Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 392 1 Sword Ecstasy

Chapter 392: Ecstasy with one sword

"Who is this person? He is quite talented..."

"The Qingyun Sect's eminent sages are both masters of magic and swords!"

"He is Gao Xian. This guy is so good-looking!"

"Qingyun Sect is so brave..."

Gao Xian came out to challenge Yue Huafeng, which naturally attracted countless attention.

After all, this is the Wanling Sect. Gao Xian is known to everyone in the Qingyun Sect, but in the Wanling Sect, the difference is too much.

Only some people have heard of the name Shuangjue of Magic and Sword, and even fewer people actually know Gao Xian.

Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong were both from large sects, and they were very concerned about fellow cultivators, so they knew the title of Gaoxian.

In just a few words, everyone in the hall got to know Gao Xian and this master of magic and sword!

Everyone is also very curious about how powerful this magic sword master is, and he dares to challenge Yue Huafeng in public!
In fact, no one knows the level of Yue Huafeng's cultivation level, but after all, he is the direct descendant of Wanfeng Sect.

Wanfeng Sect is so high up there that everyone naturally wants to take a high look.

Yang Changwei used his spiritual voice to ask Zheng Yong: "Who do you think can win?"

Zheng Yong answered honestly: "Yuehua Peak is disgusting. I hope Gao Xian can win. However, if Gao Xian wins, he will be in the limelight, win the fourth-level crane egg, and win Feiyin's love. I don’t want him to win.”

"So it's best for both of them to suffer losses, right?" Yang Changwei said in a funny tone.

Zheng Yong sighed: "How can such a good thing happen? Besides, it doesn't matter what we think, what matters is who is more capable!"

He thought for a moment and said: "It is said that this Yue Huafeng is also a third-grade golden elixir. He has practiced for 300 years more than Gao Xian, and he is at least in the middle stage of the golden elixir. This kind of advantage in cultivation is too great.

"How can Gao Xian win? I even admire Gao Xian's courage..."

He hesitated just now, partly because of the elders' words, but partly because he knew he didn't have much chance of winning.

Yang Changwei nodded: "That's true. If we don't take action, no one in Jindan can beat Yue Huafeng..."

Zheng Yong was a little funny, Yang Changwei was really arrogant, but he finally brought him along, so he couldn't say anything.

Most of the other Jindan masters also have this idea. They both hate Yue Huafeng and don't want Gao Xian to take advantage of him!

The only people who are really worried about Gao Xian are Lu Jingxu, Tong Xiujun and other Qingyun Sect practitioners.As for Yan Feiyin, Mingyan's face was filled with excitement.

In her heart, Gao Xian is invincible, so what does it mean to deal with a Yue Huafeng!
True Lord Tiehe is aloof. His identity and cultivation allow him to watch the show calmly and not care much about the results.

The various reactions of thousands of people in the main hall were actually reflected in Gao Xian's pure and flawless golden elixir.

Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness, coupled with the blessing of Sister Lan and the Thunder and Lightning Sutra, allows him to process complex information in an instant, classify it in an orderly manner, and conduct a more in-depth analysis of key information.

At this time, Gao Xian also felt a peeping gaze from outside the hall.

That look was pure and simple, with a bit of curiosity, it was Yue Shenxiu.

This girl-like first-grade golden elixir is paying attention to this battle through some unknown method.

Gao Xian looked up and said hello to Yue Shenxiu.

Yueshenxiu on a certain mountain peak a hundred miles away had a smile on Mingli's face. Gao Xian was able to detect and react to her spell, which made her quite satisfied.

The Nine Nether Abyss is so dangerous, so naturally the stronger your companions are, the better!

As for the outcome, there is no suspense!If you can't beat Yuehua Peak, what's the point of being a first-grade golden elixir!Why go to the Nine Nether Abyss!
But there are many ways to win, narrow victory, big victory, complete victory, from which we can also get a glimpse of Gao Xian's true magical power.

