Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 393 4 Shots of Light

Chapter 393
Yuehua Peak, with blood gushing out like a fountain, looked extremely tragic.

Everyone watching the battle was shocked and speechless. No one thought that Gao Xian could win, win so easily, and cut off Yue Huafeng's neck with a sword?
Yang Changwei and Zheng Yong, the two golden elixirs, felt that they were not afraid of Yue Huafeng, but they did not have the guts to cut off Yue Huafeng's neck.

The higher your cultivation level, the more you know the weight of the true inheritance of the direct lineage of Wanfeng Sect.What's more, Yue Huafeng's surname is Yue, which makes it clear that he is a descendant of Lord Huashen Dao.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Gao Xian again. This guy is really capable!This guy is really brave!

It was Yue Huafeng's bad luck to encounter such a tyrannical person.

However, how will Gao Xian end this matter? !
A group of golden elixirs soon discovered the problem. Although Yue Huafeng was bleeding profusely and the golden elixir aura in his body was weak, it was not really cut off.

As Yue Huafeng cast his own spell, green light flashed on his neck, and the sword mark was forcibly healed.

Obviously, Gao Xian's sword cut off most of Yue Huafeng's neck, and the sword energy caused Yue Huafeng to be unable to suppress the wound, which was why it was so tragic.

No fatal injuries were actually caused.In terms of Yue Huafeng's cultivation level, it can only be regarded as a flesh wound. He can heal quickly by taking some elixirs and spiritual objects to replenish his vitality.

Lu Jingxu, Tong Xiujun, and Yan Feiyin all breathed a sigh of relief.If Gao Xian really wanted to kill Yue Huafeng, it would be unreasonable.

The Wanfeng Sect can't stand it even if the clouds are in the sky.

It's healed now, but it was just a flesh wound. No matter what Yue Huafeng said, it was actually not a big deal.

Many people are also very disappointed. It would be great if Gao Xian killed Yue Huafeng!

After getting rid of the disgusting Yue Huafeng, Gao Xian also had to lose his life.

The magic and sword skills are now a thing of the past.What a pity, what a pity...

Unbeknownst to everyone in the hall, Gao Xian's golden elixir reflected everything in the hall clearly.

Shock, fear, envy, jealousy, hatred, admiration, joy and other emotions are reflected in everyone's eyes and subtle expressions and movements.

All the talented cultivators from various sects, including Zhenren Jindan and Zhenjun Yuanying, can only serve as his supporting roles at this moment.

Gao Xian liked this feeling very much, shining like a blazing sun, becoming the center of the world, enjoying the glory, praise, respect and fear deep in the hearts of everyone.

Gao Xian had some social fears in his previous life. He was afraid of being the center of attention and afraid of speaking in public.

Because he knows that he has no talent, no charm, and can only make a fool of himself in the eyes of everyone.

Only at this moment did Gao Xian understand that he was not resisting being the center, he was just resisting making a fool of himself.

When he has strong self-confidence and the power to control the overall situation, he hopes that people all over the world will come to see him.

When you have the ability, the world becomes your stage.If you don’t have the ability, you can only choose to be a spectator.

Just like now, it is so satisfying to kill the master's golden elixir with a sword in front of guests from all over the world, and to be a saint in front of people!
Practitioners practice hard not just to indulge their desires, but also to control themselves and their destiny.

He just likes to pretend. He didn't pretend before because he didn't have the time to pretend.He just likes beautiful women. In the past, he could only like her from a distance, so he pretended to be an honest person.

"It's my nature to be greedy, lustful, vain and selfish! But, I am a good person!"

Gao Xian suddenly thought of these things for some reason. Seeing his true nature, he felt indescribable joy.

Faintly, he felt that an invisible barrier on the sword was broken, and he suddenly had a lot of profound understanding of the Sun Phase Sword.

The Great Sun is bright, the Lord of heaven and earth, and I am the only one who is supreme.The reason why his Sun Sword failed was because he was too rigid and lacked this kind of momentum.

Yue Huafeng's cultivation level is mediocre, but he can easily penetrate the opponent's protective Gang Qi with the spring breeze and transform into rain, and easily take down the opponent with one sword.

