Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 397 Falling Star Valley

Chapter 397 Falling Star Valley

"Qingqing, this is Master Qingxuan, just call me Master."

Gao Xian was always very polite and courteous to Yun Qingxuan. This person was considered his nobleman and was much more reliable than Yun Qiushui.

On the other hand, the two are also considered close friends.We don't see each other very often, but we understand each other very well.

Qingqing obediently bowed and saluted. Although she had just transformed into a human form, she had been educated by Gao Xian for dozens of days.These basic etiquette are all done decently.

Yun Qingxuan glanced at Qingqing and said softly: "Mu Shui's nature, natural sword bones and immortal style, but he is a prodigy in sword training."

She was silent for a moment and said: "In my opinion, she is very suitable for the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra".

"Qiu Shui has a [-]-[-]% agreement with this sword scripture, and she has a [-]% agreement with it."

Gao Xian was a little moved. The most important thing for cultivators when practicing exercises is to suit themselves.

The deeper the fit between the practitioner and the practice, the faster the practice and the higher the achievement.

Ordinary casual cultivators have no choice, so they naturally practice whatever they can.This also determines the upper limit for casual cultivators.

Disciples of a large sect can choose the method that best suits them among many methods, so even if they have average qualifications, they can still achieve something.

He just practiced Five Elements Kung Fu, and his entrance was a bit off.It was only with the help of Feng Yue Bao Jian that I added points, continuously obtained a large amount of resources, and found the Five Elements Aqi Technique, and relied on Sister Lan's help to break through the upper limit of the technique.

In fact, he is not very compatible with the Five Elements Gong, and he himself knows this very well.

Only when the first-grade golden elixir was formed and the body and soul were reshaped, the problem was completely solved.

Qingqing is so consistent with the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra", practicing this method will definitely lead to extremely high achievements.

Yun Qingxuan said that the sword bone fairy wind is probably because Qingqing was originally the spirit crane incarnation, so it has this strange appearance.

The crane is the most elegant and agile, commonly known as the crane. This is why everyone thinks that the flying crane is more in line with the image of an immortal.

Gao Xian said: "Thank you for the suggestion, senior brother. It's just that only the true successor of Shenxiao is qualified to practice the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra". At the moment, she is only the true successor..."

As the true successor of Shenxiao, he can accept true disciples, but he is not qualified to directly make his disciples the true successor of Shenxiao.

Qingqing must win the sect's 30-year competition in order to become the true successor of Shenxiao.

The competition among Shenxiao True Legends is extremely fierce, and generally only Jin Dan can win the first place.

Although Qingqing is growing up quickly, she will not have any chance of competing in the competition ten years later.Qiniang and Feihuang both want the identity of Shenxiao's true successor, so where can they get her turn?

Gao Xian also thought about going to Lao Yun privately to use the back door, but Lao Yun gave him the Zixiao Thunder Bead and taught him all the methods of Zixiao Thunder.

If he went to find Lao Yun again, it would be a bit too much.

Gao Xian asked: "What method is suitable for her to practice now? Lay a good foundation first."

"There is a "Nine Heavenly Crane Techniques" in the Yuxiao Scroll, which is very suitable for her as a foundation-building method."

Yun Qingxuan was in charge of teaching the scriptures and was very familiar with the 36 volumes of Qingyun, so he quickly gave the answer.

As soon as Gao Xian heard the name "Tianhe Nine Methods", he knew it was suitable for Qingqing.

"Is there any problem in switching from "Tianhe Nine Methods" to "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra"?"

He trusted Yun Qingxuan very much, but he had to ask clearly about Qingqing Daotu.

"The "Tianhe Nine Methods" is the prerequisite method of "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra". The two are originally one, but they are disassembled to facilitate practice..."

Yun Qingxuan patiently explained to Gao Xian that matters related to cultivation should be explained clearly.

"So that's the case, thank you, brother."

