Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 400 White Tiger Heavenly Evil Sword

Chapter 400 White Tiger Heavenly Evil Sword

The seven puppet swordsmen are made of unknown materials. Their bodies are hard but extremely flexible, and there is strong star power flowing in their bodies.

Each swordsman has the third-grade golden elixir cultivation, but without the wisdom of the golden elixir master, his actions are inevitably dull.

The sword formation composed of seven swordsmen, their magic powers are connected with each other, their advance and retreat are orderly, and their sword moves are simple but continuous.

Even if they have no wisdom, relying on the sword formation to operate spontaneously, its power is extremely powerful.

The most powerful thing is that this hall is restricted and closed, which not only seals the space of the hall, but also completely prohibits all kinds of spiritual energy other than star power.

The environment here is ten times harsher than outside.

If Gao Xian hadn't understood the Astrological Sword, he would have used the giant vajra to force him. Only in this way could he win with the least effort.

Controlling other methods requires a huge amount of mana.

Without the support of external spiritual energy, he could not last long with the first-grade golden elixir.

The situation is completely different now. Through the Star Sword, he can also absorb star power and convert it into mana, which is enough for his own consumption.

The sword skills of the seven puppets are simple, but the sword formation is quite clever and has unique subtleties.

If he wasn't worried about Yun Qingxuan's safety, Gao Xian would really be willing to play with a few puppets.

At this moment, there was no time to talk nonsense with them, so Gao Xian directly urged to send out the White Lotus Golden God Flag.

The fourth-level spiritual weapon condensed into a four-foot silver-white long sword. Gao Xian faced the rapid stab and lightly touched the long sword.

The No. 1 sword puppet was blocked, and the remaining six puppets took the opportunity to stab with their swords in succession.

The six puppets stood in different directions, and their sword attack directions were also different.

The sword formation connected the mana of the seven puppets as one. At this time, the long swords came one after another, but they did not exert force at the same time. Instead, the power of the seven puppets converged on the puppet No. 2 who drew the sword.

If Gao Xian blocks the second sword, the mana of the seven puppets will be transferred to the No. 3 puppet.

Each puppet has the power of seven puppets at all times, and such changes can be described as exquisite.

However, after all, they only have seven puppets.No matter how it is superimposed, it is seven times the power.

When the second long sword struck, Gao Xian reached out and grabbed the blade.

Although the opponent gathered the power of seven puppets, the strength alone was still unable to suppress the Grandmaster Realm Vajra.

At this moment, all the power of the seven puppets was suppressed by Gao Xian's palm.

Without waiting for the other party to change again, the four-foot-long sword in Gao Xian's hand suddenly formed seven silver-white stars, which were printed on the hearts of the seven puppets.

The two sides fought for only a few moves, but Gao Xian had already figured out that the puppet's mana center was in its chest.

At this moment, the Beidou Siming in the astrological sword is activated. One sword instantly splits into seven swords. The sword energy condenses into a starlight, which is as thin as a awn, as sharp as a needle, and as fast as light. It has the power to dominate life and death.

Although the seven puppets have protective armor and their bodies are extremely hard, they cannot block the subtle starlight transformed by the sword energy.

The center of the puppet's core array was destroyed by the starlight, and the seven puppets immediately stood motionless.

Gao Xian, in line with the principle of not leaving anything empty, put the seven puppets into the storage bag.

He now has several [-]-square-meter storage bags, which are particularly good at holding them.

There are no other furnishings in the hall. The jade on the ground looks a bit special, but it is made of the star power transformed by the magic circle, not the real thing.

Gao Xian took out the Shenxiao Order. No matter how strong the star power was here, it could not completely isolate other spiritual energy.

The Shenxiao Orders can sense each other within thousands of miles, but they cannot transmit information without the support of the sect's magic circle.

Through the induction of Shenxiao Order, Gao Xian walked out along the side hall of the main hall, passed through the long corridor to the outer verandah, and then entered another black hall.

There are also several puppets left in the main hall, but most of these puppets are broken and cannot form a complete sword formation.

Gao Xian easily killed several puppets with the Star Sword and continued moving forward.

After passing three halls in succession, he finally met Yun Qingxuan in the fourth hall.

Yun Qingxuan held the Xingyuan Umbrella in one hand and the Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler in the other.

The energy and blood all over her body surged with mana, and her jade-like cheeks gained a touch of rosiness, but her eyes were still as cold and crystal clear. It was obvious that everything was still under her control.

"We're not far from the main hall here. Let's just move forward."

Yun Qingxuan glanced at Gao Xian, who was calm and composed, and sincerely admired this junior brother's ability.

When he first entered Falling Star Valley, Gao Xian obviously relied on the Star Umbrella for protection.

In just one day, Gao Xian understood the method of controlling star power and was no longer restricted by star power.

This kind of understanding and magical power really puts Yun Qingxuan to shame.

From her point of view, although Wanfeng County was large, no one could compare with Gao Xian in terms of talent and understanding.

For such a character, transforming into a divine Taoist master is not his limit.If you just want to stand out and stand at the top of the road, you must not only have talent, but also have wisdom and luck.

Gao Xian is not lacking in wisdom, but I don’t know if he has the luck.

Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian met, and the two of them moved forward easily, and Gao Xian eliminated [-]% of the puppets they encountered.

In no time, the two of them arrived in front of the main hall.

The main hall is made of dark blue boulders. Unlike traditional palaces, the main hall looks like a huge nine-pointed star, just standing there.The nine-cornered palace is supported by triangles on the ground, and the central area of ​​the main hall is in mid-air. The overall look is very unstable and very special, with an indescribable mysterious meaning.

