Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 376 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 376 Thunder Tribulation
Flames were flying in the Zhang Xu high red copper smelting furnace, and a pair of male and female demon-conquering golden whips continued to soften in the flames...

After several days of tempering by earth fire, the male and female demon-conquering golden whips finally deformed and softened.

Control the fire spirit of the weapon refining furnace array, calmly adjust the flames, and use your spiritual consciousness to control the male and female golden whips to slowly merge.

To truly fuse the male and female golden whips into one, it is not simply to fuse the two whips, but to truly refine the two to carry the prohibition into one.

Cleverly fuse a bit of spirituality from a pair of spiritual weapons to enhance the quality of the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

This process is easy to say, but extremely cumbersome in practice.Every step must be perfected without any mistakes.

Gao Xian didn't know how to refine weapons, so he was a little nervous watching from the side.

Fortunately, looking at Huo Lingyun's skillful and calm appearance, he really has the bearing of a master in refining weapons.

Normally, Gao Xian shouldn't keep an eye on him, just leave it to Huo Lingyun.

Just to refine the fourth-level spiritual weapon, the most important thing is to improve the spirituality.

The yin and yang thunder couple can greatly increase the spirituality of male and female golden whips for subduing demons. However, if the spirituality is too strong, it will naturally resist the control of the cultivator.

During the refining process, Gao Xian needs to continuously nourish the spirit with his spiritual consciousness, so that the weapon spirit can become familiar with Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness, and then fully accept his control.

If he can succeed, Gao Xian will be able to control a fourth-level spiritual weapon as he wishes, which is equivalent to possessing part of the power of the Nascent Soul.

Yun Qingxuan is so powerful, and she is the one who cooperates with Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler to bring out the power of this fourth-level spiritual weapon.

Gao Xian has always been envious of Yun Qingxuan's Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler. There are only a handful of fourth-level spiritual weapons in the sect, and each one is difficult to control.

If he didn't look at Yun Qiushui, he would just use the third-order Zixiao Yun lightsaber.

Yun Qiushui also told him that a fourth-level spiritual weapon that didn't fit was a huge drag.

Gao Xian also thought it made sense, and had no idea about the sect's fourth-level spiritual weapons.

In the Tianxiang Sword Palace, he used his clone to raise the White Lotus Golden God Flag to the fourth level.To say that it was refined by his own hands, it just absorbed a lot of sword intent, but it needed to be activated with the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique. He was far less able to use it now than the Qinglian Sword in one hand.

This time it was different. If he could smelt the male and female golden whip into a fourth-level spiritual weapon, it would be equivalent to the weapon spirit cultivated by his divine consciousness. This kind of spiritual weapon that he had cultivated since childhood would naturally be able to control it as he wished.

Gao Xian was very interested in this and followed Huo Lingyun day and night.

Seeing the two demon-conquering golden whips about to merge together, Gao Xian was still a little excited.

In fact, he was overthinking it, and the weapon refining was just the beginning.

The next step is to invest in various spiritual objects and use various methods to refine the pair of spiritual weapons.

Huo Lingyun obviously had no intention of teaching skills and was just busy refining weapons.

Only when necessary did Gao Xian devote himself to his spiritual consciousness.

Several days passed like this, and both Jindan's faces turned yellow from the smoke.

The ground fire in the refining furnace was too fierce and overbearing, and Master Jin Dan couldn't hold it any longer.

Fortunately, the male and female golden whips for subduing demons finally merged into one, and the two points of spirituality in the golden whip also merged with the yin and yang thunder couple.

After more than twenty days, Gao Xian and Huo Lingyun took turns to stare at the refining furnace, and then they re-forged the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip bit by bit, and at the same time completed the core restriction of the magic weapon.

After a few days, the yin and yang thunder couple merged into one, naturally giving birth to a complete weapon spirit.

This weapon spirit naturally invested in the Demon-Suppressing Golden Whip and the Restriction Rune Center. Under the urging of the Fire Spirit, Gao Xian also continued to invest in his spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was far superior to the Golden Pill. Although the weapon spirit frantically absorbed his spiritual consciousness, he could hold on.

