Chapter 398
The Great Vajra: Condensing the power of Vajra with its true nature, it can eliminate all demons internally, break all appearances externally, and possess immeasurable magical power.The name never fades away. (25545/32000000 Grandmaster)

Gao Xian looked at the annotations on Fengyue Baojian and found that the Great Vajra of the Grandmaster Realm had almost no changes, but was more concise and emphasized the true nature.

Looking at oneself again, it is purer and crystal clear from the inside out, the body and soul are more closely integrated, and the first-grade golden elixir becomes more solid and stable.

Gao Xian gently clenched his fist, and when his muscles and bones contracted, he naturally gathered endless strength.

He lightly made a false strike forward, and heard a loud bang, as if a hole had been made in the void in front of him.

The protective array in the quiet room was inspired by the tyrannical force, and a stream of runes formed a barrier and rose.Under the impact of the fist, these runes were unstable and seemed to be broken at any time.

Gao Xian did not use magic power, but relied solely on his physical body. He was a little surprised to have such a prestigious reputation.

This punch should be able to kill the third-grade golden elixir.Of course, the premise is that the opponent does not have a protective magic weapon and amulet, and simply uses the magic power to fight against him.

In terms of pure strength, he is definitely better than Qiniang, but Qiniang's Hunyuan immortal golden body is stronger and longer.

Gao Xian was a little puzzled at first. Why was Qiniang only a third-grade golden elixir? How could her Hunyuan Golden Body be so strong?

That time when he took Qingqing to see Yun Qingxuan, Yun Qingxuan talked about the problem of the compatibility between nature and kung fu, and he suddenly understood.

The principle is actually very simple, and all practitioners who have received formal sect education understand it.

Just because it was too simple, his cultivation techniques had already been established and he didn't want to change them, so he didn't care about these things at all.

Just like what Yun Qingxuan said, Qiniang is incomparably compatible with the Hunyuan Golden Body. In addition, the nature of green gold, fruit, wood, and gold matches the Hunyuan Golden Body. With Qiniang, she can practice the magical power of the Hunyuan Immortal Golden Body. Extreme, so it appears to be extremely powerful.

Gao Xian realized that he was not compatible with the Vajra, but he just relied on the Feng Yue Baojian to practice forcefully.

The Great Vajra must have the courage to destroy everything and the determination to be fearless, which is not in line with his nature.

He likes to bully the weak, and he has no interest in challenging enemies who are stronger than him.

The Great Five Elements Kung Fu doesn't fit well with him. Even if it is a first-grade golden elixir, he doesn't like the Great Five Elements Kung Fu very much.

It's just that the first-grade golden elixir allows him to fully control the power of the Five Elements, and there is no longer any obstacle to practicing the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.Even if their natures are not very compatible, it will not have any impact.

What he really likes is probably swordsmanship, followed by Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, and then Yin and Yang Celestial Wheel.

So his swordsmanship is excellent, and he has practiced it himself!
Taiji Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes and Yin Yang Heavenly Wheel are also used with ease.

As for other methods, there is no question of compatibility or lack of compatibility.Anyway, there is Fengyue Baojian blessing.

Gao Xian summoned the five-foot vajra. Its golden light was as clear as glass and as thick as gold.

Holding the vajra and sweeping it gently, the surrounding runes condensed into a magic circle barrier that rippled like water waves, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

The third-level protective array is obviously unable to withstand the power of the vajra.

Can the powerful Vajra kill Nascent Soul with a full blow?
Gao Xian thought it was still possible, just like that fourth-level flying snake. If you hit it with a pestle, it could really split its brains.

It's just that the difference between True Lord Nascent Soul and the monster beast is too great, so there's no way he can get close to him.Even up close, Nascent Soul Lord also has fourth-level and fifth-level spiritual weapons, even divine weapons.

After refining the Vajra Pestle, Gao Xian waited for more than 20 days before receiving a message from Yun Qingxuan.

When Qingqing heard that Gao Xian was going out, she hugged Gao Xian's thigh tightly and wanted to follow him.

In more than half a year, Qingqing has grown one foot taller, and now she has the appearance of a girl.

For the first time, Gao Xian scolded Qing Qing with a straight face. Yun Qingxuan felt that Luo Xing Valley was extremely dangerous and was no place for fun.

Qingqing Foundation Establishment is not one of them. Entering that dangerous place is equivalent to a small flame falling into the sea. It is completely courting death.

Even with his abilities, he may not be able to protect Qing Qing Zhou Quan.

Qingqing burst into tears after being scolded, but she still looked at Gao Xian eagerly, looking aggrieved and pitiful.

Gao Xian couldn't bear it, considering that this was a one-year-old child. He coaxed her for a while and finally made the little girl stop crying, and he was relieved.

After making many promises, Qingqing finally got Qingqing to promise to stay at home and never run around.

After handling the trivial matters, Gao Xiancai went to Jade Mirror Palace to find Yun Qingxuan.

"Senior brother, I wonder where Falling Star Valley is?"

Yun Qingxuan only told the general situation of Luo Xing Valley, but did not say where Luo Xing Valley was, so Gao Xian did not ask.

Now that we are about to set off, I naturally have to ask.

"Falling Star Valley may be hundreds of millions of miles away from us, I can't tell."

Yun Qingxuan explained to Gao Xian softly: "Because the distance is too far, few cultivators can reach Luo Xing Valley. Its strong star power has its own legal domain and is blocked from all directions. Luo Xing Valley can be regarded as an independent cave..."

Gao Xian looked confused, how could he get across such a long distance?

Yun Qingxuan took out a strange nine-pointed star-shaped object, "You can move it directly with this Star Token. But there will be some risks..."

Yun Qingxuan has been preparing for this for several years, and has all the corresponding magical weapons, elixirs, and talismans.