Yue Huafeng couldn't feel Yue Shenxiu's eyes. Gao Xian's eyes looking into the void seemed to him to be deliberately artificial!

He was angry in his heart, but his face was as calm as water, and he calmly pulled out the Xuanjin Qianfeng Sword.

The three-foot-long black-gold sword weighs 320 kilograms.Through the secret method, the sword can become a hundred times heavier.

Such a heavy sword, Yue Huafeng can only control it through magic power.He is not a pure swordsman, but uses the sword more as a weapon. He lacks a bit of the pure sword intention of a swordsman, but it does not affect the power of the sword.

Thousand peaks of majestic and majestic mana spread quickly, and the magic circle in the center of the hall was also activated, raising layers of transparent mana barriers.

The people watching the excitement were swept away by the Qianfeng Qi aura, as if a mountain was pressing on their heads. They felt that all the bones in their bodies were about to break, and they would be crushed into pulp at any time.

That kind of terrifying power made everyone's expressions change drastically.Many people who originally looked relaxed watching the show could no longer laugh.

The faces of all the golden elixirs were even more solemn. They had known that the true inheritance of the direct lineage of Wanfeng Sect was not simple, but now they really felt the power of Yue Huafeng.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that this pure and powerful energy has surpassed many golden elixirs present.

As proud as Yang Changwei was, his expression changed a bit.Yue Huafeng's cultivation far exceeded his expectations.

The two golden elixirs, Tong Xiujun and Lu Jingxu, were even more nervous.

Gao Xian also nodded secretly, Yue Huafeng's character was not good, but his cultivation was really brilliant.

After counting the golden elixirs he had encountered, Yuehua Peak's cultivation level was only lower than that of Yueshenxiu. Yunqingxuan's golden elixir level was higher, but the cultivation time was too short, and there was no possibility of winning against Yuehua Peak.

Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes with a flick of his hand, and the yin and yang heavenly wheel behind him turned into vague and non-existent platinum light.

The two top-level magical protections easily blocked Yuehua Peak from triggering the release of thick and powerful energy.

There was a hint of surprise in Yue Huafeng's eyes. Gao Xian had the guts to dare to run out, but the other party's ability to withstand his pressure with just a protective spell was extraordinary.The golden elixirs outside also saw this, which caused a lot of surprises.

"What kind of magic is this? It's so wonderful!"

"Double skills of magic and sword, there is something really special..."

Lord Tiehe, who was in the main seat, had a calm expression on his face, and he was actually a little more surprised in his heart.

He had never seen the protective spell cast by Gao Xian. He could only see that the halo was formed by the energy of heavenly magnetism and earthly magnetism, and was extremely sophisticated and complex.

As for the black and white robe, its aura is deep and deep, formed by the transformation of mysterious yin and yang magic power.With his eyes, he couldn't see through all the changes.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. I'm afraid this boy is not the third grade, but probably the second grade!

If not, how could there be such exquisite supernatural powers...

Yue Huafeng was much inferior to True Monarch Nascent Soul. Naturally, he couldn't see through the changes in Gao Xian's spells, let alone that Gao Xian's golden elixir level was higher than his.

He knew that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was powerful, but he was not very willing to fight Gao Xian in a close sword fight. It was too dangerous and he would lose if he was not careful.

With the extremely powerful Qianfeng Qi, he could crush Gao Xian to death.

After all, he has practiced 300 years longer than Gao Xian!

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. He stood quietly with his hand on the hilt of the sword, his slender body standing tall and naturally relaxed.

The gorgeous black and white cassocks fluttered and flew under the pressure of the power. Although he stood still, he felt as if he was walking in the wind with ease.

The Qi of the Thousand Peaks of Yuehua Peak is getting stronger and stronger, and the invisible Qi is like a layer of invisible peaks pressing down on Gao Xian.

The gorgeous black and white cassock gradually froze under the pressure, and the platinum light wheel flowing behind Gao Xian became more and more stagnant.

