Chapter 405 Conspiracy?

Yue Shenxiu said that the upper limit of the golden elixir is [-] years old.

Gao Xian originally had a lifespan of 1000 years, but forming a first-grade sword elixir increased his lifespan by 500 years. This was obviously because reaching the limit of the elixir could only increase it so much.

In other words, a lot of the spiritual effect of the first-grade sword elixir in increasing longevity was wasted.

If you practice the Vajra to the state of master perfection in advance, 640 years of life will be consumed.

Then form a sword elixir, so that the lifespan consumed can be fully replenished.

It's a pity.

Gao Xian could only sigh. He had actually thought about this problem, but he didn't dare to take the risk.

It takes a lot of energy to form a first-grade sword elixir, and consuming 640 years of life in advance is obviously very unwise.

Moreover, what should I do if I can’t form a first-grade sword elixir?
Gao Xian told himself that he should not be too greedy. It would be a huge surprise to form a first-grade sword elixir. He also successfully obtained the inheritance of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu and obtained an incomplete Great Five Elements Divine Light. It can be said to be very successful.

Nothing can be perfect!
Forming a first-grade sword elixir not only increases the lifespan, but also greatly improves other aspects. However, the Fengyue Treasure Mirror will not show these improvements.

Gao Xian's mind sank into the Temple of Heart, testing the various changes brought about by the first-grade sword elixir.

The most direct change is the further enhancement of his spiritual consciousness. His original spiritual consciousness sensing radius was fifteen thousand steps, but now it has increased to twenty thousand steps.

Two steps equal one zhang, which is ten thousand zhang, nearly seventy miles.

At the initial level of Nascent Soul, the sensing radius of spiritual consciousness is about a hundred miles.Seventy miles away, it is not too far away from the threshold of Nascent Soul.

The intensity of divine consciousness is one thing, but how to control it is another.

In this regard, both the first-grade golden elixir and the first-grade sword elixir are extremely clever.In particular, the sword intention of the first-grade sword pill leads to the secluded world. Its extremely subtle sword intention is the top method of using spiritual consciousness.

Even if it is not better than Nascent Soul, it should not be much worse.

The blessing of the unbreakable sword body makes him faster and more flexible, but it is difficult to quantify it with specific values.

The clear mind of the sword and the pure and flawless magical power are similar, but there are subtle differences.The main reason is that the focus is different.Unfortunately, the two magical powers don't really stack up.

Forming a first-grade sword elixir changed him greatly, and it was all-round and multi-level.

Especially the connection between the first-grade golden elixir and the first-grade sword elixir, and the superposition of the power of the two golden elixirs completely changed his current power level.

Gao Xian must spend a lot of time adapting and determining the upper limit of his strength so that he can make accurate judgments when dealing with enemies.

Another thing is to control your aura and don't show off your first-grade sword elixir appearance in front of outsiders, otherwise it will not end well.

It was almost dawn when Gao Xian exited the Xinxiang Temple.

It gets light very late in the middle of winter, and by calculation the time is already past six in the morning.

Only then did Gao Xian have time to take out all the spiritual stones and treasures from the storage bag and count them one by one.

2 pieces of high-grade spiritual stones, various spiritual objects, magic weapons, and spiritual weapons.

These magic weapons and spiritual weapons must be put away. Once they are leaked out, they may be traced to their sources.

Someone forms a first-grade sword elixir, which is a big deal.Yan Ming will definitely get to the bottom of it as long as he has some brains.

So these things cannot be exposed, at least not for the time being.

It doesn't matter if it's a spiritual object or something. After all, the spiritual object doesn't have any markings, and no one knows where it came from.

There are a bunch of third-level spiritual objects, and some of them are suitable for Qingqing to use, which also saves a lot of trouble.

Gao Xian counted the high-grade spiritual stones one by one and felt quite satisfied.

Including these high-grade spiritual stones, his deposit has reached [-] high-grade spiritual stones.

You must know that he has spent a lot of money purchasing elixirs and magical instruments over the years.

In order to help Qingqing build the foundation, a sum of money was also spent.

