Chapter 406 The Undead

The Wei family is diagonally opposite, very close.

The doorman of the Wei family was very familiar with Zhou Ye, and he also had sharp eyes. Sitting in the back-seat room, he saw Zhou Ye coming with someone at a glance, and he hurriedly came out to greet him.

In deep residences, the gates are only opened for important people or important events.

The concierge didn't know Gao Xian, so he didn't think much when he saw the friendly attitude of the other party. He opened the private door and led the two of them inside.

Zhou Ye frowned slightly. The old concierge was familiar with him, so he became less cautious in doing things.I didn’t realize who this person was at all!

Gao Xian smiled, he never cared about such trivial matters.

With his status, there is no need to care about such trivial matters.No matter which door he enters from, he is the real Jin Dan, the master of magic and sword who dominates Qingyun.

"How is your master?" Gao Xian asked casually.

The concierge also looked a little old, but fortunately his eyes and ears were still sharp and he could hear Gao Xian's words.

Without waiting for the concierge to speak, Zhou Ye hurriedly said: "Xiao Wei, this is my master."

"Um, ah!"

Only then did the old concierge realize that the handsome young man in front of him was actually Gao Xian!
He has been in this big house for ten years, but he has never met Gao Xian, but he often interacts with Zhou Ye.

After all, Zhou Ye is almost a hundred years old, but he takes good care of himself despite his age, and the two old men can still chat together.

The old concierge really didn't expect that Gao Xian, the Jindan real person, would take the initiative to visit his wife.

He was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses. He was about to kneel down and kowtow in fear.

"I didn't know that Master Gao was here, but the little old man was so rude."

"It's not necessary."

Gao Xian didn't like others to kneel down and bow down. His casual words would naturally make others obey their orders.

The old concierge didn't know what was going on, so he stood up naturally.

Zhou Ye saw that the old man was still a little confused, so he gave him a gentle push: "Xiao Wei, why don't you lead the way?"

"Oh, yes, yes."

The old concierge hurriedly led the way, letting Gao Xian and Zhou Ye into the main hall, and asked the maid to prepare tea, desserts, dried fruits and other snacks.

Although Wei Cheng died, he left behind a substantial net worth.Wei Shuangshuang was also a foundation-building monk. Even if he was seriously injured, no one would dare to take advantage of him for a while.

What's more, after all, there is Gao Xian behind Wei Shuangshuang.No matter how greedy you are for money, no one will dare to mess around after weighing the weight.

What a joke, if you offend Gao Xian in Qingyun Sect, there will be no good end.

Gao Xian hadn't sat down for a while when Wei Shuangshuang, dressed in a plain white skirt, had already walked out from behind.

"Sir, you are here."

Wei Shuangshuang said hello from a distance, her long hair tied up in a high bun but without any jewelry.

She was dressed in a simple and elegant dress, and her face looked a bit haggard and frail as if she had been seriously injured, which made people feel pity for her.

We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Wei Shuangshuang's features are still as beautiful as ever, but she lacks the frankness and cheerfulness that knows no sorrow.

Wei Shuangshuang is actually about the same age as him. In terms of foundation building, he is in the prime of his life.

This haggardness and weakness made Wei Shuangshuang even more touching and gentle.

She even has a coquettish spirit in her bones.

Gao Xian noticed this, with a calm expression on his face and stretched out his hand to help: "We have known each other for many years, why should we be so polite. Fellow Daoist Wei, please take a seat."

Zhou Ye's brows jumped when he heard Gao Xian's name, but he controlled himself and didn't dare to look around, let alone interrupt.

Today, even if Gao Xian made it clear that he wanted to sleep with Wei Shuangshuang, he would still have to go and make the bed first.

Wei Shuangshuang didn't think too much about it. She had been having a hard time for the past six months. She was really happy that Gao Xian came to see her.

Gao Xian didn't need to go out of his way to help her, just showing up this time was enough to deter all those with evil intentions.

"I have concentrated on practicing in recent years and haven't left the mountain for a long time. I didn't know something happened to Fellow Daoist Wei."

Gao Xian asked softly: "Fellow Daoist Wei, what is the reason for this?"

