Chapter 372
Mu Zhengfeng was angry, but he suffered a big loss at the hands of Yun Qingxuan, and his life was almost lost.

He was extremely afraid of Qingyun Sect's third-grade golden elixir.

It's just that at Honglin Peak, there are 72 earth evil formations outside and 36 heavenly evil formations inside.

This is different from the temporary magic circle that was temporarily arranged at Pegasus last time.The formation of Heavenly Evil and Earthly Evil has been passed down for thousands of years. After continuous maintenance and consolidation, the formation is extremely powerful.

The two magic formations of Earth and Heaven are combined internally and externally, and their power has reached the top level of the third level.Even if you come with dozens of golden elixirs, don't even think about going wild in Honglin Peak.

There are also three golden elixirs, Xuan Ming and Black and White Shuangsha. Not to mention their character, these people are very capable.

Especially Xuan Ming Zhenren, who is in the late stage of the third-grade Jin Dan, and his Xuan Ming Ice Technique changes extremely well.

Mu Zhengfeng didn't believe it. The four of them couldn't beat a wise man in the magic circle!
Mu Zhengfeng thought so, but he had no intention of going out and fighting Gao Xian.

This main room was the center of the Great Formation of Heavenly Evil and Earthly Evil, and he was not afraid that Gao Xian could break in.

With the Seven Evil Order in hand, Mu Zhengfeng put the Heavenly Evil and Earthly Evil Formation into operation.

The Tiansha is the natural evil energy above the nine heavens, and the Earthly Evil is the natural evil energy deep underground. The combination of the Heavenly Evil and the Earthly Evil completely covers the top and bottom of Honglin Peak.

The aura of the Heavenly Evil fell down and turned into streaks of crimson light, while the aura of the Earthly Evil turned into streaks of black energy.

Red light and black light intersected to form a huge closed light group, with Gao Xian at its center.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. He had already seen through the level of the magic circle before he came in. The magic circle was indeed very powerful, but the magic circle was running slowly and could not lock him. No matter how powerful it was, it would not threaten him.

It would be a bit troublesome for the four golden elixirs to run separately.Especially there are two who are good at earth escape.

Give the other party some time, and they will definitely come together.Then catch them all in one fell swoop.This plan is perfect!
Gao Xian had some time to rest, but the Qisha Sect masters who were alerted by the magic circle were rushing over quickly.

The first three foundation-building monks had rushed into the courtyard first.They saw Gao Xian at a glance.

Naturally, these three people did not know Gao Xian, but they just saw that Gao Xian had extraordinary cultivation.

When the three foundation-building monks saw Gao Xian's back turned to them, they all wanted to take action at the same time without thinking.

Mu Zhengfeng’s warning also arrived: “Don’t do anything.”

Three rays of cold light and Mu Zhengfeng's spiritual consciousness message arrived at the same time. The three foundation-building monks were alert to something bad, and they all activated their protective energy.

The flying sword-shaped black ice arrow easily penetrated the heavy force of energy and nailed the three foundation-building monks between their eyebrows.

In an instant, three foundation-building monks were killed.

Gao Xian's current spiritual consciousness is too strong, and Xuanbing Arrow and Fiery Sun Bullet have reached the master's perfection state, which is already the third level of high-grade magic.

Even the golden elixir's protective energy can penetrate it, let alone a few foundations.

In Gao Xian's eyes, the Gang Qi activated by the three Foundation-Building monks was unevenly dense and full of gaps.

The black ice arrow followed the gap and went straight in, killing several foundations with no effort at all.

Dozens of Qisha Sect cultivators had gathered outside the door. When they saw the three Foundation Builders killed instantly, all of them looked horrified.

Everyone stood at the door, no one dared to step forward.However, the sect leader Mu Zhengfeng was still inside, and a group of people did not dare to run away.

While he was hesitating, dozens of rays of cold light poured down like a torrential rain, and sharp, piercing roars also pierced everyone's ears at the same time.

Everyone was like delicate peach blossoms, broken and falling under the violent storm, and in the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with red...

The sharp roar is still raging in the air, but dozens of people have been killed, and there is no more sound.

From beginning to end, Gao Xian did not move. He just looked at the main room quietly.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, he was able to see through the magic circle and target Mu Zhengfeng.

The golden elixir between his eyebrows can also clearly reveal Mu Zhengfeng's position, and he can also see the subtle changes in Mu Zhengfeng's consciousness and magic power.

The leader of the Seven Evils Sect has ordinary facial features and looks like a middle-aged man, but his eyebrows are sinister, with a sinister smell unique to demon cultivators.