Huo Lingyun was also a little surprised that Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was so powerful, but this was a good thing, as the effect was better, and he really had a chance to refine a fourth-level spiritual weapon.

At this point, Gao Xian could already feel the changes in the spirit of the weapon, as well as the changes in the restriction of the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

These were all illuminated by his golden elixir, allowing him to naturally understand what to do next.

That is to combine the forbidden runes with the weapon spirit, let the weapon spirit control the restriction center, and then he can control the weapon spirit...

It's just that the spirit of the weapon is ignorant. It only has spirituality and no wisdom.In fact, everything depends on him to promote it.

At this time, Huo Ling Yun was of little help.

Gao Xian used his spiritual consciousness to activate the forbidden runes one by one, and billions of rays of light shone one by one, finally falling on the weapon spirit.

The weapon spirit is tangible and intangible. After establishing resonance with the rune restriction, it is completely integrated into the rune restriction and becomes one with the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

Purple-blue lightning flashed from the demon-conquering golden whip. As the thunder became more and more powerful, thunder also sounded in the sky.

Huo Lingyun's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted to Gao Xian: "Put away your spiritual consciousness quickly, use Qi induction to attract thunder,"

Before she finished speaking, a bolt of thunder suddenly fell from the cloudless blue sky, hitting the golden demon-conquering whip that shone with lightning.

In an instant, lightning burst out in all directions, and the ground fire in the weapon refining furnace was annihilated in the lightning.

Gao Xian's consciousness was closely connected with the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, and thunder spurted out along the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, hitting his soul.

With his powerful consciousness and Sister Lan's protection, he couldn't withstand this thunderbolt. Fortunately, the Tai Chi Divine Aspect was still there, and the thunder that fell on his soul was naturally directed to the Tai Chi Divine Aspect.

Zhiyang Zhiqiang's thunderous power surged and destroyed the Tai Chi god immediately, but it also consumed [-]% of its power.

The remaining thunder power was forcefully swallowed by Sister Lan's red dragon.

Gao Xian's soul directly experienced the power of thunder once, and he was also shocked.

The thunderbolts fell, and they were so powerful that they made him feel as small and humble as an ant.

However, in the thunder, he also felt the mysterious charm of the yin and yang gathering and transforming life and death... After being struck by lightning once, Gao Xian felt that an invisible barrier was broken, and he suddenly had a new and profound understanding of thunder.

But Huo Lingyun was right next to him, and Gao Xian didn't have time to study it.

Being struck by lightning, it would not be good to just act as if nothing had happened.Gao Xian took the opportunity to shake himself and pretend to faint.

Gao Xian didn't want to blackmail the old lady, he was afraid that after he refined the fourth-level spiritual weapon, the fire spirit luck lion would open his mouth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he pretended to be seriously injured.Huo Lingyun was embarrassed to ask for more money.

If Huo Lingyun is shameless, then he won't be polite and directly asks the old lady to pay for the medical expenses...

Next to her, Huo Lingyun's face changed with fright. It was nothing if she failed to refine the weapon. If Gao Xian was refined to death, she couldn't bear the responsibility.

Huo Lingyun hurriedly helped Gao Xian up and fed him a Nine-turn Dragon and Tiger Pill.

Just when he was anxious and uneasy, Huo Lingyun saw Gao Xian open his eyes.

Gao Xian's eyes were still filled with lightning, and it was obvious that the power of thunder had not been completely resolved.

Just looking at Gao Xian, his eyes were calm and calm, as if nothing serious happened.

Huo Lingyun asked: "How are you?"

Gao Xian stood up slowly and said, "It's okay, nothing seems to be wrong."

His eyes fell on the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip in the refining furnace. It was a four-foot-long golden sand-colored whip with 36 bamboo sections. It was simple and elegant in shape, full of a sense of power. The color was gorgeous like gold sand but also a bit restrained.

For magical instruments, the appearance is secondary. What is really important is the grade of the instrument.

