Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 377 This cave has a surname of Gao!

Chapter 377 This cave has a surname of Gao!

Mu Zhengfeng, the leader of Qisha Sect, handed over a black lotus, which according to him was the key to a cave.

At that time, Gao Xian felt that this lotus flower was similar to the Green Lotus Sword Order, and seemed to come from the same sect.

After killing Mu Zhengfeng, Gao Xian asked other foundation-building monks about the location of the cave.

The only people who knew the location of the cave were Mu Zhengfeng and a few foundation builders. The few cultivators who found the cave were all silenced.

Although Master Xuan Ming stayed in Qisha Sect, he did not know the existence of the secret cave.

Gao Xian understood this idea very well. When he discovered that Dongtian must be kept secret as much as possible, he would never tell others.

There may not be anything in the cave, but there may be a peerless artifact hidden there.Who can say for sure about this kind of thing!

All the foundation-building monks on Red Forest Peak are dead, so this secret should be hidden.

It doesn't matter if you can't hide it. Mu Zhengfeng can't enter even if he holds the black lotus, and others can't enter even if they find the cave.

Gao Xian came back in a hurry because he was afraid that the Demon Sect would not follow the rules and a Nascent Soul Demon Lord would come over, which would cause trouble.

After a few months of inactivity, he refined the fourth-level middle-grade spiritual weapon Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip, and the Thunder and Lightning Technique was also upgraded to the Thunder and Lightning Sutra, which greatly increased his confidence.

He is great at fighting with swordsmanship, but not good at anything else.

Thunder method is the first of all methods, which means that thunder method can forcefully destroy restrictions and break the magic circle.

The closed cave sky is essentially a powerful space restriction.

Of course, forcibly breaking the restriction will cause great damage. If one fails, the entire cave may be destroyed.

Cave heaven is also divided into thousands of categories. Specific situations must be analyzed in detail and cannot be generalized.

Gao Xian held the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip in his hand, and combined with the thunder and lightning method, he used the thunder method to display at least [-]% of the power of the fourth level thunder method.

He also has a black lotus in his hand, which should be enough to open the cave.No matter what, always give it a try.

Before setting off, Gao Xian consumed 800 million Dao spiritual lights to upgrade the Thunder and Lightning Sutra to a proficient level.

This year, 900 million Dao auras were accumulated, and [-]% of them were consumed.

Mastering the Thunder and Lightning Sutra in the realm of proficiency does not improve his cultivation, but only makes him more skillful in controlling lightning.

Naturally, he is more skillful in controlling the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip.

Casting spells is faster, with more changes, and the power of the spell is naturally stronger.

Before Gao Xian goes out, he also wants to meet and chat with relatives and friends.

Not only to connect emotionally, but also to explain your situation to relatives and friends.

It is no small matter that the weapon refining attracts lightning strikes.

It's not a secret that he went to Huo Ling to refine the weapon.At least the upper echelons of the sect didn’t know about it.

Thunder suddenly fell from the clear sky. Such a strange phenomenon could not be hidden from the numerous Jindan practitioners of Qingyun Sect.

Huo Lingyun promised not to talk nonsense, and Gao Xian also needed to explain clearly to his relatives and friends.

Yun Qiushui, Lu Jingxu, Yun Changfeng, and Yun Qingxuan all need to say something.

As for the matter of refining the fourth-level spiritual weapon, it is not easy to keep it secret.Such a powerful spiritual weapon must be used in the future. It cannot be hidden.

You can only ask your relatives and friends to keep it secret for the time being and not to leak the information to the outside world.

Gao Xian confirmed Qiniang's condition again, and she wouldn't be able to form pills for a while.It's okay if he walks away for a while.

In fact, Qiniang did not need his help in forming the elixir. Forming the elixir was a matter for the cultivator himself, and outsiders could not help.

If a strong person could directly help others to form elixirs, the world of cultivators would have been occupied by aristocratic families, and the casual cultivators in the world would have no chance of getting ahead.

