Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 404 Grade 1 Sword Pill

Chapter 404 First Grade Sword Pill

"It's in the direction of the Five Elements Sect."

After Yan Ming, the Nascent Soul Lord in red, flew thousands of miles away, he probably locked the position of the platinum divine rainbow.

Yan Ming weighed it up and decided to rush over as soon as possible to have a look. The appearance of a first-grade golden elixir in the territory was a big deal.

What's more, when the opponent formed the elixir, his sword intent rushed into the night. From such a distance, he could feel the cold sword intent. It must be a first-grade sword elixir formed by a sword cultivator.

A first-grade golden elixir is already a peerless talent, and even a first-grade sword elixir cannot be found in the vast Eastern Wasteland.

No matter what, you must find out where the other person is coming from.

Yan Ming made a decision and immediately transformed into a blazing flame of steaming blood. In an instant, the red flame had reached a hundred miles away.

The Blood Light Escape Technique combined with the Blood Burning Secret Technique can allow him to move hundreds of miles away in an instant.

Every teleportation requires a breath of relief, so the speed is far better than any ordinary escape technique.

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Ming had arrived at the top of Wuyuan Valley.

At this time, most of the platinum rainbow that stretched across the sky and the earth had dissipated, and only a trace of light remained in the night sky, like a long white-gold ribbon.

The red pupil of Yan Ming's left eye turned into blue-black, which is the secret Yuanling Dharma Eye he cultivated.

The Yuanling Dharma Eye can not only see the flow of spiritual energy and changes in mana between heaven and earth, but is also good at observing the breath of living creatures.

No living creature can escape the Yuanling Dharma Eyes.

In the eyes of Yuan Lingfa, all the mountains, rocks and trees turned into nothingness, and only spiritual energy, mana and the breath of life were present.

The aura of living beings is divided into different colors according to the level of the aura contained therein. The weakest is as small as an underground mouse, with just a little gray light, which is almost negligible.

The Qi practitioner will show an illusory white figure, while the figure of the Foundation-building monk will be brighter and more solid.

There are tens of thousands of monks in Wuyuan Valley, and most of these monks are standing in the valley watching the excitement.

A group of people gathered together, and the strongest one was the foundation-building monk.

Looking at the caves in the mountain wall, there are also more than a dozen foundation-building monks hidden in them.

Strictly zooming in on the observation range, nothing was found.The monk who formed the first-grade sword elixir obviously left.

As for Zuo Yunshan of the Five Elements Sect, he should be dead...

Yan Ming still refused to give up. He circled around Wuyuan Valley twice and searched tens of thousands of miles around.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to leave his body, but still found nothing.

In desperation, Yan Ming could only return to Wuyuan Valley.

This time he did not hide his figure and broke into the grotto where Zuo Yunshan lived.

Many cultivators who were standing outside watching the excitement saw Yan Ming's bloody figure.

Even if they don't have much vision, they can still feel the terrifying pressure released by True Lord Nascent Soul.

It is no exaggeration to say that many Qi practitioners immediately passed out.Many cultivators were so frightened that they became weak and collapsed on the spot, and some were so frightened that they lost control of their magic power and twitched...

Yan Ming was in a bad mood and did not restrain the aura of True Lord Yuanying.

For many Qi practitioners, the terrifying coercion exuded by True Lord Yuanying is pressing on their souls. Few Qi practitioners can withstand this pressure, and naturally they will behave in ugly ways.

Realizing the terror of the red monk, those who could move retreated in panic and fled.

There are still a large number of Qi practitioners left on the spot, some of whom are conscious and unable to control their bodies, and some who have completely lost consciousness.

In such a severe cold winter, everyone could not use their magic power to protect themselves, and they would freeze to death in less than an hour.

Yan Ming didn't care about this. He broke through the third-level protective circle and entered the grotto.

Following the golden elixir aura left behind by the other party, he soon arrived at the quiet practice room.

The walls and the floor were as clean as if they had been washed by water, with no traces of excess scent left behind.