Wei Shuangshuang was a little surprised that Gao Xian was actually interested in this matter.But she suddenly became excited. If Gao Xian could help her, she could avenge Lao Wei!
Wei Shuangshuang immediately explained what happened in detail.

In fact, the thing is very simple. There is a big business in Liuhe City. In the past, they could make a lot of money just by bringing the goods back.

The other party was an old friend, so the two didn't think much about it. As a result, they were ambushed just after they arrived in Xiacheng District. Wei Cheng died on the spot, but it also opened a way for Wei Shuangshuang to escape.

Wei Shuangshuang was seriously injured and ran to Yunshui Tower for help.Yunshuilou also saved Wei Shuangshuang and sent her back to Qingyun City for Gao Xian's sake.

"The Golden Leaf Gang has been doing business with us for 30 years, and the cooperation has always been pleasant. I didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack us."

Wei Shuangshuang still found it unbelievable when he talked about this. This business was indeed very profitable, but killing them would only destroy the business, and the Jinye Gang would not get any direct benefits.

Gao Xianmoran, a business partner of 30 years turned against each other, which sounds weird.

Is the other party deliberately irritating him?Or is there any other reason?
Gao Xian glanced at Wei Shuangshuang again. There was indeed a coquettish aura deep in her bright eyes, but she was completely unaware of it.

The heart of the sword was clear and flawless, but the two first-grade golden elixirs reflected a little bit of Wei Shuangshuang's abnormality.

Wei Shuangshuang has been tricked!
From this point, it can be determined that the other party came after him and used so many methods.

So, where are these people waiting for him in Liuhe City?

The Liuhe Sect has been colluding with the demon cultivators of the Yin Mo Sect. Considering that Lu Bingyang's life is about to end, it makes sense for the old man to play some tricks.

Some people are very selfish and will give it a try when their life span is over. If they win, they can live on. If they lose, everyone will be unlucky.

Lu Bingyang is obviously this kind of person. For his own sake, he can suppress the Liuhe Sect.

Of course, this is only a possibility.

The Yin Demon Sect didn't have such a deep grudge against him, so they deliberately created such a complicated situation just to mess with him.

It is only reasonable to say that the Moon Lun Sect is behind this.

He killed Bai Zizhen and beat the Yuelun Sect in the face in public.True Lord Hanyue is famous for his bad temper, and he is also famous for being petty.

If Nascent Soul Master wants to calculate someone, waiting for ten or twenty years is nothing at all.

Yun Zaitian also reminded him not to run around.Because True Lord Hanyue might personally take action against him.

Apart from that, he has no significant enemies.No, there is also Gui Wuji, and there is Yuehua Peak in Wanfeng County.

Yue Huafeng will probably look for opportunities to harm him in Ziyun Valley, so there is no need to resort to tricks at this time.

As for Gui Wujian, he has a sinister mind but will not engage in such tricks.However, this guy is plotting something in Tianxiang Sword Palace, damn it!
Gao Xian formed a first-grade sword pill and was preparing to find an opportunity to solve Gui Wuqi.

It can be regarded as helping Xiao Hongye and getting rid of a strong competitor.

With no hope of return, the sect had no choice, and its resources would definitely be directed towards Xiao Hongye.The benefits here are very, very great.

Gao Xian was thinking in his mind, but said calmly on his face: "My fellow Taoist is still injured, why don't you find a quiet room and let me take a look at it for you."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the room changed slightly.

Zhou Ye immediately lowered his head and lowered his eyes, pretending that he could not see or hear.The old man and the maid also sensed something was wrong, and both of them were very smart and imitated Zhou Ye.

Wei Shuangshuang's pale face had a bright red color, she was shy and a little angry.

Gao Xian is the number one golden elixir in Qingyun, and he is so handsome and free-spirited.When Old Wei was alive, he was willing to let her sacrifice her life, and she was actually willing to do so.

It's just that Gao Xian said this in public, but he didn't take her seriously.

Wei Shuangshuang then thought about it, she was just a widow with a small foundation, how could she be qualified to be polite and respectful to Gao Xian.