Gao Xian said and handed Yun Qingxuan a storage bag, "I went out to hunt a fourth-level monster. Please give it a try, senior brother."

Yun Qingxuan smiled softly: "Junior brother is interested. Thank you."

She thought for a moment and took out a pair of white jade bells from her sleeves and handed them to Qingqing, "This nine-tone jade heart bell is a small toy. You can play with it."

It's not that Yun Qingxuan doesn't understand the ways of the world, she's just too lazy to understand.

Gao Xian is different.

Qingqing is his fourth-level spiritual pet, and he has accepted him as his true disciple, which shows how much he values ​​Qingqing.

As a good friend of Gao Xian, she naturally had to express something.

The two white jade bells are very delicate, the jade quality is delicate and white, and the clear jade sound comes out when touched lightly, making people feel peaceful and comfortable.

Qingqing liked a pair of bells very much, but she didn't know whether to keep them. Her beautiful, narrow phoenix eyes looked straight at Gao Xian.

"Master uncle gives it to you, you must take it."

Gao Xian smiled and touched Qingqing's head. He said politely to Yun Qingxuan, "Senior brother, I've spent money on this."

Yun Qingxuan shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no need to say more about such things.She turned to say: "I will go to Falling Star Valley in a few days. It is a place where ancient stars shattered and fell. The star power is strong and evil spirits are everywhere. I wonder if junior brother can accompany me there and protect me..."

Although the Qingyun Sect has many golden elixirs, no one can compare with Gao Xian.She also knew that Gao Xian was a first-grade golden elixir with all kinds of incredible powers.

In dangerous places like Falling Star Valley, only Gao Xian could help her.Like Qiushui, I am afraid that I will not be able to get out if I go in.

"Senior brother's business is my business. I'm fine and I'm always ready to listen to senior brother's orders."

Gao Xian agreed without hesitation. With Yun Qingxuan's temperament, she would not ask for help unless she had to.

Yun Qingxuan nodded lightly. She didn't say any words of thanks. She was most afraid of asking for help, but this matter was too important, and the Patriarch couldn't go out, so she could only ask Gao Xian for help.

She kept Gao Xian's kindness in mind.What made her like Gao Xian even more was Gao Xian's cheerful attitude. He didn't ask what he was going to do, how dangerous it was, or what the reward would be.

This is true friendship!There is no conflict of interest involved.

"Luo Xing Valley is dangerous. I still need to refine the Xing Yuan Umbrella, which is expected to be in May next year." Yun Qingxuan said.

"it is good."

Gao Xian smiled: "I'm waiting for news from senior brother."

After talking about business, Gao Xian took Qingqing to Mingxiao Palace to meet Yun Qiushui.

Yun Qiushui was having nothing to do. She was very happy when she saw Gao Xian coming and immediately wanted to take Gao Xian to drink.

Gao Xian was busy with trivial matters, so he had no time to drink with Yun Qiushui.He gave Yun Qiushui two thousand kilograms of fourth-level monster meat and introduced Qingqing to it.

"Have you accepted him as a true disciple?"

Yun Qiushui looked at Qingqing with some curiosity, and felt that this little girl was very attractive to her at first sight.

"Senior brother said that her sword-bone immortal style is most suitable for practicing the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra"."

Gao Xian said with some pride: "From now on, when Qingqing learns swordsmanship, please ask Brother Yun for guidance."

Yun Qiushui was quite surprised, "My sister rarely praises others. This little girl is extraordinary."

He thought for a moment and said: "If she is really talented in this area, I will help you find the ancestor to ask for the sword scripture, and I will never delay her."

No matter what happens to Qingqing, he still wants to help Gao Xian to save his face.

In such a large Qingyun Sect, he only had such a friend, so he would naturally try his best to help Gao Xian if he had something to do.

Finally, Yun Qiushui gave Qingqing a third-level flying feather sword. It was said to be a flying sword made from the feathers of some kind of demon bird. It was only two feet long. It could be held by hand and controlled with spiritual consciousness. It was very beautiful.

