Chapter 391
The formal ceremony of the Golden elixir celebration ended. Yan Feiyin, wearing a golden crown and golden robe, stood in the center of the hall to receive congratulations from everyone.

Yan Feiyin was already bright and charming, but now she was dressed in a majestic and gorgeous outfit, which made her look even more noble.

Gao Xian was a little moved as he watched, and Yan Feiyin in this state aroused his interest even more.

He murmured in his mind: "The uniform is indeed more attractive!"

Gao Xian even had a plan to go to Yan Feiyin to play uniform temptation tonight!

As for the Yuelun Sect, let them run half the distance first!
Gao Xian is not arrogant, but the speed of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel is more than ten times faster than that of a spaceship.

The Yuelun Sect wants to return to the sect, but the journey is very, very long.If you don't go through the territory of Qingyun Sect, the road will be further.

Calculating at the fastest speed, it would take them fifty days to reach Yuelun City.

"Senior brother,"

Yan Feiyin took the initiative to greet her. It was hard for the two of them to act too close in front of others. Yan Feiyin acted more restrained, but her tone was naturally a bit intimate.

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Congratulations, junior sister."

"Senior brother, just verbal congratulations. Don't you have any gifts?" Yan Feiyin smiled and stretched out her bare hand, signaling Gao Xian to quickly dig into his pocket.

True Monarch Tiehe is on top. Gao Xian doesn't dare to make a joke, otherwise he really wants to reply: "Senior brother, you are not satisfied even if you enjoy this great body!"

Here Gao Xian could only hold back his dirty talk. He took out a white ginseng from his sleeve and put it in Yan Feiyin's hand.

Yan Feiyin was actually joking casually. Gao Xian just gave her two thousand kilograms of fourth-level demon snake meat yesterday, which is enough for her to eat for 30 to [-] years.

Nascent Soul-level monsters breathe out spiritual energy day and night, and every scale or hair on their body is a good thing.

The flesh and blood on its body are filled with extremely pure spiritual power.The best part is that these flesh and blood can be eaten directly and are very easy to absorb and transform.It is a top-notch tonic, and its effectiveness is better than most fourth-level elixirs.

With two thousand kilograms of fourth-level snake meat, Yan Feiyin can easily enter the middle stage of the golden elixir, and even the late stage is not impossible.

This is much more valuable than the two third-order spiritual crystals she gave him.

Yan Feiyin was already extremely satisfied and had no other extravagant wishes.Unexpectedly, Gao Xian actually prepared other gifts.

As soon as he got the white spiritual ginseng, Yan Feiyin recognized it. It was the Thousand Fantasy Snow Ginseng, which grows deep in the ice and snow. Its shape can change with the environment, and it can also hide its aura, making it extremely difficult to find.

Thousand Fantasy Snow Ginseng is very suitable for practicing illusions and is very suitable for the Three-tailed Sky Fox.It can be seen that the spiritual ginseng has taken on a complete human form, and even the facial features are faintly discernible. It is at least 2000 years old, and it can be said to be the best.

Yan Feiyin's face was full of surprise, but she was a little embarrassed and said: "This is too expensive, senior brother, I dare not accept it."

"Hey, our two sects are connected by the same spirit and are like one family. Why should junior sister see us outside?"

Gao Xian copied the Qisha Sect's secret treasury and donated two-thirds of the spiritual objects to the sect. The remaining one-third of the spiritual objects were all the best among the best.

This thousand-year-old phantom spiritual ginseng was picked out by Qiniang for him.Since this thing is suitable for Yan Feiyin, I would like to give it as a favor.

Yan Feiyin is extremely loyal to him, and it is precisely because of this that he deserves to be cultivated vigorously.

Only when Yan Feiyin becomes True Lord Yuanying one day and becomes the master of Wanling Sect can he be better able to help him.

Gao Xian and Yan Feiyin were chatting and joking, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.After all, Yan Feiyin is today's protagonist, and she is so bright and charming. Most of the young men present are focusing on Yan Feiyin.

Seeing Yan Feiyin smiling so brightly and happily, she obviously had a good relationship with Gao Xian, which aroused the envy and jealousy of many men.

At this moment, there are thousands of guests in the hall. In addition to the cultivators of the 36 sects under the Wanling Sect, there are also the Yuehua Peak of the Wanfeng Sect, and the two neighbors of the Wanling Sect, the Chiyang Sect and the Liufang Sect.

The representatives of the Chiyang Sect are two golden elixirs, Yang Changhao and Yang Changwei.They all have red hair and red eyes. This is also a physical change after practicing the "Great Sun Sutra" to an extremely high level.

