Chapter 407 Warm Up
Liuhe Sect, Zichou Peak, Yunguang Pavilion.

This high pavilion is built on the top of the peak, with a wide view. You can see the mountains and clouds in the distance, and the big city of Liuhe below.

The sect leader Lu Bingyang often lives here. At his age, he doesn't have much time left and has no time to practice. What he likes most is enjoying life.

It is a great pleasure to sit quietly in front of the window with a pot of tea and watch all the phenomena of heaven and earth and see the various expressions of all living beings.

Lu Bingyang was not in a good mood today. There were a few more uninvited guests in Yunguang Pavilion.

The cultivation level of each of the seven golden elixirs is steadily better than his.

Even if he controls the mountain-protecting formation, he will be killed in an instant if he faces seven powerful golden elixirs from this distance.

It's like a person sitting among a group of tigers, even if he has a spear in his hand, he still feels extremely guilty.

The leader of the seven is Hua Ziying, a powerful person in the late Golden Core stage of the Blood God Sect, whose status in the sect is second only to the sect leader Yan Ming.

Hua Ziying is wearing a purple robe, embroidered with thousands of exotic flowers, which are extremely beautiful and gorgeous when gathered together.She also has a good figure. She looks naturally undulating and graceful when she sits there, and her whole body exudes strong charm.

At this age, Lu Bingyang has lost interest in women, but he is still inevitably attracted to Hua Ziying. Even though she is very gaudy, she has a powerful charm that men cannot resist.

He just had a look. Even if his body could still hold on, he wouldn't dare to do anything with Hua Ziying.

The Blood River Gold Carriage Technique is famous, but he doesn’t want to be used as a car for Hua Ziying!
Hua Ziying looked at Lu Bingyang with a smile. She also had little interest in Lu Bingyang.

A golden elixir that is over 700 years old has exhausted all its life force.

It was like an old piece of dried meat. It was edible, but it was hard to chew and tasteless. It had no appeal to her.

If she didn't want to use Liuhe City to play a game, she wouldn't be interested in talking to Lu Bingyang.

She said slowly: "Friend Lu Dao, Gao Xian will run over soon. You don't need to do anything then, just activate the magic circle to make sure he can't escape."

Lu Bingyang's expression changed. He knew that Hua Ziying and his group were plotting against Gao Xian, but the fact that the other party actually wanted to take action in Liuhe City was hard for him to accept.

Lu Bingyang couldn't help but think of more than 20 years ago, when Gao Xian was just a foundation-building monk, hanging out with his junior Lu Shidao.

He even borrowed the Five Elements Cave from his house, but he didn't even bother to see the young man at that time.

I never expected that in just 20 years, this man would already be known as the master of magic and sword, and he was so powerful that no one knew about him.

His actions were even more arrogant and domineering. First, he defeated the main sect's Yue Huafeng with a sword, and then killed Bai Zizhen of the Moon Lun Sect.

As for the Golden Pills of Blood God Sect and Yin Demon Sect, I don’t know how many of them were killed by Gao Xian!
The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

Gao Xian's publicity aroused public outrage, causing Hua Ziying and others to form a huge formation to deal with him.

Lu Bingyang didn't sympathize with Gao Xian. He even disliked Gao Xian a little. He was happy to see Gao Xian's misfortune happen.

However, he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

If Gao Xian died in Liuhe City, how could the Qingyun Sect let him go?

However, Lu Bingyang did not dare to refuse outright when facing the gazes of Hua Ziying and other seven golden elixirs.

He was silent for a while and said: "Kill Gao Xian in Liuhe City. You can leave. What should I do? What should Liuhe Sect do?"

The fat man Jingfeng sneered: "That's your business, what does it have to do with us."

Jingfeng was tall and fat, and he had a big fat body when he sat there, filling the chair to the brim.But his voice was as high-pitched as a little girl's, which was very strange.

