Chapter 371
Gao Xianyun's gentle words fell like thunder in Yun Taihao's ears.

It is at least thirty to forty thousand miles from Lianyun City to Honglin Peak, where the Qisha Sect is located.

You may not be able to get there overnight, let alone kill someone.

In recent years, Qisha Sect has gathered a large number of demon cultivators, including three Jindan Daoist cultivators, and countless foundation-building cultivators.

Because of this, even though the sect was protected by the Fangshi magic circle, it was still unable to withstand the opponent's crazy offensive and was beaten back.

In order to trap Mu Zhengfeng, he also thought of many ways.However, Mu Zhengfeng was cautious and was always protected by a golden elixir demon cultivator. He had no chance at all.

Although Gao Xian is strong, he may not be able to win against four golden elixirs.The other party was protected by a magic circle. It was hard to say whether Gao Xian could come out alive if he broke in like this.

Yun Taihao felt that Gao Xian was a little too confident and did not know the current situation of Qisha Sect.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Real person, Mu Zhengfeng is staying in Honglin Peak's lair, and there are three golden elixir demon cultivators beside him. A pair of rat-headed demons named Black and White Shuangsha, who are good at earth escape, like to eat people, and are extremely cruel.

"There is also a person who calls himself Master Xuan Ming. He is good at ice magic. He should be in the late stage of Jindan. I guess this person should be a master of the Yin Demon Sect. He specially sits in charge of the Qisha Sect to protect Mu Zhengfeng..."

Qisha Sect is located on the edge of Mingzhou. It is the passage from Donghuang to Qingyun Road and a transfer station. It has an extremely important position.

Therefore, the Yin Mo Sect sent experts to protect Mu Zhengfeng to ensure that the Qisha Sect could operate normally.

However, Master Xuan Ming only showed up and did not take action in the battle.Including the black and white demons, they did not appear openly on the battlefield.

It's just that in private, the two rat demons have eaten a lot of Lianyun Sect cultivators.

Until now, it has been the default rule of both parties that Jindan Zhenren does not directly go to the battlefield.

Of course, this tacit understanding is only because the two sides are still testing each other, and the fighting level is still very low.

When the opponent has wiped out the surrounding markets and comes to Lianyun City, Jin Dan will definitely take action.

Yun Taihao knew this very well, and he also knew the reason why Qingyun Sect did not take action.

Qingfeng, Shaoyang, and Chiyan sects were also in dire straits and were retreating steadily.It’s just that the combat level is not high yet.

Moreover, this war of attrition is protracted.Qingyun Sect does not want to be consumed along with it, but on the other hand, it also wants to try its best to squeeze the potential of the small sect.

As for raiding the opponent's sect, this kind of thing is too dangerous.The opponent is not stupid either. Guarding the formation will not give you a chance to make a surprise attack.

Unless the Nascent Soul Lord takes action, the battle will quickly escalate.These small sects like theirs are likely to be wiped out overnight.

The idea of ​​keeping the enemy at bay is a good idea, but it is not in the interest of the Qingyun Sect, and the Qingyun Sect does not have the ability to do so.

The invasion of Donghuang is a general trend. Let alone the Qingyun Sect, even the Wanfeng Sect cannot stop it.

Now every sect's idea is to drag it out, Qingyun Sect is like this, Lianyun Sect is like this too.

Yun Taihao felt that Gao Xian wouldn't care much about this. After all, this person had a third-grade golden elixir, a master of magic and sword, and it would be no problem for him to take action once in a while.

It's just that Gao Xian is so confident and seems to have no understanding of the enemy's situation, which also gives Yun Taihao a headache.

If Gao Xian had an accident because of this, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

Yun Taihao couldn't say it clearly, so he could only introduce the situation of Qisha Sect as tactfully as possible.

The last thing he said was: "Master, if you want to kill Mu Zhengfeng, you need a detailed plan."

Gao Xian smiled: "Golden elixir demon cultivator, native chicken wagouer. That's fine, the other three golden elixirs are gifts to senior brother."

Before Yun Taihao could speak, Gao Xian stood up and flew into the sky with a flick of his long sleeves. He disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving a long white gold stream in the sky...