This battle was too easy to help him hone his sword skills.Unexpectedly, the enlightenment that came from this would allow him to adapt to the sword intention of the Sun Phase Sword.

Seeing Gao Xian with a cheerful smile on his face, everyone around him was shocked and didn't know why. Didn't this guy always pretend to be polite, but he stopped pretending after the victory?

In the past, Gao Xian would have thought it was rude to smile like this, but now he looked away and there was no need to pretend to be so harmless.

He is a winner. He is just happy and wants to laugh, so what’s wrong with him!
Yue Huafeng's face was pale, and he looked at Gao Xian silently with gloomy eyes.The other party's arrogant smile deeply stimulated him.

He had never been so angry in Wanfeng Sect, but here, he could only endure it.

The sword just now almost killed him. The moment the sharp green edge cut through his flesh and blood, his soul seemed to be torn apart by the sword's edge.

To be honest, Yue Huafeng had never been so close to death, and he was frightened.

For a moment, no one had the courage to say anything harsh to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian still explained politely: "I didn't expect to be lucky enough to defeat Yue Zhenren in one move. I was so happy that I couldn't help but laugh. Yue Zhenren must not take offense..."

Yue Huafeng pursed his lips tightly, remained silent for a moment, turned around, wielded his sword, and rushed out of the hall, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Everyone could see that Yue Huafeng hated Gao Xian so much that he didn't even say a word in basic scenes.

Although Gao Xian gained great fame in this battle and obtained a fourth-level spiritual bird, it can be said that the gains outweighed the losses by making such a mortal enemy.

At least that's how most people see it.

Gao Xian didn't take it seriously. A small third-grade golden elixir was now vulnerable.In a few years, it will be solved by just using a clone.

He had friends in the Wanfeng Sect, and he was afraid of Xiao Yue Huafeng.

Gao Xian has great confidence in Yue Shenxiu. This good friend will never let others mess with him before he achieves his goal.

Don't look at Yue Shenxiu as innocent as a girl. Because of this, her way of looking at things is very simple and direct.

With just Yue Huafeng's little thoughts, how could he be qualified to fight with Yueshen Xiu.

Gao Xian looked at True Lord Tiehe. He helped the old man deal with Yue Huafeng. It was time for the old man to take out his things, right?

True Lord Tiehe has lived for 2000 years, so how could he not understand what Gao Xian meant.

He smiled slightly and walked down from the main seat until he walked to Gao Xian.

"Double skill and sword are well-deserved."

True Lord Tiehe sighed softly: "It's okay if the Qingyun Sect has the Yun family siblings, but to have a peerless genius like you makes me jealous."

Nascent Soul Lord is really jealous. If Wanling Sect had a genius like Gao Xian, the next 3000 years would be guaranteed.It's a pity, it's a pity...

Lord Tiehe handed Gao Xian a blue bird egg. There were countless subtle runes flashing on the egg shell, which revealed a mysterious meaning.

"I will give you another Qinghua Spirit Controlling Seal. With this seal, you can hatch the spirit crane and you will be able to completely control the spirit crane. From now on, I will live and die with you and never leave you."

As Lord Tiehe spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a ray of golden light fell on Gao Xian's left hand, leaving a complex golden seal.

Gao Xian formally bowed his head and expressed his thanks. It would be too troublesome to handle this fourth-level spiritual bird without corresponding skills.

Fortunately, Lord Tiehe was quite generous and gave a complete set as a gift.

Everyone around took this opportunity to come up to congratulate Gao Xian, all in order to establish a relationship with Gao Xian.

Gao Xian had a deadly feud with Yue Huafeng, but they couldn't afford to offend Gao Xian, who was so powerful.

Get familiar with him in advance so that you can talk to Gao Xian if you really need something.

Gao Xian, who was surrounded by everyone, seemed to have become the center of the celebration...

On the other hand, Yue Huafeng has returned to Qinghua Academy with his sword.

He swallowed a Nine-turn Jade Dew Pill. The injury on his neck was now healed, and most of his energy and blood were restored.His face is still a little pale.

