually: "Fellow Taoist, you must have heard a lot of bad things about us in the past two days."

He smiled bitterly as he spoke and sighed: "Even though we are all neighbors, we have a good business relationship with Sheng Xing. Naturally, we have robbed many people of their money. They all want us to die. How can we say anything good..."

Gao Xian was noncommittal, which was not unreasonable. Of course, others would not have good things to say about competitors in the same industry.

The two were talking in the yard. In the main room, Xiang Shouyi held a three-inch square bronze mirror in his hand and silently used his magic power to activate the restrictions in the mirror.

With a little inspiration given by his ancestor, he could barely activate this spiritual weapon.

Circles of runes on the bronze mirror shine with aura, reflecting the appearance of Taiyuan's avatar. The three natal auras flowing in the avatar's body are all clearly displayed in the bronze mirror.

Including several magic weapons on the clone's body, they were all illuminated by the concentration mirror.

"Later stage of foundation building, second-level high-grade robes and swords."

Xiang Shouyi looked at the scene reflected on the bronze mirror, grinning happily.

Finally, his work was not in vain. This person was in the late stage of foundation building. Not to mention how many spiritual stones he had on him, his robes and magical weapons were worth a lot of money.

Xiang Shouyi confirmed Gaoxian's cultivation level and did not hesitate any longer.He hid his left hand holding the concentration mirror in his sleeve, opened the door and strode out.

"This must be Fellow Wu Dao..."

Xiang Shouyi held out his hand in a very polite way. Most of his hands were hidden in his sleeves, so he was not afraid of revealing his calming mirror.He said: "I am Xiang Shouyi, the great shopkeeper of Shengxing."

Gao Xian returned the favor and said, "Nice to meet you."

"Sit down..."

Xiang Shouyi warmly greeted Gao Xian to sit down, and said to Tian Yunong, "We have a guest, let's have a drink and prepare the food and wine."

This was also the secret code he and Tian Yunong had agreed upon beforehand. Tian Yunong understood it immediately and hurriedly turned around and went out.

After a while, the table was filled with wine and food, exuding a strong aroma of wine and food.

These wines and dishes are made from monsters and spiritual creatures, full of spiritual energy, and are expensive.

Xiang Shouyi and Tian Yunong repeatedly urged him to drink, but Gao Xian only drank one glass and then stopped.

Xiang Shouyi and Tian Yunong didn't care. They specialized in this, so it was impossible to poison the wine. That was too low-level.

Mainly spiritual incense, this kind of incense can soothe the soul, purify the spiritual energy, and drive away evil spirits.

It is originally an excellent spiritual tool for spiritual cultivation. When paired with the rich aroma of Jintai Niang, it will make people drunk. Drinking more alcohol will relieve this drunkenness.

This kind of martial art is simple but very practical.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Xiang Shouyi said: "Doucheng Wanbao Tower has the Nine-turn Qianyuan Transformation Divine Refining Pill. It was originally going to be auctioned at the auction at the beginning of the month. If you take four hundred high-grade spiritual stones, we can buy it directly. …”

Tian Yunong smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, this is only due to internal relations. It won't be cheap if it goes to the auction, and you may not be able to buy it for four hundred high-grade spiritual stones."

Gao Xian looked indifferent and noncommittal.

This made Tian Yunong stop laughing. He looked at Xiang Shouyi opposite.The big shopkeeper's eyes flashed fiercely, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, giving Tian Yunong the signal to take action.

He then urged his calming mirror to shine on Gao Xian, and at the same time his whole body burst with energy, and he drew his sword with his right hand and struck Gao Xian straight.

Xiang Shouyi practices the Yuanyang Jue. When he activates the Gang Qi, the red Gang Qi shines brightly like the sun all over his body, making him powerful.

The Xuanyang Sword in his hand was also a second-level high-grade sword. Under the urging of Yuanyang Jue, the long sword turned into a blazing red light, which was extremely powerful.

Tian Yunong, who was sitting on the other side, also pulled out the Flying Fish Sword. This was actually a flying sword. The Flying Fish Sword hit Gao Xian's neck like a smart herring.

The two of them struck at the same time, with almost no warning.

But when the two of them had a sudden thought, Gao Xian already knew.He originally wanted to chat with the two of them more, but he didn't expect them to be so impatient.

The spiritual light emitted by the calming mirror reflected on Gao Xian's face, but it could not deter him from his transparent sword heart.

Gao Xian casually pulled out the Qingfeng Sword and flicked it lightly. Qingfeng flicked the Flying Fish Sword first, killing all the consciousness on the flying sword.