She gave Gao Xian a Tianyuan Talisman, a Great Universe Shifting Talisman, a Tianxuan Star Clothes, and a bottle of Seven Star Pill.

"The Tianyuan Talisman can protect the form and spirit during space transmission, the Tianxuan Star Clothes can prevent the erosion of star power, and the Seven Star Pill can dissolve star power..."

Yun Qingxuan introduced everything in detail, Gao Xian casually put on the Tianxuan star clothes and put away a few other things.Tianxuan Xingyi looks like a layer of blue gauze, and it looks like a layer of gauze when draped on the body. It looks quite beautiful.

Gao Xian tried to control the star clothes with his spiritual consciousness, and it was very easy to activate the rune restrictions in the star clothes, making the star clothes emit little blue auras.

Yun Qingxuan also activated the Tianxuan Star Clothes, and then activated the Tianxing Token in his hand.

The Nine-Pointed Star Magical Artifact suddenly grew in size as it shone, turning into a Nine-Pointed Star Gate in the air. The depths of the Star Gate were filled with darkness.

Gao Xian's spiritual sense penetrated but could not sense anything. Even if he used the flower appreciating mirror, he could only see the endless darkness rotating like a whirlpool.

Yun Qingxuan glanced at Gao Xian: "Be careful to follow me closely. Long-distance space transmission is very dangerous."

"Yes." Gao Xian nodded vigorously.

Just as Yun Qingxuan stepped into the star gate, Gao Xian suddenly reached out and grabbed Yun Qingxuan's hand.

Yun Qingxuan looked at Gao Xian in confusion, and Gao Xian laughed dryly: "I'm afraid of the dark..."

There was a smile in Yun Qingxuan's crystal clear eyes. This excuse was quite interesting!
She did not resist holding hands with Gao Xian. His palm was long and stable, and it was quite comfortable to hold.

In this way, the two people can be prevented from getting separated during space transmission to the greatest extent.

The two of them entered the nine-pointed star gate hand in hand, and the nine-pointed star gate suddenly turned inward and shrank.

In the blink of an eye, the Nine-Pointed Star Gate completely disappeared, leaving only a swirling starlight in its place...

After a while, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan appeared above a dense forest.

Both of them had the ability to control their magic power instinctively, but the rich and substantial star power between heaven and earth made their magic power almost stagnant.

The dark blue star power is like a curtain of light, criss-crossing the sky and the earth, and its little stars shine from time to time.

Even the blazing sun in the sky turned into a white dot under the cover of layers of dark blue starlight, which was incompatible with the dark blue sky and earth.

Gao Xian encountered such a special situation for the first time. The powerful star power suppressed other spiritual energy to almost nothing.

Cultivators control spells by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and converting them into mana. Without the aura of heaven and earth, it would be difficult to convert mana.

This is just like human beings needing to breathe oxygen in the previous life. Oxygen is required for the operation of human body energy.

Because oxygen is everywhere, people subconsciously ignore the importance of oxygen to life.

Reiki is the practitioner's oxygen, and almost all mana changes require the movement of reiki.

Entering this world suddenly is like falling into water.There is oxygen in the water, but humans cannot absorb it directly.

The same is true for the star power in this world. The thick and rich star power suppresses all other spiritual energy, making it difficult for Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan to adapt.

Gao Xian's cultivation level was still stronger. The golden elixir between his brows shone with golden light. With a little bit of the five elements of spiritual energy extracted from the rich star power environment, he immediately activated the wind control technique to support him and Yun Qingxuan.

The location of the two of them was hundreds of feet away from the woods below. If he really fell, he would not die, but Yun Qingxuan was hard to say.

The powerful mana and consciousness of the golden elixir is not necessarily stronger than that of the body-refining and foundation-building monks.

However, with Yun Qingxuan's ability, he wouldn't really fall down.

Yun Qingxuan also quickly adjusted. She took out the Xingyuan umbrella and held it up. The small umbrella, like an oil-paper umbrella, emitted a faint blue light, naturally forming an arc-shaped aperture, shrouding both her and Gao Xian inside.

The star power, which was as rich as substance, was blocked by the arc aperture.The arc aperture also has the ability to filter star power. Within the aperture, both of them can absorb some spiritual energy.

Gao Xian urged him to use his flower appreciating mirror to look into the distance. The undulating mountains stretched to the end of his sight. There were tall and dense woods everywhere. Most of these trees and vegetation were dark blue, and their surfaces would show imprints like starlight.

The dark blue background makes everything here look deep and dark, like a weird dream, fantastic and depressing.

"How to go?" Gao Xian asked.

Yun Qingxuan looked around and pointed in the direction with the strongest star power: "The Falling Star Valley is in that direction."


The strange environment of Falling Star Valley made Gao Xian very interested. He wanted to see what was there.

Yun Qingxuan gently pulled Gao Xian's sleeve: "The star power here is too strong, which is very harmful to us cultivators. Don't leave the range of the Xingyuan Umbrella, and be careful in your actions..."


Gao Xian smiled and said, "Don't worry while I do the work."

In the deep blue and gloomy environment, Gao Xian's smile was bright and sunny, and he had a strong confidence and calmness, which was extremely charming.

Yun Qingxuan was also affected, feeling that Gao Xian was simply shining, even a little dazzling.

She originally didn't have much confidence in this business, but now she felt a little more confident out of thin air...

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan looked at each other. He saw his bright smile in the other's crystal-clear eyes, and also saw the slight charm rippling in Yun Qingxuan's heart.

He couldn't help but have a bold idea in his mind. She wouldn't be angry if he kissed his senior brother now...

(Three updates later~Please ask for monthly tickets first~Don’t stop me~)

(End of this chapter)

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