The black robe is of good quality, and the sword is also of good quality.This magic weapon is probably at the same level as Yun Taihao.

Twenty years ago, Gao Xian glanced at Mu Zhengfeng from a distance, but before he could see clearly, Mu Zhengfeng had already fled in panic.

Although Mu Zhengfeng was in a miserable state at that time, he was still an extremely strong man in Gao Xian's eyes.

Unexpectedly, after 20 years, when he looked at Mu Zhengfeng again, he could see the patterns on his palm. He could clearly see the cultivation base and magic weapon of this Jindan master.

He could even see the horror in Mu Zhengfeng's eyes, obviously frightened by his spell.

Mu Zhengfeng like this is really no threat.Only the token in his hand controls the center of the magic circle and gathers huge magic power.

Unfortunately, the stronger the power, the harder it is to control.In Mu Zhengfeng's hands, the magic circle could not exert its power.

The other three Jindan heard the noise and were rushing over quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a black light broke through the sky.

Gao Xian looked up and saw that the guy who controlled the black light had white hair and white pupils, but the whites of his eyes were black, making his eyes look weird.

His black robe was covered with icy cold air, and his sword also carried a strong chill.

This must be Master Xuanming who is good at Xuanming Ice Technique.

Most demonic cultivators practice Yin Demon, Blood God and other evil spells, and very few practice Five Elements spells.

Because of this qualification, it would be great to join a serious sect in Jiuzhou, why bother to become a demon cultivator.

Master Xuan Ming is obviously an exception. He has strong and pure Xuan Ming magic power. He should be a late-stage Jindan, probably on the same level as Yun Changfeng.

Of course, the magic weapon he carries is far different from Yun Changfeng.

Gao Xian saw the other person thoroughly, but did not want to fight with him first.He stepped through the barrier of black and red light in front of him, entered the main room in one step, and came to the opposite side of Mu Zhengfeng.

Mu Zhengfeng, who had lived for more than 400 years, was obviously stunned. For a moment, he felt as if his brain had suddenly shrunk and he had lost his ability to think.

There are many obstacles in the magic circle of heaven and earth, and the main room is also blessed by the magic circle. It can be regarded as a huge special magic weapon and the center of the magic circle, with almost endless magic power to operate.

Mu Zhengfeng felt that even facing the True Monarch Nascent Soul, he could survive for a short while.

How could Gao Xian get through all the obstacles and reach him in one go? !
It was difficult for Mu Zhengfeng to understand and accept it. "It's just a small trick, it's just a shame."

Gao Xian said modestly, then calmly drew his sword and said: "Fellow Taoist refuses to help, so I can only help myself."

On the opposite side, Mu Zhengfeng was horrified. He could no longer activate the magic circle at such a close distance. Hundreds of years of experience made him instinctively draw his sword, and he no longer thought about how Gao Xian came in.

Mu Zhengfeng used the Seven Evils Soul-Slaying Sword. The black blade was brought out of the sheath when it brought up the biting wind. There was also the faint sound of ghosts roaring in the wind.

His Xuanyin Gang Qi also exploded, and layers of black Gang Qi rolled and rolled like black smoke.

Xuanyin Gangqi hides the power of the Seven Evils. Not only is it highly poisonous, it can also deter the soul and corrode the consciousness, which is extremely vicious.

Mu Zhengfeng responded quickly, but Gao Xian thought it was too slow.

Gao Xian's Green Lotus Sword lightly pressed against the Qisha Soul-Slaying Sword. This move was light and gentle, suppressing all the changes in the Qisha Soul-Slaying Sword's mana and suppressing Mu Zhengfeng's movement of his consciousness.

Mu Zhengfeng was shocked to realize that something was wrong. The four-foot-high green blade had lightly tapped on his forehead, and followed the green blade's movement and put it back into the scabbard.

With a single click, the Green Lotus Sword actually penetrated Mu Zhengfeng's head, cutting off all his vitality.

It's just that Gao Xian's swordsmanship has been perfected, and there is no fireworks at all when using this sword. It is really calm and calm.

Mu Zhengfeng was killed with one sword. Gao Xian flicked his long sleeve and took away the Seven Evil Token from this man's hand first.

Without this thing, it would be difficult for others to control the magic circle.Although he didn't care much about this magic circle, there was no need to cause trouble to himself.

Next was Mu Zhengfeng's storage bag and long sword, which were all collected together first.

Mu Zhengfeng must have other storage talismans on him, and he didn't have time to check them in a hurry, let alone store them.

Gao Xian vaguely felt that Mu Zhengfeng was not dead, but it didn't matter, he was lying here, and he couldn't escape even if he had nine lives.