Liuhuan Qingfeng made a semicircle and landed on the Red Sun Sword. As soon as the two swords met, the blazing sword light was deflected away.

Qingfeng followed the flow of blazing Yang Yang, and penetrated Xiang Shouyi's eyebrows with a sword.

Xiang Shouyi's cultivation is very good, and his Yuan Yang Qi is blazing and domineering.However, under the heart of Gao Xian's Tongming Sword, one can see that the density of Yuanyang Qi is uneven and there are obvious gaps.

His Fengyun Sword Scripture has even reached the state of master perfection. Even though the world is big, there is probably no one who can surpass his swordsmanship at the foundation level.

At this moment, he drew his sword freely, and the green-edged sword was like mercury pouring down the ground. Birds returned to their nests, and spiritual fishes entered their caves. A gentle sword followed the gap of Yuan Yang's energy and went straight in. With one sword, Xiang Shouyi's vitality was wiped out.

Xiang Shouyi looked at Gao Xian in great horror. He only saw the cyan sword light flowing smartly, and he didn't know how he was hit by the sword.

Gao Xian raised his glass and gestured to Shouyi: "This is a toast to fellow Taoist priests. Thank you both for your warm hospitality and your kindness and wealth. You are such good friends!"

Xiang Shouyi didn't even have the strength to be angry. His consciousness was falling towards the darkness. Before he lost consciousness, he saw the red line blooming on the neck of Tian Yunong opposite him, and the head with a sly smile suddenly rolled down...

Gao Xian had already stood up, avoiding the spurting blood.

He first helped Xiang Shouyi handle the funeral arrangements, um, packed up the magical artifacts and storage bags.

The bronze mirror in the opponent's sleeve was obviously a third-level spiritual weapon.This surprised Gao Xian somewhat, but he didn't care.

After settling their affairs, Gao Xian received 43 high-grade spiritual stones, several third-level elixirs, and several magic weapons from his two good friends.

Excluding the bronze mirror, the total value of everything is about two hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

This is also the entire net worth of the two foundation builders, which can be said to be rich.

Gao Xian was quite satisfied with this. It was enough to buy a Nine-turn Qianyuan Formation Refining Pill. The drink was not in vain. The two good friends really exchanged their wealth for each other!

Gao Xian packed up his things and was about to leave when a man suddenly came into the yard.

This man has silver hair, red eyes, and a red-gold robe that shines brightly, making him very eye-catching.

The aura around the white-haired man was fiery but restrained and perfect, showing his strong cultivation.

Judging from the other party's aura, it turned out to be a golden elixir.

"Xiang Zhengye!"

Gao Xian had heard someone else say something about this person's appearance, and he knew it was Xiang Zhengye as soon as he saw the other person's appearance, but this guy came too fast.

Gao Xian was a little surprised, but there was nothing to panic about.At worst, I'll kill another one, but I don't know how many spiritual stones this one has...

Xiang Zhengye looked Gao Xian up and down with his red eyes, with a bit of scrutiny and curiosity in his eyes, but without any murderous hostility.

This made Gao Xian somewhat curious, what did this golden elixir mean?
Xiang Zhengye glanced at the blood stains on the ground and suddenly smiled: "Good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship! I wonder where fellow Taoists come from?"

Gao Xian responded silently. It was easy to lie, but there was no need to pay attention to the other party.

Xiang Zhengye was not angry either. He smiled and said, "Xiang Shouyi, this little thief, haha, is so incompetent that fellow Taoists are laughing at him."

"If you have anything to say to the real person, please speak directly." Gao Xian was impatient and talked in circles with the other party.

"Fellow Taoist, although they are ineffective, it would be too much for you to kill them with one sword."

Xiang Zhengye said slowly: "The so-called killing to pay for one's life and debts to pay back money is a truth that has existed since ancient times."

Gao Xian smiled and said nothing.He didn't want to argue with the other party, it was pointless.

Xiang Zhengye thought to himself that he could handle Gao Xian steadily and didn't care much about the other person's arrogant attitude.

He added: "I see that fellow Taoist swordsmanship is superb, and I cherish your talent and ability. I am willing to give you a chance."

"Oh." Gao Xian nodded slightly. He was also a little curious about what the other party wanted to do after talking so much, and what he saw in him.

Xiang Zhengye added, "You do something for me. As long as it's done, Xiang Shouyi's matter will be written off. I can also give you three Nine-turn Qianyuan Formation Refining Pills as a reward... How about that?"

(There will be a third update later, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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