Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 403 Divine Light Shines in the Eastern Wasteland

Chapter 403 Divine Light Shines in the Eastern Wasteland
"My lord, the sect master, needs to practice in seclusion. You should not go out during this period."

The middle-aged woman said loudly to a group of cultivators, but she felt a little guilty and lost two points of confidence.

There were eleven cultivators opposite, eight of them were the sect leader's guards, and three were the sect leader's disciples and sleeping companions.

This group of people had access tokens to the magic circle, especially the three male disciples, who lived with the sect leader day and night and had a close relationship.

Hearing what the middle-aged woman said, the burly man at the head rolled his eyes and said, "Why didn't Master tell us such a big thing, but asked you to tell us? We want to see Master!"

Everyone else also felt that something was wrong. Many people started shouting and some people had fierce looks in their eyes.

The middle-aged woman was a little panicked. The adult didn't follow her. What should she do?
The cultivation level of the group of guards was not inferior to hers, and the cultivation level of the three disciples was even better than hers.

Merely as a general manager, I cannot suppress this group of people.

Just when the middle-aged woman was panicking, octagonal platinum stars appeared in the void.

A group of people on the opposite side realized something was wrong, and the platinum star had penetrated into everyone's eyebrows.

The sword intent condensed by the white tiger's evil spirit is sharp and sharp, and it also has the white tiger's decisive murderous intention to kill everything.

Gao Xian practiced swordplay in Luo Xing Valley for ten years, fully comprehending the sword intention of the White Tiger Tiansha, and even pushed the sword intention to a higher level.

The highest level of a group of people is foundation building. Even if they sense something bad, they will not have time to react.Before the protective Gangqi could be activated, he died in an instant.

In such a large room, a group of people stood motionless and breathless.Only the high-pitched whistle from the platinum star still echoed softly.

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment before suddenly reacting. She glanced at the people opposite and saw a deep four-cornered cross blood mark on each person's forehead.

The middle-aged woman was even more frightened. The other party killed the sect leader with a hint of a sneak attack.Killing this group of cultivators was completely crushing them.

Through the many magic circles, the other party seems to be able to see everything and control everything.

Such a huge power gap made her feel deep despair.

I don’t know if the visitor borrowed Hong Lian’s appearance, or if Hong Lian itself has such powerful magical powers.

However, this person acted secretly and ruthlessly, how could he let her live like this!
The middle-aged woman became more and more frightened as she thought about it, but Gao Xian's voice came over at this moment.

"Put the body into the storage charm and put the other things away."

Gao Xian told the middle-aged woman and then looked away.In this closed grotto, the opponent has nowhere to run if he wants to.

That is, the middle-aged woman has a teleportation talisman, and he can kill the opponent the moment he activates the talisman.

With his powerful consciousness and supernatural powers, the other party had no chance.

In fact, even if everyone from the Five Elements Sect came running, Gao Xian could easily defeat them.

Taixuan Shenxiang stayed in the Five Elements Sect mainly to find out the situation of the Five Elements Sect and find the inheritance of the Great Five Elements Gong.

As early as a few years ago, Taixuan Shenxiang had already figured out the situation.

It was easy to kill Zuo Yunshan. The problem was that the Five Elements Sect was affiliated with the Blood God Sect. If the leader of the Golden Pill Sect suddenly died, the Blood God Sect would inevitably ask questions.

Taixuan Shenxiang is not a golden elixir, so there is no way he can be the sect leader.Moreover, when you become a clan leader, you have to sort out the relationships between various parties and coordinate interests, which is very, very troublesome.

Zuo Yunshan was fine. That was because he had been the sect leader for hundreds of years and had already established a complete organizational system.If you change to a new sect leader, everything will have to start from scratch.

Gao Xian is busy with other things, so how can he have the time to do this?

Taixuan Shenxiang kept a low profile in the Five Elements Sect. Until today, he needed to find a safe place to form elixirs, so he replaced Taixuan Shenxiang. He came in and killed Zuo Yunshan first, and then cleaned up the other cultivators.

The Five Elements Sect is full of demonic cultivators. Every cultivator here counts, and killing them will never be unfair.

As for the low-level waiters and maids, Gao Xian asked the middle-aged women to move them elsewhere.

At this point, all the disciples who were guarding the sect master had been cleared away.No one will bother me anytime soon.

Gao Xian also dealt with Zuo Yunshan smoothly. After all, he is Jin Dan Zhenren, the leader of a sect, and he still has a lot of good things.

The old man's body was packed with a storage charm and then found a place to dispose of it safely.