Yan Ming checked around and found nothing, so he found the inner treasury of the Five Elements Sect.

As a master of the magic circle, he can easily crack the inner protective magic circle.

As he expected, the inner treasury was empty.Apparently the other party took away all the good things without any courtesy...

Finally, Yan Ming found the waiters and maids.Using a little bit of tricks, I can ask everyone clearly about everything they know.

What everyone knows is extremely limited, so naturally they can’t ask anything.

Yan Ming didn't kill this group of people. He, the majestic Nascent Soul Lord, would not even disdain to take action against ordinary golden elixirs, let alone a group of small Qi-training monks.

He just couldn't understand that the other party's method didn't seem to be a sudden thought, but a premeditated plan, and he went to Wuyuan Valley to form elixirs.

He can understand this. A first-grade golden elixir will attract countless attentions, and even the Taoist Lord of Transformation may not be able to protect it.

Not to mention the first-grade sword elixir, he will definitely become a sword master with body and sword in the future. Even the god-transforming sword master will have a great chance, and it is not impossible to even become a Chunyang sword master.

It is reasonable for such a person to be cautious when forming elixirs and not to reveal any traces.

But who is this person?Which sect in Donghuang are you a disciple of?Or a sword cultivator from Jiuzhou?

Considering the vastness of the world, it is not too unusual for a first-grade sword pill to appear.Just appearing in his sect's territory made him a little worried.

This is no joke.

The first-grade sword elixir poses no threat to him yet, but the opponent may become the Nascent Soul Sword Lord in just two or three hundred years.

If you give him a sudden blow at that time, he may not be able to withstand it.

Moreover, the above will inevitably ask about this.The god-turned-devil Jun Yuan is infinite, but he is a moody guy.He was vague and couldn't explain clearly, so he would inevitably be dealt with by the old woman.

Yan Ming couldn't help but sigh, what the hell is going on!

Then he thought about it and thought it couldn't be done. He had to find out.It is impossible for the other party to choose Wuyuan Valley for no reason, there must be a reason and a plan.No matter how careful the other party acts, they still have to leave some traces.I tried the Five Elements Sect from top to bottom several times, and if it didn’t work, I extracted the soul, and I didn’t believe it anymore...

At this moment, Gao Xian has returned to Xuanduyuan thousands of miles away.

With the Taixuan Divine Appearance as the coordinates, he could easily teleport back without disturbing anyone.

Before leaving, Gao Xian saw the bloody light that burned like fire, and saw a powerful Nascent Soul Lord hidden inside.

Although the first-grade sword elixir was strong and the White Emperor Qiankun Transformed Sword was refined, it was still unable to deal with such a powerful Nascent Soul Lord.

Gao Xian still has a clear understanding of this. Killing the fourth-level monster is one thing, but fighting the Nascent Soul Lord is another.

Just looking at the power of the flying blood, the opponent should be a late-stage Nascent Soul monk.

If you guessed correctly, it should be Yan Ming, the leader of the Blood God Sect.He was the only one who was the closest and had the ability to rush over quickly.

This Yan Ming's cultivation is still above the sky, but he is not something he can deal with now.

Gao Xian has nothing to worry about. No matter how strong the opponent is, he can't find his true identity.

At most, the red lotus monk who found the incarnation of Taixuan Shenxiang would not send out Taixuan Shenxiang again in the short term.

There are many distractions, but they are still too distracting.Besides, it makes no sense.

In the quiet quiet room, Gao Xian sat cross-legged and meditated.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang is a clone, and is actually a part of him. It can be seen as one of his arms.

Taiyuan's divine form condenses into a first-grade sword elixir, which is how he himself condenses into a first-grade golden elixir.Only when necessary, this first-grade sword pill can be divided into Taiyuan Shenxiang.

First-grade golden elixirs have various magical powers, and naturally first-grade sword elixirs also have them.