The result is more and more money spent!
Gao Xian was very proud of himself. He could earn as much as he could by refining elixirs and weapons, but how much could he earn by slaying demons!
It was bright and Gao Xian appeared in front of Qing Qing as usual.

In ten years, Qingqing has grown from a girl to a bright young girl.Because she is a spiritual crane, she has slender limbs and is similar in height to Li Feihuang, and taller than Yun Qingxuan and Zhou Yuling.

Gao Xian spent ten years practicing swordsmanship and playing games with Qingqing in addition to practicing. The two of them became closer and closer.

The spirit beast and its master are soul-connected and share life and death. However, the higher the level of the spirit beast, the higher its wisdom. It is an independent intelligent creature with its own loves, hates, joys and anger.

If a spirit beast and its owner are forcibly tied together, the spirit beast may not actually like the owner very much.

Gao Xian understood the importance of raising children from childhood, and after ten years of companionship, Qingqing truly regarded him as a close relative.

Gao Xian actually treats Qingqing as his daughter. He doesn't need Qingqing to help him fight, and he can't bear to let her go.

Just chatting and practicing swordsmanship with him every day, not to mention how happy I am.

However, he would not tell Qingqing about forming a first-grade sword elixir.

Letting Qingqing know would do her no good, and would instead become a burden.

Qingqing's senses are naturally sharp. She clearly felt that something was wrong with her father today, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She looked Gao Xian up and down with her beautiful phoenix eyes, and even came to Gao Xian and sniffed him suspiciously.

Gao Xian tapped Qing Qing's smooth forehead, "What are you doing like a puppy!"

"Dad, I always feel that you have changed!"

Qingqing has completed the foundation building, and her body looks long and slender, but very strong.Gao Xian knocked lightly without any force, and she didn't feel any pain.

She just habitually covered her forehead and wrinkled her nose, making a painful expression.

Her braids swayed gently on the back of her head, and a pair of nine-note jade heart bells jingled, which was very pleasant to the ear.

"It's nothing special. It's just that his cultivation has improved and he has become more handsome. This makes sense."

Gao Xian was talking nonsense, but he felt wary in his heart.

The aura of a first-grade sword elixir can cover it up, but the vitality that has greatly increased his lifespan cannot be concealed.

The main reason is that Qingqing is too familiar with him and has a naturally sharp perception, so she can detect the slightest abnormality.

Qingqing didn't pay much attention to this. It was a good thing that his father's cultivation had improved greatly, so there was no need to ask for the root cause.

Gao Xian formed a first-class sword elixir and made great progress in swordsmanship.If you point out Qingqing again, you can see the deeper problems in her swordsmanship.

Naturally, Qingqing has higher requirements.After practicing the sword all morning, although Qingqing has already established the foundation, her face is already covered with fine sweat, and her eyes are full of exhaustion.

Practicing sword movements is not difficult, but what is difficult is tempering the sword's will and operating the sword's energy. Gao Xian has high requirements and every detail must be done in place. It is very, very difficult for a young girl.

Gao Xian looked at Qingqing's appearance and took out a handkerchief to wipe the girl's sweat. He had never been so attentive when picking up girls.

For my daughter, these are nothing.

"It's here today."

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said, "Your shuriken skills are terrible. I'll take you to Wanbao Tower this afternoon to buy one."

Because Qingqing's body was growing, she changed several swords in the past ten years.

Her figure has almost been fixed, so she should buy a hand-held sword.

Qingqing was very happy: "Dad is so kind."

She pulled Gao Xian's sleeve and looked at Gao Xian with a sweet smile on her face.

Qingqing has grown up physically, but is actually only 12 years old, but still a child in character.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard the good news.

She immediately became a little worried and asked, "Dad, does he still have the spirit stone?"

"There must be."

Gao Xian slapped his belt with a proud face. The Five Elements Sect gave him a large number of spiritual stones. Buying a sword is nothing.

On the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to show his face.Let Wanbaolou know that he is in Qingyun Sect.

This little detail, whether useful or not, must be taken care of.

In fact, he has already formed a golden elixir. No other cultivator would have thought that he could use his clone to form a golden elixir.

