Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 399 Astrology Sword

Chapter 399 Astrology Sword


Yun Qingxuan noticed something was wrong with Gao Xian's gaze, and she returned a questioning look.

She didn't speak, but her meaning was very clear.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said sincerely: "It's nothing, I just suddenly found that my senior brother is beautiful, and I couldn't help but feel a little moved."

Yun Qingxuan was not angry, nor was she shy. She nodded gently: "The relationship between men and women is the yin and yang way, which is normal. I also thought you were very good just now, and I really want to be with you."

Her tone was calm and indifferent, with a sense of elegance and rationality.

It's just that the love between men and women is originally moved by love and comes from the heart, so it seems weird to be so calm and rational.

Gao Xian, Master Fengyue, didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.He paused for a moment before saying: "The road is long and I would like to walk side by side with my senior brother."

A smile appeared on Yun Qingxuan's beautiful face, "Junior brother's words are so touching, I can't help but want to try them."

She glanced at the interlaced dark blue light screens around her. The sky, mountains, forests, and earth were all divided into irregular pieces by the light screens. The world seemed to be composed of these fragments.

It's complex and mysterious, but also a bit mysterious, making people want to explore its secrets, and at the same time it reveals powerful dangers.

Such a strange world put her under tremendous pressure, so her words and actions were a little more indulgent and casual than usual.

Of course, the main reason is that Gao Xian and her have always had a deep understanding. They understand each other and appreciate each other on a spiritual level, and they are close friends.

With this foundation, love will sprout and become irrepressible.

Yun Qingxuan tasted the changes in her emotions. She did not reject love between men and women, but she had never felt such a strong feeling before.

She thought for a moment and said: "Luo Xing Valley is dangerous, let's talk about this later."

Gao Xian nodded in agreement. He didn't have to do anything, he just felt Yun Qingxuan's mood swings. Well, he would cooperate.

Yun Qingxuan controlled the Xingyuan Umbrella and slowly flew forward with Gao Xian.

The criss-crossing star power barriers seriously hindered the flight speed.The faster you fly, the more dangerous these star power barriers are.

Some of the flying birds and monsters here were not affected by the star power barrier. They flew all the way over. Gao Xian saw many blue birds flying freely in the air and could easily penetrate the star power barrier.

The main reason is that these birds have strong star power, and the star power barrier is beneficial and harmless to them.

After Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan flew hundreds of miles, they inevitably ran into trouble.

A blue flying eagle with a wingspan of about ten feet stared at them from a distance. The demon bird probably thought that the two of them were delicious. After wandering around them, it rushed towards them.

The blue flying eagle's wings spread out, rolling up tens of thousands of blue stars as it flew, and its whistling sound was as harsh as a long arrow piercing the sky.

The aura of this world can transmit sound, so the speed of sound is immeasurably fast. (Trivia, sound propagates at different speeds in different media. The fastest can reach 36 kilometers per second - from Baidu)
The blue flying eagle hasn't arrived yet, but the star power it rolled up has turned into a huge dark blue light cone and pierced Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan needs to control the Xingyuan Umbrella, and it is not easy to control this magical weapon.

If a demon bird attacks, Gao Xian will naturally take action.

Gao Xian first triggered a black ice arrow, which flew out with a flash of cold light, but the speed was very slow.

The strong star power everywhere caused great interference to the Xuanbing Arrow.

Even with Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness, he was unable to maintain the normal power of the Black Ice Arrow.

The black ice arrow accurately hit the chest of the blue flying eagle, sparking a blue starburst, and the black ice arrow shattered into dots of crystal light.

Gao Xian was also a little helpless. The power of the Black Ice Arrow was only about [-]% of the normal strength, and it had no threat to this blue flying eagle in the middle and late stages of foundation building.

The strong star power environment has a great impact on other spells.

The divine consciousness that is sent out seems to be stuck by the endless star power.

This black ice arrow consumes ten times more spiritual consciousness than usual, but its power is only one-tenth of its usual strength.

As one goes and the other goes, the distance between outsiders and local creatures becomes extremely exaggerated.

Gao Xian realized this and gave up on casting long-range spells. The cost was too much and the benefits were too low.