There are seven kinds of magical power in the first-grade sword elixir: the heart and sword are united into one, the divine sword is united into one, the Qi sword is united into one, the sword heart is transparent, the sword intention is secluded, the sword body is indestructible, and the sword weapon is indestructible.

The unity of mind and sword means using the mind to control the sword without hindrance.

The divine sword merges into one, and the divine soul is like a sword, which can break through all kinds of demonic obstacles and cannot be hurt by external forces.

The Qi sword is integrated into one, and the sword is used to control the Qi, and it is omnipotent.

The heart of the sword is clear, and the heart is like a bright mirror that can illuminate all things and dharmas externally and the true nature of the heart internally.

The sword's intention leads to the secluded world, the sword's intention penetrates the secluded world in a subtle way, reaching everywhere and reaching everything.

Indestructible Sword Body: The body is as sharp and solid as a sword and cannot be broken by external forces.

Immortal Sword: As long as the sword core is not broken, the sword cannot be truly destroyed.

After Gao Xian formed the first-grade sword elixir, he naturally understood the seven magical powers of the first-grade sword elixir.

Each of these seven magical powers has its own secrets, and they can all greatly enhance the power of sword cultivation.

It is precisely because the first-grade sword elixir is so powerful and mysterious that he can refine the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword, truly understand the use of this sword, and truly control this sword.

Gao Xian thought of this and activated the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword. White light flashed and a four-foot white blade appeared in his hand.

As his thoughts turned, the four-foot long sword turned into a six-foot long sword, then turned into a curved long sword, and then turned into a spear...

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword can theoretically transform into any shape. This is the meaning of the word transformation.

As for the universe, it is said that the sword hides the universe and can accommodate all things, including storage magic weapons, which can be included in the sword.It's okay to even pretend to be alive if necessary.

Bai Di said that this sword condenses the most powerful and victorious power of Western sharp gold and is indestructible.

Finally, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword turned into a Shengxue robe, which was worn by Gao Xian.

He felt that this form of the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword was the most reasonable and best to use.

It's just that the sword is too sharp and the robe is too eye-catching, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Gao Xian put away the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword. This sword should be of the fifth level, or even the higher sixth level and seventh level.

Spiritual weapons and divine weapons are spiritual weapons born from magical weapons and swords.But there was nothing inside the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

Gao Xian also used this sword as his natal sword, so that he could control it satisfactorily.

The power of Baidi's Qiankun Transformation Sword has no upper limit for him, only his own strength has an upper limit.

At this point, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is inferior to spiritual weapons and divine weapons.

Fortunately, the fusion of Baidi's Qiankun Transformation Sword and First Grade Sword Pill became his natal sword.

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is in his hand, and its power should reach the level of a fourth-level high-grade spiritual weapon.

Gao Xian has a feeling that the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is in a incomplete state, and this sword still has huge room for upgrades.

It's just that he doesn't know how to upgrade.It seems that the only option is to find more Tianhua Sect relics or find the Tianhua Sect inheritance.

No matter what, the Baidi Qiankun Transformed Sword is the strongest sword in his hand, and it is extremely powerful.

With this sword in hand, if you encounter a fourth-level monster like a four-winged flying snake, it will be easy to just pick up the sword and attack.It doesn't take dozens of moves to kill the opponent with the sword.

Moreover, the first-grade sword elixir and the first-grade golden elixir were connected together in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Xian guessed that it was the change in Da Luo's spirit clone method that caused the two golden elixirs to connect into one in a mysterious way.

The two golden elixirs can convert each other's mana into each other, which allows the power of the two golden elixirs to be superimposed.

In this way, his mana has at least doubled, and the power of his swordsmanship and spells will be greatly improved.

This change was beyond Gao Xian's expectation, but it was the best result.

With two first-grade golden elixirs stacked together, there shouldn't be much difference when compared to the early stage of Nascent Soul!
Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Book again and saw that his life span had increased by [-] years. He was very happy, but he also regretted it. If he had known this, he should have upgraded the Vajra Pestle first...

(End of this chapter)

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