After being struck by the thunder, the newly born weapon spirit of the Demon-Subduing Golden Whip was not killed. Instead, it had strong energy and contained the mysterious power of thunder.

Gao Xian held the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, and naturally established a close connection with the weapon spirit, and also established a connection with the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip started to move along with his consciousness, and the endless power of thunder quickly gathered.

The lightning on the four-foot-long demon-conquering golden whip shone brightly. The lightning was dark purple, mixed with a trace of golden light.

The lightning attracts but does not emit, but it contains endless power to cleanse away evil spirits and demons.

Huo Lingyun next to her felt tremendous pressure. The red hair on her head was moving automatically, and the power of the powerful thunder had penetrated into the robe, making her whole body numb.

This woman, who had lived for more than 400 years, looked at the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip with complicated eyes.

It is normal for the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip to be successfully fused, but it is extremely abnormal for it to actually become a fourth-level spiritual weapon.

She and Gao Xian are only at the third level. Normally, the possibility of refining a fourth level spiritual weapon is very small.

Of course, she didn't lie to Gao Xian.The power of the two demon-suppressing golden whips will definitely increase greatly after they are fused.

If you can't reach the fourth level, you are still a fourth-level seed.If you continue to cultivate over time and practice for 200 or [-] years, you will have a good chance of reaching the fourth level.

The thunder from the sky did not kill Gao Xian, but allowed the demon-conquering golden whip to complete its transformation and become a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual weapon in one fell swoop.

Huo Lingyun was very envious of this. Such luck was truly unbelievable.Gao Xian seems to be a man of great luck!

She suppressed her complicated emotions and held her hands in congratulations: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for making a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual weapon!"

Gao Xian also looked happy, it was indeed an unexpected surprise that it actually happened.

Huo Lingyun added: "The thunder from the sky made the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip absorb the power of the thunder, and the level was greatly improved."

Gao Xian smiled and said: "We have survived a thunderstorm."


Huo Lingyun shook his head, "The last catastrophe for the Taoist Transformation God is the thunder tribulation. After passing through the thunder tribulation, the soul is purified and transformed into pure Yang. This shows the power of the thunder tribulation. We were just struck by thunder, that's all... "

Speaking of this, Gao Xian couldn't help but be a little fascinated, wondering how spectacular it would be when the Transformed Divine Dao Lord went through the thunder tribulation.

He felt proud again and walked forward step by step along the avenue. There would always be a chance to see that scenery!

Gao Xian thanked the fire spirit, put away the newly released Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip, and drove the escape light back to Xuanduyuan.

Returning to the bedroom, Gao Xian consciously entered the Temple of Heart. He first checked Sister Lan. Sister Lan was in good condition and was not injured. Instead, she had an indescribable mysterious meaning.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and found that the explanation about Taisu Puppet God had not changed, but the thunder and lightning method had been upgraded.

Thunder and Lightning Sutra: Purple Sky Divine Thunder is the Dharma, Tianshu Lightning is the Technique, the way to reach the sky. (8000/8000000 entry) (natal magical power)
The comment was vague, Gao Xian tried it, and it was roughly the same as before, except that the thunder cannon turned into purple gold, and the Tianshu electric light turned into white gold.

The power of the purple-gold thunder cannon is obviously greatly increased, and so is the Tianshu electric light.The bonus to the body has also been significantly improved.

Gao Xian feels that his body is stronger now and his speed and reaction are obviously faster.Especially for the power of thunder.

As soon as he thought, the purple-gold thunder light condensed into a ball in the palm of his hand, and could change its shape at will according to his consciousness.

It should be that he learned the true interpretation of Zixiao Tianshu Divine Thunder, and was struck by the sky thunder again. The thunder and lightning method broke through the bottleneck and upgraded.However, this is also in exchange for life.

If it weren't for the Tai Chi Divine Aspect, he would have been struck to death by lightning.This is extremely dangerous!Anyone else would have died.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with this. In his opinion, this was more important than the upgrade of the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

With the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip and the Thunder and Lightning Sutra, we should be able to open that sealed cave...

(Updated on time, please remember to vote if you have monthly votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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