Yang Changhao is older, so even if he thinks Yan Feiyin is good-looking, he doesn't care too much.Yang Changwei is only 70 years old. As a golden elixir in the early stage, he is at the peak of his life.

He liked the charming beauty Yan Feiyin very much.I was thinking about whether to go back to the real king and marry this beauty.

Seeing Yan Feiyin and Gao Xian so close, he felt as if a sword had been stabbed in his heart, but when he looked at Gao Xian again, he didn't like it at all.

Yang Changwei glanced at Zheng Yong beside him. This man was seven feet tall, with broad shoulders and thick eyebrows. He had a five-foot-long sword across his waist. He stood majestic.

Although Yang Changwei was very courageous, he did not dare to cause trouble at the Wanling Sect celebration.But he felt that Zheng Yong dared.

This rough and brave man is the most famous genius of the Liufang Sect's generation. He is so powerful that he is even suppressed.

Zheng Yong's big eyes were almost glued to Yan Feiyin, and he was obviously extremely interested in Yan Feiyin.

Yang Changwei said deliberately: "Brother Zheng, who is that pretty boy? He is so affectionate with Junior Sister Yan!"

"The eminent sage of the Qingyun Sect is known as the master of magic and sword."

Zheng Yong's big face looked solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "This man has defeated Wuqi Divine Sword Guiwuqi."

As the only sword cultivating sect among the 36 sects in Wanfeng County, Tongtian Sword Sect has a high status among the 36 sects.

The name of the Wuqi Divine Sword is a bit exaggerated, but the Jindan sword cultivator who can dominate the Tongtian Sword Sect is recognized by everyone for his swordsmanship.

Gao Xian is not a swordsman, but he can defeat the sword to death. This record is very exaggerated.

Although Zheng Yong does not practice swordsmanship, he has heard of Gao Xian's name.

After all, Qingyun Sect is not too far away from Liufang Sect, and there is Wanling Sect in between.The Six Directions Sect is next to the Tongtian Sword Sect on the other side.

Therefore, Zheng Yong also knows something about the situation of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Yang Changwei was really surprised. Chiyang Sect and Liufang Sect were next to each other. There was a small area bordering Wanling Sect, but it was too far away from Qingyun Sect.

It was his first time to attend the Wanling Sect's Golden Elixir Celebration, and he was certainly unfamiliar with the Qingyun Sect, which was further away.He saw that Gao Xian had a free and elegant demeanor that was extraordinary, but he really didn't know Gao Xian's name.

"Is this guy still capable?"

Yang Changwei smiled and said: "If it weren't for the celebration, I would really like to experience the power of the magic sword..."

Zheng Yong took a deep look at Yang Changwei and said: "When the celebration is over, Brother Yang can find this person to discuss with me. It will also open my eyes to see Brother Yang's magical transformation of Chiyang Burning Sky."

Yang Changwei laughed dryly and was about to speak when True Lord Tiehe suddenly spoke from the main seat above.

This True Monarch of Nascent Soul is slender and thin, wearing an iron-grey robe, with silver-white hair, a pale face, and unusually deep, narrow eyes.

His voice was dry and sharp, making him very easy to recognize.

"Dear guests, today we have a distinguished guest, Master Wanfeng Zongyue Huafeng. It is Feiyin's honor for him to participate in the celebration."

I was a little puzzled when Master Tiehe mentioned Yuehua Peak, and I didn’t understand what Master Nascent Soul meant.

Yue Huafeng didn't pay much attention. He was a direct descendant of the main sect, so how could he take the following sects seriously.

That is to say, the True Lord Nascent Soul has some weight in his eyes.But he is not afraid of True Lord Tiehe. What else can he do to him? !
Yue Huafeng calmly accepted the gazes from all directions with an arrogant expression.Everyone around him looked respectful.

Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong saw Yuehua Peak from a distance, and their faces showed disgust at the same time.

When they came to participate in the celebration this time, they did not expect to meet Yue Huafeng and be interrogated by Yue Huafeng, which made them feel very humiliated.

Especially Yue Huafeng's arrogant and condescending attitude really made the two Jindan extremely hateful.

The key point is that they are not sword cultivators, so Yue Huafeng's interrogation of them is simply baffling.

Yue Huafeng noticed that there were many hostile eyes around him, but he didn't care. No matter how angry and hateful others were, they were just like ants in his eyes.

True Lord Tiehe continued: "Master Yuehuafeng is the direct descendant of the main sect, and he is trained to be able to communicate with the gods.