Yun Taihao looked stunned. Gao Xian used to be cautious, meticulous, and even a little sinister.

When did you become so domineering? !

Yun Taihao sighed in his heart, but it was too late to say anything now. He just hoped that Gao Xian would stay vigilant and run back intact when the situation turned bad.

He couldn't help but glance at Nan Tianshou. The boy stared blankly at the trailing platinum light in the sky, his face full of fascination and envy.

Needless to say, this innocent child was shocked by Gao Xian's peerless masterly demeanor.

Yun Taihao was very helpless. This apprentice had a good temperament and good talent, but he was a little too pure.

Gao Xian was just showing off and saying a few cruel words, but he took them seriously.

Yun Taihao really wanted to talk to his apprentice about this Gao Zhenren's past and how he had tricked and killed everyone around him.

At that time, Gao Xian had a well-behaved face, even more well-behaved than Nan Tianshou, and his smile was even prettier and more approachable.

He was mistaken at first. He didn't expect that this kid would dare to kill Xu Lingyun, including Zhu Changsheng and his wife. Needless to say, these people were all killed by Gao Xian...

After all, Yun Taihao didn't dare to tell his apprentice this. This kid was stupid. If he went back and told Zhu Qiniang, he would be in trouble.

Now he just hopes that Gao Xian can maintain his original intention and stop trying to show off...

Gao Xian didn't know what Yun Taihao was thinking. He was still regretting that Honglin Peak was too far away.

If it's within a thousand miles, he can pretend to keep the wine and I'll come back.

Tens of thousands of miles away, no matter how fast he flies, there is no way he can just go back.Not being able to cosplay Guan Er Ge warming wine and killing Hua Xiong would be a bit of a fly in the ointment.

As for the opponent's four golden elixirs, Gao Xian didn't care much.

Even with his master's perfect swordsmanship and four golden elixirs stacked in a pile, he could kill them with one sword.

Unless the other party also has a first-grade golden elixir.This is obviously unlikely.

To put it bluntly, even if there is a real golden elixir, he can sweep the opponent with his powerful spiritual consciousness, peerless swordsmanship, Sister Lan, powerful body, and exquisite spells!

Gao Xian went to Wanfeng City and saw the skills of Wanfeng County masters. He had only one thought: That's all.

Mingzhou is too big, and he dare not say that he is the number one in Jindan.In the small Wanfeng County, it should be no problem to claim the number one golden elixir.

Lianyun Sect's opponent is Qisha Sect, which is not much stronger than Lianyun Sect.If this can't be cleared up, it's unreasonable.Gao Xian was very familiar with the Pegasus Collection. He could still find the Pegasus Collection even without the location of the sun, moon and star three-phase six-in-one armband.

The Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel is now at high speed. Even if it is cruising at half speed, it will take less than an hour to reach the sky above Pegasus.

At an altitude of nearly eight thousand feet, Gao Xian could see a large number of cultivators stationed at Pegasus.These practitioners cannot see Gaoxian.

After a brief inspection, he determined that most of these guys in shabby clothes were demon cultivators, and Gao Xian didn't care.He calibrated his direction and flew toward the southeast.

After flying like this for more than an hour, Gao Xian saw a stretch of red peaks below, and he knew he had arrived.

Gao Xian slowed down and soon found the Honglin Peak. This peak was the highest and had the most luxuriant mangroves on it.

At this time, the mountains are covered with red fallen leaves, but the trees are still covered with red leaves. At a glance, the mountain peaks are as red as fire, which is extremely bright.

The spiritual energy on Honglin Peak is also more abundant, and the entire mountain is protected by a huge magic circle.

The magic circle is in a semi-open state, pushing the spiritual energy to slowly and orderly gather towards Honglin Peak.

The first-grade golden elixir shines brightly inside and outside. Even if Gao Xian is not proficient in the magic circle, he can still see the changes in the magic circle through the flow of spiritual energy.

A third-level magic circle. As for the specific magic circle, he couldn't tell.

Gao Xian looked around and could indeed faintly sense the aura of four golden elixirs.

Coincidentally, all four golden elixirs are here today.The third-level magic circle was a little troublesome, but it didn't have much impact on him.