When the middle-aged woman came back, Gao Xian asked the woman to lead the way to the Five Elements Sect's treasure house.

The sect's treasure house is naturally the safest to keep under your nose.The treasure house is located on the third floor underground of the grotto. It is protected by many magic circles and is very tight.

On the heavy treasury door, a layer of forbidden aura of runes shone.

The middle-aged woman said cautiously: "Sir, only the sect leader can open the inner treasury."

"Okay, you've worked hard."

Gao Xian's polite and gentle attitude made the middle-aged woman very uneasy. She hurriedly knelt down and was about to beg for mercy, when an octagonal white gold star penetrated her eyebrows, ending all her aura.

Gao Xian put the storage talisman away separately, and then put the woman into the storage talisman.

The main reason he asked this woman to restrain the many maids and waiters was because he didn't want to attack these low-level cultivators.

Regardless of whether these people are good or bad, being at the bottom and being enslaved is hard enough in itself.

Other than that, this woman is useless.Simply deal with it directly and save her from being worried and anxious.

Gao Xian feels that waiting for death is much scarier than death itself.

After solving these trivial matters, Gao Xian urged the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes to pass through numerous magic circles and barriers and directly enter the inner treasury of the Five Elements Sect.

The sect's inner treasury is actually pretty much the same, with some spiritual objects and magic weapons placed in a closed space.

Among them, three inherited jade slips are placed in the middle. An exquisite magic circle is set up below the jade slips, which is closely connected with the entire inner treasure magic circle.

Although Gao Xian didn't know much about the magic circle, he could roughly tell that it was a self-destruction magic circle.

Once the inner treasure array is violently destroyed, the jade slips of the inherited skills will be blown to pieces by the array.

Now that he has come in, the magic circle is naturally useless.

Even if the array could self-destruct, it wouldn't be as fast as his.

Gao Xian flicked his sleeves and took the three jade slips into his hands, checking them one by one with his spiritual consciousness. One of them was the inheritance of the Great Five Elements Gong, which was enough for him to practice to the Nascent Soul level.

He was also relieved that the pill formation could be moved to another place. The inheritance of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu was not easy to find.

This thing is worthy of his more than ten years of lurking.

Another jade slip is the "Five Elements Book", which records various Five Elements theories, Five Elements spells, spiritual objects, etc. It can be regarded as a five-element dictionary.The last golden jade slip shocked Gao Xian. It contained the Great Five Elements Divine Light, which was a peerless five-element magical power at the Nascent Soul level.

It's a pity that the inheritance in this golden jade slip is incomplete. It should be part of the five elements of divine light.

Gao Xian was in a complicated mood and put away the three jade slips. The magical power of the Five Elements Divine Light reminded him of the scene he saw in the Xuantian Tianwu Changsheng Sword. The strong man controlled the five-color divine light and swept across all directions, using his own The power suppressed three peerless experts.

I think the five-color divine light is the great five-element divine light!

If he could refine the Great Five Elements Divine Light, it would not be difficult to sweep through the same level.

It’s just that the inheritance of this magical power is incomplete. Where can I find the other part?

Gao Xian felt that this matter should not be rushed, and there was no point in rushing.

For now, it is better to form the sword pill first, and he will have time after solving the problem in Ziyun Valley.

He packed up all the treasures in the treasure house and harvested a large number of high-grade spiritual stones.Gao Xian didn't even bother to investigate, he wanted to check it out piece by piece slowly when he had free time.

Coming out of the treasure house, Gao Xian found a huge and spacious training room.

The room was full of dust, and the protective circle was not activated. It looked like it had not been used for a long time.

Gao Xian knew that there was something wrong with Zuo Yunshan's practice, so he just enjoyed life on weekdays. It was reasonable for the secret room to be placed.

Gao Xian summoned the clone of Taiyuan God, and put away the white jade gourd, Qianyuan Transformation Pill, nine kinds of original spirit crystals and other elixir-forming elixirs. He went outside the secret room to protect the law.

Taiyuan Shenxiangliu held the white jade gourd in his hand and used the martial arts Tianxiang Sword Technique. Every time he used a sword intention, he used the corresponding original spiritual crystal.

The four swords of rain, snow, thunder and lightning are the simplest. They operate in an orderly manner and absorb the four original spiritual crystals.

The two swords of Fengyun are the foundation of Yuxue, Thunder and Lightning, and their swords are more complex and subtle.

Corresponding to the two original spiritual crystals of Fengyun, it also took more time to absorb.

The next thing is that Gao Xian is best at the astrological sword. At his level, even without the astrological source spiritual crystal, it actually has no effect.