"Young talents, if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask Master Yue Huafeng for advice. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't miss it."

Yue Huafeng heard that something was wrong. He glanced at Zhenjun Tiehe. This old man was digging a hole for him, but he had nothing to fear.

As long as Zhenjun Tiehe doesn't end up, these golden elixirs present don't matter!
True Lord Tiehe glanced coldly at Yue Huafeng. This boy, relying on his identity as the Wanfeng Sect, created a mess in the Wanling Sect and caused trouble to all the guests.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they must have opinions about his master in their hearts.

It was difficult for True Lord Tiehe to come forward, so he also held back his breath.Little Jindan dared to be so arrogant in front of him, I really thought he had no temper!

Everyone now understood that what True Lord Tiehe said about asking for advice was to allow everyone to challenge Yuehua Peak in the name of asking for advice.

It's useless no matter what the cultivator says, it all depends on your cultivation and your ability!

Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong were both very moved. They had long disliked Yue Hua Feng, and True Lord Tie He came forward. They took the opportunity to teach Yue Hua Feng a lesson, just in time to get rid of the bad anger in their chests.

Before the two of them could make a move, their elders, Yang Changhao and Zheng Yuanqiu, sent out spiritual transmissions to stop the two of them sternly.

If these two people don't move, others will have no courage to come on stage.

If you go up to challenge in front of heroes from all over the world, if you lose too ugly, it will be a big loss.

After all, Yuehua Peak is the golden elixir of Wanfeng Sect, and its cultivation must be superb.If others don't know the depth, how can they dare to act recklessly?

Furthermore, there are few people who are not afraid of the Wanfeng Sect.

True Lord Tiehe didn't even look at Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong. The elders of these two families were very cautious and it was unlikely that they would take action.Furthermore, even if these two people take action, it will be difficult for them to defeat Yue Huafeng.

True Lord Tiehe's eyes fell on Gao Xian. Everyone present thought that Gao Xian could defeat Yue Huafeng, and no one in Qingyun Sect could control Gao Xian.

Gao Xian sensed the gaze of Lord Tiehe, and he smiled politely and lowered his head to signal.

He understood that the old man wanted him to get ahead, but he didn't have to.What good can come from beating Yue Huafeng? There are many enemies in vain.Although he didn't care about Yue Huafeng, he even annoyed him a little.

The problem is that the old man doesn't even use a bunch of golden elixirs, but he wants to use them as a gun!

The most important thing for an adult is profit. This trivial matter is not worth drawing his sword!
Master Tiehe also understood the meaning of Gao Xian's refusal, he smiled slightly and said: "Today is Feiyin's golden elixir celebration, guests and friends from all directions gather together, and Master Yuehuafeng is here in person, I am also very happy.

"I have a fourth-level spiritual crane egg here. If you have extraordinary spirituality, it will be transformed into a human form. Whichever talent can be appreciated by Master Yue Wanfeng, I will give this to him as a small bonus..."

As soon as True Lord Tiehe finished speaking, everyone in the hall was in an uproar.

A fourth-level crane egg means that this unhatched crane has fourth-level potential.

This kind of spiritual bird can even directly transform into a human form and is extremely intelligent.

By applying the seal before the spirit crane is born, you can obtain a servant who is extremely loyal and has great potential.

This item is extremely precious. It is the true inheritance of the core golden elixir of Wanling Sect. When I heard this reward, my eyes lit up.

The eyes of cultivators from other sects were red. The Wanling Sect was good at controlling spiritual beasts.A fourth-level spiritual crane egg would cost at least seven to eight thousand high-grade spiritual stones!
Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong were both greatly tempted, and they both understood that the so-called being appreciated by Yue Huafeng meant defeating Yue Huafeng!
But their elders strictly ordered not to do anything, so both of them were a little hesitant.

At this time, Gao Xian had already raised his voice and said: "I am not talented, and I would like to ask Master Yue for advice..."

Gao Xian said as he walked to the opposite side of Yuehua Peak with his sword in hand. He smiled and handed over his hand: "Master Yue, my cultivation is shallow. Master, please show mercy."

Yue Huafeng raised his chin slightly and said proudly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you on a good day."

Gao Xian was not angry either. He nodded and praised, "The more you are, the more generous and benevolent you are. I feel relieved because of your words."

Yue Huafeng's face darkened. He especially hated Gao Xian's moral character that was neither yin nor yang!
Sitting on the main seat, Lord Tiehe smiled. As expected, the rumors were correct. This boy was lustful and greedy for money!Seeing the benefits, I couldn't wait to jump out... Now I can watch the show!
(End of this chapter)

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