Gao Xian took care of everything and then quietly left Qingyun Sect under the cover of night.

At noon the next day, Gao Xian arrived at Bailong Mountain within the Qisha Sect.

This is a long mountain range that looks like a giant dragon lying on the ground from the sky. Because the top of the mountain remains ice-free all year round, it is named Bailong Mountain.

The source of the Bailong River that divides Qisha Sect and Lianyun Sect is in this mountain.

According to the foundation-building monks, the secret cave is on the first main peak of the Bailong Mountain Range.

It is said that a cultivator accidentally fell deep into a crack while collecting medicine, and then discovered the cave.

The first main peak is five to six thousand feet high, and most of the tall and majestic peaks are covered with layers of ice and snow.

The ice and snow that have not melted for thousands of years have naturally formed deep cracks.There was no one to lead the way, so Gao Xian could only find it slowly on his own.

March is already the season when spring flowers bloom, but the cold wind on the top of the mountain is still biting. The chill from the ice and snow that has not melted for thousands of years is enough to turn human brains into frozen tofu.

This world is rich in spiritual energy, so the changes in the four seasons also have the powerful power of the laws of heaven and earth.

With such a severe cold, Qi practitioners cannot survive for a day, and Foundation-building monks cannot stay here for a long time.

At the level of Gaoxian, with perfect internal and external exquisite cultivation, it is still enough to resist the invasion of natural cold air.

It's just that this cold environment is boring and uncomfortable.Gao Xian could only grit his teeth and endure it for the sake of Dongtian.

This secret cave cannot be searched directly with spiritual consciousness. If that were the case, it would have been discovered by other cultivators long ago.

Although Gao Xian's flower appreciating mirror can see through the ice and snow rock formations, there is still no trace of the cave sky.

Fortunately, the other party gave an approximate location, and the area was not very large.Gao Xian searched for a day and finally found the cave deep in a crack.

The entrance to the black cave is like a black mirror, attached to the rock wall.There are layers of ice blocking the top. Only when you fall deep into the crack can you see the entrance to the black cave sky.

The entrance to this cave is the same as the entrance to the Tie Yuan Mountain cave, but the color is different.

Gao Xian took out the black lotus, and the black light like a mirror rippled slightly.

The two auras matched each other, but the black light quickly returned to calm.The black lotus in Gao Xian's hand also stopped moving.

Gao Xian tried to activate the Purple Sky Thunder, and a trace of purple-gold lightning flashed from his fingertips and landed on the black mirror.

The black mirror remained unmoved, no matter how the purple-gold thunder light shone and vibrated, there was no reaction.

Gao Xian took out the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip again. As soon as he took out this fourth-level middle-grade spiritual weapon, the power of thunder naturally gathered on it began to buzz and hum.

The deep cracks were illuminated by the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, but there was still no reaction on the black mirror so close at hand.

Gao Xian did not urge him to activate the Demon-Subduing Golden Whip. With his spiritual sense of the first-grade golden elixir, he felt that it was useless.

Using thunder to violently crack the entrance to the cave is the last option.He took it out just to test the situation at the cave entrance.

Instead of messing around with thunder, it's better to try using Qinglian Sword.

It is clearly recorded in the Qinglian Sword Order that Tianhua Sect is divided into five branches: Qinghua Sect, Chihua Sect, Baihua Sect, Zhenghua Sect, and Xuanhua Sect.

The five sects correspond to the five colors and five elements, which are very easy to distinguish.

The entrance to the cave in the giant tree of Tie Yuan Mountain is silver, which is the cave left by Bai Hua Sect.

This place is black and should be the cave left by Xuanhua Sect.

After all, the Green Lotus Sword is a sword from the same sect and origin, and it may be able to open the cave.Or you can try the white lotus golden god flag or the white jade gourd.

Gao Xian pulled out the Green Lotus Sword and handed it forward. When the Green Lotus Sword came into contact with the black mirror, it immediately turned into a sharp cyan rainbow light that was swallowing and shining.