Lu Bingyang knew how powerful Jing Feng was. The fat man's blood shadow could turn his body into a ball of blood with divine light. He was not afraid of all kinds of spells and was as fast as lightning.

When a cultivator is struck by the divine light of blood shadow transformation, he will lose all his essence and blood on the spot and turn into a mummy.

Jing Feng has a violent personality and likes to kill people whenever he disagrees.

Lu Bingyang knew that he was far from Jing Feng's opponent, and he did not dare to reason with Jing Feng.He looked at Hua Ziying for help.

"Master Hua, if I take action against the Liuhe Sect, it will be over."

He added: "If Gao Xian is killed, the Qingyun Sect will definitely take revenge. By then, you won't be able to run away."

Hua Ziying smiled softly: "Fellow Taoist still doesn't understand that this is not a battle of spirits, this is a war between two sects."

Bai Tianchuan of Yuelun Sect nodded and said: "That's it."

If they dare to take action, they are not afraid that Qingyun Sect will fall out.In fact, the purpose of killing Gao Xian was to lure Qingyun Sect into action.

If not, how could he put in so much effort for a wise man?

Lu Bingyang was very surprised. The situation had become so bad?
He originally thought that it would take at least several decades before Donghuang would take any serious action.

At that time, he was almost dead, and whatever happened to him had little to do with him.

Judging from the tone of Hua Ziying and Bai Tianchuan, they couldn't wait to start the battle.

Hua Ziying said calmly: "The Taoist friends cooperated well and solved Gao Xian. The sect leader will have his own reward. If Gao Xian escapes, no one in the Liuhe Sect will survive."

Lu Bingyang's face was as gloomy as water. These words were really harsh, but he could only endure it.

After a moment of silence, Lu Bingyang whispered: "It all depends on the master's instructions."

Hua Ziying smiled sweetly: "With the cooperation of fellow Taoist Lu, things will be easier to handle."

She glanced at everyone present and said: "Gao Xian is ferocious and cunning, all fellow Taoists, please cheer up. Be sure to surround Gao Xian and not give him any chance!"

Bai Tianchuan nodded, Jing Feng snorted coldly, formation master Liang Siqi responded softly, but the Yin and Yang swords remained silent.

Hua Ziying was quite satisfied with everyone's reaction. She said she was relaxed, but she actually knew that it was very difficult to surround and kill Gao Xian.Gao Xian's magic skills are superb, his sword skills are fierce, and his escape skills are even more brilliant.If he didn't want to start a fight, it would be difficult for them to keep Gao Xian.

Only in a place like Liuhe City, combined with the Liuhe Sect's protective formation, can Gao Xian be trapped.

Liang Siqi's magic circle can restrain invisible changes, the Yin and Yang swords restrain Gao Xian's swordsmanship, Jing Feng restrains his escape technique, and Bai Tianchuan has a fourth-level top-notch spiritual weapon in his hand that can suppress Gao Xian.

As long as Gao Xian dares to come, he will definitely die...

Gao Xian was lying leisurely on the bed, wearing a loose middle coat, leaning on the pillow with a book and reading casually.

Wei Shuangshuang served Gao Xian tea and water, and served snacks and desserts from time to time.

She was wearing a bellyband and a small coat. The white flesh on her body was plump, smooth and delicate, but there was no fat. She maintained a very good figure.

Especially that kind of mature beauty, very charming.Her bright eyes were as tender and sweet as water, and she served Gao Xian with great care and consideration.

Gao Xian glanced at Wei Shuangshuang, and he couldn't help but become interested again. He pulled Wei Shuangshuang over. The young woman gave a soft cry, a little shy but also seemed to be a little happy...

Gao Xian originally wanted to be a gentleman, so he used the Green Wood Rejuvenation Technique to remove the poison and treat Wei Shuangshuang's injuries, and also gave her a few Jade Dew Pills and Dragon Tiger Pills to nurse her body back to health.