Under the urging of the astrological sword, the astrological origin spiritual crystal was also absorbed.

The Moon Phase Sword can also easily absorb the original spiritual crystal and complete the purification of the sword's intention.

When it came to the Sun Sword, there was a little problem.

The spiritual power contained in the fourth-order sun-phase original spiritual crystal was so strong that in an instant, the blazing pure sun golden divine light dissipated.

There is no protective magic circle in the secret room, and its pure golden light illuminates the entire grotto on more than ten floors above and below.

Fortunately, the protective array outside was operating normally, blocking the strong golden light of the sun.

It's just that a group of maids and waitresses in the cave were frightened. The middle-aged woman told them that they didn't dare to run around, so they could only hide in the room and tremble.

Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness was completely released, and no changes in the grotto could escape the observation of his spiritual consciousness.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about this group of people, he breathed a sigh of relief.He didn't want to kill these people unless he had to.

This fourth-order solar phase spiritual crystal was obtained from Xiang Zhengye.It has to be said that Wanfeng Sect’s golden elixir has a profound foundation.

These distracting thoughts flashed through Gao Xian's mind, and he immediately focused on Taiyuan Shenxiang and concentrated on activating the Sun Sword Sword Intent.

Under the scorching sun, I am the only one standing tall.The Sun Sword is the most overbearing and does not suit his character.

However, the sun-phase sword, which is unique to me, can also be used to illuminate the true nature of the heart and cultivate a powerful sword spirit that is fearless and fearless.

After ten years of sword practice in Falling Star Valley, Gao Xian has mastered the various sword intentions of the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique and has reached the level of a master.

Once you have reached the level of cultivation, forming pills will be a matter of course without any hindrance.

The only variable is the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword in his hand.

Eight consecutive changes of sword intent failed to stimulate the resonance of the Baidi Qiankun Transformed Sword, and Gao Xian actually felt a little guilty.

But at this point, it was impossible to choose the Green Lotus Sword.

As soon as the Sun Duzun's sword intention came out, the White Emperor's Qiankun Transformed Sword made a low vibration, faintly responding to the Sun Phase's sword intention.

Gao Xian was overjoyed, and he immediately understood that the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword, with the word "White Emperor" in it, had a solemn and arrogant power, and the Sun Phase Sword Intent fit this point perfectly.

At this moment, the nine sword intentions of Taiyuan Shenxiang's spiritual aperture deep in the eyebrows converged and resonated. The original aura of his life suddenly shrank to a point after it surged under the stimulation of the sword intention.

The auras transformed by the nine sword intentions attached themselves to it in an orderly manner, quickly forming a group of nine-color auras.

With the interlacing combination of the nine colors of spiritual light, the golden elixir gradually takes shape.

The white jade gourd in Taiyuan Shenxiang's hand was infiltrated by the breath of the golden elixir, and turned into a white light and rushed into the golden elixir.

The formed golden elixir vibrated and undulated, and then merged with the white light. As the nine sword intentions and the white light resonated deeper and deeper, a ball of spiritual light suddenly released endless platinum divine light.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is attracted by the white gold divine light, and a white gold rainbow appears in the sky and on the ground at the same time.

The platinum rainbow light that penetrates the heaven and earth is strong, fierce and sharp. Its divine light illuminates the dark starry sky and stretches over the mountains, and is clearly visible thousands of miles away.

Many monks in Wuyuan Valley were awakened, and everyone ran out of the grotto to check the situation.

Under the white gold rainbow light, the entire valley was as bright as day.

A group of cultivators stared at the platinum rainbow that connected the sky and the earth with wide eyes. Their faces were full of shock and astonishment, and they had no idea what was happening.

There were also experienced foundation-building monks who recognized this as a vision of pill formation.

"First-grade golden elixir!" He couldn't help shouting.

Everyone nearby was even more shocked when they heard this. Who could form a first-grade golden elixir here? !Could it be a few true disciples of Zuo Yunshan?

Many demon cultivators couldn't believe it, how could those guys form an elixir, let alone a first-grade golden elixir!
Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a red-clothed Nascent Soul Lord opened his eyes, and his powerful spiritual consciousness allowed him to see the white-gold rainbow soaring into the sky in the distance, and feel the pure and powerful sword intent in it.

The Nascent Soul Lord in red couldn't help but show surprise: "First-grade Sword Pill, how is it possible!"

The Nascent Soul Lord in red realized this, and without any hesitation, he immediately turned into a streak of blood and soared into the sky and flew straight in that direction...

([-] words update ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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