Yue Huafeng felt that the heat was about the same, so he was about to activate the Xuanjin Qianfeng Sword in his hand, but Gao Xian on the opposite side suddenly drew his sword.

The Green Lotus Sword that was a few inches out of its sheath made a clear sword cry, and thousands of peaks of energy gathered around Gao Xian, shaking slightly in the sword cry.

The Yue Huafeng on the opposite side was about to take action, but Qing Yue's sword roared across like an invisible sharp blade, breaking the momentum he was building.

Qingyue Jianming is not very powerful, but the timing of its activation is too precise.

It's like when a person opens his mouth to speak, a small insect suddenly flies into his mouth.

Yue Huafeng's rhythm was suddenly interrupted, which made him very uncomfortable.

Gao Xian suddenly drew his sword out of its scabbard with the sound of sword clanging, and slashed forward with a four-foot green sharp edge. A crack was cut open in the Qianfeng Gangqi piled up in the void.

This sword did not really break through the thousands of peaks, but it seemed to open up a winding path on the mountain, allowing Gao Xian to easily cross the many peaks.

Zhenjun Tiehe, who was in the main seat, saw the beauty of it, and he couldn't help but admire it secretly.

The subtlety of this sword is to find a gap and use the sound of the sword to test out the reality of Qianfeng's Gangqi. Then use the sword to break the void, and easily break the Gangqi that has been gathering momentum at Yuehua Peak for a long time.

Yue Huafeng obviously used ten times and dozens of times the strength, but Gao Xian's light blow caused all the opponent's strength to fail.

The exquisiteness of it is difficult to describe. I can only say that the swordsmanship is superb and has reached the state of transformation.

Therefore, it is possible to lift a heavy weight as if it were light, using intention without exerting force.

True Lord Tiehe felt a little pity for Gao Xian. If Gao Xian had followed the path of sword cultivation, he would have a great chance of becoming a Sword Master with his sword skills.

At that time, Gao Xian was able to dominate Wanfeng County, what a grace he must have been!
Yuehua Peak was too far away from Nascent Soul, so he naturally didn't have this vision.Seeing Gao Xian coming with his sword, he hurriedly activated Qianfeng Qi to turn into a huge black-gold palm and hit Gao Xian directly.

Thousand Peaks Heaven Supporting Hand is the most powerful transformation among Qianfeng Gangqi.

The black-gold palm expanded rapidly in the air, and its fingertips seemed to have penetrated the dome of the hall, shrouding everyone in the shadow of the giant palm.

As the black and gold giant palm suddenly fell, Gao Xian's figure was immediately pressed to the ground by the black giant palm, making an earth-shattering roar.

The extremely powerful mana continues to spread outwards, and the surrounding mana barrier surges and oscillates like a boat under huge waves.

The entire hall seemed to be shaking and rolling together, and everyone inside felt dizzy. The huge black gold palm seemed to be crushing them into powder.

I don't know how many people screamed in shock, and many people even instinctively activated the protective Gangqi magic weapon.

Such terrifying power shocked the arrogant Yang Changwei, Zheng Yong and other Jindans. Yuehua Peak was far more powerful than they expected.

"Now Gao Xian is probably going to be beaten to death..." This thought came to many people's minds instinctively.

At this moment, a flash of smart cyan sword light had already stabbed in front of Yue Huafeng.

Yue Huafeng was also greatly shocked. He swung the Xuanjin Qianfeng Sword in his hand, and the force of the sword was as unshakable as a majestic mountain.

The smart cyan sword light suddenly dispersed and dissipated. The next moment, a subtle cyan sword light had penetrated the heavy protection and passed by Yue Huafeng lightly.

Gao Xian appeared dozens of steps away. He put his sword into its sheath gracefully and raised his hand to Yue Huafeng's back: "Master Yue has extraordinary magical powers. I understand, and I admire him..."

Yue Huafeng slowly turned around. He stared blankly at what Gao Xian was about to say, but a thin blood mark on his neck suddenly split open, and blood spurted out like spring water...

(Double update ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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