The news spread the next day, and the entire Qingyun City knew that he had slept with Wei Shuangshuang.

Gao Xian did this on purpose, just to use tricks to know that he had taken the bait.

However, Gao Xian soon felt something was wrong.

He didn't do anything, yet he got this reputation.The same goes for Wei Shuangshuang.

Gao Xian felt a little aggrieved, but he didn't expect Wei Shuangshuang to come to the door that night and stick to him without saying a word.

With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, Gao Xian couldn't resist the excitement in his waist even if his heart could not move.

He is not a gentleman at all. Women are willing to do it, so how can he be pretentious.

If things go with the flow, it will become a good thing.

After entering Wenwen Township, Gao Xian couldn't even care about Qingqing for a while. He threw his daughter to Qiniang and ignored it for now.

Qingqing naturally pouted and was very reluctant, but she couldn't stand in the way of her father's good deeds.

After the clouds and rain cleared, Gao Xian hugged Wei Shuangshuang and spoke sweet words of love. When Wei Shuangshuang fell asleep, he closed his eyes and turned his attention to Taiyuan Shenshuang.

At this moment, Taiyuan Shenxiang was standing above Liuhe City.

Taiji Xuanguang's invisible heavenly clothes completely covered Taiyuan's divine appearance.Through the Flower Appreciation Mirror, Taiyuan Shenxiang can have an overview of Liuhe City and Liuhe Sect.

There are seven golden elixirs gathered in Yunguang Pavilion at Zichou Peak. Even if they are covered by formations, they cannot stop the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

Taiyuan Shenxiang saw the problem at a glance. Each of the seven golden elixirs had strong and powerful magic power.The weakest among them is Lu Bingyang, who is as fiery as fire.

As for the other six golden elixirs, Gao Xian didn't know any of them.

The clear heart of the sword combined with the flower appreciating mirror allows Gao Xian to easily observe the seven golden elixirs without worrying about the other party discovering him.

This is the huge gap between the realms of the two sides.

Although the seven people have strong magic power, they cannot superimpose their power on this kind of thing.You can only let him spy.

Two powerful demon cultivators, three Yuelun Sect masters, and an old man with a pale appearance, whose origins are unknown.

Among the six golden elixirs, Gao Xian recognized Bai Tianchuan.

The third person in the Yuelun Sect has a cold and solemn temperament, and his magic power is deep and cold, so it is relatively easy to identify him.

Gao Xian couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could guess roughly by looking at their mouth patterns, because the other party mentioned his name frequently.

There must be some spies in Qingyun City who can roughly know his movements.Therefore, several people gathered here in a big way to discuss how to plot against him.

Several Jindan experts never imagined that he had arrived outside Liuhe City and could see them.

This is the beauty of being a clone.Of course, it was only when Taiyuan Shen formed a first-grade sword elixir that he could unilaterally spy on a group of powerful elixir warriors, but the other party had no reaction at all.

Gao Xian memorized the appearance of several people clearly, but did not take action.

There are too many people on the other side, and everyone is a master.Also protected by the magic circle, Bai Tianchuan and the charming female cultivator both had powerful spiritual weapons.

With such a powerful lineup, it would be difficult for Nascent Soul Master to take advantage even if he broke in.

Gao Xian wasn't that stubborn either. He knew the opponent was outnumbered but still wanted to fight hard.

Taiyuan Shenxiang observed outside Liuhe City for two days and found no good opportunities, so Gao Xian gave up his plan.

A thief can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

A group of golden elixirs gathered here to lay out a careful trap, but as long as he didn't fall into the trap, their efforts would be in vain.

Even if it is a golden elixir, time is precious.A group of golden elixir experts could wait for him here for three to five months.

After they dispersed, Gao Xian let a group of people know how powerful he was.

Right now, these people can't be killed, but he can find and return them without any hope.

It’s okay to be idle, let’s kill an enemy first to warm up...

(End of this chapter)

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