For some unknown reason, most of the six corners pointing toward the sky were damaged.

This incompleteness also gives this nine-pointed star palace its vicissitudes and heaviness.

Even so, the Nine-Pointed Star Palace is hundreds of feet high, like a strangely shaped mountain peak.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan stood in front of the Nine-Pointed Star Palace, and were naturally shocked by the majesty of this palace.

"Brother, how much do you think it would cost to build such a palace?!" Gao Xian sighed.

Yun Qingxuan was a little surprised. Facing such a mysterious and magical building, the first thing Gao Xian thought of was how much it was worth.

After thinking about it, she realized that this was actually a very practical and important issue.

The construction of such a magnificent building requires countless manpower and material resources.This shows how much power the owner of this palace had at that time.

One can imagine.How glorious and magnificent this palace was originally.

For unknown reasons, it gradually became damaged and collapsed over the years.

As a latecomer, I can't help but feel emotional when I see this scene.

Gao Xian sighed: "No matter how strong a hero is, he will never be able to withstand the passage of time. If you fail to achieve the great road, you can only be a passing guest between heaven and earth."

Yun Qingxuan felt something in his heart and could not help but sigh softly.But she immediately put away all distracting thoughts. The matter didn't work out, and she shouldn't waste her energy on this.

She looked at the main hall above and said: "According to records, there are four star kings, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Suzaku Xuanwu, sitting in the main hall. After so long, we don't know what is going on inside. We should be careful."

Gao Xian was about to ask how to be careful when he saw Yun Qingxuan taking out a golden talisman.

As Yun Qingxuan recited the mantra, the aura on the golden talisman shone and quickly transformed into a golden-armored warrior.

"The fourth-level Golden Armor Heavenly General Talisman?" Gao Xian knew this kind of talisman, but this was the first time he saw it.

As a consumable talisman, the Golden Armored Heavenly General Talisman can only be used once, but the price is extremely high.Even the True Lord Yuanying is reluctant to use it indiscriminately.Yun Qingxuan is really rich!
"The fourth-level middle-grade spiritual talisman, the inherent mana can operate on its own and is not affected by changes in external spiritual energy."

Yun Qingxuan said: "Let it explore the path, we will follow behind and see the situation..."

Gao Xian nodded. Although he had a treasure mirror for appraising flowers, he was hindered everywhere in this palace.

The pure star power environment has a great impact on the flower appreciating mirror.

The Nine-Pointed Star Palace itself is a very special building, which gathers endless star power, and cannot be seen through by the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

The golden-armored warrior was flying ahead with a sword, followed by Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan.

The central gate of the Nine-Pointed Star Palace has long been damaged, and the peripheral restrictions will also be weak.

Along the way, I met some low-level star power puppets.It's just that the central magic circle has been shattered and completely incapacitated.

Although Yun Qingxuan has never been here, she is quite knowledgeable.Through the architectural style of the Nine-Pointed Star Palace and the restricted changes in star power, it was easy to find the way into the main hall.

There are four gates in the main hall, and there is a throne above each gate.

The dark blue dome of the main hall is like a starry sky, with countless stars shining brightly on it.The brightest among them are the 28 constellations that guard the four directions.

The golden-armored general walked to the center of the hall with a long sword in his hand, and heard a loud and cold voice shouting: "Who dares to break into the Four Symbols Star Palace!"

Before he finished speaking, a platinum starlight fell from the sky, penetrating from the top of the golden armored warrior's head to the soles of his feet.

The body of the golden-armored war general split into four pieces, then turned into little bits of light and dispersed.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan saw this scene outside the gate, their expressions were solemn.

Although the golden-armored warrior is slow, his protective power is extremely powerful, comparable to a fourth-level magic weapon.Although Gao Xian's Vajra is powerful, he can't say it's much better than the golden-armored warrior.

The platinum starlight kills fiercely, destroying the golden-armored warrior with a single blow. This kind of power makes Gao Xian feel cold in his heart.

The key is that the platinum star came so unexpectedly and fell so instantly that Yun Qingxuan was unable to react.

It would be difficult for him to block it, so if he were to dodge, there would still be a [-]-[-]% chance of avoiding it.

It's just that the star power here is too strong, and his Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel is greatly restricted, and he can only use [-]% of his speed at most.With the speed of Platinum Star, it was three points faster than his full flight.

"White Tiger Star Lord! The high-level puppet who is best at killing and fighting."

Yun Qingxuan shook his head slightly: "This is troublesome."

Gao Xian also saw the person who made the move through the flower appreciating mirror. He was sitting on the throne opposite, wearing a gorgeous silver-white armor, with platinum stars shining uncertainly in his eyes.

This guy just sat there without moving, exuding a chilling aura that would destroy all things.

"Fourth level puppet?" Gao Xian asked.

Yun Qingxuan nodded: "The White Tiger Star Lord is of the fourth level. However, after so many years, most of this puppet's consciousness has dissipated. He has no intelligence, and he is not incapable of dealing with it."

"I didn't expect him to activate the White Tiger Heavenly Evil Sword to be so terrifying..."

Yun Qingxuan thought for a while and said: "None of us can catch this blow, so there's no need to try. Let's go back."

She was very decisive. When she saw that Baihu Xingjun's spell was too powerful, she knew there was no chance, so she turned around and left.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand to stop Yun Qingxuan: "Brother, don't worry, I can try, but I have a small request..."

(End of this chapter)

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