Qingqing was very happy after getting the Feiling Sword, and she liked this handsome uncle no matter how he looked at it.

After returning home, Qingqing praised Gao Xian for how good Yun Qiushui was.As for Yun Qingxuan, she felt that this woman was not close to her and was very different from Yun Qiushui.

In fact, she is not close to Qiniang, and she always feels a little awkward being with Qiniang.

In particular, Gao Xian always liked to sleep with Qiniang and wouldn't let her follow, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Gao Xian has no time to care about children's psychological problems now. Qiniang has just formed the golden elixir. Her cultivation needs to be consolidated and adjusted, and all aspects of the sect also need to adapt to the new identity. All of this requires time and energy.

The next day, Gao Xian took Qingqing to Shenxiao Palace.

Yun Qingxuan also arrived. She led Qingqing into the cave of Shenxiao Palace and gave Qingqing the "Nine Methods of Tianhe".

In the following days, Gao Xian rarely went out and spent most of his time teaching Qingqing.

Watching Qingqing grow up little by little gave him a sense of accomplishment and was full of fun.It was also an experience he had never had before.

Gao Xian gradually got used to being a loving father. Qingqing was very smart and had a very sharp and tough side to her personality, but she controlled it very well and acted smart, lively, well-behaved and cute most of the time.

For Gao Xian, teaching Qingqing is actually a kind of leisure and relaxation, and a joy of life.

On the other hand, his Taiyuan Shen phase clone is practicing swordsmanship every day.This is nothing, the most troublesome thing is actually the clone of Taixuan God.

After several years of hard work, the clone of Taixuan God finally got into the Five Elements Sect and became a guest elder through giving gifts and other methods.

As a guest minister, even if he holds the title of elder, he actually has no status in the Five Elements Sect, at least he cannot enter the center of the sect.

The intrigues within the sect were much more troublesome than fighting and killing people, which made Gao Xian very tired.

If it weren't for the inheritance of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, he wouldn't have suffered this crime.

The time you have joined the sect is too short, and you cannot gain basic trust, so it is naturally difficult to obtain important information.

Gao Xian is not in a hurry. The Five Elements Sect is a demonic sect, and the cultivators in the sect are all greedy for money and gain, and they have no sense of confidentiality.

After being around for a long time, you will naturally be able to figure out the details of the Five Elements Sect.

At the end of the year, Gao Xian went to visit his relatives and friends as usual, giving each person a piece of fourth-level monster meat.

Including Zhou Yuling, Li Feihuang, and Gao Xian all sent a separate copy.The two women are quite busy in cultivation, and Qiniang has achieved the golden elixir, so they are not very willing to come to see Gao Xian.

In the blink of an eye, spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and it’s time for peach blossoms to fade all over Xuandu Mountain.

Gao Xian always remembered the agreement he made with Yun Qingxuan. Seeing that May was coming, he should make preparations.

The last upgrade was in February last year, and it accumulated 600 million human auras in [-] months.

After so many years, his books were finally sold to every sect in Wanfeng County.Coupled with the development of the Donghuang market, it has been able to steadily earn more than 100 million people a month.

This amount of human aura is just enough to upgrade the Vajra.

Falling Star Valley is very dangerous, especially because the strong star power will corrode the human soul and body, which is extremely terrifying.

When the Great Vajra is upgraded to the master level, it can't compare to Qiniang's Hunyuan Immortal Golden Body, but it's not much different.It is extremely resistant to star power erosion.

The key is that he still has to go to Ziyun Valley. In order to get the Pure Yang Jade Flower, the Vajra must be upgraded.

Yue Shenxiu also reminded him that he should try his best to improve his cultivation. The more strength he has, the more success he will have.

Gao Xian cast out the aura of humanity without mercy, and the Vajra immediately rose to the master level.

In the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, a huge vajra pestle emerged like a golden pagoda that reaches the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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