She sighed softly in her heart. Old Wei had gone, and following Gao Xian was her best way out.

She stood up gently and bowed her head to salute: "The poisonous gas has penetrated into the bones and eroded the spirit. I have searched all over the masters, but there is no good solution. The master is generous and lends a hand to help. The little girl is very grateful.

"Master, please come with me."

"They are all good friends, so naturally I want to help."

Gao Xian was polite casually, and then told Zhou Ye: "You should go back first."

Zhou Ye didn't dare to raise his head and responded in low voice.

Wei Shuangshuang took Gao Xian to the backyard and directly into her bedroom.

The environment here is the best, the furniture and furnishings are exquisite, and the floor heating makes the room warm and comfortable, so you won't catch a cold even if you don't wear clothes.

Gao Xian knew that Wei Shuangshuang had misunderstood, but he did not explain.

What he said just now was indeed intentional.Since the other party used Wei Shuangshuang as bait, he would swallow it.

When she arrived in the bedroom, Wei Shuangshuang felt a little cramped. She didn't know where to look.

Gao Xian said considerately: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, just relax on the bed and leave the rest to me."

At this moment, it was getting dark outside and there were no lights in the room. Gao Xian's voice was gentle and full of magnetism, which made Wei Shuangshuang's face heat up even more, and his body felt a little soft for some reason.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei Shuangshuang took off his shoes and coat, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

When Gao Xian looked at her, he naturally thought of the series "The Widow".

However, he is a serious person.He didn't come here just to act in a movie.

Gao Xian stretched out two fingers and lightly touched Wei Shuangshuang's eyebrows. The green light on his fingertips dipped into Wei Shuangshuang's sea of ​​consciousness like water.

Wei Shuangshuang felt like she was immersed in warm water, and the cold, dirty and poisonous gas in her sea of ​​consciousness was quickly drawn out in the green light.

As Gao Xian cast the spell, the warm current spread rapidly inside Wei Shuangshuang's body.

The poisonous gas soaked in her consciousness, bones, and flesh was quickly drawn out.

After a while, the poisonous gas that had plagued her for more than half a year was completely dissipated.

Vibrant vitality circulated in Wei Shuangshuang's body. This relaxed and comfortable feeling made her so happy that she seemed to be ascending to immortality.

Gao Xian checked it with his consciousness and found that the poisonous gas was gone from Wei Shuangshuang's body.

The Aoki Rejuvenation Technique has the ability to remove poisons, and he controlled the Aoki Rejuvenation Technique with the Sword Intention to Pass into the Netherworld, so that he could easily remove all the poisonous gas from Wei Shuangshuang's body.

Now Wei Shuangshuang has fair cheeks with rosy pink, her breathing is slightly rapid, and her graceful figure is plump and soft, full of the unique charm and beauty of women.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. Wei Shuangshuang in this state seemed to have been turned on some kind of switch. It should be a very subtle magic that made her naturally aroused.

Just as he expected, someone did something to Wei Shuangshuang.

The next day, the news about Gao Xian staying at Wei Shuangshuang's house spread...

Within a few days, Liuhe City received the news.

"So, Gao Xian is coming!"

Hua Ziying's bright eyes showed a bit of excitement, "I have been waiting for almost a year, and I have no patience!"

Opposite Tian Tianchuan said in a deep voice: "Gao Xian is very scheming. He may bring others here. We can't be careless."

"Bring people here, and whoever you bring will die."

Hua Ziying sneered disdainfully: "Our two sects work together, and as long as the clouds stay in the sky, there will be no accidents."

She then added: "Yun Zaitian's second storm is coming soon. Even if you give him eight courages, he won't dare to go out and run around."

Bai Tianchuan asked: "Lu Bingyang is really willing to help us?"

Bai Tianchuan did not trust the leader of the Liuhe Sect.This old man is so cunning.

Setting up an ambush in Liuhe City, if something went wrong with Lu Bingyang, it would be easy for all previous efforts to be wasted.


The beautiful Hua Ziying smiled proudly, "The Patriarch personally placed a restraint on him. He can only be obedient and have no other choice!"

(End of this chapter)

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