With a light stroke of cyan rainbow light, a crack opened on the black mirror surface.

"So, the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword is actually a key..."

Gao Xian suddenly realized that with the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword, he could open all the caves left by Tianhua Sect.

He was shocked: "There is such a good thing!"

Therefore, he is the successor of Tianhua Sect designated by God!

Gao Xian couldn't help but want to laugh proudly, this cave has his surname Gao!
Mu Zhengfeng and other young people tried to steal sacred objects, but their virtue was not worthy of their due, so they naturally suffered retribution.

Everything makes sense.

Gao Xian was so proud that he did not forget about business.

He manifested the Tai Chi divine form and floated into the cave.

The interior of the cave is not big, the walls are black and mirror-like, and there is a huge black lotus in the center.

With a slight touch of the Tai Chi Divine Phase Clone, the black lotus gathered its petals and turned into a long black belt, which suddenly wrapped around the Tai Chi Divine Phase Clone like a long snake.

The long black belt looks as elegant as silk, but is as heavy as a mountain and as vast as the sea.

The clone of Tai Chi's divine form was pressed by the black belt, and the clone immediately collapsed.

Gao Xian outside was shocked. The Tai Chi divine clone had [-]% of the power of his original body, and he was crushed to death in one fell swoop? !
What kind of magic weapon is this long black belt?
Gao Xian took the Green Lotus Sword and his clones were dead, so it was naturally impossible for him to take the risk himself.

No matter what kind of treasure the long black belt was, it was not worth his life.

In just a short moment of contact, Gao Xian could sense the thick and long water magic power on the black belt. It should be a powerful water magic weapon.

Xuanhua Sect also corresponds to the Northern Black Water, and its water-based spiritual weapons are very reasonable.

It’s just that this thing is so powerful, it’s at least a fourth-level high-grade spiritual weapon.This made him defenseless.

You should be able to compete with Zixiao Tianshu's Demon Subduing Golden Whip, but it is impossible to subjugate this powerful spiritual weapon.

Gao Xian thought about the Qinglian Sword again. Maybe the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword could suppress this spiritual weapon?
Embarrassingly, he didn't dare try.

Because it could not suppress the spiritual weapon, the Green Lotus Sword easily fell into the cave.

Without the Qinglian Sword, he couldn't even open the cave.

Gao Xian lowered his head and thought for a while, and decided to try it with the White Lotus Golden God Flag tomorrow.

This spiritual weapon was upgraded to a fourth-level spiritual weapon in the Tianxiang Sword Palace. It just absorbed too much of the Tianxiang Sword Intent and needed to be activated with the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique to truly exert its power.

It was far less easy to use than the Green Lotus Sword, so Gao Xian had always placed it on Taiyuan Shen Xiangfen and let him use it to practice his sword.

Gao Xian waited patiently for a day until Tai Chi's divine form condensed again, and then he summoned the clone of Tai Yuan's divine form who was practicing swordsmanship in the secret room of Xuanduyuan.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang clone cannot be damaged, so naturally it cannot be taken risks.It is better to let the Tai Chi Divine Appearance clone go in with the Golden God Flag.

When the Green Lotus Sword came into contact with the black mirror, it naturally turned into a blade-like sharp cyan rainbow light, creating a crack in the mirror.

The Tai Chi divine clone entered with the White Lotus Golden Divine Flag, put away the spiritual weapon that had transformed into the Black Lotus, and quickly retreated from the cave.

Without the support of the huge black lotus, the cave sky disappeared silently, and the mirror-like black light dissipated instantly.

The black lotus wrapped in the white lotus golden god flag turned into a long black belt again.

The powerful spiritual consciousness emerging from the black belt penetrated into the Tai Chi Divine Awareness Sea. Gao Xian, who was controlling the divine avatar, was also affected by the impact, and his eyes suddenly went black...

 I wrote it wrong before. The White Lotus Golden God Flag has been upgraded to the fourth level spiritual weapon. I have made some changes here~
(End of this chapter)

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