The Grandmaster's perfect Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes can easily penetrate the third level magic circle.With his powerful consciousness, he will not be trapped by the magic circle.

The magic circle cannot identify ourselves and the enemy. Only through the active operation of the cultivator can the magic circle truly exert its power.

The problem is that the first prerequisite for cultivators to control the power of the magic circle is to lock the enemy through spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian is not arrogant. With just these few golden elixirs, the combined power of their spiritual consciousness is not as strong as his own, so there is nothing they can do to target him.

Not to mention that the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes turned invisible and easily evaded the attacks of the magic circle.

Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, penetrated the magic circle directly from above and came to a large courtyard.

This courtyard has several entrances in front and back, and spans to the left and right. It is very large, and the buildings are very old, with many wooden structures showing their original colors.

Gao Xian's location is in the atrium of the courtyard, which is made of blue bricks and is quite spacious and clean.There are only a few red fallen leaves, which must have drifted down with the wind.

In front are the five main rooms, with tall doors and large windows, which are quite impressive.

There is a gallery under the eaves, and a few guards in black are sitting lazily on both sides of the gallery, all of them showing little energy.

A person suddenly appeared in the yard, which also startled several guards in black.

This is the residence of the sect master, and even cultivators within the sect must obtain permission to enter. Why would an outsider suddenly come here?

The problem is that the sect is protected by numerous magic circles, and outsiders cannot break in so easily.

This man is dressed in green and armed with a sword. He has a handsome face and a pair of eyes as bright as stars, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Such a person is so magnanimous that many guards dare not make mistakes.

The leading guard hurriedly took two steps forward with his sword in hand, and asked: "Who are you, and why did you trespass on the important territory of the sect?"

Gao Xian smiled slightly: "Gao Xian of the Qingyun Sect, I came especially to visit Sect Master Mu Zhengfeng. I wonder if Sect Master Mu is here?"

Several guards were shocked, people from Qingyun Sect!

The leading guard reacted quickly. He drew his sword, pointed at Gao Xian and shouted: "There are assassins, take action!"

Only then did several guards react. One person hurriedly blew a copper whistle to warn, while the other two guards took out their crossbows and were about to fire them.

Gao Xian naturally stood with his hands down, but under the urging of his spiritual consciousness, several black ice arrows were shot out.

The cold light flashed deeply into the brows of several guards.The flying sword-shaped black ice arrow is extremely sharp and carries the cold air of black ice.

Several qi practitioners died on the spot, and their faces were attacked by the cold air, with a layer of white frost floating on their faces.

Before the warning copper whistle had time to blow, all sounds were ended by black ice arrows.

Of course Mu Zhengfeng, who was sitting in the main room, heard the commotion. He was playing with a simple black lotus flower. This thing was the key to unlocking the cave. Unfortunately, he never found the right way and could not open the cave.

When he has nothing to do, Mu Zhengfeng likes to take it out and study it.Winter has come, this year's battle has come to an end, both sides have to rest and recuperate in the cold winter, and he feels quite relaxed.

Mu Zhengfeng never imagined that the other party would dare to come to kill him.Across the protective circle, he heard the other party calling himself Gaoxian of the Qingyun Sect.

This name also resonated with him.

The number one golden elixir of the Qingyun Sect, with both magic and sword skills.What's more important is that this person was born in the Pegasus Group and was originally a low-level casual cultivator.

Gao Xian's rapid rise to fame has been speculated by everyone to be related to the ancient sect ruins.

Including the Black Lotus Magical Artifact in his hand, it also has a certain relationship with the ancient Shangmen ruins.

Mu Zhengfeng did not dare to underestimate the other party. He put away the black lotus magic weapon and said loudly outside: "Master Gao is here to visit. What do you want to teach me?"

"I took the liberty to visit you, but I actually want to ask the sect master for a favor."

Mu Zhengfeng couldn't help but sneer. The more polite and polite the other party is, the more hateful they are.What are you pretending to be?
"You don't want to borrow my head, do you?"

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile: "The sect leader knows things like a god, I admire him..."

"You are so arrogant!" Mu Zhengfeng was furious.

(Second update, there will be three updates later, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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