Facing the huge blue light cone, Gao Xian activated the black and white Pisces and rotated the Tai Chi figure to easily deflect the blue light cone.

The creatures in this world are born with the ability to control star power, but in this closed environment, the way they control star power is too simple and direct.

The Grandmaster’s perfect Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes are so exquisite.There is no other wise demon bird that can compare with him.

The blue flying eagle has not yet realized that something is wrong. In its simple concept, life levels are completely divided according to the level of star power.

The two strange and weak beings in front of them had extremely weak star power reactions, too weak to be worth mentioning.

The spell it triggered failed, but it did not affect its determination to hunt these two guys.

The blue flying eagle rushed towards us, whipping up the star umbrella that was blown by the strong wind and turning sharply, and the arc-shaped starlight protective circle scattered in all directions was scattered.

The strong wind picked up Gao Xian's clothes, and the dark blue Tianxuan star clothes on his body fluttered, and the dark blue starlight came and went.

The balance of star power controlled by the Star Umbrella was destroyed, and both Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan were hit by strong star power.

A foundation-building level demon bird has such power.Yun Qingxuan, who was standing beside Gao Xian and behind him, had a serious look in his eyes.

At this moment, a flash of sharp green light flowed out, and the surging star power, the sweeping wind, and the flying eagle suddenly split apart under the sharp green light.

The shining starlight went out, the sweeping wind dissipated, the huge blue flying eagle split into two pieces, and blue blood spread across the sky...

Gao Xian calmly put his sword into its sheath, even a foundation-building demon bird dared to harp.If it were outside, this flying eagle would be killed by him ten thousand steps away. How could it possibly be so close?

"Junior is good at swordsmanship."

Yun Qingxuan couldn't help but praise that it was easy to kill Fei Ying with Gao Xian Xiu's sword. The key was that Gao Xian's sword was extremely accurate. He cut through the source of changes in star power with one sword and cracked all subsequent changes in Fei Ying.

In Falling Star Valley, it is necessary to eliminate the shock of star power as much as possible in order to better save power.

In terms of combat, sword cultivators do have a huge advantage.

Yun Qingxuan was actually a little curious. Gao Xian was obviously not a swordsman, so why his swordsmanship was higher than Qiu Shui's, and much higher.

It's just such privacy that even husband and wife can't ask too much.Yun Qingxuan would never discuss this with Gao Xian.

The two of them flew hundreds of miles, and Yun Qingxuan couldn't hold on any longer.She discussed it with Gao Xian and decided to find a place to rest temporarily.They had to fight against the endless star power of Fallen Star Valley, and they had to ensure that they were ready for changes at any time. It was not a good idea to move forward rashly.

The two found a sparse forest, and Yun Qingxuan took out his tent.For safety, the two huddled together.

Naturally, it is impossible to really sleep here. The two of them just sit quietly and adjust their breath, taking the Seven Star Pill to dissolve the absorbed star power.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Xian also tried to activate the astrological sword intention to transform the star power in his body.

The Wuji Celestial Sword Technique is divided into nine types of sword intentions: sun, moon, star, wind, cloud, rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

The basic idea is to imitate the power of the nine heavenly phases with the intention of the sword, not to borrow the power of the nine heavenly phases.

The sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, rain and snow in the Celestial Sword Palace are actually transformed from the sword intention of the sword tablet.

The difference here is too great.

Therefore, nine kinds of original spiritual crystals are needed just to allow the cultivator to leave the mark of the nine kinds of original power when forming the elixir, thereby condensing the nine kinds of powerful original sword intent.

Gao Xian originally understood it this way, but when he arrived at Falling Star Valley and came into contact with the rich star power, his thoughts changed.

It is one thing for the nine sword intentions of the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique to not need to borrow the nine kinds of original power. It is another thing to be able to control these nine kinds of original power.

Most of the nine celestial phase changes are composed of compound changes of various spiritual energies.

Only the three original spiritual powers of the sun, moon and stars are generated by the sun, moon and stars.

Among them, the power of astrology is the most complex and mysterious, and each type of star power is subtly different.

Gao Xian's understanding of the astrological sword is also the simplest, and it can only be regarded as an entry level.