Gao Xian opened the door and came out of the main room, just as Master Xuan Ming arrived.

The condescending Master Xuan Ming glanced at Mu Zhengfeng lying in the room and saw the blood on his eyebrows.

A look of anger appeared on Master Xuan Ming's face as pale as paper, and he shouted in a low voice: "Gaoxian of Qingyun Sect?"

Gao Xian handed over his hands in a smart manner: "Exactly, fellow Taoist, do you have any advice?"

Master Xuan Ming was even more angry. He was not angry that Mu Zhengfeng was killed, but angry at the arrogance of the man in front of him.

In Qisha Sect, this man was as casual and relaxed as if he were at home. Not only did he not run away after killing Mu Zhengfeng, he actually took the time to greet him politely and did not take him seriously at all.

The cultivators of the Demon Sect all pay attention to indulgence and willfulness. Even in the late stage of Jindan, it is difficult to control their emotions.

Master Xuanming held the Xuanming Ice Talisman in his hand, and with one finger of his right hand, he summoned a huge ice shield and slammed it at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian became a little more interested, and he activated the flame bomb without even moving.

36 rounds of flame bombs formed a circular fire shield and collided with the ice shield several feet in radius.

When the two touched each other, the huge white ice shield immediately melted to create a large hole, and the ice shield also fell apart.

Dozens of flaming bombs formed a fire shield but fell towards Master Xuanming. Master Xuanming couldn't help but be shocked, what kind of fire spell is so overbearing!
He flicked his long sleeves to activate the Great Xuanming Ice Hand, and a huge white palm caught all the dozens of Fiery Sun Bullets.

The Great Xuan Ming Ice Hand is his unique skill, and its biting and sinister cold energy is extremely powerful.

Dozens of rounds of flame bombs were completely frozen by the cold air and failed to explode.

Just when Master Xuan Ming was feeling somewhat proud, a flash of green sword light came into his eyes, and his consciousness realized that Gao Xian had come with his sword.

Master Xuan Ming was horrified, how could this man be so fast!He flicked his long sleeves to activate the Great Xuanming Ice Hands, and a pair of huge white ice hands suddenly closed towards the cyan sword light.

The Xuan Ming Qi and the protective ice shield on his body rose at the same time. All the power of 600 years of spiritual practice was unleashed at this moment.

A wisp of green light instantly penetrated the heavy ice and energy. In the cold light of ice chips flying all over the sky, the wisp of green light lightly passed by Xuan Ming's side, and the leader of the Six Suns flying with the leader of Xuan Ming.

The black and white demons just crossed the wall and saw Xuan Ming's head flying into the sky.

The two rat-headed monsters were both terrifying, and they turned around and ran away without thinking.

The whistling sound of Qingyue's sword sounded at the same time, and the green sword light was like a rainbow shining through the sun, instantly penetrating a white rat-headed demon clan.

Another black rat-headed monster took the opportunity to escape underground.

Gao Xian was well prepared. He stretched out his hand and a golden light fell on the ground and spread quickly, covering hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

Following the virtual press of his left hand, the Great Five Elements Tiangang burst out, and the ground suddenly collapsed, leaving a huge palm print several feet deep.

The black rat demon who escaped from the Earth was crushed and his muscles and bones were shattered, but he was still alive because of his strong life.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand and pointed, 32 black ice arrows condensed into a foot-long white ice sword and fell, instantly penetrating several feet of soil and penetrating into the back of the black rat demon's head.

The black rat demon suddenly lost its breath and made no sound anymore.

This kind of rat demon has a powerful body and powerful natural spells, but the means of dealing with the enemy are too simple.Compared with the real Jindan Zhenren, it is inevitably a level lower.

Compared with him, it is even worse.

Gao Xian glanced at the white rat demon that was broken into two pieces. It died a bit tragically, but there was nothing good about it.

After randomly picking up two rat demon storage bags, Gao Xian returned to the yard.

The battle continued and the cultivators who gathered outside were scared away.The pressure at the Golden Core level is not something they can bear.

The yard was completely empty at the moment, and Mu Zhengfeng was still lying there in the main room.

Gao Xian walked up to Mu Zhengfeng. He waited for a while and then said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, if you don't speak, I will take action..."

Mu Zhengfeng, who was lying motionless, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were extremely weak and lifeless, and his face was sallow, as if he were dead.

Mu Zhengfeng slowly sat up. He was silent for a moment and said: "As long as fellow Taoist swears to let me go, I will give you all the treasures accumulated by the sect for thousands of years..."

(Really vomiting blood for the third time~Please vote for support~)

(End of this chapter)

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