He has not been able to completely dispel the remaining sword energy from that sword.The main reason is that the sword energy is as subtle as a stream of light and as misty as mist, and it is difficult to completely eliminate it in a short period of time.

Yue Huafeng didn't care about this and went straight to a monastery.Although he was full of anger, he did not dare to be presumptuous at this moment, and knocked on the door politely.

"Brother, please come in."

Hearing Yue Shenxiu talking inside, Yue Huafeng pushed the door open and entered.

Yue Shenxiu sat quietly on the sofa, holding a book in his hand.

Yue Huafeng glanced at it and found that the name of the book was "Yellow Liang Dream".This book is a romantic novel. How could Yue Shenxiu read such a book?
"Senior brother, what's wrong?" Yue Shenxiu asked casually while looking at the book in his hand.

"Junior sister, I was slashed by Gao Xian and almost died."

Yue Huafeng said seriously: "Junior sister, please help me get rid of this bad breath."


Yue Shenxiu shook his head slightly, expressing his rejection directly without any explanation.

Yue Huafeng knew this person's temperament, and if she said she couldn't do it, then she really couldn't do it.

He sighed softly and said, "Junior sister, I also want to track down the murderer. This is a business matter."

"Are you trying to say that Gao Xian is the murderer?" Yue Shenxiu asked casually.

"If Gao Xian was the murderer, he would definitely hide it deeply. How could he dare to be so arrogant and draw his sword to kill me. It can be concluded that this matter has nothing to do with him."

Yue Huafeng knew how powerful Yue Shenxiu was and he couldn't deceive him.

He said solemnly: "But this person didn't give the sect any face at all. After winning, he ridiculed and ridiculed in public. How can he not avenge such a shame and humiliation?"

Yue Shenxiu nodded: "Yes."

Then she concentrated on reading and said nothing else.

Yue Huafeng understood at a glance that this person agreed with his revenge, but would not help him.

He left the room with a sullen face...

The next day, everyone from the Qingyun Sect took the Qingmu airship and left the Wanling Sect.

Mainly because Lu Jingxu was afraid of another trouble, so he hurried back with his people.

Gao Xian didn't care about this. Anyway, what should be done was done and what should be taken was taken.

He stayed in the room and concentrated on studying the fourth-order spirit crane eggs.

The Qinghua Yuling Seal was also refined and planted into the spirit crane egg.With this spiritual seal, Gao Xian established a close spiritual connection with the little being inside the eggshell.

Through the Qinghua Yuling Seal, Gao Xian can sense the status of the little thing.

A little life that has not yet broken out of its shell has only instinctive emotions and no other complex consciousness.

Feeling the pulse of the little life and the close connection between flesh and blood, Gao Xian felt very good.

Of course, raising children is a bit troublesome, but raising a crane is much easier.

A fourth-level spiritual crane is born with a certain amount of wisdom and will grow very quickly.

Yan Feiyin gave him a lot of pointers and gave him two books, both of which were secrets on how to raise spiritual beasts.

Gao Xian struggled for a few days and felt that it would take some time for the little thing to hatch, so he was not in a hurry.

First, put the eggs into the special Yunling Ring, which is a spiritual weapon specially used to hold spiritual beasts.

Spirit beasts are different from ordinary pet beasts, and the cost of breeding them is very high.Even ordinary golden elixirs may not be affordable.

The Yunling Ring is black and looks a bit like a large ring.Because there is a special space inside it, which can allow spiritual beasts to stay temporarily.The Yunling Ring cannot be placed in the storage space.

Gao Xian didn't want to wear it on his hand. If he accidentally broke it in a fight, he would cry.

Just put it in your sleeve pocket for easy storage.With his cultivation level, it is impossible to lose it.

Gao Xian and Lu Jingxu said hello and took the first step on the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel.

He has the Ming Yue Qing Light Sword in his hand, which is Yue Qingwei's natal sword and has an extremely subtle connection with Yue Qingwei.

Even from a long distance, the general position of Yue Qingwei can be vaguely sensed through the Ming Yue Qing Light Sword. This is enough...

(End of this chapter)

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