Even if Yun Qingxuan had seen his clone, it would be impossible for him to think this way.

After all, the clone is formed by condensing mana, how can it be possible to form a pill!
In the afternoon, Gao Xian took Qingqing to Wanbao Tower.

Jin Dabao is still the same as before, always with a smile on his chubby face.

"The real person hasn't been here for a long time. Miss Qingqing has grown taller again..."

Jin Dabao came up to greet him enthusiastically. Qingqing didn't like the fat man very much, so she nodded lightly.

Gao Xian casually greeted Jin Dabao and told him the purpose of his trip.

Jin Dabao hurriedly ordered someone to get the album and let Qingqing choose slowly.

Gao Xian and Jin Dabao chatted casually and talked about some gossip about Qingyun City.

"Master, I heard that Wei Cheng is dead..."


Looking at Gao Xian's expression and tone, Jin Dabao knew that Gao Xian was still concerned about this matter.

He hurriedly said: "I heard that the couple went to Liuhe City to do business, and something went wrong. Wei Cheng was killed, and Wei Shuangshuang escaped alone..."

"And that kind of thing."

Gao Xian sighed softly: "Speaking of which, the two of them were old acquaintances of mine. Wei Cheng was also in his prime, and he passed away like this. It makes people feel that life and death are impermanent."

This couple had cooperated with him, but later he was no longer interested in making dirty money, so they broke off the cooperation.

Even so, as his reputation grew, no one in Qingyun City dared to touch Wei Cheng and his wife.

The two of them are also very smart and will never try to show off to him.

What were these two people doing in Liuhe City?
Gao Xian sighed, but he was actually a little confused in his heart. With Wei Cheng's shrewdness, there was no reason to take risks in Liuhe City.

Is it possible that someone is plotting against him behind his back?
In the past ten years, he rarely left the sect, and even rarely came to Qingyun City.Only Zhou Ye was in the big house in the city.

Zhou Ye knew the situation and would not notify him specifically if something happened to Wei Cheng and his wife. After all, it didn't matter.

If I hadn't come to Wanbao Tower to buy a sword today, I really wouldn't have known this news.

Gao Xian murmured in his heart, but said nothing to Jin Dabao.He didn't trust the fat man.

Qingqing looked at the album for a long time, and she was very confused with a frown on her face. It wasn't that she couldn't choose, but that there were too many swords to choose from.

Some of the swords she was interested in were extremely expensive.She couldn't bear it.

While he was struggling, Jin Dabao came over and said, "There is a Tianyu sword that should be suitable for Miss Qingqing."

He turned to the last few pages of the album, pointed to a three-foot green sword and said: "This sword is made from the feathers of the Nine Heavens Black Crane. The sword is three feet long. The sword is as light as a feather but extremely sharp. It has a mysterious spirituality. It suits Miss Qingqing very well..."

Qingqing looked at the price of the Tianyu Sword. The price of this third-level high-grade spiritual sword was as high as two thousand high-grade spiritual stones. She immediately shook her head.

Gao Xian took a look and thought it was very good. Jiutian Xuanhe and Qingqing's body fit together. It was a third-level high-grade spiritual sword. The price was not an exaggeration.

He said: "Get a discount."

"Sir, the lowest price is [-]% off."

"it is good."

Gao Xian quickly paid the deposit. The sword was in Wanfeng City and would take a month or two to arrive.

When she came out of Wanbao Tower, Qingqing was excited and a little worried. She whispered to Gao Xian: "Dad, is it too expensive?"

"It's expensive, but we have money!"

Gao Xian was in a good mood and took Qingqing back to his courtyard in Anshanfang.

After hearing the report, Zhou Ye hurriedly came out to greet Gao Xian and welcomed Gao Xian into the main living room.

After taking two sips of tea, Gao Xian asked casually: "What happened to Wei Cheng?"

Zhou Ye's face tightened, and he thought for a moment before saying carefully: "Yes, it happened more than half a year ago. Wei Shuangshuang is currently recovering at home alone. Do you want to meet him?"

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said: "Since she is injured, let's go to her house and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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