Now in Falling Star Valley, after experiencing the intense star power for a day, Gao Xian gained some understanding of this special spiritual power.

When you run the Astrology Sword, you will naturally feel the difference.Some originally vague sword intentions suddenly became clear and clear when they were driven by star power.

Gao Xian didn't expect such benefits and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Practicing swordsmanship is not something that can be accomplished overnight, after all, there is no way to add points.

After Yun Qingxuan finished his work, he quietly left the Taiyuan Shen phase clone behind when he returned.

If you practice for three to five years in this special environment, you can achieve something.

In a short period of time, his astrological sword will obviously not make much progress.Even so, with the Astrology Sword, he can save a lot of mana and consciousness.Very good for this trip.

Opposite Yun Qingxuan finished adjusting his breath, and Gao Xian also opened his eyes.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the small tent couldn't help but be a little ambiguous.

Yun Qingxuan also felt a little weird, she thought for a moment and said: "In ancient times, a star was broken, and a piece of the star fragment fell here.

"A long time ago, a strong man built a palace here in order to understand the star power. After the strong man passed away, he left some treasures here.

"The Nine-Pointed Star Card is the key to entering this place. I got it accidentally many years ago, and it took more than ten years of study to unlock its secret..."

Yun Qingxuan explained the cause and effect, and she finally said: "There are ancient restrictions deep in the palace, and there may be some powerful puppets."

She said to Gao Xian: "If there is any harvest, each of us will get half of it."

Gao Xian smiled: "It all depends on senior brother's orders."

He was a little curious about ancient treasures, but he didn't pay much attention to them.If there was really an earth-shattering magical weapon, it would never be his and Yun Qingxuan's turn.

Qinghua Dongji Divine Rainbow Sword, Xuantian Tianwu Immortality Sword, and Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. He couldn't control any of these three powerful swords in his hands.

The stronger the magic weapon, the better. The key is to be suitable.

Yun Qingxuan nodded, she naturally believed in Gao Xian's character.At this time, there was the sound of drizzle outside.

When Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan arrived outside the tent, they saw billions of blue stars falling from the sky. The sky and the earth were filled with vast auras, like mist and mist, endless.

This place was originally extremely fantastic, but at this moment, the drizzle in the sky was assimilated into starlight by star power, making it even more magnificent and magical, like a fantasy...

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel something in his heart when he saw the stars turning into rain.It turns out that the nine types of celestial sword intent can be transformed so naturally.

Falling Star Valley is truly magical.

The next day, the rain cleared and the clouds disappeared, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan continued to move forward.

This time Gao Xian understood the astrological sword, and it was much easier to deal with all kinds of monsters and birds.

As soon as the Green Lotus Sword moves, a starlight on the tip of the sword is like a needle, which can end the monster's life in an instant.

The key is that Gao Xian can control the power of transformed stars, which gives him endless mana and can fight for a long time.

As a result, the advancement speed of Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan also increased several times.

On the fourth day, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan arrived in front of a dilapidated and collapsed palace.

This huge palace complex covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, but most of the buildings have collapsed and broken. Only the central area is restricted by the magic circle, so it remains intact.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan made some adjustments and broke into the central hall together.

In an instant, the stars shone brightly, and by the time Gao Xian realized something was wrong, it was already too late. Yun Qingxuan beside him was teleported to an unknown place. He was in a huge palace.

Opposite them stood seven swordsmen wearing star-blue armor, with crystal blue light shining in their eyes. There was no emotion, only strong star power flowing.

"The Big Dipper array?"

Gao Xian saw that the star power of the seven people was connected with each other, and the changes were neat and orderly, forming a magic circle.

Judging from the fluctuations in the mana of several people, they are all at the Golden elixir level, middle to third-grade Golden elixir level.

Gao Xian couldn't help but worry about Yun Qingxuan. If she encountered the same situation, her life would be in danger!

But he couldn't help but guess, senior brother didn't abandon him on purpose, right?
Yun Qingxuan doesn't look like that kind of person, but when it comes to Dao Changsheng, it's not surprising what the other party does.

He can't help but regret it now, so he should grab his senior brother's hand, so he doesn't have to think about it anymore...

(Vomiting blood for the third time, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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